There are no upcoming events.


Welcome back to term 3. It has been a really positive start to the term with many very happy and engaged learners working in their classrooms. It has been wonderful to start the term with our interschool sports finals and we look forward to a fun filled term jammed with some fantastic activities including our Book Week celebrations and our first ever STEM festival.

Newsletter Technical Glitch

Please be aware that we did run into a technical glitch with our final newsletter of term 2 and it did not land in parent inboxes. I apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. Please note that much of the remaining content was sitting in our last newsletter. I have altered tenses slightly to redistribute the important information. Thanks for your patience and once again, I do apologise for the inconvenience caused by this glitch.

3-Way Conferences

On Wednesday the 19th of July we will be running our 3-way conferences. This is run as a variation to the school day to allow working parents to attend evening sessions. We will commence at 11:00am and conclude at 7:00pm. Please book through Compass. If you would prefer a Webex/virtual meeting, do contact your Child/ren’s teacher to organise a link. Please note students will attend the conference to share their learning journey from this year. Students are only in attendance during their allocated 15-minute timeslot. TheirCare will provide a program for those who need it. Please book your child into TheirCare if you require additional care on the day.

2023 Book Week

Don’t forget to save the date. RGLPS will be celebrating Book Week with a ‘Book Character Parade Assembly’ on Monday 21st of August at 9am. Students will be invited to dress as their favourite character from a book. This year’s theme is ‘Read, Grow, Inspire.’ We encourage parents/carers to save this date so they can attend and join in the Book Week celebrations at RGLPS.

Staffing Alterations Term 3

Welcome back Luke Franklin. Luke drove around Australia with his family last term. He is very well rested and ready to take on the challenges of term 3. Denisse Lobos will also be returning from her family leave late August. Maddie Huglin will return from her family leave, and she will be teaching AUSLAN, Ant De Melis has also increased her days to pick up some additional AUSLAN lessons. Lauren Zahra has moved from AUSLAN into Art and Brooke De Vries has departed from the Art room as she pursues other opportunities at Carey Grammar.

Regrettably, we also have bittersweet news to share. After 7 and a half incredible years as a classroom and PE teacher, Mr. Darren Peters, with his majestic and unflappable manner, will be leaving our school community. Mr. Peters has accepted a position as a Year 2 teacher at Viewbank Primary School. We extend our heartfelt appreciation for his outstanding contributions to our students’ growth and development throughout the years. Mr. Peters will be dearly missed by all, and we wish him continued success in his new role. The P.E. role has been advertised over the holiday period and we should be able to staff this position shortly. I will keep you informed of our progress.

Helen Hodson has also hung up the boots after many years as the library technician at RGLPS. As the guardian of our library, Helen has demonstrated unwavering diligence and attention to detail. She meticulously organised the shelves, ensuring that every book found its rightful place, making it effortless for students to navigate the vast sea of knowledge. Helen’s warm and inviting presence in the library has made it a sanctuary for our students, a place where their imaginations soared and their curiosity flourished.

On behalf of the entire Rosanna Golf Links Primary School community, we extend our deepest gratitude for your exceptional service, Helen. Your remarkable contributions to our school will forever be cherished, and the impact you have made will endure for generations to come.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers



Welcome Back to Term Three

I would like to start by welcoming back everyone for another wonderful term of learning at Rosanna Golf Links Primary. I hope everyone had a terrific break and managed to spend some time together doing something fun.

As you might be aware, I was on leave for Term Two with my family travelling over to Western Australia, heading north to Darwin and back through the center. We had an amazing trip, full of adventure and excitement. We connected as a family and spent this quality time together learning about the great country we live in.

I am very excited to come back to work and see your kids, share these stories and listen to the amazing things they have been up to over the past term. Walking through the gates on Monday, I was reminded again of the great community I work in and the privilege I have, helping our students grow and learn. Thank you to all who have welcomed me back and I look forward to sharing my experiences with you (and help you plan a tip if wanted!).

