Newsletter – 24 March 2023


There are no upcoming events.
There are no upcoming events.



Welcome back to another addition of our RGLPS newsletter. The week has brought a close to our NAPLAN assessments and some time to consolidate our learning and wellbeing goals. Our students are very excited by the prospect of the upcoming wellbeing days and enjoyed the ‘Ride, Scoot, Run or Walk to School’ events today.


Planning Week

Next week will be Planning Week for Term Two. This means that students will have all their specialist lessons compressed into one day. This arrangement releases our teaching teams to spend a day collaborating and planning for the upcoming term. Each year level team will use this day to plan inquiry, literacy, and numeracy instruction, determine assessment dates and processes and plan for excursions and special events.

Team Planning Week Timetable

Monday 27th March                         Prep Team Planning Day

Tuesday 28th March                         Year 3/4 Team and PE Planning Days

Wednesday 29th March                  Year 1/2 Team Planning Day

Thursday 30th March                       Year 5/6 Team Planning Day

Friday 31st March                             Specialist Team Planning Day

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Annual General meeting

Don’t forget that on March the 30th at 6:30pm we will be holding our Annual General Meeting. This meeting is held every year and is an open meeting for our community. During this meeting we present our Annual Report to the School Community. The 2022 report is presented at that time and will then be uploaded to our Website so that our entire community can access it.

School Council Sub-Committees

Whilst the rigor of school council elections is completed, we also run a number of school council sub-committees. These sub-committees give us the opportunity to engage with our families around the day-to-day workings of our school.

Last year we ran with 5 sub-committees. These were, finance, school council operations and fundraising, facilities, instrumental music, and policy. These sub-committees rely on the knowledge, expertise and engagement of our families and will be open for members soon. If you would like to join one of our sub-committees, please contact me and we will accommodate your request

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers




Resilience Project

This next presentation from The Resilience Project is all about Empathy and Kindness.  

Empathy is our ability to put ourselves in the shoes of others to feel and see what they do. We practice this through being kind and compassionate towards other people.

Brain imaging data shows that being kind to others registers in the brain as more like eating chocolate than like fulfilling an obligation to do what’s right (e.g., eating brussel sprouts)!

Research shows that practicing empathy, such as performing acts of kindness, taps into our brain’s ‘mirror neurons’, builds compassion and our behaviour becomes more social and community-based. 

View Part 3 of the series here:

Part 3 – Empathy:

Here’s an activity to practise empathy and kindness:

Reflect on someone in your life who could benefit from an act of kindness today. It could be a friend who would love some affirmation about their work, your pet who deserves an extra treat, or a family member who would love a phone call or text message. 

Make a plan for who you are going to give an act of kindness to, and what you are going to do. 

If you want to add accountability to your plan, share it with someone else and encourage them to do the same thing.

Follow up with each other in a few days time, to ask how it went! 

Sources: Psychology TodayUC Berkeley, Greater Good Science

For mental health resources and support information, visit The Resilience Project’s Support Page.

Understanding Sleep Hygiene

Sleep is essential for young people to feel their best and do their best, but many young people get far less sleep than they need.

headspace Greensborough, in partnership with Austin Health Youth Engagement and Treatment Team Initiative (YETTI), will be delivering an information webinar for parents/carers and members of the community.

This information session, run by experienced Youth Mental Health Clinicians, aims to explore why many young people don’t get enough good quality sleep and will explore practical sleep hygiene tailored for young people.

Who can attend?

Current family, friends & carers of YETTI & headspace Greensborough clients, as well as any other members of the local community.

When & Where?

Tuesday 4 April 2023, 5:30pm to 6:30pm, via Zoom



RSVP via Eventbrite

Please note: registrations are limited due to allowing time for discussion. As such, this webinar will not be recorded.


2023 Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge

The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge (VicPRC) is on again in 2023! To participate in the Challenge, students are encouraged to read and register the books they read over the coming months.


The 2023 Challenge:

Prep – Year 2 students   Read 30 books – including 20 or more from the Challenge Book List

Year 3-6 students            Read 15 books – including 10 or more from the Challenge Book List


The 2023 Challenge runs until September 8th and all RGLPS students have been registered and assigned usernames and passwords if they wish to participate.


Our RGLPS students are avid readers and should all easily meet the Challenge by logging their home reading and independent reading at school.


Children/parents simply need to regularly log the books read at Children or parents should register the titles read and this will then be validated by a teacher. A list of books in this year’s Challenge Booklist is also available on the website.


All students who meet the Challenge in 2023 will receive a certificate from the Premier, The Hon. Daniel Andrews MP. Certificates will be awarded at an assembly during Term 4.


If your child wishes to participate in the 2023 VicPRC and is unsure of their username and password, please contact your child’s teacher.

2023 Maths Olympiad

Congratulations to those year 5/6 children selected to join the RGLPS Maths Olympiad team. Evan Butler will take over as the teacher of the Maths Olympiad team during 2023.


Please note that the Maths Olympiad is an enrichment program and as such, questions are pitched several years above expected level. Problems included in the Year 5/6 Olympiad will cover mathematics concepts and skills from year 7 – 10 level. Most Olympiad problems require multiple steps and place a significant emphasis on problem solving.


The 2023 Maths Olympiad team has been selected from student results in the three strands of Mathematics, based on 2022 reports. Participating students will meet to practice Olympiad style questions each week and participate in four Olympiads over the year. Each Olympiad comprises of five questions, for a total cumulative score of 20.


