Newsletter –  10 December 2021



There are no upcoming events.


It has been another big week with our Year 6 Big Day Out and our whole school transition and step up to the next year level. Our students are enthusiastically approaching the final week and I am sure that everyone is looking forward to a bit of a rest during the Christmas break.

Term 4 Early Finish and Final Assembly

To celebrate the conclusion of our 2021 school year we will have a final assembly on Friday the 17th of December at 12:30pm. The assembly will be held on the basketball courts. During the assembly we will farewell our departing staff, students and families and acknowledge our 2022 student leaders. Unfortunately, the recent alteration to guidelines has meant that we are unable to have parents in attendance. This is not what we wanted for our students, but we have been given specific operational information stating that parents, carers and other adult visitors attending a gathering at the school, whether indoors or outdoors, need to show evidence of vaccination on arrival. This requirement is not practical for our staff, and we again graciously thank you for your continued cooperation and understanding. Let us all hope that 2022 brings far fewer obstacles and that our kids can get back to being at school and enjoying learning and friends.

Parent Payments 2022

Don’t forget our new look parent payments policy is up on Compass with information regarding the 2022 products.

Opportunities for payment will be available on the 27th of January but you can also make payments through Compass at any time.

If you are in a position to support the school with a voluntary contribution, these have been itemised within the parent payment form for your convenience. As a government funded school there are limits to the extracurricular programs that we can provide for our students and these additional supports really strengthen those extracurricular opportunities.  Every donation is welcomed. 

Please note the following timeline for collection.

We are very flexible about these times and will have sibling items available at all times.

Staffing Changes 2022

As you may have noticed during our Step Up to 2022 transition day there were a few new teachers who will be working with our community in 2022. We welcome the following new staff members.

Year 3 Teacher – Brittany Holmes

Year 3 Teacher – Courtney Smith

Year 4 Teacher – Stephanie Geros

Instrumental Music Teacher – Michael Rochford

Career Start Graduate Teacher Support – Ashlee Sinclair

Alice Page and Meg Mahon will also be returning from family leave.

Alice will lead our tutoring program in the Year 3 and 4 team and Meg will be a teacher of the deaf in the Prep area.

We also farewell the following staff members and wish them the very best during their new educational journey.

Bay Fikri – Bay is commencing his new position at Greenvale Primary School

Monica Lamperd – Monica commences her new position at Pascoe Vale South PS.

Michelle Hildebrand – We will still get to see Michelle in 2022 as a CRT at the school.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers




Wellbeing Day

The students (and us big kids) are looking forward to our exciting Wellbeing Day on Wednesday.


Each cohort will have full access to the show rides, which will be located on the school oval, for an entire 2 hour period. We’ll have the giant slide, the Chair-O-Plane, Cups and Saucer, an Aladdin jumping castle AND the Cha Cha! Also…. Shhhhh… don’t tell Kirrily but we’ve also got a DUNKING TANK coming!

Our pizzas will be delivered at 11:30am for our Prep – 2s and at 1:30pm for our 3 – 6s. For the rest of the day, students will be engaging in wellbeing activities in their classrooms with their friends, giving them another opportunity to have a fun-filled day with their current peers and teacher/s.


We’ll have a slightly different schedule for the day to allow for rides, lunch and break times.


Thank you all for your support.

Transistion Day

It was wonderful to see all of our students moving into their new classes on Tuesday. As usual some of our little ones were a bit unsure of the new setting and had a chance to meet some newer faces. Our students engaged in introductions with teachers and class mates. Whilst this can be a nervous time for a few students the majority appeared to have a great day and left with smiles and excitement for 2022.


If your child came home and was a bit unsure of the class, you can help at home by being supportive and positive about their placement. All students received a friend choice and have been placed with great consideration. Moving class is a great opportunity to meet and work with new people and develop a wider friendship group. All of our teachers are wonderful and different. Encourage your child to take the time to get to know them. Maybe even consider sitting and writing a letter with your child to their new teacher. You could include things they love to do or special interests. Include things that are making them nervous too. By working on this together you can have positive and informed discussions and develop a greater insight into how/why your child is feeling and how to support this transition.

