TERM 2 2020


There are no upcoming events.


It really has been amazing to be part of the return to on-site learning at RGLPS. Our students have had an exceptional return, consistently displaying our values and getting straight back into the swing of learning at Golf Links.

COVID-19 Updates

The return to school safety precautions have been a little bit challenging however our staff and students have really approached it with a positive attitude and that has been key to a successful return. At this stage we have not been informed of any changes with on-site learning for term 3. This means that right now we are proceeding with the same precautions in place. Staggered finish to the school day and staggered break times will continue until we are given alternative arrangements. We will continue to refine our school day to maximise the learning time as we proceed into term 3.

We have received word that camps are able to proceed. School camps can reopen from 11.59pm on 21 June, aligned with the opening of holiday accommodation communal facilities including shared kitchens and bathrooms.  

The Victorian Chief Health Officer has advised that accommodation providers, including privately operated school camps and outdoor education schools and camps operated by individual schools and the Department of Education and Training, can accept school group bookings consistent with typical class/year level sizes and are not bound by public gathering limits. Health and safety precautions will be required.  We are very excited by this news as our camping program will be able to resume.

In line with community advice, reasonable precautions are still advised to reduce the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission in the context of sport and recreation. We are hopeful that some form of interschool sports will be available in term 3 but like most things at the moment we are waiting for confirmation before proceeding with regular programing. This is also the case for our instrumental music program. At this time we are still waiting for the green light to return our bands to their full size but are hopeful that this could be just around the corner. We are also in a little bit of a holding pattern for our 3-Way Conferences. Should restrictions continue as they are we will be holding these through Webex. Given that we are in that wait and see period we will not send out Webex invitations unless it is officially confirmed that we are still unable to have parent’s onsite. At this stage simply book in through Compass and we will confirm the how and where when we have the information. Once again we thank you for your continued patience and let us all hope that normalcy will return as soon as possible.

Parent Survey

Thanks to all of the parents who have taken the time to complete our survey. We are currently in the process of working through the responses. We will be reporting to our community about this survey as we work together to continue to improve our processes.

Last Day of Term

Don’t forget that Friday the 26th of June is the last day of term 2. We will be finishing off the day one hour earlier. This means that our students whose surname commences with an A – M will finish the day at 2:15pm and our students whose surname commences with an N – Z will finish the day at 2:30.

Kirrily Lamers





This year, RGLPS will hold Three Way Conferences on Wednesday 22nd July, 2019 between 9am and
Once again, appointments will be managed through Compass. Three Way Conferences are a
fantastic opportunity for you to discuss and celebrate learning successes with your child and their
Parents and Carers will be able to book in a time for their child’s Three Way Conference via Compass
from 9am on June 26th 2020. Bookings will close on Friday 17th of July at 3.30pm.
Students are required to attend on this day to participate in their scheduled Three-Way Conference.
Participation in the 15 minute Three-Way Conference provides opportunities for reflection, feedback
and individual instruction on how the learning journey for each student can be enhanced and
extended moving forward. Teachers will schedule 15 minute conferences with families and students
between 9am and 6:45pm. Students will be marked present on the attendance roll upon their
participation in their scheduled Three Way Conference.
TheirCare will have limited places available if parents/carers need additional supervision for their
children across the day. Please DO NOT send your child to school on this date for any reason other
than for their Three Way Conference.

Why 3 Way Conferences?
 They actively involve parents, students and teachers in reflecting on student achievement,
discussing work samples and setting future targets and goals.
 They acknowledge the most important participants in the learning process (student, teacher
and parent).
 They provide a student voice to discussions about performance and targets.
 They place the student at the heart of the assessment and reporting process.
 They strengthen the home-school relationship and allow children to see their parents and
teacher interacting in partnership.
But I still want to speak to my child’s teacher in private…
The Three Way Conference is a valuable opportunity to celebrate student learning achievement and
discuss future learning goals. For this reason, it is important that students are able to participate in
the discussion. However, we understand that sometimes parents and teachers need to discuss
private issues. In this case, parents and teachers may request that the child step out during the
second half of the conference so the adults can discuss matters privately.


Assessment and Reporting

Semester One reports will be released to parents/carers via Compass on Wednesday 24th June 2020. A reminder that these reports will not include progression points (grades), due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is in keeping with advice from the Department of Education and Training.


The modified Semester One 2020 report will include three sections:

  1. Overview of Learning  – An outline of concepts taught onsite during Term One and during Term Two Remote Learning.
  2. General Comment  – A comment focused on your child ‘as a learner.’ This comment will also include information about your child’s engagement and adjustment during remote learning.
  3. Semester One Achievement Highlights – Classroom teachers will outline specific learning highlights for your child. Prep – Year 2 teachers will outline an achievement highlight for English and Mathematics and Year 3-6 teachers will outline a highlight for English, Mathematics and Integrated Studies.

ICAS 2020

UNSW International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) are now available for 2020 registration. These assessments provide an indication of student achievement in a range of subjects. Participation in each test is entirely voluntary and at parent expense. All ICAS tests will be conducted online during 2020.


ICAS tests will be offered for the following subjects and year levels on the following dates:



Eligible Year Levels

Tuesday 18th August 2020

ICAS Science

                  Year 2-6

Friday 28th August 2020

ICAS Digital Technologies

Year 3-6

Monday 24th August 2020

ICAS English

Year 2-6

Tuesday 1st September 2020

ICAS Mathematics

Year 2-6

Wednesday 3rd September 2020

ICAS Spelling Bee

Year 2-6

* UNSW has informed the school that the ICAS Writing will be unavailable in 2020.


The online parent portal is available for parents to register children for ICAS and make an encrypted payment by credit card. Each ICAS costs $15.95 per test. Please create an account and login at with the school access code is ASU788.


ICAS advised this week that they have moved up the final date for registration. 2020 ICAS enrolments will now close on Sunday 26th July 2020.

Term Three Team 2020 Newsletter

Term Three Team Newsletters will be available for parents to access from Friday 26th June. These are located on Compass under School Documentation -> Year level Newsletters -> 2020.

Our Team Newsletters provide an overview of the team learning focus for Term 3, as well as important dates and other useful information. We encourage all parents to take the time to read these newsletters and stay abreast of what is happening across the school that may impact their child and family.


Kerron Worsdell

Teaching and Learning Coach


Recess Ordering

No over the counter orders are available at this time.

Recess food is available by ordering on line through Flexischools. Please order as a separate order from lunch and we will have it ready for the children at recess time.

Hot food , chips, popcorn, icy poles & drinks are all available.

Thank you .

Margaret Groves.


Entertainment Books are available for sale, online only this year at .  Please nominate Rosanna Golf Links Primary School in the Fundraiser section; 20% of each sale goes towards providing improved facilities at RGLPS.


Dear Parents


Please note, for OSHC you are still required to escort your child to and from the OSHC entrance, where you will be able to sign them in and out.

Thank you


Unfortunately, we are unable to run lunch time clubs at this time.


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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