There are no upcoming events.


I would like to start with a very big thank you to all students, staff, and families. Whilst the uncertainty we all face during this pandemic could easily cause significant angst for all, it is so incredible to see the positive return to school and genuine willingness to get on with things that we are seeing throughout our community.

Return to On-site Learning

There are a few restrictions in place upon our return but we are very keen to make the necessary adaptations to ensure that our students are safely back at school and to reduce the impact of any future outbreaks. Please be aware that the following strategies have been implemented to promote physical distancing, minimise mixing between groups and limit access to school grounds to only those providing essential services:

  •   –   All staff must wear a face mask at all times indoors and outdoors when at school (except when engaged in teaching),            including in staff rooms
  •   –  Staff should observe physical distancing, limit mixing in staff rooms and offices, and conduct all-staff meetings and               professional development online. – as a result we have set up the smaller staff spaces in each area of the school. We             have also rejigged our meeting schedule to support online learning sessions and small group PLC rather than whole               school staff meetings.
  •   –  Density limits of 1 person per 4 square metres apply to staff areas such as staff lunchrooms and areas accessed by the         public, such as reception areas
  •   –  To prevent the congregation of parents at school gates and allow safe entry, we have staggered finish times, and are               using separate entrances for different students
  •   –  Non-essential visitors should not be allowed into school grounds – Pre-service teachers are the only visitor considered           essential at this time.
  •   –  All school gatherings such as assemblies and school events should be deferred or held remotely – At this stage we have       postponed all events and assembly will be cancelled on Monday.


Please note that all restrictions are temporary, and we do alter them as soon as we are able. We can’t wait to invite our families back onto our site and do hope that this will happen soon.

Our focus upon returning is around attendance, wellbeing, and learning. It is extremely important to us that we re-engage our students in a full learning program, continue to extend their learning and re-establish the structures and routines of a positive classroom as we know the difference this can make to the wellbeing of our students.

We also plan to have a few dress up days throughout the term to promote a little fun in our learning.

To conclude we are busy organising replacement opportunities for our mid-year music concerts and school production. The ban on interschool sports was lifted yesterday and our 5 teams will be competing in finals next Friday.  –   – 

Reporting at RGLPS

Next Thursday the 5th of August will be our community reporting forum. A secure link to the meeting will be sent via Compass on Monday. We are really passionate about utilising the ideas and suggestions from all of our stake holders and community input into improved reporting is very important to us. If you can make it, it would be wonderful to see you all at the reporting forum.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers



Premier's Reading Challange

Well done to all of our students participating in the Premier’s reading challenge. So far we have approved over 600 books and logged 206 book reviews. I’ve enjoyed reading the reviews and our student’s thoughts.

The challenge ends on the 17th of September. This means you have 56 days left to try to complete the challenge and receive a certificate. I also have 10 pins to be given to our students who have participated and reviewed books.

The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge Reader’s Review competition is open to primary and secondary school students! Students are to write, draw or film a creative review of their favourite book for the chance to win some great prizes. 


For more  details on how to enter and what to do visit:

We Need You!

Join the Parent Volunteers Club and Get Involved.


Be a part of the RGLPS Community and join the Parent Volunteers Club. We are building a team of parents to be at the ready for school fundraisers, events and much more.

We can’t wait to hear your ideas! Email your interest in joining today to


Together let’s build a community to weather any storm. 

We Need You! 

Join the Parent Volunteers Club and Get Involved.

Triple P Online Parenting Program

The Triple P Online program has resources specifically on parenting during coronavirus (COVID-19).


The COVID-19 Module includes information on:  

  • how to answer questions your children may have 
  • the importance of sticking to usual routines during the pandemic, and  
  • the importance of looking after yourself so you can better care for your children. 

To find out more, visit:

Triple P and select your child’s age range to register. 

Triple P Online is free for all Victorian Health Care Card holders.


Recommended by the Department of Education and Training.

Luke Franklin & Denisse Lobos

Assistant Principals


Welcome back......................

Yay! It is fantastic to have all our students and staff back onsite again. A big, big thank-you to parents and carers who have supported their child’s learning during this period of remote learning. We know it is not easily juggling work with remote learning, especially to support those younger children who are far less independent. Hopefully, this is our last period of lockdown, meaning you can once again pass the education of your child back into the hands of our capable teachers.

Use your hands!

Continuing with my series on recent findings in cognitive neuroscience, this week I will explain how gesturing supports our thinking and learning. 


Research has found gesturing has a cognitive and communication function beyond what language alone can offer. Linguists believe gesturing was our species earliest form of language. We can still see evidence of this in babies whose first means of communication is to use gesturing, such as waving their arms to signal ‘pick me up’.


