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UNIFORM Nag again

The Aims of the Uniform Policy set by the School Council:

  • To promote equality amongst all students.
  • To further develop a sense of pride in, and identification with our school.
  • To provide durable clothing that is cost effective and practical for our school environment.
  • To maintain and enhance the positive image of the school in the community.



Polo Shirt with RGLPS logo – white or maroon (short sleeve)

Plain black shorts/skort/skirt (mid thigh length)

RGLPS school dress

Maroon school hat (Term 1 and 4)

Bomber jacket or Windcheater with RGLPS logo

White or black socks

Black school shoes or other appropriate runners

Sports top (Grade 3 – 6) on PE and sport days

Long black pants (plain, cargo or tracksuit)

Plain Black Pinafore (worn with white RGLPS polo or plain white top/skivvy)

Plain black tights or leggings


The following items are not school uniform:

  • Active wear/bike shorts/hot pants
  • Black jackets/cardigans
  • White/coloured leggings
  • Caps
  • Sandals
  • Boots (black “blundstone” style is acceptable)
  • Faded black or ripped denim


Please remind your children that beanies, hoods and outdoor jackets are not to be worn in class. We have a fantastic second hand uniform trade, with items being $2.00 each.


It is that time of year again!!!  As per our SunSmart Policy all students are now required to wear a hat during outdoor activities.  Hats are available for sale from the uniform shop for $12.00.

Resilience by Michael Grose

Resilience refers to psychological hardiness and a person’s ability to deal with life’s knocks and setbacks, both big and small. Resilient children accept life’s disappointments, bounce back quickly from social rejection, persevere when learning doesn’t make sense and generally have a positive attitude to life.

Resilience is a mixture of attitude, skills and abilities and character. Some children are born with a resilient spirit. They are naturally determined and spirited. But resilience is also fostered by early childhood experiences.

Resilient kids have healthy thinking habits. They tend not to catastrophise when things go wrong. They have a sense of optimism about themselves and the future. Some kids are born optimistic but most pick up their optimism from the significant adults in their environment. It pays for parents to be optimistic rather than negative as children will probably pick up their optimism.

Resilient kids are also independent and good problem-solvers. Parents can develop autonomy and resourcefulness by teaching kids the skills of independence and giving them opportunities to resolve some of their own problems. Overprotection robs children of opportunities to develop resilience. Chores and domestic responsibilities, caring for siblings and looking after their own well-being are some ways children can show their capability as family members.

Social competence is an attribute resilient kids have in common. They are able to mix well with others and link with friends when they experience disappointment or some hardship. Parents can develop socials skills by interacting with their children, providing opportunities for children to interact with others, and teaching and modelling appropriate social behaviours.


And this from Hugh Van Cuylenburg, founder of The Resilience Project on the TODAY Show:


GRADE PLACEMENT FOR 2020 - Final reminder due no later than September 20

At this stage, we have not assigned teachers to grade levels for next year, and in fact still need to select a few teachers to fill those roles next year. There are no guarantees that teachers currently teaching at certain grade levels will be teaching there next year, as leadership needs to take into consideration a range of factors including the different experience of our teaching staff and teacher preferences before this allocation is completed.


The school always sets out to create classes that have:


  • A balance of academic levels

(children at, above and below the level)

  • A balanced social and behavioural mix

(children who will get on well together with as little interruption as possible)

  • As you can imagine the process of grade placement is extremely tricky and time consuming. What is in the best interests of the school and all our children and families is paramount.


  • Children will be asked by their teachers to nominate children they would like to be with in 2020. During the process the teachers will ensure that every child is with at least one of these.
  • Classroom teachers will rank children according to ability and highlight behavioural / social concerns along with any relevant information they have gathered throughout the year. All of this information will then be used to develop the 2020 classes.
  • Specialists will check the lists for any anomalies and then the leadership team will then confirm grade placements.
  • In the second last week of term, children and their new teacher will visit their 2020 classroom. The children and new teacher will complete an activity in this session notifying parents of their new grade.

Parent Considerations:

  • Obviously the classroom teacher has the most information regarding individual children. As a first port of call, please speak to your child’s classroom teacher if you wish to discuss anything about your child’s placement.
  • Occasionally we may not be aware of special circumstances that need to be considered during the class selection process. Such special circumstances might include but are not limited to health, emotional or learning matters, peer or sibling relationships or changes in the home situation. Selecting a particular teacher does not fit within the realm of special circumstances. If parents want to provide extra personal information to be considered in the process you will need to email the school office. Letters should be addressed to “The Principal” and reach the office no later than September 20. Please note this is not about requesting or selecting your child’s teacher for next year. Please note that letters received after this date will NOT be accepted.
  • This will exclude the friends the children will want to be with which has already been gathered by the teacher.


