There are no upcoming events.


Another huge congratulations to or boys and girls tee-ball teams who on Wednesday won regional finals and will now compete for Rosanna Golf Links at the State Championships in September. Luke and I both attended and I can report that our students were displaying great sportsmanship throughout their games. Most impressive was the way they enjoyed themselves as a team, Bring on the September challenge.

Book Week 2023

We are now only ten days out from 2023 Book Week!  RGLPS will host a ‘Book Character Dress Up Assembly’ on Monday 21st August at 9:10am. Students are invited to dress up as a favourite book character, inspired by the 2023 theme ‘Read, Grow, Inspire.’ Prizes will be handed out for creative costumes in every year level.

I encourage parents and families to take note of the date and time of this special assembly. We would love to see a big turnout for this annual school highlight!


This is a reminder that our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents / caregivers / guardians think of our school. The Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education that is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behavior, and student engagement. The survey is optional but we encourage all families to participate. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.

All families are invited to participate in the survey.

The Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey will be open from Monday 7 August to Friday 8 September 2023.

The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time within the survey period on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones. The online survey will be available in English and 10 other languages including Arabic, Greek, Hakha Chin, Hindi, Japanese, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Turkish, and Vietnamese.

The survey results will be communicated to parents / caregivers / guardians through annual reporting and through our newsletter and school council. Please check Compass for instructions on how to access the survey.

Staff Shortages

I just wanted to take a brief opportunity to thank the amazing, talented, and hard-working staff at RGLPS. In recent days, the number of advertised vacancies in government schools has jumped to a record high for 2023 with 1855 positions currently advertised on recruitment online. Like all schools we have been feeling the pinch. However, with our staff doing plenty of extra yards as they go above and beyond for our kids, we have managed to be fully staffed for some time now and our results in the core areas of learning and wellbeing have been exceptional. Our internal measures are incredibly pleasing with the attitudes to school survey showing big increases in positive endorsement in almost every measure and our recent NAPLAN scores showing that we have outperformed our surrounding schools in almost every single learning area. It is an absolute testament to our staff that our students are doing so well. Congratulations to our whole community of learners. Your resilience has allowed you to triumph during adverse times. I am personally in awe of you all.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers



See You Soon!

As I’m sure you will be aware, I am going to be working at Panton Hill Primary School for the next five weeks. I have been given the opportunity to further my learning and help out another school. In my absence Jane Black will be taking over many of my responsibilities. We are also very fortunate to have Denisse Lobos returning to us for three days a week. I know that the team at RGLPS are exceptionally strong and will cover my work seamlessly. Should you require any support or have any questions in my absence please reach out to the team and they will support you. I am looking forward to seeing you all again in Term 4.

Caption Connect

Rosanna Golf Links leads the way in technology use for our students, both through our Deaf Facility and in all our classrooms. We use FM transmitters and speakers in all learning spaces, we also use many technological tools to better deliver and engage in content for learning. RGLPS has been leading the way with live closed captioning, through a program called ‘Caption Connect’. Recently The Educator Australia came out to look at how we use the tool and what impact this has on our students. They wrote a great article about our amazing work here:

Tree Giveaway from North East Link

People near North East Link Tunnels construction areas can green their garden by planting up to two free trees as part of the Greener North East program.


Residents living in Watsonia, Macleod, Yallambie, Rosanna, Viewbank and Bulleen can choose from a range of eight native trees which are 100cm tall and ready for planting now. The background tree planting program is on top of work already underway to plant at least two trees for every one removed to build the North East Link. Register your details here



2023 Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Awards

During Book Week, the winners of the 2023 Children’s Book Council of Australia Awards will be announced. Students will be reading various nominated books during class and voting for their favourite titles. The school library has purchased copies of all the suitable primary level texts and students will read and participate in literature activities around nominated titles over the next few weeks.


The nominees for 2023 Picture Book of the Year are:

Dirt by Sea                                                                          Tom Jellett and Michael Wagner

Farmhouse                                                                          Sophie Blackall

Frank’s Read Hat                                                               Sean E Avery

My Strange Shrinking Parents                                      Zeno Sworder

Our Dreaming                                                                    Dub Leffler and Kirli Saunders

Paradise Sands: A Story of Enchantment                 Levi Pinfold        


The nominees for 2023 Book of the Year : Early Childhood are:

Bev and Kev                                                                        Katrina Germein and Mandy Foot

Jigsaw: A Puzzle in the Post                                          Bob Graham

Lionel and Me                                                                    Corinne Fenton and Tracie Grimwood

Market Day                                                                         Carrie Gallasch

Snap!                                                                                     Anna Walker

Where the Lyrebird Lives                                               Vicki Conley and Max Hamilton                 


The winning books for 2023 will be announced on Friday 18th August.      

2023 ICAS

ICAS assessments are now underway. Next week, the ICAS English will be held on Wednesday 16th August. Please take note of all the scheduled test dates if you have registered your child for any of the ICAS assessments:


Wednesday 16th August                                ICAS English

Wednesday 23rd August                               ICAS Science

Wednesday 23rd August                               ICAS Spelling Bee

Wednesday 30th August                               ICAS Mathematics


Each ICAS has a strict testing window of one week. RGLPS will endeavour to hold make up tests in the event of absence, however due to ongoing staffing constraints, a make-up ICAS test may not always be possible if your child is absent on a test day.

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist & Literacy Leader


Science Talent Search

Every year Victoria holds a Science Talent Search competition. Students from across the state are invited to participate and enter a project. This year, RGLPS had 7 students participate. For the last 2 months these students have been working on their projects in their own time. On Saturday 5 August, they attended a judging day where they were required to present their project and respond to questions. RGLPS is very proud of the positive attitude and persistence shown by these students. We would like to recognise and congratulate Niamh (6SK), Sasha (6SK), Leo (4SG), Lewis (4SG), Minh (3NKD), Pearl (3AF) and Maisam (3BH) for all of the effort they have put into their projects.




Sandy Brewerton

Rosanna Golf Links Primary School

STEM Teacher

(03) 9457 4178


Congratulations to our boys and girls 2023 Banyule Region Teeball Champions!!

Both teams will complete at State level on 6th September at the Waverly




Winter Specials

Wagu Beef Meatball Sub Roll – Meatballs served in an Italian tomato sauce       $5.90

Add extras: Lettuce, carrot, tomato, baby spinach                                                     $0.40 each

                     Grated cheese                                                                                              $0.70


Routley’s Meat & Veggie Pastie                                                                                     $6.00


Friday 11th August                         No Canteen

Monday 14th August                      Help Needed

Wednesday 16th August                Melissa

Friday 18th August                          Britt/ Help Needed

If you can help out in any of the time slots please ring or text me on  0438 585 323.

Margaret Graves

Canteen Manager


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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