There are no upcoming events.
There are no upcoming events.


As I write today, I am eagerly awaiting our fun run. What a great opportunity to have some healthy fun, engage with our community and get energised for the weekend. Lots of the focus is now on who will be slimed. A big thanks to all of the parents and community who have assisted with this activity and to those who have fundraised. We are that little bit closer to a new shade sail in the rainbow playground thanks to all of your work.

Community News

It is with a very heavy heart that I bring you some sad news today.

Thom Jackson has asked me to let the community know that he is too unwell to return to work and has opted to retire.

Thom has been an amazing support to our community for seven years. He has always put our students first as he advocates for all and manages every situation with generosity and care. I personally have been blessed to spend a little time with Thom over the last few years and feel privileged to call him not only a colleague, but also a friend.

If you would like to send messages of support to Thom, we are more than happy to pass them on. I know that he has touched the lives of so many from our community and our thoughts are with Thom and his family at this time.

Transistioning to 2024

Thanks again to everyone who contacted with information regarding their child/ren for 2024 classes. We are currently attempting to accommodate the requests. As has been mentioned we do guarantee that every child will be placed with at least one child that they have selected as learning friends for 2024. We do endeavor to give our students as many friends as possible, however, with a large cohort population it can be difficult to place all students with all their friends. We will do our best to make the best possible decisions for all of our students.

Remembrance Day 2023

Saturday 11 November 2023 is Remembrance Day, a day for us all to remember those who have served and those who have died in all wars and peacekeeping operations.

Remembrance Day marks the date in 1918 when the First World War came to an end. It is officially observed at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month each year.

Remembrance Day will be marked by a pause at 11 am on Saturday 11 November 2023 for a minute’s silence, to remember people’s service and sacrifice.

Rosanna Golf Links will be attending the Watsonia RSL service. For those who would prefer the online version, Victoria’s Shrine of Remembrance will hold a commemorative service on Remembrance Day. The service will be live streamed on the Shrine’s Facebook and YouTube channels from 10:30 am. Refer to the Shrine of Remembrance website for more information.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers



Student Mobile Phone Reminders

Rosanna Golf Links Primary School understands that students may bring a personal mobile phone to school, particularly if they are travelling independently to and from school.

At Rosanna Golf Links Primary School:

  •       – Students who choose to bring mobile phones to school must have them switched off and securely stored while on                    school premises
  •       – Exceptions to this policy may be applied if certain conditions are met (see our policy for further information)
  •       – When emergencies occur, parents or carers should reach their child by calling the school’s office.   

Personal mobile phone use

In accordance with the Department’s Mobile Phones Policy issued by the Minister for Education, personal mobile phones must not be used at Rosanna Golf Links Primary School’s on school premises, including lunchtime and recess, unless an exception has been granted. Where a student has been granted an exception, the student must use their mobile phone for the purpose for which the exception was granted, and in a safe, ethical and responsible manner.

Secure storage

Mobile phones owned by students at Rosanna Golf Links Primary School are considered valuable items and are brought to school at the owner’s (student’s or parent/carer’s) risk.  Students are encouraged not to bring a mobile phone to school unless there is a compelling reason to do so. Please note that Rosanna Golf Links Primary School does not have accident insurance for accidental property damage or theft. Students and their parents/carers are encouraged to obtain appropriate insurance for valuable items.  Refer to the Department’s Personal Goods policy. 

Where students bring a mobile phone to school, Rosanna Golf Links Primary School will provide secure storage. Secure storage is storage that cannot be readily accessed by those without permission to do so.

Implementation Arrangements

  •    – All student mobile phones and personal mobile devices (eg. smart watches) will be securely stored in the school office               by administration staff.
  •    – Student personal phones and devices will be stored in a locked location within the office and clearly labelled.
  •    – All phones and devices must be turned off while they are stored in the school office.
  •    – Students will need to bring their personal device to the school office before 9am and collect them from the office at                      3:30pm or shortly thereafter.
  •    – Students are not permitted to use personal mobile phones or devices on school grounds and must wait until they are at              the exit gates of the school before turning them on again. Students can make phone calls from the front and back                    areas of the school next to the school gate under the supervision of the yard duty teacher.
  •    – Family members who need to contact students during the school day are asked to call the school office.
  •    – Under no circumstances are students to take photos on their mobile phone or smart watch while on school grounds.

Please see the full policy on our school website for further information.   

JSC Newsletter

We are pleased to share with you our first ever RGLPS Junior School Council Newsletter. This project has been something our JSC has wanted to achieve all year. They have finally been able to publish their first ever edition! The newsletter has been 100% created by our students. Eliza and Payton are our JSC Leaders who have done an amazing job facilitating this project. Our JSC reps have been communicating with their class peers to ask for submissions and reminding them of due dates.


