There are no upcoming events.
There are no upcoming events.


DATE REMINDER: Carols at Twilight

Our Christmas Carols evening is on Monday 9th December. Please set this date aside for what is a wonderful way for our school community to finish off the year.

DATE REMINDER: Parent Helper's Morning Tea

Our annual morning tea to thank all of those who help us during the year (parents, grandparents, friends and volunteers) will be held on Monday 2nd December at 11.00 am. Please mark this date in your diary. The morning tea is our way of saying thank you to all of those volunteers who contribute to making Golf Links such a wonderful school.

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Rosanna Golf Links Primary school is proud to be partnering with the Salvation Army for its Christmas Appeal once again this year. 

Donations of new, unwrapped gifts can be left under the Christmas tree at the school office from Friday 15th November until Wednesday 11th December 2018.  The Salvation Army is collecting gifts for children up to age 18 however the age groups for which gifts are most urgently required are: babies aged 0-12 months, toddlers aged 1-3 years and boys and girls aged 12-18.

Thank you to all of our wonderful families for donating to this very worthwhile cause.

School Charge

As the year draws to an end we are looking at consolidating our revenue.  Did you realise that the school budget is partly reliant on families paying for the Essential Education items which the school purchases in good faith? This money covers resources for specialist programs as well as essential educational items such as stationery your child receives at the start of every year. If these costs are not met the school carries the debt. We hope that all families will make these payments in a timely manner. A big thank you to families who have finalised their accounts for 2019.

As always, if you are experiencing any financial difficulties, please make an appointment to see Denisse or myself to discuss the matter in strict confidence. Furthermore, if you have a valid Health Care Card, you will be entitled to a discount on your child’s Essential Educational Items.

Your attention to this is greatly appreciated.

Susan Gorham
Business Manager

First Aid Training

Thank you to those families who let us know beforehand that their children would not be attending school on Cup eve. Over the past sixteen years at Golf Links, families have chosen to take a short family holiday and traditionally our attendance on this day is extremely low.

This early notification allowed us to plan for a varied timetable for the day, and enabled the release of 24 members of staff to update their Level Two First Aid and CPR training. Being able to conduct the training on-site and only having to pay the training costs without having to pay to replace teachers to attend training. This was an effective way of keeping first aid skills for a large number of staff up-to-date and equip our staff with the necessary knowledge and skills to best care for all children when onsite and offsite at excursions and camps. It should also be noted that the training also required staff to complete significant prior reading and assessment of up to five hours above and beyond their normal work week.

It was lovely to see our children learning, interacting and engaging in activities with different teachers, different students and making new friends. Not to mention, the fun that was had by all, including our teachers.

Monday's Assembly 11th November - Remembrance Day

On Monday our student leaders will say a few words and hold a minutes’ silence to commemorate and remember all Australians who have died as a result of war. As always, we invite parents, families and friends to attend for our 2:30pm assembly. Poppy’s are for sale in the office, ranging from $2-$10.

Working Bee - Sunday 10th November

We have some priorities to complete on the day and would love to have as many hands-on-deck as possible. If you can help, please sign up here:

Jobs include:

  • Clear the triangle bank.
  • General path clean up.
  • Mulching and weeding gardens.
  • Mowing
  • Blowing playing area

We understand that your time is important and weekends can be difficult to manage. You are not required to attend for the entire time, any help is welcomed. If you are willing to help out, please use our sign up link: or contact Luke Franklin at the school.

Staff News

In 2020 we wish welcome back Claire Waring after her year long travelling adventures.

Deaf Sports

Congratulations to our awesome Deaf Facility students and staff! As always, you did us all proud.

Attitude of Gratitude

A big thank you to our wonderful families who always make us feel incredibly loved by bringing in special treats to get staff through the day. The donuts today were AMAZING!!!

If you have a lovely story to share or wish to highlight a staff member in an attitude of gratitude, I’d love to hear it. Please email me directly at  so we can celebrate RGLPS awesomeness.

