June 2019
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July 2019
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August 2019
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September 2019
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Some Dates in Advance

What a success!


On Tuesday 25th June we held our RGLPS Sustainability Festival. What an amazing day it was! The school was absolutely buzzing with excitement and enthusiasm as students participated in incursions and activities focused on sustainable practices and ways to help wildlife. The preps learnt about worms, composting, seed prickling, water filtration and our dolphin, Ziggy. Our 1/2s made art work using recycled materials and learnt about how littering can impact our wildlife. Our 3/4 students participated in an incursion from CSIRO on micro plastics and our 5/6s worked in groups to make charming chandeliers made from recycled materials.

A massive thank you to Ms Wheeler and Miss Gray, together with our Sustainability Team for all your hard work to organise and coordinate this fantastic whole school event. To our teachers and staff, thank you for the support and guidance you have provided our students in making this day a memorable learning experience. The joy in our kids is testament to the awesome work every teacher has put in. And finally to our wonderful community, thank you for supporting your child/ren and our school to make this event as successful as it was. Your presence at our assembly was truly appreciated. Please enjoy the photos from Marie below. 

Events – please keep to the deadline 

It is extremely difficult for our office administration team and classroom teachers when parents are ringing the office to book in for 3-way conferences and other events that require payment/consent after the event has closed on Compass. Despite many notifications and information being sent home regarding events opening and closing, we still have a number of parents calling after the event has closed. Please be aware that this is not fair and I urge you to please ensure you adhere to these deadlines. We completely understand that, at times there are extraordinary reasons and we can accommodate these special circumstances. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Outstanding term expenses 

Invoices were sent out this week and the office is working to finalise end of term accounts. We would appreciate if you could please check Compass and make payment for any outstanding term expenses, including Essential Education Items and Instrumental Music Fees. If you are having difficulty making payment please do not hesitate to contact Sue in the office to arrange a payment plan.

Student Absences 

If your child is sick or absent, you are required to notify the school before 9:00am on the day of their absence via Compass. If it is a known absence you can log this well in advance as well. 

Working together to support student learning


Questions to ask your child to support learning

  •   What did you learn today? (not what did you do)

  •   How do you know you are learning and making progress?

  •   What choices did you get to make today?

  •   How does your teacher make learning interesting and challenging?

  •   Why do you think you need to learn . . . ?

    Please chat to your child’s teacher if you have any feedback on the answers that may be elicited from these conversations. 

OSHC Operating Model Community Cosultation


  1. School Council has initiated a review of the operating model for the RGLPS OSHC Program. As part of this review, School Council invites feedback from community members. For more information download the OSHC Operating Model Community Consultation paper found on Compass News Feed.

    Please address your confidential feedback to:
     RGLPS OSHC Service Operating Model Review
    RGLPS School Council

    The closing date for receipt of submissions is Monday, 15th July.

    Following the closing date for receipt of submissions, stakeholder feedback will be consolidated and reviewed by School Council. It is anticipated that School Council will ratify a decision on the proposal to change the operating model of the RGLPS OSHC service in Term 3. 

Rosanna Golf Links Primary School group
Please join us on Facebook:

(To join our Facebook group you will be prompted to answer some questions before admin will allow you to join. If you are a member of our community and have not been accepted, please try again and answer the prompted questions.)

Early Dismissal on the Last Day of Term


Children will be dismissed at 2.30pm TOMORROW Friday June 28th. The children will have lunch from 12:30pm- 1:30pm. Assembly will commence at approximately 1:30pm. After assembly, the children will return to their rooms to collect their bags and be dismissed from their rooms. After School Care will commence at 2:30pm.

I’d like to wish all students a wonderful and relaxing break. I hope you get to spend time with your families, friends, explore new places and experience new things. However you choose to spend your holidays, whether it’s on the slopes, road tripping, on a sunny beach somewhere or just hanging out at home, please stay safe and keep warm. See you all on Monday 15th July for a fresh start to Term Three. 