Late To School and Attendance

I cannot stress how important it is for children to begin their school day on time. Once teachers have called the roll, they go straight into the morning instructions for all children. If your child is late, the teacher needs to repeat everything for your child. Not only is this disruptive to the learning of others, it takes the teacher away from dedicated teaching time. Most people do the right thing, thank you. There are however, a few ‘habitually late’ families. Please consider addressing this concern if you are regular late comers.

Our school will text you as soon as practicable on the day if your child is not at school and you haven’t notified the school via a Compass attendance note as to why. As parents it is your responsibility to ensure that any absence is approved, so please ensure that these are logged as soon as possible on compass.

From DET – (adapted) Fact Sheet for Schools available here:

Please note the third last dot point:

“Ongoing unexplained absences or lack of cooperation regarding student attendance will result in a formal attendance conference being organised. Unresolved attendance issues may be reported by the Principal to the Department of Human Services and the Department of Education”.

The easiest way to ensure that you do not receive a message as you are about to return from a weekend away, or you are sick in bed with your child, is to record the absence in Compass before 9am on the day of the absence.

This week's read: "the more we give him, the less he appreciates it"

After all, “good manners and gratitude overlap,” says New York City etiquette consultant Melissa Leonard, a mother of two young daughters.

  1. Work gratitude into your daily conversation. …
  2. Have kids help. …
  3. Find a goodwill project. …
  4. Encourage generosity. …
  5. Insist on thank-you notes. …
  6. Practice saying no. …
  7. Be patient.

Please join us.

We are excited to be keeping families informed via our Facebook group, this is a closed group and we enjoy the positive community that we are establishing on this platform. The information shared is timely and ongoing through our many moderators. You can also like our page and enjoy the photo updates of our new sporting facility at the front of the school.


We currently have 463 followers on our official school Facebook page. Please head over and ‘LIKE’ us at


We currently have 318 members in our official school Facebook group. Please head over and join this group at


Please note that like a friend’s profile, Facebook PAGES are designed to create an authentic and public presence on Facebook. On the other hand, Facebook GROUPS are the place for small group communication and for people to share their common interests. Our official GROUP is for that purpose, as mentioned in previous newsletters. You are invited and welcomed to this space to share, communicate and ask questions of others in the community. This site is moderated by selected staff across the school.

Kelly Morrow



Congratulations to both our Intermediate and Senior Concert Bands on their outstanding performances at the Royal South Street competition on Monday.

Intermediate Concert Band won their section against seven high schools with an amazing score of 97/100 points!

Senior Concert Band were awarded second place against eleven high school! Their score was 96/100!

The students represented Golf Links at the highest level – a huge achievement, thanks to their hard work and dedication over the past few months.  We are very proud of them all!


Our School Dance is fast approaching.  We are looking forward to seeing the results of the children’s hard work during Term Three. We can’t wait to see everyone dressed up in their red carpet frock or tux, or perhaps come dressed as your favourite movie star or movie character.


Some important things to remember:

  • The event will be held over two nights, students with surnames A-L, Monday 16th September and surnames M-Z, Tuesday 17th September.
  • Doors open at 6pm. Please ensure that your children are assembled with their class teacher by 6:15pm.
  • Tickets can be purchased from TryBooking at
  • The cost is $22 per seat. Young siblings (2 or under) who remain seated on an adult’s lap throughout are free.
  • Bookings will open on Monday 26th August at 8am and will close on Friday 13th September at 3pm.
  • Bring along your own plate of nibbles and drinks and drinking glasses.
    • Due to venue restrictions only pre-packaged food is allowed. Examples of acceptable food are chips, dips, cheeses, lollies, fruit, water, soft drinks, etc. No takeaway or home meals allowed.
    • Alcoholic drinks are strictly not allowed due to the venue’s liquor licence.
  • Please ensure your children have eaten before the event as they will be staying with their class for the duration of the evening.

If any parents are keen to help with table decorations and other small tasks in preparation for the dance nights, please get in touch with Deb Howard.



Wear Casual Clothes with a Touch of RED DAY

Last Day of Term 3 - Friday 20th September


The Day for Daniel is a National Day of Action to raise awareness of child safety, protection and harm prevention.

 Day for Daniel is about educating children and adults about keeping kids safe through child safety and protection initiatives.  It aims to help empower our children to Recognise, React and Report if they feel something is not right.

Wear Red and Educate is the theme of Day for Daniel as schools, kindergartens, businesses and communities across Australia take action and conduct child safety activities in their local communities to help in keeping kids safe.