Denisse Lobos

Acting Principal



Hopefully you have seen some changes in our fundraising this year.  The fundraising team have been listening to our community’s feedback and have made changes based on this.  Hopefully you have noticed!  We have given options for our fundraising drives, having options of both chocolate and/or socks, and a healthy mango drive.  We have also introduced a colour run, which we hope to run on alternate years.  We have had amazing community support for all of our events, including mothers and fathers days.  Our events couldn’t have occurred or be as successful without you!  If fundraising brings you joy, please join our fundraising team.  Contact Thom, at for more information.


Thank you to everyone who supported our colour fun run.  We raised over $10,000 to go towards the resurfacing of our Triangle and had a lot of fun in the process!  Thank you to all the children and families to help fun raise, and to our families who helped enter data online and throw colour.  It was a fun community event.



We are planning on putting together some hampers for our Christmas raffle, to be drawn at our school carol’s night.  If it brings you joy to donate towards this, we are accepting new toys, gourmet food or other relevant items.  Please send these items to the office if you would like to contribute. 



Dear Parents/Guardians,

In week six (week commencing 11/11/19), each 3/4 student will need a clear glass jar with a lid (label removed).  
It needs to hold 500ml of water so anything larger will be welcome. 

Thank you to everyone for helping students source and label soil and rocks, our studies in the unit ‘Beneath our Feet’ has been greatly helped by the variety of samples being brought in! 

Thank you!
Ms Wheeler
Science G1-6


Ice-cream containers needed urgently – Water recycling initiative

If you have any 2L or larger ice-cream containers, can you please clean and pass along to Science.  

We will be using the containers to capture unused bubbler water at drinking stations around the school.  This is a student-led initiative to recycle water as well as help our 500+ young plants settle in.  

Donations can be left at the front door of science room until 8th Nov.  Other similar containers (sturdy plastic, square/rectangular, not too deep) would also be suitable.  

Thank you for your assistance. 
Ms Wheeler


Primary Deaf Sports

Last week, Tuesday October 29th, the Deaf Facility students and teachers went to Primary Deaf Sports Day.  It was a fantastic day to see other children in various settings across the state compete in sports.  Friendships were made, fun was had and RGLPS Deaf Facility came 5th.  It was a fun, hot day.


Parent Information Session

We have planned a parent information session with a panel of deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) adults with lived experience of hearing loss.  Our panel is a combination of current RGLPS parents with hearing loss, previous RGLPS DF students (now in their 20s) and a couple of DHH students studying at La Trobe University.

This is a great opportunity to listen to a range of adults about their experiences through schooling and life, sharing their experiences living with hearing loss, acknowledging the challenges and celebrating their achievements.  We have a diverse panel, including adults with a mild loss, through to profound hearing loss.  Some panel members wear hearing aids, some wear cochlear implants.  Our panel members communicate in English and/or Auslan.  Interpreters will be provided for the evening.

The information session will focus on a range of topics to give you a glimpse of what your child’s path may look like, and how you can support and prepare.  It is also a safe place to ask questions from adults who have been through the same experience.  This is a session not to be missed!

The event will be on Thursday November 14th at 6:30pm.  Please see the attached flyer for more information, or contact your child’s teacher of the deaf, Meg Mahon (Auslan teacher) or Thom.  We look forward to seeing you on the evening.


There will be a working bee on Sunday 10th November 9am – 12pm.  All parents, kids, family’s and friends welcome!!!


Victorian State Athletics 2019

Three RGL students competed at the Victorian State Athletics Carnival on Thursday 24th October. Contending against the best athletes in the entire state was tough competition, but the students showed the RGL school values with every step, jump and throw to achieve some amazing results! 


Sophie P: 2nd – Girls 9-10 Multi-Class Long Jump

Nida F: 2nd Girls 12-13 Long Jump, 4th – Girls 12-13 100m

Sathika E: 4th – Boys 11 Shot Put, 9th – Boys 11 Long Jump, 12th – Boys 11 100m

Thank you to all the parents who transported and supported the students at the event.