Denisse Lobos
Acting Principal


Mid-Year Reports

Mid-Year Reports were released to parents on Compass on yesterday afternoon. A reminder that with the school transition to Progress Reporting in 2019, Mid-Year Reports are much shorter and contain a general comment about your child’s learning behaviours, attitude and effort as well as a comment about your child’s learning in Integrated Studies and Digital Technologies. The Mid-Year Report also includes the table of progression point (dots) assessed against Victorian Curriculum Standards, in all learning areas taught during Term One and Two. Progress Report Compass ‘push outs’ provide more detailed information of your child’s learning achievement in English, Mathematics and in specialist subjects (PE, Art, Science, AUSLAN, Music). Progressive Reports have been designed to be ‘pushed out’ across the school year and provide parents with a regular update on their child’s achievement and growth around expected understandings and skills.

If you have any questions about your child’s report, please make a time to speak with your child’s teacher. 

Three Way Conferences

Three Way Conferences are scheduled for Wednesday 24th July between 9am and 6:45pm.

Bookings will open on Compass this Friday 28th June 2019 at 9am and close on Friday 19th July at 3:30pm.

The process for booking a Three Way Conference is simple. Parents will receive a Compass alert for each child and simply need to follow the links to select a suitable timeslot to meet with their child’s teacher/s on this date.

The day for three way conferences is not a pupil free day and students are expected to attend their three way conference with their parents/carers during their fifteen minute time allocation. Teachers will be involved in direct teacher instruction through the provision of three way conferences with students and parents/carers. Students will spend time reflecting on their learning achievement and progress in Semester One and will be supported and guided by their teacher to set goals for Semester Two. Students are always excited to share this with families at the Three Way Conference. Participating in the conference gives students ownership of their learning, builds their capacity for reflection, ability to articulate their learning, set personal learning goals and become active agents in their learning.

OSHC will be open for families who need it. If you need to book your child into OSHC – we recommend you do so quickly to ensure a place. 

Specialist Three Way Conferences


Specialists will have a small number of Three Way Conference appointments available for those parents who feel they are necessary. Please note that Specialist Three Way Conferences are likely to fill up quickly as many of our specialist teachers work with 400 – 500 students from across the school. To make an appointment with
a specialist teacher (PE, Science, Art, Music, PMP), simply follow the links on Compass when you receive the Compass alert.

Finally, we can’t stress enough the importance of being punctual to your child’s Three Way Conference appointment time. Teachers will in most cases have appointments back to back across the day and can’t extend conferences into the scheduled time of another student. If you are coordinating conferences for multiple children, we recommend leaving a buffer timeslot in between appointments to give you time to move to different parts of the school.

We hope you find the Three Way Conference a valuable insight and celebration of your child’s learning achievement and progress. 

Interpreting your child's Progress Reports alongside their Mid-Year Reports


Even though your child may not have a result against all ‘I can…’ statements in their Progress Report as yet, teachers have used various formal assessment tools to ascertain a progression point (dot) on their Mid-Year Report. Teachers have also spent considerable time collaborating and moderating with colleagues to make a final judgment about the progression points (dot) they assign to students. It is important to remember that Progress Reports are snapshot of what your child had achieved at that point in time. The Mid Year Report is similarly an indication of what your child has achieved as of the end of June 2019. Please note that some teams will continue to send ‘push outs’ until the end of the term.

Kerron Worsdell
Teaching and Learning Coach 


Writers' Corner


We believe that the students at Rosanna Golf Links Primary School are exceptional writers, who often leave their teachers lost for words! We would like to share this with the wider community. By posting work in our school newsletter, we are able to celebrate the outstanding writing achievements at RGLPS. 


Dolphins are aquatic mammals. That means they live in water and are warm-blooded and feed their babies milk. Dolphins are a member of the cetaceous family. The cetaceous family is a group of whales and dolphins.

