Nice, right?!


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MARCH 2020
There are no upcoming events.


Our Vision, Mission and Values

I’d like to take this opportunity to revisit our school vision, mission and values. Each day we work tirelessly to ensure we provide quality education programs for all students by making conscious strategic decisions to ensure we strive for our vision. I’m proud of our vision and look forward to the opportunity in our upcoming school review to revisit and refine key elements that encapsulate the future for our students.


Vision: To provide learning within an inclusive, collaborative and supportive community-minded environment, where every individual’s learning needs are valued and respected. We value positive, challenging and rich learning experiences which help to develop curious and resilient learners.


Mission: For the school community to work collaboratively to provide positive, challenging and authentic learning experiences that recognise individual learning needs and to foster independent learners who strive to reach their full potential as responsible citizens.


Values: Towards the end of 2018 we began the process of reviewing our school values by consulting with all stakeholders. We thank all of our students for their input, in particular those students on the 2018 and 2019 Junior School Council (JSC) who worked tirelessly during their lunch times to meet and discuss and gather feedback from their peers. I also wish to thank our parents who sat with their family at home and completed the school values homework task at the end of 2019 in preparation for our staff curriculum day. Staff spent a significant amount of time on this day to look at all of the feedback and had rigorous conversations in reviewing our school values. We are proud to say that we have chosen three new school values and look forward to sharing them with you at a special launch later in the term. Stay tuned!

Meet the Teacher and Parent Information Sessions 2020

 All Parents and Carers are invited to the 2020 Meet the Teacher and Information sessions at the following times:

These information sessions are designed to help parents/carers understand school programs, processes and policies. The sessions will be held in the school hall and be presented by classroom and specialist teachers in each team. Important information will be shared about classroom routines, expectations, assessment, communication and school events.

Teams will present for around 45 minutes and there will be time for questions and for a casual chat with your child’s classroom teacher. Families and students will also be asked to complete a short activity to help us learn more about your child’s learning needs and interests.

Students are welcome to attend with their parent/carer and will be expected to sit quietly on the floor at the front of the hall. It would be appreciated if alternative supervision arrangements can be made for younger children if at all possible.

Please note that teachers will not be able to engage in detailed or lengthy conversations about your child at the Meet the Teacher session. If parents/carers need additional time or to discuss items of a sensitive nature, please make an appointment to see the teacher either on the night or via email.


Our information evenings are also great opportunities to find out how to get involved in your child’s learning, just ask!

Mobile Phone Policy

You will be aware that as a result of a Ministerial Order, mobile phones and any device that may connect to or have a similar functionality to a mobile phone such as a smart watch, must not be used at Rosanna Golf Links Primary School once on school premises, unless an exception has been granted by the school principal. Mobile phones owned by students at Rosanna Golf Links Primary School are considered valuable items and are brought to school at the owner’s (student’s or parent/carer’s) risk. Students are encouraged not to bring a mobile phone to school unless there is a compelling reason to do so. Where students bring a mobile phone to school, Rosanna Golf Links Primary School will provide secure storage. Secure storage is storage that cannot be readily accessed by those without permission to do so. At Rosanna Golf Links Primary School students are required to store their phones. These should be handed in to the school office before 9am to be placed in a lockable cupboard. Students can pick up their mobile phones from the school office once dismissed from class. Classroom teachers will assist in ensuring this policy is enforced. Students who use their personal mobile phones inappropriately at Rosanna Golf Links Primary School may be issued with consequences consistent with our school’s existing Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy.

Everyone is welcome!

Once again in 2020 we are excited to be able to offer a parent and community Auslan program. Ms Mahon will be holding FREE sessions from 3.00pm-3.30pm on a Monday in the Auslan room. If you are interested in learning Auslan and joining in on these sessions, please email the school to let Ms Mahon know of your interest or if you have any questions! Come for assembly and then head down to have some fun with Auslan.

Notices for Approval

Please ensure you log into Compass to consent for the use of Seesaw (Prep students), Google Apps for Education 3/4 students), Office 365 (3/4 students).


To ensure everyone’s safety at Golf Links it is imperative that all children follow our school rule of walking bikes and scooters when in the school grounds. Thank you for following this up with your children and encouraging them to do the right thing.

