TERM 2 2020


There are no upcoming events.


I am so very pleased to be writing today having actually met most of our Prep – Year 2 students, all of our staff and some of our families. It has been a little strange coming into work every day without the things that we take for granted but I have certainly experienced some emotional nourishment this week as we find ourselves starting to return to some sort of normalcy. I have set myself a fairly hefty challenge and I am trying to memorise all the names of the students in Prep – 2 by the time our Year 3 – 6 students return to onsite learning. The best part of the challenge is I already have all of the students barracking for me and approaching me to tell me their names. Just walking into school this week to see smiling faces has been so wonderful for us all. Multiple teachers have commented to me about how great it is to be back with the students.

Return to Onsite Learning

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the staff for their incredible contribution and effort over the last few months. Multiple families have contacted me just to express some gratitude around the work that has taken place during the remote learning period. Our staff have also worked tirelessly to ensure that the staged return would be successful for our students. As I write I can see and hear excitement and laughter in the playground. It is no accident that our students have returned so settled and well. We are working to ensure that wellbeing is at the forefront and our students have returned with a real spring in their step. The adjustments that students have made from months at home to full days of schooling is quite remarkable and it just serves to show us that as a community we teach our kids the skills that assist them to be resilient and extraordinary young people.

Drop Off and Pick Up

As you know we are working hard to make our drop off and pick up manageable for the entire community. Our reflections have already brought about some changes and given the volume of students attending from the 9th of June we may have to stagger finish times to manage the number of adults around our site at any given time. At this stage however, we would like to continue with the current system for next week. A reminder that the following conditions will remain next week. Children with a surname commencing with the letters A – L use the front gate on Interlaken Parade and all children with a surname commencing with the letters M – Z use the back gates on Finlayson Street. Students who are independently travelling to and from school may enter the school through any gate. If a group of students walk to school together without adult supervision then they can also enter from any gate. We have placed cones outside of the gate so that prep students, Year 1 students and Year 2 students are spread down the street. This allows parents to also spread to ensure that they are maintaining the 1.5 metre social distancing requirements. We also encourage you to set a meeting place close to the school if your child is independent enough to walk to a pre-arranged spot. Essentially we are attempting to keep parents, students and staff safe and we thank you for your cooperation.

One thing that has been of benefit is the independence we have seen develop in our youngest students. The ability for our Preps in particular to kiss their parents goodbye at the gate and make their way independently to the classroom has been really surprising. We put in so many measures to support because we were aware that the Preps had only really attended school for 29 days and in my experience they are still settling into school routines and structures during this stage of their learning. I have been so impressed by the way that our students have made the best out of a situation that is not ideal.

Curriculum Day Postponement

A reminder that our curriculum day on the 10th of June has been postponed due to COVID – 19.

3 Way Conferences

Unfortunately we are not certain of when parents will be able to come onsite but we want to give you time to organise and prepare for our 3 way conferences and have decided to confirm a time. On the 22nd of July RGLPS will have 3 way conferences for our students and families. This notice is simply a save the date publication but do stay tuned as we will be posting more information through the newsletter closer to the date. It will be a variation to the school day with a 9:00am start and 6:45 finish for staff. All students will attend during their 3 way conference but remain in their parents care for the rest of the day.

Return of Loaned Equipment

A reminder to our Prep – 2 students who borrowed an electronic device during remote learning. Please return your device as soon as possible so that we can clean them and redistribute them back into the classrooms.

Kirrily Lamers




If your circumstances have changed and you now hold a Health Care Card or a Veterans Affairs Gold Card or are a temporary foster parent and have not previously applied for CSEF funding, please call past the office to collect an application form. The Heath Care Card must be in the name of the parent, not in the name of the student and the eligibility date on the card must be 2020.

If you have a child who has started Prep this year, a new application form must be completed even if you have previously received CSEF funding.

If eligible, you will be entitled to $125 per student to pay for camps, sports and excursions. The grant cannot be used for school fees, however School Council offer a 50% reduction in school fees if you are eligible for the CSEF funding.

Please contact Susan or Kaylene in the office if you have any queries.



Welcome back to our P-2 Students

It has been wonderful to see the smiling faces of all Prep – Year 2 students back onsite this week. Our students have settled happily back into classes and are enjoying being able to interact with their classmates and teachers again, albeit with stricter hygiene measures in place! We look forward to welcoming our Year 3-6 students back onsite again from Tuesday 9th June.

