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There are no upcoming events.


Another week, another brilliant sporting achievement on the diamond. On Monday our girls and our boys softball teams made their way to the regional finals. The girls team had won their way through division and the boys with a heartbreaking defeat at division were lucky enough to gain entry through a wildcard. Both teams managed excellent victories and are now headed to State. Given the events of the last few years, it has been wonderful to see our students have so many successes with team sports this year. The camaraderie and social gains have been enormous, and we are very grateful to Darren and his team for ensuring an active and fun return to school life.

Transitioning to 2023

Thanks again to everyone who contacted with information regarding their child/ren for 2023 classes. We are currently attempting to accommodate the requests. As has been mentioned we do guarantee that every child will be placed with at least one child that they have selected as learning friends for 2023. The last few years have been really tough for all of our kids, and we do endeavor to give them as many friends as possible, however, with a large cohort population it can be difficult to place all students with all of their friends. We will do our best to make the best possible decisions for all of our students.

RATs Still Available

The Department of Education (DET) continues to provide a RATs in schools program. We do have 2 final rollouts to complete this year, with 1 scheduled for week 7 and the other scheduled for week 10.  The DET have been extremely generous with their own rollout of this program, and we do find ourselves with more RATs than we need, particularly given that we are no longer testing multiple times per week but only if symptomatic or exposed. We are unable to store any excess over the summer period as they must be kept below certain temperatures. With the 4th wave commencing we want to make sure that everyone has access to tests through the summer period. If you would like additional tests, please let us know and we will send additional boxes or simply hand them to you in the office.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers



Resilience Project

As you may have read in last weeks newsletter, we are very excited to announce our involvement in The Resilience Project schools partnership program. We believe that active involvement in this project alongside parents, will give our students a great understanding and practical skills to deal with life’s challenges. As part of the project, we are encouraging families to work with their children at home to model and explore the concepts of Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness and Emotional Literacy. We would like to encourage all of our families to access the resilience project to begin this journey with us. Please find a link below to help you support your child moving into 2023.

Bring Your Own Device Program

I would like to thank all members of the community for your patience and support during our consultation to consider implementing a BYOD program for 2023. During our consultation process the survey and community Webex session were designed to support understanding of our communities’ desire to access a BYOD pilot program for Year 3 students in 2023. Digital technologies are dramatically changing how students learn. Digital devices enable students to interact with and create high quality content, resources and tools. They enable students to leverage learning that is interactive, differentiated, collaborative and authentic. At Rosanna Golf Links Primary School preparing students for life and work means ensuring they can access authentic and rich learning experiences through appropriate use of technology.

Through the survey the majority of responses indicated a want to pilot the BYOD program for 2023.

Should you choose not to opt into the program by choosing to invest in a new device, that would not be a problem at all. We aim to continue with our 1:1 ratio of computers for student use at school during our lessons during the pilot program. We anticipate that some families will take this option. I can completely understand if you take this option and your child/ren will have access to a device when required for class work at school. You can also support our general 1:1 laptop program in 2023 by making a contribution to our ICT Voluntary Contribution fund (found in Compass/Course Confirmation/Payment) to support us in updating and provision of laptops to maintain our 1:1 ratio currently operating in the school. This option is obviously open to all families across the school to support is in the current 1:1 model with iPads in years P-2 and laptops 4-6.

Should you have a child in Year 3 next year, you will have received a unique voucher to use in the LWT portal (link in the email sent during the week). We recommend that you purchase an extended warranty and insurance as accidents can happen from time to time and we would like to see these devices maintained through to the end of your child’s primary education.

Commonwealth Games 2026

A little advanced notice.

There have been changes to Victorian school term dates for 2026. This will provide an opportunity for Victorian communities to participate more broadly in the 2026 Commonwealth Games.


The 2026 Commonwealth Games will take place across regional Victoria from Tuesday 17 March to Sunday 29 March 2026, with Geelong, Bendigo, Ballarat, Gippsland and Shepparton hosting a range of activities and events for 20 different sports and 9 para-sports.


