There are no upcoming events.
There are no upcoming events.


This week has been a little miserable outside but very cheery inside. Students have been able to enjoy some indoor placid play breaks and forget about the wretched outdoor conditions. Our curriculum day was extremely successful in terms of our school priorities and foci for 2022 with wonderful learning around Math’s, SWPBS, Inquiry and also time allocated for whole school moderation in Math’s and English. In a very short time, our amazing staff have been able to implement multiple changes to lesson model and planning structures that have already started to produce great outcomes for our students. I am so excited for our future.


National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) Week is held in the first full week of July each year. It celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples – the first Australians and the oldest surviving culture in the world. This is a week that we celebrate in schools, but it often falls during the holiday period. As a result, we will be celebrating NAIDOC week during the first week of term 3. Students will reflect on historical events that have occurred during our history. I look forward to celebrating this important milestone with our entire community.

Semester One 2022 Reports

Reports will be released to parents on Wednesday 22nd June 2022. Parents will have an opportunity to discuss these with their child’s teacher/s at Three Way Conferences on Monday 18th July. This year we have opted to report throughout the year with portfolio samples uploaded to Seesaw regularly. It is always great reflection to be able to see the pieces improve as the year continues. We are also starting to see these reflections positively impact our student perception of themselves as a learner with improved mindset moving forward. The traditional semester reporting does give you an overview of your child/ren and their progress over time and in relation to their peers, but I must say I very much enjoy the concrete examples of the skills that students are presenting in the classroom through the portfolio.

2022 Book Week

Don’t forget to save the date. RGLPS will be celebrating Book Week with a ‘Book Character Parade Assembly’ next term. Students will be invited to dress as their favourite character at on Monday 22nd August at 9am. This year’s theme is ‘Dreaming With Eyes Open.’

Music Mid-Year Concert

Preparations are underway for the 2022 mid-year instrumental music concert. Please keep your eyes peeled as we reveal some of the surprises in the coming weeks.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers



Working Bee - Sunday 19th June

It is with great excitement that we can announce that we will be holding our first working bee in quite a while. It will be held from 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM.

We will be focussing on the front area of the school. You may have noticed that we have several large piles of mulch stockpiled. We will be spreading this over the front area whilst trying to remove unwanted vegetation. If you have a rake to bring along that would be awesome!


We ask that all working bee volunteers complete the Parent Helper’s Course: and also complete the acknowledgement survey.


Should you have any further questions or way you can support the school please feel free to contact Luke Franklin:

Curriculum Day

On Tuesday this week we held a curriculum day to continue to develop our school direction and learn deeply around all areas of the curriculum. These days are vitality important for schools as they provide us with large amounts of time throughout the day to deeply investigate and explore concepts and teaching strategies to enhance our students’ experiences at school.


Our day started with Kate Haysom leading us through our Inquiry learning. We began refining our scope and sequence and aligning this to the Victorian Curriculum. This work will ensure that we are planning rich, authentic and relevant topics to learn all of our curriculum through.


Next we had Daniel Loannides (Area School Wide Positive Behaviour Support) come and speak with us about the framework and how to build on the great work we are already doing to support all students in our school. We had a particular focus on the preventative and educational work that our classroom teachers will be doing with our students and the likely impact this will have on our overall school culture.


Sarah Mclellan then lead us through the fundamentals of Maths, focussing on Place Value and how the proficiencies in maths (Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning) can better enable rich learning experiences for our students.


All teams also took part in moderation tasks in Maths and Writing to help develop our understanding of making consistent and accurate judgements against the Victorian Curriculum.

Triple P Parenting Program

Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) offers online courses for parents of toddlers to tweens (under 12 years) and for parents of pre-teens and teenagers (0-16 years).

Triple P is a parenting program, but it doesn’t tell you how to be a parent. It’s more like a toolbox of ideas.

Triple P helps you:

  •    – Raise happy, confident kids
  •    – Manage misbehaviour so everyone in the family enjoys life more
  •    – Set rules and routines that everyone respects and follows
  •    – Encourage behaviour you like
  •    – Take care of yourself as a parent
  •    – Feel confident you’re doing the right thing

See the flyer below for more information.

Luke Franklin & Denisse Lobos

Assistant Principals


Impact of Leteral Comprehension

I read some very interesting research last week about the impact of literal comprehension on reading achievement and wellbeing.


