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There are no upcoming events.
There are no upcoming events.


Melbourne Cup Public Holiday - Tuesday 5th November

Tuesday 5th November is Melbourne Cup Day, this is a PUBLIC HOLIDAY. The school will be closed on this day. The Monday prior is an alternate program to cater to the small number of children who will be present on this day. This will allow a third of our staff to complete their Level 2 First Aid Training qualification.

Carols Night - Save the Date!

Our annual Christmas Carols evening will be held on Monday, December 9th. Planning and preparations for this evening have commenced. Please see future newsletters for further information. Remember to book this night on your calendar for what is always a wonderful school community event. As long as it doesn’t rain… fingers crossed.

Canteen Orders

REMINDER: Please order online through flexischools. If you require assistance, please just ask at the office.  

Watsonia RSL Scholarships

Each year the Watsonia RSL provides scholarships to each of the schools in the local area. The guidelines for selecting worthwhile recipients are based around the qualities of Mateship, Leadership and Community Spirit. Congratulations to Anna and Lucas who will receive their award and a $200 scholarship on Sunday 11 November at a special presentation following the Remembrance Day Ceremony at Watsonia RSL. Please come past the office to purchase a poppy for Remembrance Day.


So much of our wonderful school relies on the huge involvement of our parents and volunteers and for that I sincerely thank every group within the school that works tirelessly in organising different events and activities.

Please know that everyone is welcome in our school and I would encourage you to talk to your child’s teacher, myself, Luke, Thom, Kerron or Cathy about how you can help out in your child’s classroom, in a committee or on a team. Please be aware that you are able to make an appointment with any teacher at a convenient time to discuss your child. However, staff generally have meetings on a Monday night and Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Alternatively, you can phone the school and ask for a return call from a particular teacher, or even email the school at to forward an email communication to your child’s teacher. You are also able to contact any teacher via Compass. It is important that you don’t wait for ‘3 Way Conferences’ to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns you might have.

Social Media and Our Kids

We must ensure our children are protected online! I’m aware some children engage in online social media sites without proper permissions or supervision. For a number of reasons children under the age of 13 are not permitted to use these websites e.g. facebook, Instagram etc. Please visit which shares why social media age limits matter for many of our children.

  1. A child under the age of 13 years (U13) is protected by the Children’s Online Privacy Protect Act (COPPA).
  2. Kids know the U13 rule.
  3. Children U13 do not have the intellectual or emotional maturity to handle many social media themes.
  4. For children U13, there are safer alternatives.

Victorian Early Years Awards 2019

We’re an award winning school! On Tuesday we won a Victorian Early Years Award for improving our foundation literacy skills through Sound Partnerships: promoting partnerships with families for the teaching of phonics. I want to congratulate the amazing prep team and Annie Unger for the tremendous amount of work that has gone into this. So very proud and very well deserved!

Traffic Around Our School

This week we have had several dangerous traffic incidents around our school caused by parents parking illegally and parents calling their children across the road from their cars.

We have received advice from the Banyule City Council that they will be working with Victoria Police to improve the safety of students.  In addition to Traffic Enforcement Officers, the Council will be utilising a special vehicle with a mounted camera to photograph vehicles breaching parking laws. Infringement notices will then be posted to vehicle owners.

STOP PRESS!!!!!! COLOUR RUNS are......well......FUN!

Denisse Lobos

Acting Principal



The Prep team could not be a prouder group of people! They are the official winners of a 2019 Victorian Early Years Award! The Victorian Early Years Awards celebrate the exceptional contributions that individuals and organisations make to improving the lives of Victorian children and their families.
Prep parents with older siblings at the school will know well that we have made a lot of changes to how we teach the preps to read now. We looked at the current research from education, psychology and related fields and we saw a clear pathway. It was a pathway that meant not only introducing new practices, but getting rid of older practices too.
We couldn’t do it without parent support, so we partnered with the parents, as we learned about how to teach and support our kids. They have been incredible and motivating educators at school and home; to their own children, and to all the children.

The award ceremony took place is the stunning NGV, under the stain glass ceiling. Myf Warhusrt was Masters of Ceremonies (for Eurovision fans like Annie, and Spicks and Specks fans like Kate, this was a bit overwhelming, though music trivia and confusing song performances never eventuated). Minister for Education James Merlino handed out the awards.

Annie Unger and Alice Page accepted the award on behalf of the school, with the following words (more or less – there was a fair bit of adrenaline flowing):

Alice and I would like to thank the incredible Prep team – Lauren, Loren, Meg, Kate and Kirtly for the outstanding work you do. The wonderful Golf Links leadership team, including Kelly Morrow. We miss you Kelly!

We would like to thank our fantastic Golf Links families. You inspired us, trusted us, and were our teammates from start to finish. 

And we would of course like to thank our perfect kids. It is a privilege to see you on your journey from little kids to big kids.