Special Features
Dolphins have a tail which is called a fluke, side fins called lateral fins and fins on the back called dorsal fins. They use their fluke for swimming.

Dolphins live in seas around the world and sometimes in rivers. But not in arctic seas. Dolphins swim in a group called pods. There can be up to 30 dolphins in a pod!

Dolphins are carnivores. That means they eat meat. Dolphins eat squids, crabs and octopuses. Dolphins hunt for their food. Baby dolphins drink their mother’s milk until they are big enough to hunt.

Thomas Berriman 1/2S

Coral Reef

As I dive into the crystal-clear water, I see a rainbow of colours form around me. The brightly coloured fish dance beneath me, it looks like a kaleidoscope of shapes and colours. The vibrant seahorses propel upwards. Stingrays whoosh past like race cars. The school of fish are fast, bright and colourful. The jellyfish are glistening before my eyes.

Pinch! Pinch! The small, red and noisy crabs start pinching my toes. The rough, bumpy coral is as colourful as a rainbow. As I glide through the nice cool water, fish of different colours dance past me. When I land on the grainy sand a stingray flies past me. A slimy fish brushes past. All the rocks are as smooth as a bowling ball.

This ocean feels flourishing and healthy through my body. The ocean is such an unbelievable place to be. I am so delighted to be here. I feel overwhelmed with happiness and joy.

I think I will keep this place a secret so people don’t come and pollute this beautiful location. But I’m still so curious about those seahorses!

– Ellie Vukic 1/2S


Firefighters are savers that means they save lives. So, they save cats in the trees and put out fires. And use special tools to cut doors on a car.

What do they wear?Firefighters wear special clothes to help protect them, and air tanks to help them breathe. And masks so they don’t get smoke in their eyes. They use helmets to protect their heads from anything falling down.

How do they work?Firefighters work at fire stations and when the fire alarm rings the firefighters have to get ready in thirty seconds! That’s half a minute! And they get in the fire truck and speed off.

Firefighters are hard workers, So, let firefighters do their job and let them go faster than the speed limit and give way to them. That means let them go through red lights. The fire trucks go through red lights.

What incredible acts and what helpful fire fighters.

– Lawson Parkman 1/2S

Please note: The work we put into the newsletter will sometimes be published in its raw form, meaning the work may not be corrected. This is because we choose to celebrate the child as a writer instead of picking apart the piece in the search for errors. Constructive feedback is always given to our students in a range of ways, correcting books with red pen is only one way to give feedback to a student





End of Term Account Please ensure you have finalised your end of term accounts. Three Way Conference Day Parents please note that Wednesday the 24th July is Conference Day – Week Two of Term Three. We will be running an all-day program. Please book in if needed by the end of Term Two Friday 28th June. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know. Things to note:
  •   Before and aftercare will be the same cost as always
  •   The day program runs from 9am to 3.30pm and costs $45
  •   Please note that if you attend before 9am will also be charged for before care fee $17
  •   Attending after 3.30pm you will be changed aftercare fee $19
Happy holidays!!!! or 0429923572 Many thanks Katie




Anne and I have had a great term with our lovely group of kids doing Special Religious Instruction with us on a Friday lunchtime. We have enjoyed the module considering some of the wonderful things in our natural world, and what the Bible says about our responsibilities as humans to care for it. We have also explored the story of Simon (later known as Peter), one of Jesus’ first followers, as he discovered more about both Jesus, and himself.

Just a reminder that there will be no SRI tomorrow as it is an early finish for the last day of term. Unfortunately there will also be no SRI on the first week back of next term (July 19th) as both Anne and I will be away. So we are looking forward to starting again on July 26th. If parents could please remind your child(ren) on a Friday morning that SRI is on at lunchtime, that would be much appreciated!

We hope everyone has a good holiday break.

Cathie Clarke and Anne Foster

SRI Instructors



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