School Injuries and Insurance

When a child is injured at school they attend sick bay and are looked after by one of the teachers on duty. If the child is provided with treatment, e.g. cut or abrasion cleaned with saline, bump or bruise treated with an ice pack, the first aid register is completed and a compass notification will be sent to you of the injury and treatment. If we have any concerns we will contact you or the emergency contact by phone. Sometimes we will advise that you seek further medical advice. In an emergency situation we have no choice but to call an ambulance. If this is the case, the school or the Department of Education & Early Childhood Development (DET) is not responsible for the cost of the call-out, and any charge will be passed on to the parents. Following is some information from the DET:

  • The Department does not provide personal accident insurance for students. Parents and guardians are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including any transport costs.
  • Student accident insurance policies are available from some commercial insurers. These cover a range of medical expenses not covered by Medicare or private health insurance.
  • The Department cannot advise parents/guardians on whether to purchase a student accident policy or which policy to purchase. It is recommended that they seek assistance in this matter with their insurance broker or find a suitable personal accident insurer in the Yellow Pages or online.

Punctuality and Absence Notes

Every teacher in charge of a class at 9.00am and 2.30pm marks the class roll on their computer and this is directly uploaded to the Department’s central computer system. Students who are not present at the time the roll is marked will be recorded as absent; therefore it is important that all students arrive at school with plenty of time to be entering their classrooms by 8.50am, when the bag bell rings so that they can be well prepared for the beginning of the school day. You are able to find more information regarding the Departments policy on ‘Everyday Counts’ online.

There are often times when a student is absent that you will inform the teacher verbally as to the reason for your child’s absence. Please ensure that you record the reason for the absence through Compass. Our class electronic rolls and evidence of reasons for absence are part of our legal accountability. Thank you for your cooperation with this. 

NDIS - National Disability Insurance Scheme

Since the inception of NDIS we have run informative sessions for families about NDIS. Golf Links is proud of the support it provides to families and the collaborative approach we have to learning. I urge you to please make an appointment with Thom Jackson regarding any NDIS questions you have for your child. We are working hard alongside our families to ensure they are supported in the process of accessing the required supports.

Payment of Essential Education Items

Parents/guardians are responsible for ensuring that their children are provided with essential education items. The school makes every effort to keep the cost of items that need to be purchased at a minimum. Parents/guardians also have the option of providing essential education items themselves.


Thank you to those families who have paid for their child’s Essential Education Items (EEI) and to those who have made voluntary contributions. We appreciate your support.


We remind you that payments were due on January 31, 2020. At this stage we have received 54% complete or completing via payment plan of the EEI payments. 7% are pending or awaiting payments. 39% of payments are still outstanding and classified as ‘not yet started’. These consumable items have already been purchased by the school in order for our programs to run smoothly and so our children aren’t without the resources they require for the year.

There are a number of ways to make payment: via Compass, bPay, EFTPOS at the General Office, cash or cheque.  You are also able to make part payments either via Compass or please come and see Denisse Lobos or myself to discuss options in confidence.

Did you know that School Council has initiated a discount on the EEI if you have a current Health Care Card? Please come to the office with a copy of your card to receive the 50% discount.

Denisse Lobos

Acting Principal




Important Information - please read

Please see below DET’s information regarding CSEF applications.

If you hold a Health Care Card or a Veterans Affairs Gold Card or are a temporary foster parent and have not previously applied for CSEF funding, please call past the office to collect an application form. The Heath Care Card must be in the name of the parent, not in the name of the student and the eligibility date on the card must be 2020.

If you have a child who has started Prep this year, a new application form must be completed even if you have previously received CSEF funding.

If eligible, you will be entitled to $125 per student to pay for camps, sports and excursions. The grant cannot be used for school fees, however School Council offer a 50% reduction in school fees if you are eligible for the CSEF funding.

Please contact Susan or Kaylene in the office if you have any queries.


Hearing Australia Visits 2020

Please add these dates to your home calendar for Hearing Australia visits to Rosanna Golf Links Primary School.  Please tell your child’s teacher of the deaf if there are specific needs for the Hearing Australia visits, such as gluing moulds, new moulds, connection issues, etc.


Assessment and Reporting

A reminder that this year RGLPS is using the Continuum tool on Compass for progressive reporting against our new 2020 Essential Learnings.


Parents/Carers can access the revised 2020 Essential Learnings in English, Mathematics and specialist subjects and the ‘Parent Guide to Progress Reports in Continuum’ documents on Compass under ‘School Documentation’ in the ‘Essential Learnings and Progress Reports’ Folder. (Choose the 2020 folder.)


Team Newsletters

Term One 2020 Team and Specialist Newsletters will be published early next week on Compass under School Documentation.  Please keep an eye out for a Compass notification and advice on how to access these documents.


