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There are no upcoming events.


COVID Safety Updates

The rotation of play spaces proved a real hit with our students this week. Our 5-6 students used the basketball court and rainbow playground area, our 3-4 students used the triangle and our Year 1-2 students played on the oval. We will continue to rotate play spaces for the rest of this term in line with DET guidelines.

The next round of RAT’s will be sent home with students late next week. Further information will be sent through Compass. It does appear that the RAT’s have been successful as transmission of COVID through the classrooms is already decreasing.

As always, we are very grateful to all of our students and families for the understanding and consideration that continues to be shown during this difficult time. All of this sacrifice and effort seems to be working.

Helping Children to get their Vaccination

Vaccination centres understand that children may feel anxious about vaccination or have other support needs. A range of options are available to help children get vaccinated. Please discuss your child’s needs with the vaccination centre when you book an appointment.

Appointments are also available at Aboriginal Controlled Community Health Organisations.

👉 Find out more about vaccination for kids:

School Council

I would like to thank everyone for their engagement in the school council election process. I am pleased to announce that our council has been confirmed for 2022 with the current structure to be announced next week. We look forward to a very productive year with the new council.

School Crossing on Finlayson Street

Road safety is a tricky skill to learn and it is one that we want our students to pick up as they progress through the school. We have explored ways to make pick up easier with the council but at this stage there are no simple answers. Restrictions mean that we are unable to use Finlayson Street for parking. Please be considerate of our community and keep things safe for all of our students as many are learning road safety each day.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers





A reminder that as a community we are responsible for modelling SunSmart behaviours.

These include:
● wearing broad-brimmed hats, clothing and sunglasses for all outdoor activities and duties
● apply SPF30 (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen
● seek shade whenever possible

For parents this also means,
● being aware of, support and follow the school’s sun protection policy and procedures
● ensuring children are dressed in appropriate sun protective clothing
● ensuring your child has a hat to wear at school
● where children have allergies or sensitivities to sunscreen, parents are asked to provide an alternative sunscreen or children are encouraged to play in the shade.

You can view our school’s SunSmart policy on our website.

2022 Production - Dance Lessons

Dance lessons are starting next Wednesday.

A reminder to consent and pay for our 2022 Production – Dance Lessons by 11:59PM on the 28/02/2022.


If you do NOT want your child to participate in dance lessons for our production, we ask that you please decline the event via Compass.


To view the details of upcoming events please click here:

Luke Franklin & Denisse Lobos

Assistant Principals


ICAS 2021

Three more sets of 2021 ICAS results and certificates have arrived and were distributed to students this week. I am pleased to announce the following results for the ICAS English, ICAS Mathematics and ICAS Science from November 2021: 


2021 ICAS English

Distinction: Eamonn N, Lucia F, Charlotte L, Ava C, Bianca K, Rayaan M and Janelle C. These students achieved in the top 10% of participants Australia wide – big congratulations!

Credit: Jasper L, Lutz S, Thomas B, Maxine S, Niamh K, Alexandra C, Zoe G and Jelina J – Each of these results placed students in the next 25% of participants – well done!

Merit: Sullivan C – Sullivan achieved results in the next 10% of students.


2021 ICAS Mathematics

Distinction: Madeleine O, Sullivan C, Charlotte L, Christian L, Thomas B, Rayaan M, Bianca K and Jasper L – these students’ results placed them in the top 10% of results in the country, which is a fabulous achievement!

Credit: Lutz S, Zoe G, Ava C, Ruby R, Eva L, Thenura K (Nehan) and Janelle C – These results placed students in the next 25% of results.

Merit: Cormac N, Isabella M, Maxine S, Eamonn N – these results placed students in the next 10% of students.


2021 ICAS Science

High Distinction: Lutz S – this result places Lutz in the top 1% of students in the country for ICAS Science, which is an amazing result!

Distinction: Charlotte L, Rayaan M and Jasper L – these students were in the next 10% in their age group.

Credit: Janelle C, Bianca K, Alexander K, Eamonn N and Samuel W – these students placed in the next 25% of students.


Well done to all students who participated in these ICAS tests in November.  Students who achieved the higher placed certificates outlined above were presented with these at assembly on Monday 21st February. The remaining ICAS Participation certificates were distributed to classroom teachers to pass along.