And we would like to thank the structured literacy researchers and advocates for giving us the tools we need to support kids the best way we can.

Phonics is not a controversial word. Phonics and structured literacy is no more or less than the evidence base. It is the critical first step in all children’s transition from some one who is read to, to some on who reads.

It was hard work throwing out old resources and practices. But sitting with families and watching their children blossom, and thrive made every hard moment worth it.

Thank you.



Cochlear Implant Clinic

On Wednesday, October 23rd, we had Gabby and Denise from the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital (Cochlear Implant Clinic) come to Rosanna Golf Links Primary School to speak with our Deaf Facility Teachers. They came to share professional learning and continue to update our staff on best practice to support our Deaf Facility children who wear cochlear implants to access sound.

Parent Information Session

The Deaf Facility will be hosting a Parent Information Session for all Deaf Facility families.  The information session will have a panel of deaf and hard of hearing adults with lived experiences living with hearing loss.  We have a panel of six or seven adults with varied experiences.  This is a good opportunity to hear what adults with hearing loss have experienced, tips and tricks to further support your child, and ask questions from adults with lived experience.  Please mark Thursday, November 14th, 6:30pm at school in your diaries.  We would like this event to be adults only, as we are hoping this should be a safe place for our families to ask questions.


Softball - Division Finals

On Thursday, 17th of October, the boys and girls softball team made their way to Chelsworth Park, Ivanhoe to play in the Banyule Division Finals. Up first were the boys in a sudden death match against Alphington Grammar, with the winner through to the Northern Metropolitan Region Finals. Our boys were ready and fired up to play; they did not disappoint! Everyone performed with the bat and ball, scoring two perfect innings of 7 runs with ease and keeping Alphington to just 2 runs for the match to run out winners 14-2. Highlights included Harry Murphy turning a double play to get two batters out via a catch and then running to third base before the batter could reach it, Louis Sheehy with a blazing return to form with two massive hits and last but not least, our captain for the day Ben Howard who blasted two huge home runs, one with bases loaded, to score seven runs with all batters on base running home! Best of luck at Region on Wednesday the 30th.


The girls then played two matches against Watsonia North and St Anthony’s. The girls once again came out very strongly and quickly advanced to a 7-1 lead after one innings. In the end, the girls ran out 14-3 winners on the back of some hard hitting by Isabella Lee-Young who got 4 girls home of her swing. In the next match, we came up against a tough opponent in St Anthony’s. We played at our best and got them out for nothing several times, whilst also scoring to bring an 8-3 lead into the final innings. Unfortunately for us, we went out for nothing and St Anthony’s roared back to life to score 7 runs and defeat us 10-8 in the final moments of the match. It was a sad ending for our girls who tried their very best, but they can be proud about the way they played and represented our school at a higher level.


To all of you, the real baseball season has just started on the weekend – why not go down and play it for real at Lower Plenty Baseball Club? With everyone moving on to Year 7 next year, wouldn’t it be a great way to keep seeing your mates (and hopefully win a few more premierships together too!).


Mr Peters.


Softball - District Grand Final

On Friday, 11th of October, the girls and boys softball team played in the interschool sport semi-final and grand final for the Heidelberg School Sports Association Premiership. Both teams had stellar seasons, finishing undefeated in first place and were full of confidence going in to the day. For the first time ever, our school hosted all of the softball finals thanks to our brand new triangle at the front of the school (thank you to everyone who fundraised!). The girls played Viewbank in their semi-final and came out strongly, winning by a comfortable margin of 21-0 in front of many RGLPS students who were watching from the hill. The boys then played against Viewbank in their semi-final, also playing at their best to win 21-0 to set up an RGL vs St Martin’s grand final for the second year in a row.


The girls grand final was against Banyule Primary who upset the previously undefeated Rosanna Primary in their semi-final. Our girls were determined to win and scored two perfect 7-run innings whilst holding our opposition to just two runs with superb fielding, taking out the flag 14-2 for the third year in a row! The boys grand final was once again an arm wrestle between two highly skilled teams. For the first time this year, the RGL boys were held to just 3 runs in their first innings, 1 in the second innings and 3 in the third innings for a total of 7 runs. At the same time, our boys fielding was the finest it had been all season, holding St Martin’s to zero in the first and second innings. St Martin’s came up to bat needing seven runs in the third inning to tie the match and force an extra inning. With two out, St Martin’s scored 4 runs from 3 hits to really put the pressure on RGL and everyone was feeling nervous; however the next hit went straight to Cooper Windebank who then threw it to Orlando Barra at first base to make the out and win us our second grand final in two years.


Both the girls and boys have had incredible seasons and I wholeheartedly congratulate them on their effort and skills! It has been a pleasure to watch you learn and grow – be proud every time you walk past that blue premiership flag on the wall; you earnt it!