Enrichment Programs

Term 1 2020 G.A.T.E.WAYS programs have been announced and parents of eligible students have been contacted about Term 1 programs on offer. A reminder that G.A.T.E.WAYS courses are designed to enrich and extend learning for students achieving significantly above expected level. Students who achieve 12 months or more Above Expected Level on their December 2019 Report in Reading, Writing or Number are eligible to enrol in a G.A.T.E.WAYS program. Popular G.A.T.E.WAYS courses can fill up quickly so interested parents should contact me as soon as possible to secure a place for their child.


Maths Olympiad 2020

Thirty high achieving mathematics students in Year 4-6 have been invited to participate in the 2020 Maths Olympiad. To be considered for the Maths Olympiad enrichment program, students need to be working at least 12 months Above Expected Level in at least one of the three strands of Mathematics, based on their Semester Two 2019 report.

The Maths Olympiad competition has been operating since 1987 and over 64,000 students from Australasia took part during 2019. The aim of the Maths Olympiad program is to encourage mathematical problem solving skills in an enjoyable environment. Students primarily compete against themselves to improve their mathematical thinking and achievement.

2020 Maths Olympiad are as follows:

Wednesday 25th March 2020
Wednesday 6th May 2020
Wednesday 17th June 2020
Wednesday 5th August 2020
Wednesday 16th September 2020

Maths Olympiad sessions will start from mid-term one and be held on Wednesdays for one hour per week.


Kerron Worsdell

Teaching and Learning Coach/Enrichment Coordinator


Our year has been off to a very quick start with a lot of organising for a successful year ahead. With District Swimming coming up in Week 6, the Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 students have begun training at Watermarc on Wednesday mornings in preparation for their selection trial on the 19th of February. A special thanks to the parents that assisted me on Wednesday to ensure the smooth running of the event. An expression of interest has also gone out to our Year 6 Girls to participate in the first ever Female AFL District Round Robin and has been received with great enthusiasm; a special thanks to our former students who lobbied to get the day up and going. The event will be held on the 17th of April, so dust of that Sherrin and head out for a kick!


Our House Athletics is also coming up on the 6th of March. We would love some parent volunteers to help run the events on the day, so if you are able to give some assistance please let me know.


We have also adjusted our Year 6 Inter School Sport policy. For the first time in our history, RGLPS now has more students than available team positions; Ms Lobos, Mr Franklin and myself have spent many hours looking at how we can best give our students a fair go and we believe we have found the best way forward. In a nutshell, every Year 6 student will participate in interschool sport. Unfortunately, there will be some weeks where children will be rotated to ensure a fair go for all and not play, however the coaches will keep track of how many games have been played and ensure that every student will play an equal amount of games over the home and away season. For the finals, the coach will select the players that have performed best throughout the season. If students are not selected for the match that week, they will attend Macleod College with the Year 5s and participate in the two hour sports program.


If any of your students are celebrating sporting achievements outside of RGLPS, please send in a photo and I’ll make sure it is published in the newsletter; I love celebrating the success of our students!


Have a great week,


Mr Peters.





Canteen Summer Menu 2020

Copies available in the foyer at school and in this newsletter.

Canteen Helpers Needed

Thank you to the lovely canteen helpers who are staying on from last year, your help is very much appreciated as the canteen cannot run without people like you.

We do need some more helpers to fill in the gaps. To new prep parents the “too many cooks do not spoil the broth ” canteen sheets are in your packs. Just fill them out and send them back and I will put you on the roster. Also forms are available in the foyer at school or contact me on 03 94045763 or 0438585323.

Thanking you.

Margaret Groves

Canteen Manager



Their Care (after and before care)


Welcome and welcome back to everyone

We hope you are all excited for the New Year ahead.

Just a quick note to ensure that you have checked your booking and details are all up to date,  if you haven’t already completed a their Care enrolment for this year, please visit

Please note we also have a new email address and mobile.


Service Mobile: 0408 136 169


Their Care support: 1300 072 410.


A friendly reminder for families with outstanding 2019 OSHC accounts.  Your account is now overdue and needs to be paid in full ASAP please.

Payment can be made at the school office or OSHC or via direct deposit into the school account.

The Direct Deposit details are:

BSB: 063 233

Account number: 1005 3825

Please note that you must include that this is an OSHC payment and your family name when processing a payment this way. This is to ensure the payment is forwarded to the program from the office.


2020  Their Care invoices will be processed through the Their Care head office, please ensure you have added the necessary banking details to your family profile.

If you have any concerns are questions please let me know or call the Their Care support during office hours

Many thanks =)



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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