Newsletter –  05 March 2021


There are no upcoming events.
There are no upcoming events.


Autumn has arrived with some colder mornings this week. A few students attended the Division Swimming session at the Northcote Aquatic Centre on Wednesday where great fun was had by all. It certainly has been a very sporty term thus far.

Student Leaders

We welcome our 2021 Student Representative Council (SRC).

Congratulations and gratitude is sent to the following students;

Thanks are also extended to those who put their hand up to be Environment Leaders. 

Congratulations to the following students.

It has been wonderful to see how many students take such an active interest in our school and the community we live in.

Current Restrictions

At this stage we are all feeling the benefits a largely mask less school, however, we still need to be a little careful when we are unable to maintain a safe physical distance. The most recent DET guidelines state;

Face masks are recommended, but not mandatory, for use by staff, students and visitors when physical distancing of 1.5 metres cannot be maintained.

We also have permission to commence most day to day operations and I am happy to report that school tours for prospective students are commencing next week as a result of these changes.

School Council

Our new School Council will meet together for the first time on April 1st, following the Annual General Meeting. We welcome new members Thom Jackson, Janine Versis, Kristina Smith and Angelina D’Aquino.

Our 2021 parent members are Richard Thornton, Sam Ricardo, Matt Oates, Luke Bell, Bronwyn Sealey, Shaun Keogh, Kristina Smith and Angelina D’Aquino.

We will alter our subcommittees in 2021 to reflect the work that is done within the school council. The 5 subcommittees are as follows. Finance, Facilities, School Council Operations Committee (SCOP), Instrumental Music and Policy and Wellbeing.

We look forward to a very productive year.   

Community Forum

Next week on Thursday the 11th of March we are inviting our parent community to join us at 6:30pm through Webex for a RGLPS community forum. A Webex link will be posted on Compass before the event.

The purpose of this forum is to ensure all members of our community can be part of the process for developing our new school vision. Our staff and students have been busy considering this prospect and we want all of our key stakeholders to share in our school vision.

Take care everyone, and enjoy a well-deserved long weekend.

Kirrily Lamers




Term 1 Whole School Events

Given the uncertainty of the COVID-19 situation, we are making the difficult decision not to run whole school events at this stage. The Department of Education’s school operation guidelines states that events with over 1000 attendees including students, staff and parents require us to operate inline with the Public Events Framework. Typically our term one event would have been the Family Fun Fiesta, we are choosing to cancel this event at this stage and look forward to running further events as the year progresses and guidelines ease. We thank you for your understanding with this matter

International Women's Day

International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. Significant activity is witnessed worldwide as groups come together to celebrate women’s achievements or rally for women’s equality. 

Marked annually on March 8th, International Women’s Day (IWD) is one of the most important days of the year to:

  •   –  celebrate women’s achievements
  •   –  raise awareness about women’s equality
  •   –  lobby for accelerated gender parity
  •   –  fundraise for female-focused charities

Luke Franklin

Assistant Principal


Cognitive Load Theory

Today I am going to give you an overview of Cognitive Load Theory, which emerged from the field of educational psychology in the 1980s and 1990s. At its core are two key concepts:


  1. There is a limit to how much new information the brain can process at once; and
  2. There are no known limits to how much stored information can be processed at one time.


This theory has significant implications for all types of learning and for all ages. Essentially, to help new learning stick, we need to avoid asking learners to do too many new things at once. Too much becomes ‘cognitive overload’ – the brain simply can’t process and apply all the new learning at the same time.


This theory explains why children may forget to add full stops or capital letters when working hard to develop and record their ideas in writing OR why reading comprehension suffers if children have to work super hard to decode the text. This doesn’t mean that students can’t learn and practice both skills – we just can’t expect them to do multiple new things well at the same time. Once new learning becomes embedded in our long term memory, the cognitive load is reduced and people are able to use these skills and knowledge automatically. For example, by the time children reach mid and upper primary, they can automatically spell and punctuate correctly while composing their writing. Young children find it difficult to do all this at once.


Being mindful of ‘cognitive overload’, RGLPS teachers try to allow students time to practice and understand new learning so it can be stored in their long term memories. This includes asking children to read a ‘good fit’ book so they are not so cognitively overwhelmed with decoding the text that they lose meaning. When children are just learning to write and record their ideas, teachers don’t place excessive emphasis on correct spelling, punctuation or handwriting. This can become the learning focus after the ideas have been recorded. Similarly in maths, we build up to multi-step mathematics problems such as calculating a total in money and giving change.


Hopefully, this summary provides some insight into why it is important to slow down and not ask learners to do too much at once. We want learners to be able to confidently take new learning on board, rather than crumple under the pressure of doing too many new things at once.

Maths Olympiad Team 2021

Our Year 4-6 Maths Olympiad team commenced practice sessions this week. Good luck to all our participating students in 2021:


Jack B, Sullivan C, Jade D, Marshall H, Eva L, Alexander L.Y, Molly M, Eamonn N, Madeleine O, Leben R, Violet T, Lincoln T, Ellie V, Toby W, Samuel W, Bowen Y, Levi H, Lachlan P, Kyle S, Jed L, Grace R and Eliza B.


