There are no upcoming events.


While the school year began a few weeks ago, I have just returned from leave and am thrilled to be back among our school community. I’m delighted to report that the start of the year has been exceptionally smooth.

Our students have embraced their learning with enthusiasm, embodying our school values of respect, responsibility, kindness, and persistence. It’s heartwarming to see them engaged and thriving in their tasks already.

Looking ahead, we have an exciting year planned, filled with opportunities to celebrate our students’ achievements and talents. In Term 2, we will showcase our students’ creativity and teamwork with a school production. Term 3 will bring our biannual Writers and Arts festival, highlighting the literary and artistic talents of our students. Finally, in Term 4, we will undergo a school review, reflecting on our achievements and setting goals for the future.

I look forward to working together to make this year memorable and successful for our students. Thank you for your continued support.

Meet the Teacher Evening

Next week, RGLPS teachers will be holding ‘Meet the Teacher’ meetings. Teachers are offering later appointments on Wednesday 21st February between 3:30pm – 7pm and may also make themselves available at other times across the week.

‘Meet the Teacher’ meetings are designed as an opportunity for parents and teachers to touch-base and share any relevant information that might help teachers better support each child across the school year. Topics under discussion may include your child’s interests and hobbies, attitudes to learning and homework and any wellbeing or other concerns you might have. Meetings will run for around ten minutes and will largely be conducted onsite. Teachers can conduct online meetings using Webex if that is more convenient for parents. Classroom teachers will send details of our online meeting processes through Compass on Monday for those who wish to take up this option.

We strongly encourage all parents to take this opportunity to meet with and discuss your child’s needs with their teacher/s.  We hope all teachers and families can establish strong working partnerships for the 2024 school year.

SSG’s will run through weeks 5 and 6 of term following the meet the teacher evening. These will be in lieu of the meet the teacher evening. Cathie and Dan will be in contact to organise these soon.

Traffic Update Interlaken Parade

I wanted to provide an update on our ongoing efforts to address traffic concerns around our school.

On Tuesday, members of our school council and principal class team had a productive meeting with councillors and employees from the Banuyle City Council. We gathered to brainstorm solutions following some minor incidents and a significant accident late last year.

One of the ideas discussed was the possible erection of a school safety crossing on Interlaken Parade. This potential solution hinges on meeting specific conditions related to the number of people crossing the road and the number of vehicles using the road.

To determine our eligibility for a crossing, the council will be conducting counts on Interlaken Parade over the next few weeks during pick-up times. We believe that a crossing would significantly enhance the safety of our students.

In the meantime, please continue to use the Interlaken Parade entrance during drop-off and pick-up times. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated as we work towards ensuring the safety of all our students.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Parent Helpers

Our annual parent helper training sessions will be underway soon. Please keep an eye out for information regarding these session times. In the meantime, if you are assisting on an excursion or swimming session, do remember to sign in at the office before you go to the classroom.

Thanks again for your time support and cooperation.

School Council

An election is to be conducted for members of the school council of Rosanna Golf Links PS

Nomination forms may be collected from the office from Friday the 16th of February and must be lodged by 4pm on Friday, 23rd February 2024.

The ballot will close at 4.00 pm on: Friday the 1st of March 2024.

Following the closing of nominations, a list of the nominations received will be posted at the school.

The terms of office, membership categories and number of positions in each membership category open for election are as follows:

If the number of nominations is less than the number of vacancies, a notice to that effect and calling for further nominations will be posted in a prominent position at the school.

Curriculum Day - Friday 23rd February

Just a quick reminder that we have a Curriculum Day next Friday 23rd February.  There will be no classes for students.

Theircare will be running a day program, please see details in this newsletter.

Kirrily Lamers





Parental Controls

At school we work hard to ensure a safe online environment is used for student learning. We are always monitoring student use on computers and the information they are accessing. The internet is such a powerful source of information which can be used to enhance understanding and create new learning experiences.

However, with such an expansive environment there is a need to keep a close eye on our children and the content they are engaging with. Internet filters are a great way to reduce the risk of our children engaging with unwanted/unsafe materials.

The eSaftey Commissioner has some great resources to help you set up your home internet/computers to ensure these risks are minimized.

The following information comes from the link above.

Use parental controls

Parental controls are software tools that allow you to monitor and limit what your child sees and does online.  

They can be set up to do things like: 

  • Block your child from accessing specific websites, apps or functions (like using a device’s camera, or the ability to buy things). 
  • Filter different kinds of content — such as ‘adult’ or sexual content, content that may promote self-harm, eating disorders, violence, drugs, gambling, racism and terrorism. 
  • Allow you to monitor your child’s use of connected devices, with reports on the sites they visit and the apps they use, how often and for how long.  
  • Set time limits, blocking access after a set time. 