The first Olympiad contest for 2023 will be on Wednesday May 6th. We wish all students taking up this enrichment challenge in 2023 the best of luck!


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist

Next Friday is National Ride2School Day ( Friday 24th March)

National Ride2School Day is Australia’s biggest celebration of active travel and is a great way to encourage children to be more active when travelling to school. Being active on the journey to school helps to create healthy habits for our students, and it’s good for the environment too! Riding, walking, scooting or skating to school means there are fewer cars on the road, which results in a reduction in noise pollution, energy use and carbon emissions.

We would like to see as many students as possible take on the challenge to walk, ride, scooter or skate to school next Friday. If you live too far away from school to actively travel the whole way, part way is okay. Stop the car a few blocks before the school and walk, ride, scooter or skate the rest of the way. Every little bit helps you and the environment.


The Grade 5/6 students are holding a market day on Wednesday, March 29th between 12:30pm and 2:00pm. Students from Prep to Grade 4 are invited to come along to the market stalls on this day. We encourage all students to come along to see what is on offer. If you are happy for your child to purchase items at the market, please send them with a small amount of money (no more than $10) in their wallet or a labelled zip-lock bag. Most items are priced between 50c and $5.00.

Some services, products and experiences available on the day include:

  • various food items* (including soft drink, cordial, chocolates, lollies, cakes, etc.)
  • handmade craft items
  • games and activities (such as basketball dunking challenges)
  • hair-spraying
  • face painting
  • temporary tattoos

    *All food items for sale on the day will have the ingredients listed.

    If you do not want your child to participate in any of the experiences on offer, please have a chat to them about this and inform their classroom teacher.

    Funds raised on the day will be donated to various charities selected by the Grade 5/6 students.


The weather was absolutely perfect for the 2023 House Athletics Day a few weeks back on the 7/3/2023 with 300+ students travelling to Meadowglen Stadium in Red, Blue, Green and Gold. All of the teachers did a great job in getting their students to the right events quickly and our day was literally off and running! Everyone was joining in the fun by sprinting, throwing and jumping to the very best of their ability, hoping to snare a ribbon or two for their efforts. Parents and teachers were madly measuring and typing data onto iPads whilst Sarah did a superb job once again entering all of the sprint data into the system to work out which House would be the 2023 Athletics Champion. Most importantly, our students looked the part with accessories such as headbands, funky socks, face paint and colourful hair as well!


With a much shorter time frame to complete the day with the bus companies requiring us to leave at 2pm rather than 2:45pm as normal, we could not announce the winner on the day and misfortune thanks to heavy rain meant that I could not announce the result at the following assembly either! However on Monday this week I had my opportunity to put all the Houses out of their misery and announce who would have their name etched upon the shield. I am proud to announce that this year, the winner of the House Athletics was BLUE HOUSE, followed closely by GOLD HOUSE with GREEN HOUSE and RED HOUSE in third and fourth respectively.


I would like to take this moment to thank the 50 parents, teachers and educational support staff who worked together like clockwork to pull off such a smooth event for our children. Having so many people assist at the events made life easy for all and I received many compliments about how ‘organised’ and ‘professional’ the day was – which is all thanks to you! I would also like to thank our parent Niki Schuch for taking such amazing photos of the event that you will see below – I’d like to give her website a shout-out as a thank you and for you to consider getting in touch for your photography needs.


From the 300+ students at House Athletics, I have now been able to use the results to formulate our District Athletics Team of 80 students that will compete at Willinda Park next Friday. My best wishes to all of you and I hope you have a fantastic day.

To view images: Click on the image to enlarge.  



Enrolments for Prep 2024 will work differently to previous years. The State Government has introduced a new state-wide enrolment timeline for all government primary schools. Their aim is to make the enrolment process clearer and more equitable for all families.


Here’s how the prep 2024 enrolments will work:




  • Schools cannot accept any prep enrolments in term 1, 2023.


  • School tours can commence and will continue during term 2.


  • In late term 1, a ‘Prep Enrolment Information Pack for Schools for Parents/Carers for the 2024 school year’ will be distributed to all families by early childhood service providers (kindergartens and childcare centres). The pack will also be available from the school if required.




  • Monday 24th April 2023: from this date enrolments can be submitted using the ‘Application to Enrol in a Victorian Government School Form’ from the information pack.


  • Open days, information sessions and Education Week celebrations will be held.




  • Friday 28th July 2023: enrolment applications are due.


  • Friday 11th August: families will receive written notification of their enrolment outcome. 


  • Friday 25th August:  due date for families to return their completed ‘School Enrolment Form’ to accept their prep offer. This form will be included with your letter of offer.




  • Prep 2024 transition sessions will take place




Summer Specials (next 2 weeks)

Chicken Sub Roll – chicken tenders served in a long roll with lettuce:                                         $5.00

                                                                                                                      Extras:  Grated cheese:   $0.70

                                                                                                                                                    Mayo:   $0.40

                                                                                                                             Sweet Chilli Sauce:   $0.40


Plant Bases Burger – burger served in a roll with lettuce, tomato and tomato sauce:               $7.10

 (Burger is Gluten Free)                                                                             Extra:  Pineapple:             $0.80

                                                                                                                                    Beetroot:             $0.70


 Fruit – Grapes   $1 per slice

Muffin – Blueberry

We would like to wish all the parents a safe and happy long weekend.






Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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