 Monies raised on the day fund education programs, resource development and support.


Hi friends, family and dance lovers, 

Who said dance clubs are for adults only? I am thrilled to invite you to Mini SPIN, a deaf-led dance rave for children learning Auslan, deaf, hard or hearing, Children Of Deaf Adults (CODA) and hearing children and their families. 

Join Deaf hosts Anna Seymour, Luke King and Robbie Burrows for an hour of dancing, Deaf culture stories and making noises to the funky beats of DJ Callum Padgham on Friday 27th September in the Fringe Hub at Trades Hall, Carlton. 

Please see flyer for more details.

This is an Auslan interpreted event and wheelchair accessible. 

We can’t wait to see you there! 



This student task in 3/4 Writing was in response to the curriculum focus, ‘Demonstrate knowledge of text features and parts of speech’.
Students in 3/4 wrote mini-books explaining adjectives, verbs, nouns, pronouns and adverbs.
This image features work by Miranda, Eva L, Natalie, Isabella, Sophie, Maya and Christopher from 3/4M.



Green Facts are back for Semester Two, and we want your input! 

If you have a fact about the environment, or tips for how we can help preserve our planet (either at home or at school), please share it with us. You can write it on a scrap piece of paper and place it in the labelled box in the 1/2 building outside 1/2G, or enter it online at the following link  

Keep your eyes peeled on each newsletter to see if your Green Fact appears! 



Tournament of Minds 

Well done to our 2019 Tournament of Minds (TOM) team who did a presentation to the RGLPS school community on Wednesday at lunchtime in the Hall. The team were very excited and proud to have the opportunity to present their creation to students and staff.

Following the Northern Metro Final, the TOM team had a post presentation debrief about their learning this year and held a small celebration to celebrate their efforts.

The school has received now feedback from the TOM Judges and has learned that our RGLPS team were ranked in the top third for both the Long Term and Spontaneous Challenge this year. Well done to all students who participated!

Maths Olympiad

The Maths Olympiad team have one final Olympiad for 2019 which is scheduled for next Wednesday 11th September 2019. Best of luck to the thirty students participating in the Maths Olympiad on their final Olympiad for the year.

UNSW ICAS Assessments

ICAS tests are currently underway at RGLPS with several tests still to come before the end of Term 3. Key dates for the remaining tests are summarised in the table below:


ICAS Tests

Tues Sept 10th, 2019

ICAS Writing (online) *Paper based test for year 3/4

Thurs Sept 12th, 2019

ICAS Spelling (online)

Tues Sept 17th, 2019

ICAS English (online)

Thurs Sept 19th, 2019

ICAS Mathematics (online)

Progress Reports

A reminder to parents to regularly check Compass for Progress Report updates on your child. Progress Reports are updated frequently by classroom teachers and parents will receive a Compass notification advising when a new Progress Report has been ‘pushed out.’

A detailed overview of the RGLPS Essential Learnings teachers use to make Progress Report judgments is also located on Compass for your reference. (Login to Compass -> Community -> School Documentation -> Essential Learnings and Progress Reports) Remember as a first point of contact to speak to your child’s teacher if you have any questions about your child’s learning achievement and Progress Reports.

During 2019, the school is continuing to work on our systems and processes around Progress Reports to improve the process for both teachers and parents. We are planning some improvements for 2020 and will inform you of upcoming changes through the newsletter and at Parent Information Sessions. Please keep an eye out for information around changes to Progress Reports for 2020.

Kerron Worsdell

Teaching and Learning Coach


Junior School Council will be selling popcorn to students on the following dates:


Tuesday 10th September – Preps

Thursday 12th September –  1/2s

Tuesday 17th September – 3/4s

Thursday 19th September – 5/6s


Just a friendly reminder that we do not have direct debit available in our program. I apologises for the confusion as the invoices state we do.

Account can be payable by cash, cheque or EFT facility is available.

Payments can be made in OSHC during OSHC hours or at the School Office, during school hours (if you make a payment at the office (please have your invoice with you).

If you have any question please feel free to contact OSHC via email, mobile or in person




  • Hash Browns                           $1.00
  • Steamed Dim Sims                 $1.00 
  • Warm Banana Bread               $2.20
  • Blueberry or Apple Muffins    $1.20
  • Hot Chocolate or Milk            $1.60  


  • Meatballs in a tomato & basil sauce, with parmesan and baby spinach served in a pita pocket         $5.70

Nice for winter!


If your child has a plastic Keep Cup they can bring it to get their Hot Chocolate. 


Thank you to all our canteen volunteers.

If you require a change to the roster please contact Margaret in the canteen. 

Thank you.

  Margaret Groves



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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