There are no upcoming events.


Another great week at Golf Links with a little exhaustion as well. Our ‘big move’ was massive, but we seem to have calmed today with most things in place and ready for our transition day. We have many extra events next week and look forward to an amazing last few weeks of school.

Student Leadership Group 2023

Congratulations to our 2023 House Captains.

Parent Payments 2023

Don’t forget our parent payments policy is up on Compass with information regarding 2023 products.

Opportunities for payment will be available on the 30th of January.

If you are in a position to support the school with a voluntary contribution, these have been itemised within the parent payment form for your convenience. As a government funded school there are limits to the extracurricular programs that we can provide for our students and these additional supports really strengthen those extracurricular opportunities.  Every donation is welcomed. 

Please note the following timeline for collection.

We are very flexible about these times and will have sibling items available at all times.

Statewide Orientation Day

A reminder that Tuesday the 13th of December is our whole school transition day. Many Year 6 students will be transitioning to their Secondary School on this day. Those who are not scheduled to attend a Secondary School will be given the opportunity to support the younger students to access their new classroom. An alternative program will be provided for students who will not be attending RGLPS in 2023.

On Tuesday our 2023 students will spend the day with their new teacher, in a classroom with their new classmates. We welcome the opportunity to support our students to feel safe and comfortable in their new spaces so that 2023 can start positively for them. This is especially important taking the context of our last few years into consideration.


Parent Helper Morning Tea

We have had so many more opportunities to have fun with our students this year and many of the extra events were possible thanks to the help of our parent community.

We are hosting a morning tea to say thanks to all of our volunteers on Friday the 16th of December at 11:30am in our staff room. You will receive an invitation but feel free to join if you helped out this year.

We are looking forward to thanking you all for the amazing support this year as we plan for even more fun in 2023.

Term 4 Final Assembly

To celebrate the conclusion of our 2022 school year we will have a final assembly on Friday the 16th of December at 2:30pm. The assembly will be held on the basketball courts. During the assembly we will farewell our departing staff, students and families and acknowledge our 2023 student leaders.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers



We have a fun community event planned for next Monday 12th December to celebrate the end of the school year! RGLPS is having its first ever “Bush Christmas” with the Bushwahzee band!


Bushwahzee’s famous show teaches kids a selection of bush dances and gets the parents and families involved during an outdoor evening performance.


RGLPS students will learn various bush dances during the day and the RGLPS community is invited back to school in the evening to participate in a community event. We encourage families to bring a picnic rug, snacks and set up for a fun evening on the Triangle. The event will run from 5:30 – 7pm. RGLPS bands will open the event with performances between 5:30pm – 6pm and then the Bush Christmas Cabaret will run from 6-7pm.  All RGLPS students will be learning dances and we encourage family members to get up and dance!


Hope to see lots of members of our RGLPS community there!


If you have any questions about the event, please contact the school on 9457 4178.






Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

We are progressing well with the processing and imaging of devices coming into the school. Coming into the holidays, now would be the last chance to have them processed and sent home before the holidays. If you are intending on ordering this year please do this very soon. You can choose to buy a device after Christmas, however please be aware that they will not be processed and sent back before the 27th of January.

Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Staying safe from mosquitoes

After heavy rainfall, mosquitoes can grow and spread in the pools of water left behind.

While the overall risk is low, some mosquitoes carry diseases that are spread through their bites. Mosquitoes are more active at dusk and dawn, but some will also bite during the day.

The best way to prevent mosquito-borne diseases is to avoid mosquito bites.

When mosquitoes are prevalent and cannot be avoided families can protect against mosquito bites by:

  • covering up as much as possible with long, loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing
  • applying insect repellent that contains picaridin or DEET on exposed skin when leaving home
  • limiting outdoor activity if lots of mosquitoes are active.

Further information


Not Long To Go Now..............