So why are gestures so important? Well, firstly gestures convey a sense of how things look and feel. They have also been shown to enhance our memory by reinforcing spoken words with visual and movement cues which offloads some of the mental load onto our hands. Gesture has been found to be particularly helpful in helping us to understand and express abstract concepts, especially visual ones. When we can’t quite find words for a concept we are struggling with, we move our hands to capture some part of our emerging understanding. This experience of making and seeing our hand gestures then helps us to find the language we are searching for. Studies show that we actually gesture more when we are trying to understand or make sense of something new. As our understanding deepens, our language becomes more precise and our reliance on gesturing becomes less frequent and more defined as our hand movements and spoken language become coordinated. Further studies indicate our ability to talk fluently is impaired when we cannot gesture. A lack of gesturing has also been shown to limit our ability to solve problems and explain our thinking. The reason for this is because our hands often process information before our brains can catch up. Most interestingly for the RGLPS community, people who are fluent in sign language have been shown to have enhanced ability to process visual and spatial information. Finally, hand gestures appear to alert the auditory cortex in our brain that meaningful communication is taking place and to pay more attention. The gestures give our brain a type of mental marker or hook, which enables that material to be more easily recalled later.


So how can parents use gesturing to support their child’s learning?

Encourage your child to move their hands when they explain things. This will help them find words and make sense of new concepts.

As parents, use gesturing when you talk to your child – it has been shown parents who gesture more frequently expand their child’s vocabularies. Less exposure to gesturing leads to smaller vocabularies.

Encourage children to have something to gesture AT eg. charts, maps, photos, models. These artifacts act as a kind of scaffold as we process and explain new information.

Use deliberate ‘beat’ gestures to highlight a main point or key piece of information when trying to remember or share information with others. This coordination of words and gestures emphasises information, which helps it be retained in the memory.


I hope this information has been both practical and insightful. Next week, I will summarise how natural spaces can help our learning.


Reference: ‘The Extended Mind : The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain’ – Annie Murphy Paul (Houghton, Mifflin Harcourt, 2021).


ICAS 2021

ICAS advised me on Wednesday that they have moved their 2021 ICAS Writing test to October this year. The new ICAS Writing test date is Wednesday October 6th, 2021. Given this change of date, the Parent Payment Portal for Writing will now be open till the 19th of September 2021. All other ICAS registrations for 2021 have now closed. ICAS Writing registrations can still be made through the Parent Payment Portal located at Please use the school code MHT858.

ICAS will take place on the following dates:

Tournament Of Minds 2021

Despite being in remote learning for nearly two weeks, the RGLPS Tournament of Minds team have continued to meet with me online to work towards their challenge. Given the recurring lockdowns, the TOM organisers have now determined that it would be unwise to plan for the Regional Final at La Trobe University in person. Instead, teams will record and submit a video of their response to their nominated Long Term Challenge. The organisers have also dropped the Spontaneous Challenge element for this year. These changes are unfortunate but a sign of our times. Please be confident that we will still make this an enriching learning opportunity for the students involved in TOM this year.

'Book Week Parade' - Character Dress Up

Book Week is scheduled for the week of August 23rd 2021. We are unsure at this point if the planned ‘Book Week Parade’ will be able to take place as planned, due to the recent COVID restrictions. In the next few weeks, the school will make a decision as to whether we reschedule this event, possibly to coincide with our Writer’s Festival in October, or to proceed with the parade as planned with or without a parent audience. Please keep an eye on the newsletter and Compass for further updates on this. Please be reassured that we definitely plan to hold this much anticipated event but are just reassessing the timing and format of the event, given the circumstances.


Have a great week everyone!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


Please make sure you have handed your enrolment form and accompanying paperwork into the office.

Enrolment forms can be downloaded from the RGLPS website, or collected from the school foyer.

We look forward to welcoming our 2022 prep siblings!


Maths Riddle:

Well done to those who solved last week’s riddle! There were two possible answers to the ‘Match Stick Riddle’ problem. You could move the centre match stick from number 6 to turn it into a 0 (0+4=4) OR you could move a different match stick from number 6 to turn the final 4 into a 9 (5+4=9).


This week we have an age riddle.  I’ll share the answer with you in the newsletter next week.

Extra challenge: Create your own age riddle. HINT: Start by coming up with two different ages for your characters and find the difference between before you think of a question to solve.

If you’d like to share, please send your shape riddles to


Sarah McLellan

Learning Specialist


Our Australian Golden Wattle Seeds have returned to Earth and unloaded.  The wattle seeds are currently at NASA and will be heading to Japan shortly.  From there, they will be distributed to all the schools and organisations around Australia who won a place in this amazing project. 

If you would like to see our application video or check out other schools’ entries, you can have at look here:

The One Giant Leap Foundation has some photos now in the gallery, showing the seeds leaving the ISS amongst other things.  You can check that here:

Happy viewing!

CSEF -Extension of closing date 13th August 2021

This is a reminder to all parents who hold a Health Care Card that applications for 2021 CSEF will now close on 13 August 2021. Please contact Kaylene or Susan in the office should you have any questions regarding your eligibility.

CSEF is government funding for students whose parents hold a Health Care Card. The funding is $125 per student and can be used for camps and excursions.





Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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