If a device or program is shared by multiple members of your family, you should be able change the tool settings to reflect each user’s age and skills.

Dogs within the School Grounds

At this stage we are allowing you to walk with your dog into the school grounds to pickup and drop off your children. We do, however, need to be sure that all dogs are under strict control. You should shorten your lead length to ensure the dog is immediately beside you and is unable to jump or lunge at people. Please be mindful that many people in our community have a fear of dogs and should not feel that a dog is presenting any danger to them.

The RSPCA have a good article on training you dog to walk on a lead should be needing information on training.

Luke Franklin, Denisse Lobos & Cathie Sutton

Assistant  Princpial


Is it ‘Just Right’ for You? – Selecting a ‘Good Fit’ book

At RGLPS, we spend time teaching students to select a ‘Good Fit’ or ‘Just Right’ book. To continue to develop their skills during home reading, children should read a text that they can independently decode and understand with a high degree of accuracy. 


RGLPS teachers teach students to use the 5-finger rule when selecting reading material. Here is an overview:


5-finger rule

  1. Choose a book that you think you will enjoy.
  2. Read a page (or a lengthy paragraph in a chapter book).
  3. Hold up a finger for each word you can’t decode or don’t understand the meaning of.
  4. If there four or more words you did not know, choose an easier book. 

To help students become fluent and confident readers, they should spend most of their time reading books with high levels of accuracy and understanding. Meaning is significantly impaired when readers struggle to decode or understand more than 4-5 words in every one hundred. If a text is too difficult, parents are encouraged to support their child to search for a book they can read with higher levels of accuracy. We do understand that this can be a challenge if your child has their heart set on a particular text. In this scenario, parents have two options:

  1. Make reading this book a future goal. 
  2. Ask your child to read the book with support from a stronger reader, such as a parent, grandparent, or sibling. The more experienced reader can then support the child to decode any difficult words or concepts. 

It is important to remember that aside from sourcing books they can independently decode and understand, your child needs to find books that appeal to them. Help your child ask themselves if a text interests them when selecting a book at the library or a shop. The ultimate goal is for all children to become motivated, capable readers who can self-select suitable reading material to further their own learning. 

Please speak to your child’s teacher if you need further assistance or advice around this. 

‘Meet the Teacher’ Meetings

Next Wednesday February 21st,  teachers will be holding our ‘Meet the Teacher’ appointments between 3:30pm – 7pm. These meetings are an opportunity for parents and teachers to meet and share any relevant information that might help teachers across the school year. We will discuss topics such as your child’s interests and hobbies, attitudes to learning and homework and any wellbeing or other concerns you might have. Meetings will run for around ten minutes. Parents are requested to complete the Student Information Form emailed to families via Compass earlier in the week. Information shared on this document will assist teachers to guide the discussion of your child’s learning and other needs.

2024 RGLPS Arts and Writing Festival

During Term Three, RGLPS will be hosting our third biennial Arts and Writing Festival. We are currently in the preliminary planning phase but are working towards a week-long festival celebrating student creativity and skill in writing and art. We are keen to again include workshops for students as part of this year’s celebrations. If any school community members have personal contacts with professional artists, illustrators or authors, please get in touch with me on 9457 4178 or email the school at

2024 Term 1 Team Newsletters

Team Newsletters were made available to the school community earlier this week. These can be accessed by clicking on the Compass link or by using the following pathway to the permanent storage location on Compass: Compass -> Community Icon -> School Documentation –> Year Level Newsletters -> 2024 –> Term 1 2024


Have a great week everyone!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist






The Finlayson Crossing is a busy one, particularly in the afternoon as the families leave in larger groups. It can be tricky with the vehicles coming down Finlayson St with the school rush. Drivers are often distracted, speeding, on mobile phones and occasionally refuse to stop for the crossing. Below are some friendly reminders of how to use a school crossing safely:

             – Please wait behind the yellow line and only cross once the whistle is blown twice. 

             – Please remain between the two white lines when crossing and not cut corners around the red and white posts and                    over the white lines

             – Please don’t cross back over the crossing behind the crossing Supervisor as we can’t see you behind us and it is                        not safe.

             – Please move away from the crossover area once crossed over to let other pedestrians cross over easily

             – Please cross safely by not running, riding bikes, scooters and reduce use of mobile phones / headphones / iPods                      while crossing 

            – Drivers – please don’t drop the children, partners or carers off along Finlayson Street during drop off or pick up. At                      these times, the street is “no standing”. 

           – It is really important for parents, grandparents and carers to lead by example with the children when using the                              crossing.

My job is to keep everyone safe. I love my job and care about the safety of Golflink’s community and feel this is very important. If we all can try to follow these rules, it helps keep us all safe on our way to and from school. 

Thank you 

Kindest regards

Tania Zrimsek

School Crossing Supervisor 


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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