The 2026 Victorian school term dates are:

  • Term 1: Tuesday 27 January to Friday 13 March 2026 (7 week term)
  • Term 2: Monday 30 March to Friday 19 June 2026 (12 week term)
  • Term 3: Monday 6 July to Friday 18 September 2026 (11 week term)
  • Term 4: Monday 5 October to Friday 18 December 2026. (11 week term)

For the list of school term dates until the end of 2030, refer to School term dates and holidays in Victoria


Moderation is the Key to Consistent Teacher Judgements

Our teachers are currently assessing student learning growth and achievement to inform their Semester Two reports.


Non teachers often wonder what teachers use their time for outside of ‘face to face’ teaching? We spend a great deal of time planning, preparing lessons, doing professional learning and currently, RGLPS teachers are working hard to ensure accurate and consistent judgment of student achievement for their end of year reports. All teachers are attending several ‘moderation’ sessions in cross level teams over the next few weeks; a cross level team is one comprised of teachers from different year levels, including Deaf Facility teachers, specialist teachers and members of leadership.


This week, teachers met to explore writing samples with the aim of reaching consistent agreement around the achievement level that each student sample demonstrates. Moderation combined with close analysis of other writing samples helps each teacher determine the progression point (or grade represented by the dot) on the student report. The purpose of cross moderation is to make sure that we are consistently and accurately judging student work against the Victorian Curriculum Achievement Standards. In other words, what one teacher judges at a certain achievement level is the same as another teacher in the school and this is in alignment with what is outlined by the Standards and Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA).


Student learning achievement is not always clearcut, particularly in writing. Students may be strong at one skill such as developing their writing ideas but be a weaker speller and inconsistent at punctuating their writing. Another child may be a strong speller but play it safe and use basic words, rather than experiment with interesting and engaging nouns, verbs and adjectives. Some students write pages and pages of writing without revisions or editing, making it hard to follow and another student may write much less but write high-quality engaging sentences. Reaching agreement in what constitutes achievement at each progression point can be highly subjective. Moderation tries to ensure we are as consistent and accurate as possible in the assessment of student work against the expectations outlined in the Standards.  This moderation work is also valuable in that it helps teachers deeply understand each child’s writing strengths and areas for growth, as well as more thoroughly understand the Victorian Curriculum.


Next week, teachers will attend moderation sessions to help them make judgements about Mathematics achievement in Number. Please be reassured that when teachers assign progression points for their end of the year reports, a great deal of evidence, analysis and thought has gone into arriving at these professional judgments.


Semester Two Reports will be distributed to parents on Friday 16th December via Compass.

2022 Maths Olympiad

Congratulations to students in the 2022 Maths Olympiad Team who were presented with certificates and achievement awards at assembly this week.


Congratulations to Marshall H who achieved the school’s highest score with a total score of 20 points (out of a possible 25). Marshall was awarded the 2022 Maths Olympiad Trophy and pin. Eva L, Kyle S, Ainsley H, Jade D, Lawson P, Toby W and Lincoln T also received a cloth badge for placing in the top 25% of students in Australia. 


All other members the 2022 Maths Olympiad Team received a 2022 Maths Olympic certificate. Congratulations to Sohum B, Antoni B, Abigail B, Sam B, Suraj G, Ella M, Isabella M, Avishi R, Quinn R, Ellie V, Jed L, Levi H, Madeleine O’R, Lachlan P, Sam W and Nehan K.


Students who were attending the Regional Softball Finals on Monday 7th November will be presented with their 2022 Maths Olympiad certificates and badges at next Monday’s assembly. 

Cognitive Load Theory

A number of parents contacted me about my newsletter item on Cognitive Load last week. Unfortunately, the link I provided in the newsletter did not work. I have placed a PDF of the article on Compass. Please see Compass -> Community Icon -> School Documentation -> Professional Reading –> Cognitive Load Summary if you would like to read it.


