TERM 3 2020
There are no upcoming events.
There are no upcoming events.
There are no upcoming events.


Welcome back to term 3 where we are once again back into remote and flexible learning. I would like to take the opportunity to let you know that our teachers and staff have been working extremely hard to improve upon the wonderful initial remote program offerings and have collaborated to develop what I personally believe will be an even better model of practice this time around. The majority of the newsletter today will focus on an explanation of our new learning program.

Blended Approach to Remote Learning

After much feedback from families, students and staff we will continue to improve our approach to remote learning in term 3. We are going to adopt a blended approach to the learning to ensure flexibility and an opportunity for live learning. Live learning will be delivered for 3 days and Seesaw remote learning will be available for the remaining days of the week.

Live learning will be conducted through Webex. Teachers will use Seesaw to post an invitation to their classroom. They will also post a timetable with dates and times for live learning sessions on the Friday prior to the commencement of a week. 

Classroom teachers will be online for a 3 hour block where they will explicitly teach content in Maths and English using an integrated approach. Whole class and small group work will be possible and there will be an open classroom hour where students can ask questions about any of the work they have attempted or are about to attempt. We envisage that students will be able to access 1:1 writing and reading conferences through this platform.  Specialist teachers will also run an open classroom for 1 hour and all students will be able to access a specialist program live for 1 hour per day.

The instrumental music program will continue to run as per the end of the last remote period. Students will access small group lessons with their teacher through Webex.

On-Site Requirements

All students will be learning from home except for students in the following categories.

  •  – Students enrolled in specialist schools (Students enrolled in our Deaf Facility are considered to be in this category)
  •  – Children on days when they are not able to be supervised at home and no other arrangements can be made. This will be available for children of parents who cannot work from home and must attend a workplace
  •  – Any student with a disability and vulnerable children

If your child meets one of these criteria you will need to complete the on-site attendance form by Thursday each week and email to the school or directly to Kirrily Lamers.

Students enrolled in our Deaf Facility will receive face to face learning at school but may opt to access remote learning.

All other students accessing learning on-site will be supervised to access their remote learning program.

Please note supervision cannot be provided before 8:45am and pick up is 3:30pm. This follows our usual practice.

Pick up will be outside of the front gate unless students are not onsite for a full day. If you do need to pick up a child earlier, please come through the front office.

Each morning students do need to enter through the front office where temperature checks are administered.

For the safety of all we are attempting to reduce the communal use of various objects. If you can, it is very helpful to send a pencil case and head phones to school with your child. Students cannot use drinking fountains and drink bottles do need to come to school as a result. It is also helpful to send your child/ren along with their passwords. These were originally in workbooks when remote learning commenced. We do have a collection of all passwords however, it saves time and creates independence if a student can find a login and access the learning themselves. We have found the transition from drop off to learning much smoother this time around but everything helps and we would appreciate your assistance here if possible.


TheirCare will be running an afterschool care program for all students during the remote period. This is available for all students not just those who are attending on-site. Before school care is available to those who attend onsite only.

Face Masks

As you know face coverings became mandated at 11:59pm on the 22nd of July. All adults onsite at RGLPS must wear a face covering in all areas of the school. Teachers delivering face to face classes can opt not to wear a mask while teaching, but may do so if they wish. As our students are primary aged they do not have to wear a mask but they can wear one if they wish.  


I would personally like to thank the community for their feedback. I feel that we are improving what we are providing and the partnership between the school and the community has been the driving force behind this improvement. During times like this it is so important that we stay connected and continue our focus on wellbeing and it has been wonderful to speak with many of you about any concerns you might have and to hear the positive feedback about our endeavors to provide a learning program that caters to the various and diverse needs of the individuals that collectively make up RGLPS. I continue to invite you to provide feedback as together we navigate this somewhat challenging path.

Until next time, stay safe, look after each other and yourselves and I look forward to popping in on some Webex lessons to talk to the students.

Kirrily Lamers




Each week we hope to be able to add some ideas to assist in the management of student welfare.

From the Department Of Education:

Please see the following link:


Three Way Conferences

Thank-you to everyone who participated in Three Way Conferences on Wednesday 22nd July. We understand the WebEx online format was far from ideal but feedback indicates that they were generally useful and productive conversations. If you have further issues you wish to discuss with your child’s teacher, please contact them by email via Compass.

ICAS – Registrations closed and changes to sitting dates for 2020

 Due to many schools undertaking remote and flexible learning at present, ICAS have advised schools that they have created a second sitting window in October 2020. This should enable all ICAS to be administered onsite in schools where test protocols can be consistently applied. Given this, we have decided that RGLPS will change our sitting dates and administer the 2020 ICAS in this additional sitting window.


The new ICAS test dates as follows:

Monday 12th October 2020          ICAS Science

Monday 12th October 2020          ICAS Digitech

Tuesday 13th October 2020          ICAS Mathematics

Friday 16th October 2020             ICAS Spelling Bee

Tuesday 20th October 2020          ICAS English


The registration date for 2020 ICAS has been extended due to this additional sitting period and will now close at midnight on August 2nd 2020. If you wish to register your child for ICAS, you can do this online and make an encrypted payment by credit card. Each ICAS costs $15.95 per test. Please create an account and login at with the school access code ASU788.

Essential Learning Updates 2020

With our unexpected return to remote and flexible learning this term, Essential Learning updates are once again on hold. Unfortunately, it is too unreliable for teachers to make accurate judgments about student achievement in our current circumstances. Teachers do not reliably know which tasks have been completed independently and the level of time and effort invested by students. We hope that teachers are able to recommence Essential Learning updates later this term if and when all students return to learning onsite.


Kerron Worsdell

Teaching and Learning Coach


Scholastic Book Club, Issue 5 can be ordered on-line now!!

Due to the current restrictions we are unable to send out Book Club order forms.  The good news is you can order on line at: .  


Due to current circumstances the canteen will be closed until further notice.




Unfortunately, we are unable to run lunch time clubs at this time.


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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