There are no upcoming events.
There are no upcoming events.


This week when I was on duty on Thursday afternoon I watched multiple students in Year 3 carry their new instruments to the car. It was absolutely one of my favourite moments so far. To see the pure joy and excitement etched across so many faces reinforces to me just how much our students love learning. I am so proud that our school can offer such diverse and wonderful opportunities for our kids.

Tutor Learning

All of our tutors have commenced their programs with our 3-4 tutor now employed and onsite. Nadine Park has joined us whilst on her maternity leave from her substantive position. Nadine is a local and brings with her many years of experience both as a classroom teacher but also in implementing interventions.

To top up the tutoring program we have added a little additional support. Annie Unger is working in collaboration with Briony Kane to support our Year 1 and 2 students with a specific and targeted Literacy focus and I am working with some Year 2 students with a specific Numeracy focus.  

We are confident that our tutoring program will allow all of our students a chance to re-focus on learning during 2021.

Annual General Meeting

Don’t forget that on April the 1st at 6:30pm we will be holding our Annual General Meeting. This meeting is held every year and is an open meeting for our community. During this meeting we present our Annual Report to the School Community. The 2020 report is presented at that time and will then be uploaded to our Website so that our entire community can access it.

Helping Hands

Helping hands is a wonderful initiative at RGLPS where members of our community put their hand up to support any families who are going through a rough time. Attached to this newsletter is a document outlining the supports that are on offer. Please read through and discover all about it.

School Council Subcommittees

This year our 5 school council subcommittees will be;

  •   – Finance
  •   – School Council Operations Committee (SCOP)
  •   – Facilities
  •   – Instrumental Music
  •   – Policy and Wellbeing

Whilst the confidential elements of Finance prevent membership from general community members, our other 4 subcommittees are designed to engage our whole community. Essentially our school council works with the subcommittees to determine future directions of the school.

SCOP is changing a little as we would like to include fundraising under the umbrella of SCOP. Our newly titled ‘Policy and Wellbeing’ will support our school to maintain and update various policies that support our school to develop and function but also have a very clear site of Child Safe policy and practices. Given the importance of Child Safe, our school wants to develop policy and protocols far beyond those outlined in the minimum standards.

If you would like to join a subcommittee please contact me and we will accommodate that request.

Enjoy the beautiful patch of weather we are having.

Keep safe.

Kirrily Lamers




ICT Update

The Department of Education and Training recently announced the Bridging the Digital Divide initiative.

The Victorian Government has invested more than $24.5 million in this initiative to allow students to permanently retain more than 71,000 computers (laptops or tablets), loaned to them by schools and the Department, during remote and flexible learning from home in 2020. Over the course of 2020, a need for a continued access to a computer has been recognised for students who were loaned a computer.

This initiative will be an important enabler to allow schools to provide at-home access to technology that can support students to thrive both in school and at home, and ensure that students who need extra support in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic get the help they need.

We have contacted all eligible families and are currently working through our processes to allocate devices. We are hoping that our families will take up this opportunity. By gaining maximum ‘take up’ we will be able to buy iPads for our Years 1 and 2 area. I have completed the initial actions to buy and deliver this technology to our students.

We are currently in a very strong position with our technology and associate infrastructure to ensure students can access information and tools to better facilitate our curriculum and learning.

Should you have further questions about the program please don’t hesitate to contact the school.

Facilities Update

Our school council, facilities team and school leadership have been hard at work ensuring we are delivering on the projects identified in our masterplan. We have completed the planting at the bank near the admin building, audited and fixed broken or faulty play equipment and made arrangements for more shade in our school grounds. We are very proud of our school and would like to thank all of our community members for your contributions, support and going care of our school.

Luke Franklin

Assistant Principal


Supporting Boy's Writing

The Learning Gap Report 2021 (Lee Walker and Anne Bayetto) has recently been published by Oxford University Press. The report analysed student NAPLAN writing data and revealed that there is a decline in boys writing proficiency by year 7. Some of the key findings of the study include:

  • The language that boys use to construct their writing is different to that of girls. Boys tend to use fewer descriptive verbs, adjectives and adverbs in their writing and more proper nouns. Using fewer descriptive verbs, adjectives and adverbs means that writing can be more repetitive and less precise in its intended meaning. Consider the difference between the following sentences: ‘The boy meandered along the river bank, absent mindedly kicking a tin can’ compared to ‘The boy walked along the edge of the river and kicked a tin can.’ The first sentence is more sophisticated and precise compared to the second sentence which doesn’t reveal details that add colour and shade to the writing.
  • Boys and girls write about different things. The writing of boys tends to be more action orientated whereas girls are more focused on relationships and feelings in their writing.
  • Boys often feel social pressure from their peer group not to publically display their knowledge. This causes many boys to avoid engaging in class discussion which is a critical time for learners to use their vocabularies. Research indicates we need twelve encounters with a new word (speaking, listening, reading and writing) before it becomes part of our vocabulary. By not speaking up as frequently in class, boys are not getting this practice at using new words which limits the size of their vocabularies.

Some ways that schools and families can support and extend the writing of boys include:

  •   – Encouraging boys to write about topics that interest them, including action, fantasy and slap-stick humour. Encourage boys to slow the action in their writing down and make explicit how characters feel about their actions and interactions with others. 
  •   – Exposing boys to a wide range of reading genres to ensure they are exposed to texts that interest them and also wider range of words. We want students to continually widen their vocabularies and use these words in their writing.
  •   – Promoting masculine identities that value thinking, learning, reading and writing. Help boys to see it as ‘cool’ to be smart and to speak up and voice your ideas.
  •   – Engaging boys in small groups and ‘one to one’ talk to build their confidence. Boys lacking confidence are often reluctant to speak up in front of their peer group.
  •   – Communicating high expectations of learners from both genders.