Semester One 2020 Reports

The Education Department has instructed all Victorian Government Schools to provide a modified Semester One 2020 report to parents/carers for their child.


The modified report will comprise of three sections:

  1. Overview of Learning  – An outline of concepts taught onsite during Term One and during Term Two Remote Learning.
  2. General Comment  – A comment focused on your child ‘as a learner.’ This comment will also include information about your child’s engagement and adjustment during remote learning.
  3. Semester One Achievement Highlights – Classroom teachers will outline specific learning highlights for your child. Prep – Year 2 teachers will outline an achievement highlight for English and Mathematics and Year 3-6 teachers will outline a highlight for English, Mathematics and Integrated Studies.


Please note that A-E grades or progression points will not be provided this Semester. This is consistent with DET advice to schools.


Semester One reports will be released to parents via Compass on Wednesday 24th June 2020.

Individual Learning Plans

Due to the extended period of remote learning, the school is unable to provide Term Two Individual Learning Plan (ILPs) reports to families. We anticipate being able to provide these reports again during Term 3 and Term 4.

Three Way Conferences – Coming in Early Term Three

‘RGLPS Three Way Conferences’ will be held early in Term Three. The social distancing guidelines continue to evolve and we remain unsure whether these will be conducted online or face to face. We will let parents know as soon as we are able to confirm either way. The timing of our Three Way Conferences in late July will also provide teachers’ with additional time to assess and observe your child’s learning. The conference will be an opportunity for the child, parent and teacher to discuss each child’s achievement, progress and learning needs in more detail.

Tournament of Minds

The school has made the decision not to be involved in the Tournament of Mind program this year. TOM have advised that COVID-19 restrictions require significant changes to the tournament this year including:

  •  – Cancellation of the Regional Final at La Trobe University and all State and International Finals
  •  – Submission of a video recording instead of a live performance for the Long Term Challenge
  •  – Cancellation of the Spontaneous Challenge component

Given these changes and our 2020 circumstances, the school has decided to limit learning disruption for students and not participate in TOM this year. We apologise for any disappointment caused by this decision.

Maths Olympiad

A reminder that the next Maths Olympiad will be held on Wednesday 17th June.

Please note that there will be no Maths Olympiad practise session on Tuesday 10th June, as this is the day that Year 3-6 students return to onsite schooling. On this date, teachers feel it is important to prioritise student wellbeing and allow year 3-6 students to settle back into their classes after their extended absence.


Kerron Worsdell

Teaching and Learning Coach


Dear Parents,

Our students have continued to participate at a stellar level in the RH Sports Fitness Challenge and we remain in 1st place with just a few days to go; what a phenomenal effort! Thank you for your support behind the scenes through encouraging them to participate and helping your child to enter the scores into the website. It has been so wonderful to see all of the videos and messages of excitement about the competition from the students; a healthy distraction from the lockdown that we are currently experiencing and most importantly, something to look forward to. If you would like to enter some points over the weekend, the website is



There has been interest from parents and students on when Inter School Sports will resume; currently, there is still no word from the government on a return. Considering the lock down laws still in place, I will be holding over the House Cross Country until Term 3, or possibly Term 4 depending on how the school calendar pans out. I am hoping that Term 3 Inter School Sports will return as normal with the continued lifting of restrictions, but we have not had conformation of that yet.

Kind Regards,

Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator


Welcome Back to canteen for Term 2.

We will be open for lunch orders and recess snacks from Friday 29th May through Flexischools Only for the time being.

No bag orders available at this time.

Recess snacks ice-creams will be on flexischools under reccess. Please order separate from the lunch order.

Cut off time will be 9.30am the same as lunch. There will be no over the counter sales for the time being.

Thank you .

Margaret Groves.


Entertainment Books are available for sale, online only this year at .  Please nominate Rosanna Golf Links Primary School in the Fundraiser section; 20% of each sale goes towards providing improved facilities at RGLPS.


Dear Parents


Please note, for OSHC you are still required to escort your child to and from the OSHC entrance, where you will be able to sign them in and out.

Thank you


Unfortunately, we are unable to run lunch time clubs at this time.


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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