There are no upcoming events.
MARCH 2020
There are no upcoming events.


New School Values

We will be holding a special launch for our new school values at our Family Fun Fiesta on Wednesday 11th March. We are very excited about this and hope you are too! Our bands will perform, our student leaders will present, we will cook sausages and burgers on the BBQ with the support from TheirCare and our House Captains and Vice Captains will run some games. Stay tunes for more details!


Harmony Week

Everyone Belongs!

Harmony Week celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. These celebrations create opportunities for all of us to think, talk about and recognise how our differences make Australia a great place to live.

 Harmony Week begins on Monday the 16th March. Students will participate in special activities that link to our Respectful Relationship program as well as many other areas of the Victorian Curriculum such as English, Personal and Social Capabilities, The Humanities, Intercultural Capabilities, Languages Other Than English (LOTE), The Arts and Ethical Capabilities.

 You will receive more information from your child’s classroom teacher about a special day in that week where students and families will be invited to share something special about themselves or their family. This may include special food that the children and their families like to enjoy together, or a special game, book, skill, talent or playground activity.

 On Monday 16th March we will hold a special opening ceremony at 9am to celebrate the start of Harmony Week. We invite children to dress in their traditional cultural dress. Children who do not have a cultural dress or who do not wish to wear their cultural dress, may wear orange.

 On Monday 23rd March at 2:30pm we will hold a closing ceremony for Harmony Week and The National Day of Action against Bullying. Students will share their experiences and highlights of the week’s activities. Hope to see you there!


Stay tuned…more information to come!


National Day Of Action against Bullying and Violence

The National Day of Action against Bullying is on Friday 20th March.

 Bullying is a word that is used with a lot of meanings. Making sure everyone in your school shares the same definition of bullying is essential. Sometimes things that are called bullying are not really bullying at all. The national definition of bullying for Australian schools is the first place to look.

 Preventing bullying involves everyone talking together openly and respectfully. Bullying can have a lasting impact on everyone involved, including those who witness it, so it is important to work together to create safe school communities for everyone.

Once again this year, our students will be selling wristbands and we invite all children to wear blue.

REMINDER: Meet the Teacher and Parent Information Sessions 2020

These information sessions are designed to help parents/carers understand school programs, processes and policies. The sessions will be held in the school hall and be presented by classroom and specialist teachers in each team. Important information will be shared about classroom routines, expectations, assessment, communication and school events.

Teams will present for around 45 minutes and there will be time for questions and for a casual chat with your child’s classroom teacher. Families and students will also be asked to complete a short activity to help us learn more about your child’s learning needs and interests.

Students are welcome to attend with their parent/carer and will be expected to sit quietly on the floor at the front of the hall. It would be appreciated if alternative supervision arrangements can be made for younger children if at all possible.

Please note that teachers will not be able to engage in detailed or lengthy conversations about your child at the Meet the Teacher session. If parents/carers need additional time or to discuss items of a sensitive nature, please make an appointment to see the teacher either on the night or via email.


Our information evenings are also great opportunities to find out how to get involved in your child’s learning, just ask!


Just a reminder from the Term Newsletters – please drop a box of tissues into your child’s teacher, so these are at hand and accessible during those times in need. Thanks in advance.

Join With Us!

We currently have 518 followers on our official school Facebook page. Please head over and ‘LIKE’ us at

We currently have 352 members in our official school Facebook group. Please head over and join this group at

Please note that like a friend’s profile, Facebook PAGES are designed to create an authentic and public presence on Facebook. On the other hand, Facebook GROUPS are the place for small group communication and for people to share their common interests. You are invited and welcomed to this space to share, communicate and ask questions of others in the community. This site is moderated by selected staff across the school.

Rosanna Golf Links Primary School - Facebook Group Guidelines

Our official RGLPS Facebook group provides a safe, respectful and positive online space for parents and families at Rosanna Golf Links Primary School to share information, ask day to day questions and showcase the achievements of our students, teachers, parents and other members of our community.

Parents, teachers and students may be regular visitors to our RGLPS Facebook group. Please take some time to familiarise yourself with the guidelines below. You should also review the Department of Education’s Social Media Guidelines here and our RGLPS Social Media Policy.


  • We actively encourage you to ask questions and share information so long as it is relevant to our School community.
  • Our RGLPS Facebook site should be a space where we can celebrate our community’s achievements and so we invite posts by members that highlight our community’s accomplishments.
  • If you have any concerns, problems or issues that relate to specifically to your child’s learning or experience at RGLPS, please contact your child’s classroom teacher or any one of our Assistant Principals or Principal for support and assistance.
  • Please don’t post information that might be understood as confidential, such as student grades or other personal information.
  • Please don’t post photographs containing other RGLPS children other than your own. Some parents may not have consented to their child appearing in online photographs.
  • If you have any concerns about a posting, please contact the School Office immediately.
  • Advertising of local businesses is not permitted on the RGLPS Facebook site. Please contact our School Office to advertise your business in our weekly newsletter.