Mr Peters

Regional Bat Tennis

Thursday the 24th of October the bat tennis girls ventured to Viewbank Tennis Courts to play our first ever game of “Hot Shots” at the Regional Finals. We were quite nervous as we had never played hot shots before, coming off a District win for bat tennis. We versed Millpark Heights, Apollo Parkways, and Gladstone Views. It was hot, and fast paced but we did it. We came second and won a runners up flag. This was so exciting! I am so very proud of the girls bat tennis team accomplishing second in the whole region! Well done girls! You’re amazing! 


Miss Wilson 



Preparing for Hay Fever and Thuderstorm Asthma Season

With the spring weather in full effect this week, high winds and the start of the grass pollen season, we have noticed a high increase in students attending First Aid with hay fever symptoms.  These symptoms may include, itchy running eyes, runny nose and an increase in asthma symptoms.  

If your child suffers from hay fever please consider treating them prior to school in the morning.

During grass pollen season people may notice an increase in asthma and hay fever. Grass pollen season (October through December) also brings the chance of thunderstorm asthma.

Thunderstorm asthma is thought to be triggered by a unique combination of high amounts of grass pollen in the air and a certain type of thunderstorm. For people who have asthma or hay fever this can trigger severe asthma symptoms. 

When a large number of people develop asthma symptoms over a short period of time, related to high grass pollen and a certain type of thunderstorm,  it is known as epidemic thunderstorm asthma

The Department of Health will advise of potential epidemic thunderstorm conditions  at :


There is also an App available:

Please ensure you keep your child’s medical information, including Asthma/Allergy plans and medications up to date at school.


Scanning Pens Australia have generously offered to match one-for-one any C-pens we purchase through donations and funds raised by the RGLPS students.  This is an amazing opportunity for the school, so please buy a ribbon to support the cause!!

Donations and purchasing ribbons for this cause can be done at the office, with Annie Unger or members of the Dragon Club. 



ICAS Writing

The school is still awaiting the results of the 2019 Writing ICAS. Unlike the other ICAS which are comprised of multiple choice questions that can be computer assessed, the writing ICAS needs to be assessed individually by trained moderators. This takes additional time, hence the delay in the school receiving the results from UNSW. When these results do become available, I will include them in the newsletter and announce those students achieving a High Distinction, Distinction, Credit or Merit Certificate at a future assembly.


Parents, please contact me if you have further questions about ICAS or your child’s results.


Semester Two Assessment and Reporting

All RGLPS teachers are currently conducting a range of student assessments to finalise Semester Two Reports. These include individual assessments such as Fountas and Pinnell reading benchmarking, as well as online testing using resources such as Essential Assessments and ACER PAT testing in Reading and Mathematics. Over the next few weeks, teachers will meet regularly in area and cross school teams to moderate student work samples to finalise their judgments. This is important to ensure progression points are both an accurate reflection of student achievement and are consistent across the wider school. 


As in Semester One, the Semester Two reports will include a general comment about your child’s learning behaviours, their attitude and effort as well as a comment about your child’s learning in Integrated Studies and Digital Technologies. The report will also include the table of progression point (dots) assessed against Victorian Curriculum Standards in all learning areas taught during Term Three and Four. Semester Two reports will be released to families on Compass in the final week of the 2019 school year.


Please remember that ongoing information about your child’s learning achievement in English, Mathematics and in specialist subjects (PE, Art, Science, AUSLAN, Music) comes via Compass Progress Report ‘push outs’, with evidence of learning uploaded to Seesaw. Progressive Reports are ‘pushed out’ across the school year to provide parents with an update on their child’s achievement and growth around expected understandings and skills. In 2020, we will continue to refine our progressive reporting process with more regular updates and make it increasingly accurate, informative and more user friendly for both parents and staff.


Kerron Worsdell

Teaching and Learning Coach/Learning Specialist

RGLPS Play Group


Mango Drive

Order forms are available by clicking on the below file: – 


or available in the school office.




Dear OSHC parents

Please note that there will be a Pupil Free day on Friday the 13th December. You can book online,  message or email me if you are wanting to book. Please remember there are 3 sessions to book in:

Before care

Day session

Aftercare – depending on your needs. Please book by Monday 2nd December.


Account can be paid by cash, cheque, EFT facility and direct deposit is available.

Payments can be made in OSHC during OSHC hours or at the School Office, during school hours (if you make a payment at the office please have your invoice with you).


The Direct Deposit details are:

BSB: 063 233

Account number: 1005 3825

Please note that you must include that this is an OSHC payment and your family name when processing a payment this way. This is to ensure the payment is forwarded to the program from the office.

If you have any question please feel free to contact OSHC via email, mobile or in person


From the OSHC team



Please note: from this Friday we will be using the Summer Menu for Canteen Orders.


Thank you to all our canteen volunteers.

If you require a change to the roster please contact Margaret in the canteen. 

Thank you.

  Margaret Groves



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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