ICAS Digitech certificates and results have now arrived and will be presented at assembly and distributed from next Monday February 28th.


Accessing more information on your child’s 2021 ICAS results

To see more detailed information on your child’s 2021 ICAS results, please see the bottom of the rear page of your child’s ICAS certificate.

It will ask you to access the ICAS results portal via Once you are on this website, please click on Portal in the Blue top menu (right corner) and choose Results Portal. Scroll down the page until you find Student Results and the aqua Sign In button. Click this and then enter your child’s TAP-ID and PIN number. These are all listed on the bottom of their ICAS certificate (back page). Data on any ICAS your child has done in 2021 will be available for closer examination. Please note there is a side menu where you can see each question/concept in the assessment and other summary information regarding your child’s achievement.


Some parents may be wondering why they have not received an email about G.A.T.E.WAYS enrichment programs on offer this term? Parents of students from Year 1-6 who achieve greater than 12 months ahead of expected level in Reading, Writing or Number (based on the previous December report) are usually offered G.A.T.E.WAYS programs as an extension opportunity. Due to rising COVID infections amongst children and the need to limit mixing of school groups at present, G.A.T.EWAYS are only conducting onsite programs for single schools this term. Unfortunately, RGLPS does not have any available classroom spaces to accommodate any G.A.T.EWAYS programs onsite. We hope G.A.T.E.WAYS will resume normal operations in Term Two and we can make these programs available to our high achieving students once again.

2022 Maths Olympiad

2022 Maths Olympiad sessions will start from March 2nd for participating Year 5/6 students.


This program is offered to Year 5/6 students performing at least 12 months above expected level in at least one of the strands of Mathematics, based on their Semester Two 2021 report. Weekly practice sessions will take place from Wednesday 2nd March at 9am (Room 21), with the first Olympiad for 2022 on Wednesday 23rd March. Parents of invited students need to provide consent on Compass for their child to participate in the Maths Olympiad. Please contact me at the school if you have any further questions about the Maths Olympiad.

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


Maths Riddle


Well done to those who attempted and solved our last riddle. A special shout out to Ethan from 4ES who has once again shared his answers with us. Thanks Ethan for solving the problem. You can see his answer below:

Here’s this week’s challenge. I’ll share the answer in next week’s newsletter.

Did you know that this week we celebrated one of the most numerically significant dates in our lifetime? The 22nd of February, 2022 (22/02/2022) was a special date full of 0s and 2s! The date is also a palindrome, which means it can be read the same both forwards and backwards. And as if that’s not amazing enough, it happened to fall on a Tuesday – or ‘Twos-day’.

In celebration, this week’s problem has lots to do with dates and palindromes!


How many different dates can you find that will also be palindromes? Just like 02/02/2022 or 01/01/1010 (1st January, 1010).


Hint: Try using a calendar to help you solve the problem. These dates are rarer than you may expect, so you’ll have to think way back into the past and far ahead into the future!


Extra challenge: Try creating some equations that result in numbers that are palindromes.


If you’d like to share your response or have your working out featured in our newsletter, please send your solutions to




In the Science room this week, students observed some of the chrysalises change colour – from green to transparent – and the emergence of two of the monarch butterflies.  One was released on Friday, the other needs a little more time before venturing into the wilds of Rosanna.  We also had a delivery of 3 live chicks and 12 eggs from Henny Penny Adventures.  During the week, most of the eggs hatched and the chicks went from weak and wet to dry, fluffy and strong.  These were placed in the chick playpen for observations and learning about the lifecycle and behaviour of chickens.  It has been amazing to watch the transformations and we will enjoy more next week.


Katy Wheeler

Science Teacher



Special Religious Instruction – Christianity (known as SRI) will be offered again this year. The half hour sessions will be held in the library during the first part of the second lunch break, 2 – 2.30pm every Thursday, commencing 10th March. Permission forms have been put on Compass or are available at the Office. The sessions explore the beliefs and values of Christianity through stories from the Bible, with games and activities to help us think and make it fun. Our aim is to cater for all ages, Prep to Grade 6, with some time allocated for age appropriate discussion and activities. If anyone has any questions about the program, or is interested in helping, please give me a call.

Cathie Clarke

SRI – Christianity Team Leader

Ph: 9459 2278 or 0411 883 904


The new 2022 summer menu:


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