RGLPS reserves the right to remove inappropriate posts or posts that don’t meet the expectations of respectful and positive communication and standards for social media etiquette and practice. RGLPS also reserves the right to limit access to users who fail to comply with the guidelines above or are in breach of the Department’s guidelines or the RGLPS Social Media Policy.

Denisse Lobos

Acting Principal



Our RGLPS Value – ‘Persistent’


Imagine if everybody tried again and again and accomplished their goal. It’s a great feeling, right? If you are persistent you can achieve anything you put your mind to. Believe, receive, achieve! Persistence is when you keep trying until you accomplish your goal. Go into the stormy sea. Use the power of YET!


by Sullivan Cassidy Year 3

Please note: The work we put into the newsletter will sometimes be published in its raw form, meaning the work may not be corrected. This is because we choose to celebrate the child as a writer instead of picking apart the piece in the search for errors. Constructive feedback is always given to our students in a range of ways, correcting books with red pen is only one way to give feedback to a student.


Energy Audit

Last Monday, an audit was taken in the hope that our school can reduce our use of electricity. 12 students attended, led by an environmentalist from an organisation called Ceres. 78% of electricity used in our everyday lives comes from coal, but there is also sustainable energy. Sustainable energy is energy that is good for our planet. It can be sourced from the sun, wind, or water. At RGLPS we have solar panels, but we still need to make sure that we don’t overuse electricity.

We surveyed the lighting in the classrooms. The recommended light level of a regular classroom is 320 Lux. All classrooms surveyed except for two were too bright. We found that most classrooms needed to turn off their lights and open their blinds.

We also surveyed the temperature of the classrooms and checked the set point of the air-conditioners and fans. In summer, the recommended set point of an air-conditioner is 24-27⁰C and in winter it’s 18-20⁰C. All the classrooms with their air-conditioner on had it set too low.

We are a 5 star sustainability school but there’s always room for improvement, hopefully we will start using less energy.

Olivia Oates, Environment Captain


Important Information - please read

Please see below DET’s information regarding CSEF applications.

If you hold a Health Care Card or a Veterans Affairs Gold Card or are a temporary foster parent and have not previously applied for CSEF funding, please call past the office to collect an application form. The Heath Care Card must be in the name of the parent, not in the name of the student and the eligibility date on the card must be 2020.

If you have a child who has started Prep this year, a new application form must be completed even if you have previously received CSEF funding.

If eligible, you will be entitled to $125 per student to pay for camps, sports and excursions. The grant cannot be used for school fees, however School Council offer a 50% reduction in school fees if you are eligible for the CSEF funding.

Please contact Susan or Kaylene in the office if you have any queries.


Hearing Australia Visits 2020

Please add these dates to your home calendar for Hearing Australia visits to Rosanna Golf Links Primary School.  Please tell your child’s teacher of the deaf if there are specific needs for the Hearing Australia visits, such as gluing moulds, new moulds, connection issues, etc.



For those of you that may not know, we have been doing an amazing job collecting bottle caps to be recycled over the last 12 months or so. The bottle caps have been donated to an organisation called Envision Hands, that recycles them and turns into prosthetics. At the moment Envision Hands has sent a message out saying that they have so many bottle caps to process at the moment that they are temporarily ceasing collection. We would encourage people to continue collecting these and storing them at home until we have further update. When we are able to donate them again, we will let you know and you can bring them into school. Thank you! 




Dear Parents,


This Wednesday is the final swimming practice session at Watermarc in Greensborough from 7:30-8:30am. On this day we will conduct the swimming trials to determine who will represent RGLPS at the District Swimming Carnival. Each stroke may have four RGLPS representatives. Individually, students may only represent our school in a maximum of two strokes and one relay. Best of luck to all boys and girls who are trying out! Those who are successful at the trials will compete at the District Swimming Carnival on the 27th of February at Northcote Aquatic Centre. Again, thank you to the parents who assisted Thom and I for the last two weeks of practice!


Our Term 3 interschool sport teams have now completed their trials and have been allocated to a sport. Our soccer team can now have a few practice sessions with Ms Stavridis in preparation for the Soccer Round Robin on the 20th of March. We will begin trials for the Term 2 sports next week.


We have been practicing our long jump, triple jump, discus, shot put and sprints for the House Athletics Carnival in Week 6. All students have been giving their best efforts, but I must say that it was a highlight to see Ms Armstrong dash the 200m with her walking stick this week! Thank you to the many parents who have already emailed me to help out on the day – if you can donate your time on the 6th of March, please send me an email at





Kind Regards,


Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator




On Tuesday 6pm  the 3rd of March  0n behalf of R.G.L.P.S ‘Interrelate’ will be presenting a forty-five minute session on ‘Family Life’ for the students and parents of Grades 1 &2.

This session will cover:

  • Family structure, family relationships and support systems
  • Difference & similarities between male & female bodies
  • Basic foetal development and birth
  • Protective behaviours
  • Basic reproductive systems

You will find the consent form and payment requirements on COMPASS Under Events.

The cost  of this session  is $37 per family  (one student to 100….) for students in Grades 1-4. This means that if you have children in  grades 3 or 4 the $37 covers them as well.

However please  note the 5/6  students  will  be accessing a different program from ‘Interrelate’, with another cost.