Have a great week everyone!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


Maths Riddle

Well done to those who attempted the ‘12 to 15’ challenge from last week’s newsletter. Some of the possible solutions to the challenge are:

Here is this week’s Maths Riddle. I’ll share the answer in the newsletter next week.

‘Connect the Dots’ Challenge
Can you join all nine dots in an array (see below) with four straight lines, without taking your pencil off the paper? You can not go over any line twice.



State Athletics

Congratulations to James V and Sam P who attended the State Athletics Carnival at Lakeside Stadium on Wednesday the 2/11/22! James said that he “… really enjoyed the Shot Put and there were lots of other boys to compete against” in his Multi Class event. Sam Phillips competed in the 100m, 200m and Shot Put events in the Multi Class section and won the bronze medal for Shot Put and just missed the same medal in the 200m. Super well done to both of our boys representing our school at the highest level!

Region Softball

On Monday 7/11/22, our girls and boys Softball Teams competed at the Northern Metro Region Finals for a place in the Victorian State Final. The girls had an excellent run up to the event, winning the District and then the Division Finals with ease, so we were raring to go for the finals. I am so pleased to announce that the girls won all three games in their Round Robin against St Joseph’s Mernda, Laurimar and St Thomas More Hadfield by at least 10 runs and booked their place in the State Final! The boys path was more of a Cinderella story. Having lost the District Final to Viewbank, their path had ended for 2022; however the Region Coordinator offered RGLPS a ‘Wildcard’ entry to the Region Final as a school had to drop out due to a clash with their school program. We accepted and with just one training session before the Region Finals, the boys defeated Research, St Thomas More and Montmorency South convincingly to top their pool and play Hazelglen College in the Grand Final. In the first innings the score was 6-6, and then we were up 12-10 in the second innings; the third innings was exceptional, with the boys blasting 11 runs to lead 23-10 and having the game called off by the umpires as it was mathematically impossible for Hazelglen College to win (maximum of 12 per innings can be scored). And with that, our boys team who would have missed the Region Final, turned it all around and won it, booking their place at the State Finals as well!


As far as we can work out, this is the first time at RGLPS that both the boys and girls teams have both made a State Final, in the same sport, in our schools history – an absolutely exceptional effort!


I would also like to pass on a special thank you to Brian Sinfield, President of Preston Baseball Club, who donated his time to coach the boys team on the day. No doubt his decades of experience proved vital in the success of the boys team.


Kind Regards,


Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator


Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

Thank you to Kristina Smith for organising our Bunnings Sausage Sizzle and all of our parent volunteers on the day.  We very much appreciate your time and effort to support the school. We raised $1,800 for the day.  Which means our total fundraising is currently sitting at $16,000.

Slime Fun Run

Our Slime Fun Run is coming up next Friday, November 18th.  For students who have misplaced their fundraising booklet, you can access an electronic version with the link below:  

To make our day successful, we will require parent volunteers for the day.   Our first parent volunteers are required at 9:00am to help count, bundle and distribute sunglasses & headbands to the classes.

For the Slime Run, the school will be separated into 4 cohorts:

– Preps

– Grades 1/2 

– Grades 3/4

– Grades 5/6

Each cohort will run around the oval for ten minutes, going through a variety of obstacle courses.  Around the oval there will be five different stations of slime (with three volunteers at each station squirting slime), and five different stations of water (with three volunteers at each station squirting water).  Therefore, we require a total of 30 volunteers to squirt slime or water while the children are running.

We will require another 9 volunteers to make the slime, fill up the tubs with water and distribute them to different locations around the oval.  If you’re interested in helping out, please use our SignUp page.  First ones in get to shoot slime!


Dear Parents and Carers,


Thank you to the people who have offered to help in the canteen.  Your help is very much appreciated.



Margaret Groves



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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