Semester Reports

Teachers are very busily finalising their end of semester two reports. These will be uploaded onto Compass at approximately 3:30pm on Wednesday 15th December.


To access your child’s reports, log into Compass, click on ‘View Academic Reports’ and select ‘2021 – Semester 2 Reports’. This will download onto your device, which can then be saved and/or printed.

Luke Franklin & Denisse Lobos

Assistant Principals



This week, students and teachers were able to meet their new classes for 2022. It was great to see such enthusiasm as students stepped up into their new classrooms and spent the day getting to know their new classmates. Many of our Grade Six students also participated in transition sessions at their new secondary schools and we welcomed a new bunch of Preps who met their buddies for 2022. It’s bittersweet to see the full-circle once again completing as we prepare to welcome new students and bid farewell to those we have watched grow over the past seven years. We wish all our graduating students the best of luck for the future!

Semester Reports

Semester Two reports will be released on Compass next Wednesday 15th of December. These reports will include the following information:

  •    – Overview of learning covered
  •    – General comment on your child as a learner
  •    – Integrated Studies/Digital Technologies achievement comment
  •    – Progression point (dots) indicating your child’s learning progress
  •    – Specialist comments

We encourage you to take the time to read the report and use this as a valuable tool for reflecting with your child on their learning over the course of the semester.


Once again, congratulations to all students who participated in ICAS! 

We have received notification that the results and certificates will be delivered to school during Term 1, 2022. Please keep an eye on the newsletter to stay up to date on how these will be presented in the new year.

If your child will be graduating or leaving Golf Links at the end of this year, we will mail these to you. For those who are moving house, please ensure you contact the office and let them know your new mailing address so we are able to ensure your child receives their certificate.

Sarah Mclellan

Learning Specialist


Maths Riddle: 

Well done to everyone who solved the problem from last week. The answer to the Place Value problem is 193.


See if you can solve our final challenge for the year below. I’ll share the answer in the newsletter next week.

HINT: Use counters or draw a picture to solve the problem.


Extra challenge: Create your own holiday bauble riddles by using/drawing a collection, then writing clues to challenge a family member or friend.

If you’d like to share, please send your solutions and challenges to


Sarah McLellan

Learning Specialist


Expression of Interest - Swimming 2022

Hello Parents,

The 2022 Grade 3-6 RGLPS Team swimming trials will be held at WaterMarc, Greensborough from 7:30am – 8:30am during Week 2, 3 and 4 of Term 1 (Wednesday 2nd, 9th, 16th of February). Parents will be required to transport their children to and from the pool.

The trials will determine which students will be included in the team competing at the Heidelberg District Swimming Carnival. The first two mornings will be practice and the final week will be the timed swimming trial event.

*Students in Grade 3 must be born in 2013 or earlier to compete. Students born in 2014 are unable to participate under the School Sport Victoria regulations

Heidelberg District Swimming Rules:

Distance and technique: Students must be able to complete 50 metres unassisted in the pool, using the correct stroke technique to compete in the trial. If a student cannot complete the 50m unassisted, or is unable to swim with the correct stroke technique, I cannot select them to go to the District Swimming Carnival.

Individual Events: District rules state that a student may compete in a maximum of two individual events.

Relays: The four fastest freestyle students in each age group will compete in the A team relay and the next four fastest will compete in the B team relay. The medley relay is an open competition where the four fastest in each stroke, no matter the year level or age, will compete for RGLPS. Students are eligible to compete in both the freestyle relay and the medley relay.

If your child is interested in competing, please email me a with their Name, Gender, Date of Birth and any stroke they wish to compete in (Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly). 

Thanks and looking forward to a normal 2022!

Darren Peters
PE and Sports Coordinator



Bronwyn and Liz would like to wish the Rosanna Golf Links Primary School Community a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a safe and happy holiday. They would also like to thank all the students and their parents for crossing the road safely this year, for following the rules of safe road crossing and for setting an excellent example for younger children.
See you all next year!!!


Christmas Raffle



Dear Parents,


We have icy-poles for sale at recess and lunch over the counter next week.


Margaret Groves

Canteen Manager



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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