Please Note: This program is offered every two years.

Please also note that this is NOT the Harold the giraffe program; that will be happening later in the year.



On Tuesday 7pm  the 3rd of March  0n behalf of R.G.L.P.S ‘Interrelate’ will be presenting a forty-five minute session on ‘Family Life’ for the students and parents of Grades 3 &4.

This session will cover: 

Revision of 1/2 program from 2018

  • Family structure, family relationships and support systems
  • Difference & similarities between male & female bodies
  • Basic foetal development and birth
  • Protective behaviours
  • Basic reproductive systems

3/4 program       

  • Changes to boys only
  • Changes to girls only
  • How, why and when of puberty
  • The purpose of puberty
  • Physical and emotional changes to both boys and girls

You will find the consent form and payment requirements on COMPASS under events.

The cost  of this session  is $37 per family  (one student to 100….) for students in Grades 1-4. This means that if you have children in  grades 1 or 2 the $37 covers them as well.

However please  note the 5/6  students  will  be accessing a different program from ‘Interrelate’, with another cost.


Please Note: This program is offered every two years.

Please also note that this is NOT the Harold the giraffe program; that will be happening later in the year.




On the following Wednesdays , 26th February, 4th & 11th March  ‘Interrelate’ will be presenting ninety minute sessions  in student class time on ‘Family Life’ for the students of Grades 5 &6.

These sessions will cover: 

Session 1 It’s all about Me


  • To relax students by acknowledging their discomfort or embarrassment and to get acquainted by initiating discussion.
  • To set ground rules.
  • To acknowledge individual differences and identity
  • To create awareness of self esteem and mutual respect
  • Create understanding of male and female differences in body parts
  • Personal safety and trusted adults


  • Introduction and opening
  • Contracting/class rules and guidelines
  • Establishment of concepts of individuality, uniqueness and differences
  • Review puberty males and females – body parts including genitalia, protective behaviours and personal safety
  • Excretory and reproductive systems of males and females
  • Take home activity

2 My Changing Body


  • To give students a detailed understanding of what constitutes a healthy relationship
  • To explain the idea of respect and attraction in relationships
  • To give students a detailed understanding of reproduction, conception, foetal development and birth
  • To describe and understand responsibility as students grow and mature


  • Physical development at Puberty
  • How, why and when changes occur
  • Attraction and dealing with emotions
  • Definition of a healthy relationship
  • Basic reproduction, conception, sexual intercourse, fertilisation



Session 3 My Changing Relationships


  • To provide an opportunity for students to develop knowledge of what a relationship is
  • To provide an opportunity to examine fellings in relationships
  • Understanding mood changes and emotional behaviour
  • To develop strategies on how to handle conflict


  • Relationship builders activity
  • Understand and recognise feelings in relationship
  • Strategies to handle conflict through role plays
  • Examine peer pressure and the impact of peer relationships
  • Decision making scenarios
  • Conclusion – game/exercise




You will find the consent form and payment requirements on COMPASS under events.

The cost  of this session  is $40 per student


We are anticipating this will be a yearly opportunity, providing a program for year 5s and a program for year 6. Please Note: this year it is only the year 5 program as we are in the process of transitioning across to this format.


Please also note that this is NOT the Harold the giraffe program; that will be happening later in the year.

Thanking you for your time,

Sharon Armstrong (if you need any further information I am available after school any day and can be found in 5/6 A or the Deaf Facility)



CANTEEN CLOSURE:  the Canteen will be closed next Monday and Wednesday due to unforeseen circumstances.


Canteen Summer Menu 2020

Copies available in the foyer at school and in this newsletter.

Canteen Helpers Needed

Thank you to the lovely canteen helpers who are staying on from last year, your help is very much appreciated as the canteen cannot run without people like you.

We do need some more helpers to fill in the gaps. To new prep parents the “too many cooks do not spoil the broth ” canteen sheets are in your packs. Just fill them out and send them back and I will put you on the roster. Also forms are available in the foyer at school or contact me on 03 94045763 or 0438585323.

Thanking you.

Margaret Groves

Canteen Manager


The Canteen will be closed on Monday and Wednesday due to unforseen circumstances.


Their Care (after and before care)


Welcome and welcome back to everyone

We hope you are all excited for the New Year ahead.

Just a quick note to ensure that you have checked your booking and details are all up to date,  if you haven’t already completed a their Care enrolment for this year, please visit

Please note we also have a new email address and mobile.


Service Mobile: 0408 136 169


Their Care support: 1300 072 410.


A friendly reminder for families with outstanding 2019 OSHC accounts.  Your account is now overdue and needs to be paid in full ASAP please.

Payment can be made at the school office or OSHC or via direct deposit into the school account.

The Direct Deposit details are:

BSB: 063 233

Account number: 1005 3825

Please note that you must include that this is an OSHC payment and your family name when processing a payment this way. This is to ensure the payment is forwarded to the program from the office.


2020  Their Care invoices will be processed through the Their Care head office, please ensure you have added the necessary banking details to your family profile.

If you have any concerns are questions please let me know or call the Their Care support during office hours

Many thanks =)



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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