There are no upcoming events.
There are no upcoming events.


A very big welcome back to all our students and families. We have a big term planned and look forward to getting back into it. I am very pleased to report that during the first week our students have been demonstrating the school expectations and values in the classroom and in the yard and it has been wonderful to catch up with the students and find out about their holiday adventures. This is my first time at Golf Links where many students have actually been able to get away and have a lovely break.

Education Week

This is just a reminder that Education Week will run from 23-29 May and the theme is “Building Connections”. The theme celebrates the connections between schools and local communities and strengthens bonds with families and careers. We aim to run a few celebratory activities during the week to showcase our learning for the community.

We will have an open morning for our prospective 2022 students on the 25th of May but we will also invite all current families to our open morning on Friday the 28th of May. We look forward to giving our students the opportunity to showcase their learning to our community during this week set aside to celebrate learning in our schools.

ANZAC Day Assembly

As you already know on Sunday the 25th of April it is ANZAC Day. We do want to commemorate this special day with a special ANZAC Day assembly. At 2:45pm on Monday the 26th of April we will hold a special assembly. It will be on the basketball court and all families are welcome to attend. Our usual festivities including student of the week, will not be part of this assembly as we use it to learn about, celebrate and remember those who have served in wars, conflicts and peace keeping operations.

We do ask that students bring a flower to school on Monday as we will combine to make class bouquets to place under the flags. These will then be walked down to the Rosanna Views aged care facility and donated.

We look forward to a very busy and productive term. As always stay well and keep safe.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers




Welcome Back

It has been a very positive and productive start to the term. Our students have come back rested and ready to begin learning. Our overarching focus on sustainability across the school will engage students in learning and creating change to improve our school and the broader community. Each team has a slightly different focus, and this work will help us to retain our 5-star sustainability rating.

Parent Helpers

We are pleased to announce that we can have parent helpers starting back in our classrooms and school grounds. If you are interested and have time to assist our students and classroom teachers, we would love to have you. We do require you to complete our online reading and acknowledgment statement. This reading will work through several components including: Confidentiality, Literacy, Mathematics, helping your child at home and OHS.

Please click here to access the reading and all links required:

ICT Update

We have now completed the Bridging the Digital Divide process and are currently working on setting up computers to be allocated to students. This work should be complete in about two weeks’ time. Thank you for your patience as we work through this.

We are excited to announce that we have been able to purchase 160 new iPads for the school. These devices will be set up and be able to be accessed by all students across the school to help them with their learning, and to produce work with strong audio, visual components. We aim to have these devices set up and in use in the coming weeks also.

Luke Franklin

Assistant Principal


High Ability Learning Program (HALP)

Thirteen RGLPS students from Year 5/6 participated in their first session of the department’s High Ability Learning Program (HALP) this week. We have three students participating in the Maths HALP on a Monday at 2pm and ten students participating in the English HALP on Tuesdays at 9:15am. All students were selected by the department for these programs based on their academic results. Sessions are held online and conducted by teachers at Virtual Schools Victoria. These students will meet weekly during Term Two with peers from RGLPS and other local schools. Both the English and Maths HALPs will culminate in some form of an event to celebrate student learning and to enable students to meet participants from other schools.

Term Two 2021 Team Newsletters

A reminder that all team newsletters for Term 2 2021 have now been published on Compass. These newsletters provide an overview of upcoming events, learning foci for the term ahead and general reminders for parents.


NAPLAN for Year 3 and 5 students will be held from Tuesday May 11th – 13th 2021 as follows:

If your child is participating in NAPLAN in 2021, please avoid making external appointments for your child during school time on these dates. If you have questions about the upcoming NAPLAN tests, please contact the school on 9457 4178 or by email.

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


On Tuesday May 4th we will be holding our Rosanna Golf Links Primary School Mother’s Day Stall.  We are asking children to bring in:

  1. Cash for the stall
  2. A recycled bag to put the items in

All items will be priced between $2 and $10.  We also require parent helpers for the day.  There are a variety of jobs and times for parents to volunteer, starting from 8:30am – 2:30pm, and helping to set up the stall, pack up the stall, count money and staff the stalls.  If you are able to help our stall, please sign up at the link below. 



On behalf of the RGLPS Community we would like to offer our sincere condolences to Bronwyn (Crossing Guard) on the passing of her beloved mother.


Special Religious Instruction – Christianity (SRI) classes are happening again this term, every Thursday lunchtime from 1.50 – 2.20pm in the library. Could all parents who have given their children permission to come, please remind them on a Thursday morning, so that they remember to come when the bell goes? 

Thanks very much,

Cathie Clarke

Ph:9459 2278/0411 883 904


Welcome to the Canteen for Term 2.  We will be changing to the winter menu next week.

Winter recess items now available:

  •    –  Hot Chocolate          $1.50
  •    –  Hot Milo                    $1.50
  •    –  Hash Browns            $1.10
  •    –  Steamed Dim Sims  $1.10 



Dear Parents

We have a shortage of helpers on Fridays.  If you can help out please give me a ring on 0438 585 323 or 9457 1478, on Monday, Wednesday or Fridays; or fill in the “Too Many Cooks” sheet available in the foyer of the school.

Volunteer times available are: 10.30am – 2.05pm or 10.30am – 12.30pm or 12.00pm – 2.05pm.

Many thanks

Margaret Groves

Canteen Manager





Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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