We are suddenly in the home stretch, with just six days of school for students remaining in the 2022 school year! There are several events still to come as we count down the last few days. These include Year 6 Graduation and the Big Day Out excursion to Funfields, Whole School Transition Day, year level Wellbeing Days, class parties and our End of Year Assembly.


2022 Semester Two reports will be also released to parents next Friday 16th December – please keep an eye out for a Compass alert advising when these become available.

Holiday Reading is a Must!

The summer holidays are a welcome chance for most people to recharge and relax with family and friends. It is also an opportunity for children and adults to immerse themselves in their hobbies, whether it is craft, swimming, gardening or something more unusual. However, I would also like to advocate the benefits of finding time for regular reading.


A host of research indicates that many children’s reading skills undergo a ‘summer slide’ over the main holiday break. The lack of ongoing practice can cause children to forget learning from the school year and regress in their reading. Anything from 1- 3 months of reading progress can be lost annually. This can add up to a significant cumulative impact, over many years. Aside from being an enjoyable leisure activity, developing a regular reading habit sets children up for ongoing academic and general life success and is a relaxing pastime that benefits overall mental health.


Some tips include:

– Visit the local library with your child to stock up on engaging reading material.

– Read the book before you watch the movie.

– Borrow books about your child’s interests, whether it be basketball, cars or ancient Egypt.

– Consider alternate forms of reading material, such as audio books, magazines, graphic novels and online reading sites such as Epic.

– Begin a family read aloud novel over the summer.


Above all, keep it fun and engaging! Always remember that the aim is to create happy children who become life-long readers.


To read more about the ‘Summer Reading Slide’, I recommend the following article by Oxford Learning:,before%20you%20watch%20the%20movie%20…%20More%20items  


'High Ability Learner Program' (HALP) Graduates

Seven RGLPS students completed the HALP English program this term. These students will receive a certificate at our End of Year Assembly on Friday 16th December.

Congratulations to Abigail B, Sullivan C, Marshall H, Avishi R, Quentin (Quinn) R, Kyle S and Ellie V.


Undertaking this program during term 4 is quite a commitment and these children are to be commended for their persistence and extra efforts.


Have a great week everyone and remember to pace yourselves!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


Maths Riddle

Well done to those who attempted the ‘Counter Flip’ challenge from last week’s newsletter. The solution to the problem is:

Here is this week’s Maths Riddle. I’ll share the answer in the newsletter next week.

‘Counter Flip’ Challenge
Can you change the collection of counters on the left to match the collection on the right, only moving three counters?

Here is this week’s Maths Riddle. I’ll share the answer in the newsletter next week.

‘Dress the Elf’ Challenge
Buddy the Elf owns the following items of clothing:

How many different outfit combinations could he wear?


Hint: Draw diagrams. Perhaps you could start with a red hat, red top and red pants…

Extra challenge: Can you create an algorithm with numbers to represent the total number of outfit options?

If you’d like to share your response or have your working out featured in our newsletter, please send your solutions to


VR Incursion

Today, Grade 5 and Grade 6 students participated in a VR incursion to learn more about space.  Many thanks to Eg Incursions for this great experience. 



Some feedback from participants: 


Niamh “I liked it because it was interesting and terrifying at the same time”


Alex “it was interesting because it gives you a different perspective of different planets” 


Ellie “it really made you feel like

You were there in space exploring the planets” 




Dear Parents

Over the Counter Sales

Please send your children with at least $1 to buy over the counter items, as they get disappointed when they cannot buy something.  Please be aware that prices range from $0.80 for Quelch Tubes & frozen pineapple up to $2.80.

Most items are $1.50, $2.00, $2.20, $2.50


You will notice that the menu is changing all the time. This is due to supply issues and sadly, this week, one of our major suppliers has gone into liquidation – we have been dealing with them for 22 years!  ASCA is arranging new suppliers but in the meantime it is getting ehat we can.

Thank you for your understanding.


Margaret Groves

Canteen Manager



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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