The Maths Olympiad team will meet weekly to attempt practise questions on Thursday afternoons. The first Maths Olympiad for 2021 is on Wednesday 24th March.

Victorian High Ability Program 2021

At the end of 2020,  the Victorian Education Department launched a new initiative called the ‘Victorian High Ability Program’ or ‘VHAP’. This program is aimed at supporting and extending high ability students in Victorian Government Schools from Years 5 – 8. Schools do not nominate students for the program – students are selected by the Education Department based on their academic results and NAPLAN data. As the High Ability Coordinator for RGLPS, I then make contact with families, provide an overview of the program and seek consent for their child to participate.  
In Term 2, we are fortunate that fourteen Year 5/6 students have been invited to undertake either the Primary English or Primary Mathematics programs. The High Ability Program will run over ten weeks and will be conducted online with teachers from Virtual Schools Victoria. Mathematics sessions will be held on Monday afternoons and the English sessions on Tuesday mornings. The program will also culminate in some form of half or full day event or excursion, where students have the opportunity to meet their peers participating from other local schools.


A big congratulations to all those students invited to undertake a VHAP in Term 2. It is hoped that more RGLPS students will be invited to join VHAP programs during Term 3 and 4.


That’s all from me this week. I hope you all enjoy the long weekend!

Kerron Worsdell

Teaching and Learning Coach


Sporting Schools

Are you interested in your child taking up a sport outside of school? Sporting Schools, a federal grant program which funds coaching and equipment for schools, has developed a ‘find your local club’ website for 35 different sports! Simply click on the sport your child is interested in and the website will take you to a page where you can find the closest clubs to where you live. There is also a link to the State Voucher program which can help families cover the cost of registration and membership fees.


Sports include: AFL, Athletics, Badminton, Baseball, Basketball, Bowls (Lawn), Cricket, Cycling, Deaf Sports, Equestrian, Football (Soccer), Golf, Gymnastics, Hockey, Judo, Lacrosse, Netball, Orienteering, Paddle (Canoeing, Kayaking etc), Rowing, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Sailing, Snow Sports, Special Olympics, Softball, Squash, Surfing, Surf Life Saving, Swimming, Table Tennis, Taekwondo, Tennis, Ten Pin Bowling, Touch Football, Triathlon, Volleyball and Water Polo.




This term, we are using our Sporting Schools funding to run the Grade 1 to 4 Gymnastics program with qualified instructors and to purchase a new ‘Rocking Step’ which helps young children with their balance and coordination.

Team Vic.

Congratulations to the following students who will be trying out for the Victorian U/12 State Team to compete at the National Championships: Basketball – Mitchell Tomic, Riley Thompson, Jensen Ward, Audrey Johnson. AFL – Riley Thompson. Cricket – Gideon Seevaratnum. The students will now participate in series of trials to determine the Victorian Team – Good Luck and all of RGLPS hope to see you in the Navy Blue and White very soon!


Kind Regards,


Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator


Easter Raffle

We cant wait to have the fun of the Easter Raffle at our last assembly of the term!!

RGLPS has a long history of a huge and exciting Easter Raffle!!  Many kids holding their breaths and crossing their fingers in the hope that their family will be lucky enough to win.

This fundraiser relies on your generous support. If you have the means, and would like to make a small donation of an Easter Egg for the hampers, please drop them at the office before the Monday 29th March.

Each student will be given 10 raffle tickets to be sold at $1 each.  Tickets and money are due back no later than Wednesday 31st March.

Thank you for your support and good luck!



The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund helps eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.


If you have a valid means-tested concession card, such as a Veterans Affairs Gold Card, Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible. There is also a special consideration category for asylum seeker and refugee families.


Payment amounts this year are $125 for eligible primary school students. Payments are made direct to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions and sporting activities for the benefit of your child.


If you applied for CSEF through our school last year, you do not need to complete an application form this year, unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.


If you would like to apply for the first time, please contact the school office on 9457 4178 and ask for an application form.


You can also download the form, and find out more about the program and eligibility, on the Department of Education and Training’s Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund web page.


Check with the school office if you are unsure, and please return completed forms to the school office as soon as possible.



Special Religious Instruction – Christianity sessions will be offered again this year. They will be held in the library for the first half of lunchtime (1.50 – 2.20pm) every Thursday, commencing 11th March. Permission forms for this have been put on Compass or are available from the Office. The sessions explore the beliefs and values of Christianity through stories from the Bible, with games and activities to help us think and make it fun. Our aim is to cater for all ages, Prep to Grade 6, with some time allocated for age appropriate discussion and activities. If anyone has any questions about the program, or is interested in helping, please give me a call.

Cathie Clarke

SRI – Christianity Team Leader

Ph: 9459 2278 or 0411 883 904



Thanks very much.

Have a good weekend,




Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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