There are no upcoming events.


Welcome back to term 4. Here at Golf Links there is an overwhelming sense of optimism with a roadmap released over the holiday period. We are all so excited to be welcoming our students back to school and we aim to have a big focus on Learning and Wellbeing over the course of the term. I can assure you that we will be taking every precaution to maintain safety in our school so that our students can have every chance to socialise and learn comfortably.


The Roadmap, which is based on advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer, sets out the staged return to onsite learning in Term 4, with the plan being that all students return onsite by Friday 5 November as follows:

For our school, this means that the following arrangements will be in place:

Remote and flexible learning will be delivered to students on the days they are not onsite.

Vulnerable children and children of parents or guardians who are on the authorised provider and authorised worker list can continue attending onsite. Please note that conditions for the vulnerable category have not altered during the course of the lockdown.

TheirCare is open for all students during Term 4 in line with their return to onsite attendance at school.


Getting vaccinated is the best way to be protected from and prevent the spread of COVID-19. I encourage all students aged 12 years and over and their parents to get vaccinated as soon as possible. To book a vaccination appointment go to

Disability Liaison Officers (DLOs) can help people with a disability access health services, including vaccinations. Contact a DLO by either

Tutor Learning Initiative

In other good news the Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI) has been rolled over for 2022. As a school we largely exhausted our funding for this program during the first semester with overall extremely pleasing results. In 2022 we will be ready to commence the program from the beginning of the year with genuine excitement about how we can support those students who have lost learning during the lockdown periods.

With only 10 more sleeps till we return I will leave you to enjoy the sunshine with the knowledge that we can’t wait to see you again soon.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers



Return to school - What to do if your Child is Sick

October is Mental Health Month

Luke Franklin & Denisse Lobos

Assistant Principals


A big welcome back to Term 4. Our staff are really looking forward to welcoming students back onsite in a few week time. As you will appreciate, restrictions are being adjusted continually, necessitating changes to our school processes and programs. Please make the time to read school newsletters, Compass messages and communications carefully to stay informed around these changes. I will outline some of these adjustments below:


The school has made the decision to scale back homework expectations for the remainder of the 2021 school year as we transition back to learning onsite. The only homework students will be expected to complete is daily reading, to be recorded in their Reading Journal. This decision has been made to support wellbeing and to help students positively re-engage with a full school day of schooling onsite.

Running Records

Kirrily made a Compass alert earlier this week outlining the Running Record assessments that teachers will be conducting from home over the next few weeks. A Running Record is an individual reading assessment that enables teachers to determine reading achievement and identify the decoding and comprehension strategies that each child uses. This information informs our teaching as it illustrates what each student needs to be taught next to progress their reading skills. Classroom teachers will be arranging 30 min sessions to meet individually with each child to do these assessments via Webex. Teachers will share their screen and ask the child to read the text displayed. At the end of the text, the teacher will engage the child in a conversation to assess their comprehension and understanding. Teachers may need to go through this process several times to determine the child’s reading instructional level.


Please ensure that you do not assist your child in any way during these assessments. This will ensure that teachers get a true indication of what instruction your child needs moving forward. Thank-you for your support around this.

Portfolio Tasks

All RGLPS students are due back onsite full time from Friday 5th November. Given that this leaves only six weeks until the end of the 2021 year, it is unrealistic to expect that teachers will be able to collect, assess and share our usual range of Seesaw portfolio samples with parents in this much shorter timeframe. Due to this, the school has decided that annotated portfolio learning samples will not be shared on Seesaw for the remainder of the 2021 school year. We thank parents and carers for your understanding on this. We are looking forward to the resumption of ongoing portfolio samples illustrating your child’s achievement and progress again in 2022. 

Semester Two 2021 Reports

The Victorian Department of Education is yet to advise schools of reporting requirements for Semester Two 2021. Once we have a clearer indication of what is required for this semester, we will communicate what Semester Two reports will look like via the weekly newsletter and Compass.


ICAS 2021

The 2021 ICAS Writing assessment will need to be accessed online from home this year. Unfortunately, the sitting window for this ICAS cannot be extended and must be completed by October 15th. Unlike the other ICAS, the Writing ICAS is marked manually by trained assessors. This ICAS must be administered by the end of next week in order for assessors to complete scoring and allow UNSW to distribute reports by the end of the 2021 school year. I have sent an email to parents of registered students with arrangements to install the locked down browser and support their child to access this ICAS from home. The other five ICAS will be undertaken on the dates below when students are back onsite at school.  Parents of students registered for ICAS Writing are invited to contact me if you require support with this. (

High Ability Learning Programs (HALP)

Congratulations to those Year 5/6 students who have commenced a new High Ability Learner Program from home this week. Eliza B, Abbey C, Maya C, Alba N, Erin S, Bowen Y are undertaking the HALP Mathematics each Wednesday with Violet T doing the HALP English on a Thursday. I was really pleased to see that our participating students were successfully able to access their first session online this week from home.

Term 4 Team Newsletters

Term 4 Team Newsletter have now been released to parents via a recent Compass alert. These newsletters are stored and able to be accessed at any anytime through Compass. Please see Compass Community Icon -> School Documentation –> Year Level Newsletters -> 2021 -> Term 4 2021.


I hope everyone has a good week!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


Maths Riddle: 

Well done to everyone who solved the final puzzle for Term Three. The answer to the Turtle Challenge is… 4 turtles and 3 tanks.

See if you can solve this week’s riddle below.  I’ll share the answer in the newsletter next week.

Tablet Challenge: Can you figure out the pattern and solve the missing number on the final tablet?

HINT: Use materials to make each number as a collection to help you see the pattern visually.


Extra challenge: Try creating some of your own patterns with numbers.

If you’d like to share, please send your solutions and patterns to

Sarah McLellan

Learning Specialist



RGLPS Cooking Club

If you have cooked something amazing in lockdown we would love it if you would share it with our Golf Links families!!

Send your recipe and a phot if you have one to and we will feature your culinary prowess in the Newsletter.

LUNCH BOXES - back before you know it!!

A little old school recipe for lunch boxes.



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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