Literal comprehension is the processing of factual explicitly stated information in a text. The research (compiled by Renaissance Learning) outlines how literal comprehension is an essential foundation for the development of higher order thinking, such as inferring and evaluative thinking. The study found that when literal comprehension is poor, overall reading growth slows down. This ‘deceleration’ happens regardless of how much time an individual spends on their reading. This makes perfect sense when you think about it. If a child can’t understand what they are reading, spending more time merely reading won’t boost their comprehension and growth. What they need is explicit teaching. Conversely, if a child’s literal comprehension is high, the study found that practising reading for even a few minutes is extremely valuable. Further, high literal comprehension is correlated with longer periods of engaged reading, whereas children with low literal comprehension are unlikely to be highly engaged during their reading.


Overall, the study found that the relationship between comprehension and reading engagement is complex and intertwined. Improved comprehension may encourage a child to spend more time reading, while this resultant increase in engaged reading may further help that individual refine and improve their comprehension skills. Students with weaker literal comprehension benefit more from explicit teaching and instruction around this to improve their understanding. Once these foundational comprehension skills are in place, reading practice then supports continued growth.


So, what are the implications for teachers and parents? Practical things you can do to support your child’s literal comprehension include:

  1. Before reading, help your child access relevant prior knowledge. This activates their existing schema or network of knowledge and concepts on the topic and gives something for any new learning to ‘latch’ on to. Simply ask them what they know about the topic, setting or things that might happen in the text before they start reading.
  2. Regularly engage your child in discussion about their reading. Ask them to retell what has happened, explain the main ideas and to find important facts and details. Go deeper and help your child to infer about character feelings, motivations, or major themes. Make sure you refer children back to the text to explain how they worked this out.
  3. As a capable reader, model how you find information in a text. Demonstrate how you take note of important info by making a mental note, rereading a section, or summing up things up to yourself.
  4. Help your child monitor their understanding by articulating what has happened at the end of a section or chapter in their own words. This reinforces that the purpose of reading is to make meaning and that if they don’t understand, they need to go back and reread.
  5. Support your child to identify and define key new vocabulary.
  6. Make sure children are reading a ‘just right’ book that is not too difficult or easy for them.


I also encourage parents/carers to see your child’s teacher if you would like more targeted suggestions on how to support your child’s reading.  


Source: Education Leader’s Guide to Reading Growth (Renaissance Learning, 2022)


The above is taken from an international evidence-informed paper by Renaissance Learning titled ‘Education Leader’s Guide to Reading Growth’ (2022).

2022 RGLPS Writer's Festival

We are excited to announce that from Monday September 5th – Friday 9th September, RGLPS will be holding our ‘Arts and Writer’s Festival’. Every child at the school will have a writing sample and a piece of artwork on display to show their creativity and skills.


Parents, family and friends will be invited to attend our ‘Arts and Writing Festival Opening Ceremony’ on Monday 5th September at 6pm. Further information will be available across early term but I encourage parents and carers to put this event in the family calendar now!

2022 ICAS

ICAS registrations can be made through the Parent Payment Portal located at  Please use the RGLPS access code EMT934. Registrations will close on Sunday 31st July 2022. 

Semester One 2022 Reports

Reports will be released to parents on Wednesday 22nd June 2022. Parents will have an opportunity to discuss these with their child’s teacher/s at Three Way Conferences on Monday 18th July.

Term Three Team Newsletters

Over the last two weeks of term, all teams are holding a Planning Day to plan for Term 3. We anticipate being able to make these team newsletters available to parents/carers from early next term.


Have a great week everyone!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


Division Cross Country

On Thursday last week, the Banyule Division Cross Country was finally able to be held after a number of wash outs due to bad weather. RGLPS performed very well, with 7 of our 17 competitors making it through to the Northern Metropolitan Region Final. I was so proud of our students and their phenomenal efforts – I was especially happy with their comradery and how they wanted to share our tarpaulin with Banyule Primary so that they also had somewhere dry to sit. It was so good to see our great athletes are also great people too. Congratulations to Zoe G, Zoe B, Lauren C, Sam P, James V, Natalie D and Levi S who will compete at the Region Finals next week for a place at the Victorian State Final!


Region Cross Country


Available at Recess for Winter….

         Steamed Dim Sims           $1.10 each

          Hash Browns                     $1.10 each

          Hot Chocolate                   $1.50 each


Have a nice long weekend. 


Margaret Groves



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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