Michael Brunelli
PE Coordinator

RGLPS Boys Softball Team Win Regional Runners Up Pennant

The Boys Softball Team competed last Wednesday at the Northern Metropolitan Finals at Mill Park Diamonds for a place in this year’s State Final. Things went very well from the beginning with a strong victory of 13-3 against St Francis De Sales who had won the Moreland Division title and a 7-0 win against Bell Primary School who had won the Darebin Division title. We were ready for strong competition in the next match against Killara Primary School from Sunbury who had pipped us by 2 runs last year to make the State Final. We came out of the blocks with energy and won the match 14-0 to set up a mini-grand final in the round-robin against Research Primary of Nillumbik Division who was also undefeated. We got off to a poor start and were behind for 3 innings until a sensational home run by Ben Howard kept us in the game, giving us a narrow 2 run lead going into Research’s final inning. Unfortunately, our earlier innings cost us in the end with Research able to prevail by 1 run, the match ending 9-10. I am super proud of all the boys for their tremendous spirit and endeavour in the extreme heat and that they never gave up despite playing three games in a row without a break. I really hope that you go on from this experience to play at a club, perhaps Lower Plenty who hosted our training earlier this term, and continue to build on the skills that you have learnt with me this year! Thanks for the wonderful parent support on the day, especially the Bernoth’s, Brabender’s and Windebank’s who drove the boys to the venue; without your assistance our team could not have participated.


Mr Peters.



Maths Olympiad Results

Thirty Year 5/6 students from RGLPS participated in the APSMO Maths Olympiad during Term Two and Three. This competition is aimed at high performing students in Mathematics with challenges set from lower to upper secondary school ability level.  Participating students attempt five questions during each of the five Olympiads for a total score out of twenty five.


Official results have now been received and a number of RGLPS students achieved results placing them in the top 40% of students participating in the Olympiad around Australia.


Top 20%

Harrison Brabender (Year 6)

Finn Ellul (Year 5)

Kate McCrae (Year 5)


Top 30%

Patrick Mehan (Year 5)


Top 40%

Jeonga Choi (Year 5)

Olivia Oates (Year 5)

Brianna Sun (Year 5)


Brianna Sun was awarded the 2019 Encouragement Award for her persistence and positive attitude towards learning throughout the Olympiads.


Overall the final RGLPS team score position was 926/1553 teams.


Congratulations to all RGLPS students who participated in the 2019 Maths Olympiad.



A reminder that the Writing ICAS results have now been released and certificates will be presented at school assembly next Monday 11/11/19.


Kerron Worsdell

Teaching and Learning Coach / Learning Specialist

RGLPS Play Group



Dear OSHC parents

Please note that there will be a Pupil Free day on Friday the 13th December. You can book online,  message or email me if you are wanting to book. Please remember there are 3 sessions to book in:

Before care

Day session

Aftercare – depending on your needs. Please book by Monday 2nd December.


Account can be paid by cash, cheque, EFT facility and direct deposit is available.

Payments can be made in OSHC during OSHC hours or at the School Office, during school hours (if you make a payment at the office please have your invoice with you).


The Direct Deposit details are:

BSB: 063 233

Account number: 1005 3825

Please note that you must include that this is an OSHC payment and your family name when processing a payment this way. This is to ensure the payment is forwarded to the program from the office.

If you have any question please feel free to contact OSHC via email, mobile or in person


From the OSHC team




Sweet Chilli Wrap – sweet chilli chicken tenders served in a wrap with lettuce, tomato,cucumber and grated cheese.  $5.70

Extras: pineapple, beetroot. $0.70 each.


Steamed Dim Sims

Blueberry & Apple Muffins

Fruit and Jelly Cups


Flexischools is our preferred option for ordering and payment but you can still order though the bag lunch order system on Monday and Wednesday.


I have sent out a lot of Money Owed notices this term.  If you owe the canteen for providing your child with lunch and have not paid, please do so as soon as possible. We feed your child in good faith of your payment.  Thank you to the parents who have paid promptly.



Thank you to all our canteen volunteers.

If you require a change to the roster please contact Margaret in the canteen. 

Thank you.

  Margaret Groves



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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