There are no upcoming events.
There are no upcoming events.


As we reflect on the festivities and learnings from term 2, we see just how much was achieved in a very short time frame. The loss of activities over the last few years has been extensive and this term we tried extremely hard to return some of the fun in learning back to the school. Our middle of the term production a highlight that students are still talking about but some of the other activities have been just as beneficial. I have been so lucky because I was able to hear the shrieks of delight from our Year 1 – 2 students while they were swimming, I have seen the rosy cheeks and glow in our Year 6 students as they are competing in interschool sports, I heard the tired but still excited reminiscing around Year 5 – 6 camp and this week I got to immerse myself in the bubbly pride as students explained the learning during the Year 3 – 4 diorama displays and the Year 5 – 6 health show. I look forward to more fun and excitement next term.

Music Concert

I am delighted to report that we have secured an exciting Music opportunity for term 3. On the 31st of August in the evening, our 4 bands will be performing at Montmorency Secondary College’s Theatre. This will be a joint venture with Monty band students joining with our students to close the concert. Michael has commenced working on repertoire to extend our students and allow the secondary students to work on the same piece. The Theatre seats 450 people and we will be able to fit in a number of family members on the night.

Stay tuned as we bring you further information in the coming weeks.

Staffing News

It almost feels like we have been finalising staffing arrangements for the entire year. We do seem to be almost there, and we will inform everyone as soon as we have official word regarding the Year 1 classroom teacher and our vacant Teacher of the Deaf role.

In the meantime, I can announce that many of our busy teachers have become parents over the last term.

Sam Taylor and her husband, Cam, have brought young Kai into the world, Jess Degenhardt and her partner, Nick, welcome a newborn baby called Samuel, Janine Versis and her husband, Mark, welcome the very gorgeous Isla and Loren Segrave and her husband, Tim, welcome little Eleanor into the world.  We are so pleased to hear about the new members of the RGLPS family.

2022 Book Week

Don’t forget to save the date. RGLPS will be celebrating Book Week with a ‘Book Character Parade Assembly’ next term. Students will be invited to dress as their favourite character at on Monday 22nd August at 9am. This year’s theme is ‘Dreaming With Eyes Open.’

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers





End of Term

We can not believe that another term has slipped away and we are now half way through the year. It has been an amazing term with many, many wonderful events happening. We have had the school production, Year Six camp, NAPLAN, swimming programs and this is on top of the super work happening in the classrooms. Over the past week we have had the opportunity to explore and celebrate the projects and learnings coming through the inquiry topics in Years Three to Six. The quality of student work is amazing and the way they can speak about the learnings is testament to all of their hard work.


It is with excitement that we again say goodbye (for only a short time hopefully) to Denisse Lobos. She is off to explore what family life is like with two little ones in the house. We are wishing you a great time and look forward to meeting your new bub in about 4 weeks time.

Triple P Parenting Program

We have had some very positive feedback regarding the PPP support programs advertised earlier in the term. We would like to take this opportunity to reach out once again and offer these supports to our school community.

This group is for parents that are concerned about their child’s anxiety that would like to learn strategies they can put in place to support the wellbeing of their child and the family. Content is suited to parents or caregivers of children aged from 6 to 14 years.

This group is available to parents residing in the Cities of Yarra, Darebin, Nillumbik, Whittlesea and Banyule. Due to the limited group size, we do encourage parents to reach out ASAP to avoid disappointment.

Fear-Less Triple P supports parents over 6 weeks. The topics covered in this program include:

  •   – Understanding how anxiety works,
  •   – Becoming the best possible model of anxiety management for their children,
  •   – Becoming effective emotion coaches,
  •   – Understanding and teaching the value of flexible thinking,
  •   -Managing their children’s anxiety effectively, and
  •   – Using constructive coping.

RGLPS School Wide Positive Support (SWPBS) Framework

This year we have started to officially implement elements of the SWPBS framework.


School-wide positive behaviour support (SWPBS) is a framework that brings together school communities to develop positive, safe, supportive learning cultures.