Sensory Garden and Maintenance

Whilst I was away the Sensory Garden project has progressed well. This space is looking amazing and should be complete very soon. We are just waiting on some rubberized surface around the slide to be installed and then we can officially launch the space. Whilst we are waiting on this, it would be great if you could support us by speaking to your child/ren about looking after our new plants and gardens.

We are working hard to maintain and grow our gardens back up after the rebuild and your support is greatly appreciated. If you can stay to the paths around the school, this would be very helpful. During the rebuild our magnificent gum (outside my office) was very sick. It has taken quite an effort to nurse it back to heath. We have planted this area with grasses and natives to try to create a protected space to further support this tree. Please encourage everyone to use the path.

Should you ever have time to help in our gardens, please feel free to reach out to me and we can arrange this.


Welcome back to what will be a busy Term Three – I hope everyone had a relaxing break!

Term Three 2023 Team Newsletters

Term Three 2023 Team Newsletters should become available in the next few days. Team leaders are currently finalising these documents – please keep an eye on Compass for an announcement around their release.

2023 ICAS

With only two weeks before registrations close, we are now up to 115 registrations for 2023 ICAS, with the ICAS Mathematics and ICAS English being the most popular. Registrations can be made through the Parent Payment Portal located at  Please use the RGLPS access code OTR015. Registrations will strictly close on Monday 31st July 2023.

Please carefully check 2023 ICAS dates against external and family events as ICAS do not issue refunds under any circumstances. A reminder that all ICAS assessments are completely optional and at parent expense.

Book Week

Book Week will be celebrated in week 7 with a special assembly on Tuesday 22nd August at 9am. Students are invited to come to school dressed as a favourite book character in keeping with this year’s theme ‘Read, Grow, Inspire’. Please keep an eye on the school newsletter for further updates about Book Week events.

Kerron Worsdell

Acting Assistant Principal & Literacy Leader



District Grand Finals

Hi Parents,


Today the AFL team and the Girls and Boys Teeball Teams played off in the District Finals. From all reports, our AFL team played at their very best level and battled valiantly all game, though eventually it was St Martin’s that prevailed in their Semi-Final; a big congratulations to the team on a great year and to their coach Mr Dunstan who worked with them closely all season.


The Girls Teeball Team played Banyule in the semi-final, winning very strongly with the final scoreline 21-0. Following this, we played Heidelberg in the final. In what was a highly anticipated match due to Heidelberg’s team fielding a State Baseball player, our girls played at their absolute peak, winning 21-5 in an exceptional display against a very strong outfit. A special mention to Ellie V who hit a Grand Slam – a bases loaded home run! Congratulations Girls, you have finished the season as undefeated Premiers and Champions!! Good Luck at Division Finals.


The Boys Teeball Team played Heidelberg in the semi-final in the semi-final and powered through the final, winning 20-0. We then faced Banyule in the Grand Final, the second best team all season. In a very tight contest where any team could have won, the boys eventually prevailed and won 17-11. Congratulations to you too Boys, you also finished the season as undefeated Premiers and Champions! Best wishes for the Division Finals


I would also like to write a quick farewell and thank you to everyone who assisted me along the way these last few years. Hopefully I’ll see you around the traps 🙂


Best Wishes,


Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator

State Cross Country

On Tuesday at Yarra Valley Racecourse, Sam P competed for Rosanna Golf Links at the State Cross Country Carnival. He ran superbly and placed 4th in his race, and therefore finished 4th in all of Victoria for 2023! What an amazing achievement! His father, Alistair informs me that there is a chance that Sam may still make the Victorian Team for the National Cross Country, so let’s keep our fingers crossed.


Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator 


Prep 2024 applications close on Friday 28th July 2024

Thank you to all families who have already submitted their enrolment forms. Enrolment forms can be collected from the office foyer or downloaded from the school website.




Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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