Newsletter – 27 May 2022


There are no upcoming events.



We are so proud of our students for putting in their best effort to produce the performance we witnessed on Monday and Tuesday night. You were all fabulous!


I, once again, thank all of our teachers and parents for their hard work and support to make an event like this possible, and thank you for all of the lovely emails and messages we have received in the past few days.


Now, to start organising our Christmas Carols, School Social Dance next year and 2024 School Production.

Luke Franklin & Denisse Lobos

Assistant Principals


Education Week Activities

This week is ‘Education Week’ and RGLPS has celebrated this week with a number of events including the 2022 Production of ‘The Amazing Race’, ‘National Simultaneous Storytime’ and Friday’s Open Morning. Thank-you to all the parents, family and friends who were able to visit the and join in activities in classrooms. It was wonderful to be able to welcome visitors into buildings once again to see all the wonderful learning taking place. Many classes have shared photos of their Open Morning activities on Seesaw.

On Wednesday, RGLPS students participated in ‘National Simultaneous Storytime’ and enjoyed the book ‘Family Tree’, written by Josh Pyke and illustrated by Ronojoy Gosh. This annual event is organised by the Australian Library and Information Association and around one million Australian students took part by reading the same text on the same date.

After reading and viewing the text, RGLPS students spent time completing activities based on the text such as creating their own family trees.

Sleep and Learning

Recently, I have been reading more about the importance of sleep for our learning and overall wellbeing. Neuroscientists and sleep experts across the world have consistently pointed to lack of sleep as being in ‘epidemic’ proportions in our modern world. When people go without sleep, the first thing that suffers is the ability to focus attention. There is a significant deterioration in memory (up to 30%), reaction times and ability to carry out relatively simple tasks without error. Studies by show that the average child has lost an average of 85 minutes of sleep, per night, since 1942 (study by National Sleep Foundation as cited in the journal ‘Sleep Medicine Reviews’, 2012). This sleep deprivation is having a range of impacts on children’s learning and wellbeing.

Unlike adults, when children are sleep deprived, they generally respond by becoming hyperactive. They display serious attention problems and often go into a ‘manic’ state. Lack of sleep means that the brain has less time to clean itself of metabolic waste and toxins that form across each day. Without sleep, your brain literally becomes clogged up with toxins and is less able to concentrate. The prefrontal cortex or judgment area of the brain also seems to be especially sensitive to sleep loss, impairing one’s ability to make good decisions.

So, what can we do about this? A key step is to try and limit access to light and devices in the hours immediately before bedtime. Biologically, our brain experiences light and processes this as daytime, sending us a surge of energy. The problem with this is that humans evolved for our activity to be dictated by the sun’s natural light. The invention of the electric light means humans can now control light and this has significantly impacted our circadian rhythms. In essence, our brains fire up due to looking at screens at exactly the point we want them to power down. So, try and limit your child’s access to laptops, iPads and phones in the hour or two prior to bedtime to help them sleep and improve their attention. Even better, remove temptation by charging devices in another room. Aim for your child to receive the recommended 11-12 hours of sleep per night. The kids will grumble, but their wellbeing, attention and overall learning should improve if they sleep more.

Source: ‘Stolen Focus – Why You Can’t pay Attention’ – Johann Hari (2022)

2022 Premier's Reading Challenge

A reminder that the ‘2022 Premier’s Reading Challenge’ is underway and runs until 2nd September. The Challenge invites children to read regularly and to log their books read online.  All successful participants will receive a certificate at assembly later this the year. An instructional guide for navigating the Challenge website has been sent out as a Compass alert. Please speak to your child’s teacher if you need your child’s login details for the Challenge.

2022 ICAS

Registrations are now open for 2022 ICAS, which will be conducted online on the dates specified below. Participation in ICAS is optional and at parent expense. Most ICAS assessments cost $19.25 each, except for the ICAS Writing, which costs $23.65 per child.

ICAS registrations can be made through the Parent Payment Portal located at Please use the RGLPS access code EMT934. Registrations via the Parent Payment Portal will close on Sunday 31st July 2022.

Remember to carefully cross check 2022 ICAS dates against external and family events as ICAS do not issue refunds under any circumstances.


RGLPS teachers are busy writing Semester One reports at present. These will be released to parents on Wednesday 22nd June 2022.

Classroom teacher reports will include:

  •   – An Overview of Learning taught across Semester One
  •   – A General Comment about your child as a learner
  •   – A Behaviour and Effort rating using a five-point scale
  •   – Progression Points (dot grid) against the Victorian Curriculum Achievement Standards (for curriculum            areas taught during Semester One)

Each Specialist teacher will write a report comprising of:

  •    – An Overview of Learning taught in their specialist subject
  •    – Behaviour and Effort rating using the five-point scale
  •    – Progression Points (dot grid) for the relevant curriculum area against the Victorian Curriculum   –                   – Achievement Standards
  •    – Short achievement comment for their specialist subject

A reminder that classroom teachers also provide progress updates to parents throughout each term by annotating student learning samples on Seesaw. Annotations are taken from the ‘RGLPS Developmental Learning Continuums’ and reflect the Victorian Curriculum.

Classroom teachers upload and annotate the following samples of student learning each term through Portfolio tasks:

  •    – English – Reading and Viewing
  •    – English – Writing
  •    – English – Speaking and Listening
  •    – Mathematics – Number and Algebra
  •    – Mathematics – Applied (either Statistics and Probability or Measurement and Geometry)
  •    – Inquiry (science, History, Geography, Economics, Critical and Creative Thinking, Civics and Citizenship)

We encourage all parents to take the time to look at their child’s portfolio samples and annotations on Seesaw. This is the primary means used by teachers to provide a regular update on each child’s learning achievement and progress across the year.

Have a great week everyone!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


Students from 3BD enjoyed creating Family Trees about their families and their special memories as part of 2022 National Simultaneous Storytime. 


Maths Riddle

Well done to those who attempted last week’s ‘Berries’ challenge. The answer to the challenge is: 6 berries. The next branch always contains just as many unripe berries as the number of ripe berries on the previous branch.

Here’s this week’s Maths Riddle. I’ll share the answer in next week’s newsletter.

Shape Fractions Challenge

Which of the following shapes contain more white than black?

Hint: Picture, draw or cut the shapes until you can see equal sized portions to compare.


Extra Challenge: Record the fraction of white and black for each shape.

If you’d like to share your response or have your working out featured in our newsletter, please send your solutions to


District Cross Country

On Wednesday this week, 50 students travelled to Banyule Flats for the District Cross Country Carnival. RGLPS had a very successful day with 19 students finishing in the top 10 of their races which was great to see! Every child gave their very best and I was so proud of all of our runners. Congratulations to everyone who ran and a big thank you to our parent helpers Noelle, Peter and Jordan who assisted Dan Anderson on the day. Looking forward to seeing how we go at Division Cross Country next week!

Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator


Thank you to all students who participated in the production backdrop competition. Everyone who submitted artwork did an amazing job. Here are some of the entries from students across the school.



Help still needed.......

Volunteers are now allowed back into the canteen and you would be most welcome.

Because of our new lunch time table you assistance would be required as below.

You need to have done the school volunteer on-line course and be fully vaccinated.

If you are interested in helping out please email me at  

Please include: name and contact information: email, mobile number, date and times available. 




FRIDAY Any hours from 9AM-1PM- Especially between 10:30AM-12:30PM  which is our peak. 

If you can’t do the entire time and still want to volunteer we are flexible. 


Margaret Groves

Canteen Manager


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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