SWPBS assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children and young people.


When SWPBS is implemented well, teachers and students have more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction. Students and staff benefit from:

  •   – increased respectful and positive behaviour
  •   – increased time focused on instruction
  •   – improved social-emotional wellbeing
  •   – positive and respectful relationships among students and staff
  •   – increased adoption of evidence-based instructional practices
  •   – a predictable learning environment with improved perceptions of safety and increased attendance.

The framework supports schools to identify and successfully implement evidence-based whole-school practices to enhance learning outcomes for children and young people.


Through consultation with our students and teachers we have developed our school-wide Student Expectations (see below). Teachers refer to these behaviours on a daily basis and positively reinforce these in many and varied ways.


Sharing these expectations with our community supports students to achieve positive behaviours and provides us all with a common language to support this.


We once again consulted with our students and teachers to identify inappropriate major and minor behaviours and developed a flowchart for responding to these behaviours.

(See below).


These documents are a work in progress as we continue to make minor adjustments to further embed these practices into our school.

Students with Low Immune Systems

At Rosanna Golf Links Primary School we have a number of students undergoing treatment for various medical conditions.

This treatment reduces the effectiveness of their immune systems and makes them more vulnerable to contagious illnesses and diseases.

If your child is unwell please do not send them to school. 

If your child is diagnosed with a contagious disease, for example, COVID-19, chicken pox and whooping cough, please advise the school as soon as possible so we can inform the parents’ of these immunosuppressed students.

When exposed to infectious diseases these students often need immediate treatment to ensure they maintain their current health.


Luke Franklin & Denisse Lobos

Assistant Principals


Motivated Readers and Choice

One of the strongest predictors of future reading growth and achievement is motivation. This is common-sense; highly motivated readers display increased reading frequency and duration. Research on the most popular forms of reading amongst children found two clear standouts – free reading time and teacher read aloud/discussion.

The study also found that children were twice as likely to enjoy reading texts that they chose for themselves (free reading time, 63%) as opposed to reading books selected by the teacher (class novels 31%). High-quality materials, interesting topics, specific genres and types, and other text-related elements were all factors that also made kids want to read. However, many children also reported having trouble finding reading material. (see graph below)

This means that teachers and parents need to support children to find engaging reading material. Some tips to support your child to expand their reading horizons include:

  • Search for non-fiction texts on topics of interest at the local library or bookshop. Teach your child to browse by reading the blurb and flicking through the pages to assess interest and whether the text is at the appropriate level for them.
  • Encourage your child to seek author or series recommendations from friends and peers.
  • Hop online and explore sites such as Good Reads which list recommendations based on books previously enjoyed. This can be a great way to find new authors in a similar genre and a strategy that I use myself!
  • Garner book ideas by talking to librarians, teachers and book shop owners about your child’s interests, reading levels and preferences.
  • Finally, give your child permission to abandon a book if they are not enjoying it. Forcing anyone to read a book that they hate is a quick pathway to disengagement!


Overall, encourage reading choice—and be prepared to offer plenty of selections when your child struggles to find engaging reading materials. There is a strong relationship between a child’s access to reading material at home—specifically books—and the frequency with which they read for fun. Giving children access to a wide variety of high-quality texts, connecting reading to students’ personal interests or learning goals and turning reading into a social activity are all good ways to motivate reading.


Happy reading!


Source: Renaissance Learning (2022), ‘Motivating readers: Goal setting, student choice and reading growth’ from Education Leader’s Guide to Reading Growth.


2022 RGLPS Arts and Writing Festival Poster Design Competition

As announced last week, RGLPS will be holding an Arts and Writing Festival from September 5th – 9th 2022. Every RGLPS student will have their wonderful artwork and writing skills on display in the hall.


We are inviting interested RGLPS students to design a poster to advertise this event and show off their creativity. Further information about the poster competition is located towards the back of this newsletter. Poster designs should by handed into the front office by Friday 29th July (end of week 3).