Students were very cognisant of the fact that they wanted to be friendly to our environment and did not want to mass produce the newsletter in paper copies, so please feel free to view the newsletter online and decide for yourself if there is anything you would like to print off at home.


We will aim to have one newsletter per month that will be published through our school newsletter, website and on Compass.


Students are also very keen to hear your thoughts about what you liked seeing and other things you might like to see in future editions, so please feel free to email if you have any feedback.


Congratulations to Eliza and Payton and all JSC reps for your hard work.

Luke Franklin & Denisse Lobos

Assistant  Princpial


Long Weekend

I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend and made the most of the additional time to relax with family and friends.


Continual Learning and Mistakes

We are all continually learning by making a hypothesis, trying this out and then making adjustments to our original thinking. For example, young children commonly believe that the length of their writing indicates how good you are as a writer. At around age seven, many children write stories that are 4-5 pages long but quickly learn that the length of the writing is less important than its quality. When children realise this, they have refined their hypothesis about writing, usually causing them to focus more on things such as vocabulary selection and sentence structure. When learners adjust their thinking, they refine their understanding and skills as they consider their new knowledge and experiences. However, if learners overly fixate on being correct and mentally tick off a concept as ‘done’, they close themselves off to new ideas, experiences and skills that can deepen and refine their understanding. This is referred to as ‘having a fixed mindset’ (Dweck). Hence, it is really important that we reinforce to children the importance of learning from mistakes or having a ‘growth mindset’, a as way to help our brains continue to grow. 


It is important to remember that it is OK to make an error, backtrack or even start a task again and that this is all a valid part of the learning process. Children need to learn that making a mistake does not mean that they are not ‘smart’. Learning from a mistake is actually an indication that they are agile learners. It is in the process of navigating the challenges that the valuable learning actually occurs. The role of teachers and parents is to help children persist in finding their pathway through these challenges. We need to help them to make adjustments, try a different way and encourage them to keep going, especially when it gets difficult.


Ways you can support your child with this:

  •    – Make it visible and explicit when you have made an error. We don’t want children thinking adults get things perfect first            time, every time. Help them see that an error is not a disaster and can be overcome.
  •    – Verbalise a different approach or strategy you have tried to overcome a challenge. We want kids to learn that there are             different ways to solve problems and that different strategies work for different people.
  •    – Share the mini steps you take on the road to a significant goal. Assist your child to understand the effort underlying any           achievement.
  •    – Expose your child to real life stories of persistence. Help your child realise that most great achievements are the result of         hard work, effort and the result of overcoming a range of setbacks. The ‘Little People, Big Dreams’ series is a great                   resource for this with titles on people as diverse as Malala Yousafzai, Albert Einstein, Serena Williams and David                       Attenborough. These books are readily available at your local or school library or at bookshops.

Rememberance Day

Finally, tomorrow is Remembrance Day. RGLPS classes all stopped for a minute of silence at 11am today (Friday 10/11/23) to observe this event. Most classes also engaged in an activity to learn more about why we stop and acknowledge those who died while serving in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. Remembrance Day is an important cultural event and also part of our required learning about Civics and Citizenship as part of the Victorian Curriculum.


Have a good week everyone!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist



Donation to 123Read2Me

RGLPS Library was proud to donate fifty boxes of books withdrawn from our library over the past few years.  123Read2Me is a charity that provides books for disadvantaged children across Australia. To find out more about this charity, please head to their website:






Thank you to the parents who have answered our calls for help over the last two weeks.  It is very much appreciated.

Maragret Groves 

Canteen Manager



A huge thank you to Britt Jacobs who spent several hours organising all the headbands, glasses and colour for the FunRun on Thursday and then again helped with set up on Friday.

Thank you to the parents who helped out on the day.

From tomorrow the 11th November you can go on-line and order your prizes:

Students can mix and match up to 5 prizes to their final fundraising total! Quick example: If Monty raised $50, he can either choose 1 of the $50 prizes or, 5 of the $10 prizes.

  •     – Please log into your profile page at
  •     – Scroll down to the countdown clock on your profile page
  •     – Click the Blue ORDER PRIZES button
  •     – Select your prizes. Reminder, if you are trying to calculate prizes to your final amount raised, use the lowest dollar value             in each category when adding or subtracting. 
  •     – Scroll to the bottom and submit!
  •     – A confirmation email will be sent to the account holder’s email address. If you cannot locate email, please check your                 junk/spam inbox.



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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