If you are interested in this research, you can read more at


Maths Olympiad

Our first Maths Olympiad for 2021 is finally here and will be held on Wednesday 24th March at 10:45am. The Olympiad will comprise of five problems and students will have 30 minutes solve the questions.

Best of luck to all members of our RGLPS Maths Olympiad Team!


The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) for Year 3 and 5 students will be held from Tuesday May 11th – 13th 2021. NAPLAN assesses student knowledge and skills in writing, reading, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.

Make up NAPLAN tests will be held for students on the afternoons of the above dates and on the Friday 14th May 2021. If your child is participating in NAPLAN in 2021, parents are requested to avoid making external appointments on these NAPLAN testing days. NAPLAN tests are generally conducted in the earlier sessions of the day so the school asks that all students are especially punctual to school on the above dates.


All Year 3 and 5 students are expected to participate in NAPLAN tests. Exemptions can only be granted to students with significant intellectual disabilities or to students who have been learning English in an Australian school for less than one year. Support can be arranged for students with a disability if they generally receive similar support in the classroom. Students may be withdrawn from NAPLAN by their parent or carer. This is a matter for consideration by parents/carers in consultation with the principal – any parents wishing to take up this option must sign a withdrawal form to withdraw their child from the tests. A withdrawal form means that even if the child attends school on a NAPLAN testing day, they will not participate in NAPLAN. Students who are absent on a NAPLAN testing day will be expected to undertake catch up tests later that week.


In Term 3, parents/carers will receive their child’s personal NAPLAN report which will describe their child’s particular skills in writing, reading, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The report will show how your child performed in relation to the National Minimum Standards for students across Australia. These individual student NAPLAN reports will be distributed to parents in an envelope, along with information around how to interpret the results.


If you have any questions about the upcoming NAPLAN tests, please contact the school on 9457 4178 or by email.


Have a wonderful week!


Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


We have received a call from a concerned neighbour regarding parents parking on nature strips. The neighbour finds it very difficult to reverse out of the driveway with visibility restricted, which is obviously unsafe for both children and parents. Please be mindful of others when choosing where to park. Thank you.



Dear Parents and Students,


Last Friday RGLPS competed at the Soccer Round Robin to determine which of our local schools would represent Heidelberg District at the Division Finals. Our girls played very well all day, ending with 3 draws and a loss to just miss out on the finals. Our boys also did well with two draws and two losses, a very good effort considering most of our team were Grade 5s playing against the Grade 6s of the other schools. Whilst defence for both teams was very good, we now know what we need to work on for Term 3 soccer; striking the ball with power when kicking for goal! Thanks to Mr Butler for his assistance coaching on the day – you have a lot to look forward to in Term 3 when we play soccer for Inter School Sport!


The Grade 6s also had their final practice today for Inter School Sport next term and it is safe to say they are ready and raring to go for Round One when St Martins play RGLPS at home. Keep up the practice over the holidays, and I don’t mean eating chocolate eggs!


It is also the time of year that various sports are starting up – I know that Macleod Junior Football Club are looking for girls to play and that Research Lower Plenty Baseball Club are looking for Grade 4,5,6s to play in their Tee-Ball smash program on Friday nights – both are great family clubs with RGLPS families already there so I encourage you to head down and sign your child up for a whole lot of fun!


Kind Regards,


Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator


Easter Raffle

NEWS FLASH: We have a very generous gift voucher donated for our Easter Raffle- $100.00 at WATERDALE JEWELLERY.

 We cant wait to have the fun of the Easter Raffle at our last assembly of the term!!

RGLPS has a long history of a huge and exciting Easter Raffle!!  Many kids holding their breaths and crossing their fingers in the hope that their family will be lucky enough to win.

This fundraiser relies on your generous support. If you have the means, and would like to make a small donation of an Easter Egg for the hampers, please drop them at the office before the Monday 29th March.

Each student will be given 10 raffle tickets to be sold at $1 each.  Tickets and money are due back no later than Wednesday 31st March.

Thank you for your support and good luck!



The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund helps eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.

If you have a valid means-tested concession card, such as a Veterans Affairs Gold Card, Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible. There is also a special consideration category for asylum seeker and refugee families.

Payment amounts this year are $125 for eligible primary school students. Payments are made direct to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions and sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

If you applied for CSEF through our school last year, you do not need to complete an application form this year, unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.

If you would like to apply for the first time, please contact the school office on 9457 4178 and ask for an application form.

You can also download the form, and find out more about the program and eligibility, on the Department of Education and Training’s Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund web page.

Check with the school office if you are unsure, and please return completed forms to the school office as soon as possible.

The closing date for new CSEF applications is 25 June 2021.


Just a reminder to parents who are eligible for CSEF that State Schools Relief also offer assistance with uniform and stationery. Applications are made via the School and will be provided by State Schools Relief from its own supplies unless a school logo is a requirement or they are unable to supply a similar item. Please see Kaylene in the office if you have any queries or would like to place an order.



Special Religious Instruction – Christianity sessions commenced again yesterday. It was great to spend time with some children I already know but haven’t seen for almost a year, as well as meet some new participants. The sessions will run every Thursday in the library during the first half of lunchtime. Permission forms are still available on Compass or at the Office. Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries about the program.
Cathie Clarke
0411 883 904



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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