High Ability Learner Programs Term Two

Sixteen Year 5/6 competed their Term Two High Ability programs in English and Mathematics this week. Congratulations to Lawson P, Avishi R, Quentin R, Kyle S, Ellie V, Sullivan C, Jed L, Ainsley H, Lucas B, Lila M, Eliza I, Ella M, Isabelle M, Oliver C, Maxine S and Chloe P. RGLPS has two students participating in HALP programs during Term 3.

2022 Tournament of Mind

Congratulations to the seven RGLPS students selected for the 2022 Tournament of Mind TeamLaila K, Eva L, Ainsley H, Lucia F, Lawson P, Ella M and Allie G.

The Tournament of the Mind (TOM) is interschool challenge for high ability students from Year 5 – 10. Teams comprise of seven students who work on for two challenges – a Long Term Challenge which the team prepare for and rehearse over a six-week period; and an unknown Spontaneous Challenge that the team will respond to on the day. The team will do a nine-minute presentation for both Challenges before a panel of judges at the Regional Final, held at La Trobe University. Scoring is primarily based around teamwork, creativity and thinking. The strict rules state that TOM teams are not allowed to have outside assistance from teachers, parents or friends in meeting their brief. The team must do everything themselves and this includes writing scripts, devising solutions, organising and delegating tasks, creating props, making costumes and doing hair and make-up on the day.

I look forward to mentoring the 2022 TOM Team as they work towards their chosen long-term challenge next term.

2022 ICAS

At last check, RGLPS students have been registered for 48 ICAS assessments next term. Registrations can be made through the Parent Payment Portal located at  Please use the RGLPS access code EMT934. Please note that registrations close on Sunday 31st July 2022. 

Semester One 2022 Reports

Semester One Reports are now available via Compass. Parents/carers will have an opportunity to discuss these with their child’s teacher/s at Three Way Conferences on Monday 18th July (week 2).

Term Three Team Newsletters

We aim to have Term Three team newsletters available to parents/carers from the end of the first week of Term 3.  


Term Two has been a busy and particularly gruelling term for children, families and school staff. I hope all RGLPS families are able to enjoy some relaxing time together and that children return to school refreshed for Term Three in a few weeks. See you all next term!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


In Term Two, students across Grade 1 and 2 learnt about their needs and how they can make healthy choices to live better, happier and longer lives. They developed an understanding of how their bodies work and the importance of exercise, food, mindfulness, hygiene and rest. At the end of the term, students participated in hands on and play based activities to explore health. There was a Healthy Eating Café, a Mindfulness Room and an Exercise Zone. Students then had the opportunity to share their learning with their families on Seesaw.


Maths Riddle


Well done to those who attempted our last maths riddle: ‘Addition and Subtraction Grids’ challenge. The answer to the challenge is…

Here’s this week’s Maths Riddle. I’ll share the answer in the newsletter next term.

Find the Pattern Challenge

The numbers in each square follow a pattern. Try to figure out the number that should be placed in the centre of each.

Hint: For the first square, analyse the square and the diamond separately. For the second square, try looking at the opposite numbers.


Extra Challenge: If you can solve each challenge, use the same patterns to create other pattern challenges of your own.


If you’d like to share your response or have your working out featured in our newsletter, please send your solutions to




An update regarding our adopted dolphin:

Ziggy was last seen in Port Phillip Bay on survey on 3/11/21. This sighting saw her in a nursery pod with other dolphins Adunky, Curvy, and a few small calves. However, she wasn’t associated with any calf of her own at this time. Being sighted with the nursery group might indicate that she is preparing to potentially calve again. 

The Marine Mammal Foundation are currently still processing all their data from 2021/22, so are unsure of her progress following the previous sighting on 3/11, but if she is identified in any subsequent surveys they will keep us updated. Here is a photo of her from that most recent sighting:

Great to see Ziggy is still in her pod and in the bay. For more information on what the MMF do, check out


Available at Recess for Winter….

         Steamed Dim Sims           $1.10 each

          Hash Browns                     $1.10 each

          Hot Chocolate                   $1.50 each


Have a nice long weekend. 


Margaret Groves



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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