Newsletter –  05 June 2020


TERM 2 2020


There are no upcoming events.


As I write today I am still working on the challenge of learning every Prep to Year 2 student by name. I definitely have all of the faces in my head but it is quite a task to memorise 200 plus names. Fortunately there are a few Zoe’s, Hugo’s and Mia’s so if all else fails I will try one of those and see if I have any success.

Our Year 3 to 6 teachers have been working hard in their classrooms over the past few weeks awaiting a return to school for their students and as you know Tuesday the 9th of June marks our whole school return to onsite learning. We have acquired some great new learning during the remote period but we are all so pleased to be back at school and doing what we all do best. Our Prep – Year 2 students continue to approach their schooling with engagement and persistence and I know that our Year 3 – 6 students will do the same upon their return.

Drop Off and Pick Up

Though we have coped extremely well with the drop off and pick up without staggering the times thus far, we have determined that this will no longer be possible upon the whole school return. Safety is still a very big concern and with the limited parking options close by we will need to stagger to allow for safe social distancing practices for the foreseeable future. We will be staggering pick up time for the remainder of the term from Tuesday the 9th of June. Drop off will still be 9:00am for all students as we have noticed that foot traffic is reduced due to varied drop off times anyway. As per usual students will be able to be supervised inside the school from 8:45am with the bell to commence learning ringing at 9:00am.

Students whose surname commences with an A – M will finish school at 3:15pm. Those commencing with an A – F will exit via the front gate and those commencing with a G – M will exit from the back gate. Older siblings are encouraged to pick up younger siblings from their classroom and exit the school together. We also encourage families to arrange a meeting point if your child/ren is independent and allow them to walk and meet you away from the congested gate area. As per the current arrangement, students who are walking to school may exit through any gate.

Students whose surname commences with an N – Z will finish school at 3:30pm. Those commencing with an N – S will exit from the front gate and those commencing with a T – Z will exit from the back gate. Please note that we will be flexible with this arrangement and adapt as necessary. To avoid confusion for your child/ren please use the same gate at am drop off as you use for pm pick up. Once again, thanks for your patience and support.

We Want Your Feedback

Each year we conduct the Parent Opinion Survey for a sample of randomly selected families within our community. In 2020 the survey has been postponed/cancelled due to the current COVID – 19 pandemic. We still want our parents perceptions of school climate, student behaviour and student engagement and have taken some time to address how we can gain information that will help us to continue on our journey of continuous improvement.

In the 2019 survey there were a small number of factors where the positive endorsement was between 70 and 75%. We wanted to gain a perspective into these areas by providing an opportunity for parents to share their thoughts on these factors in more depth and allow us to reflect on our practices. We have created a short 9 question survey and would value the input of all parents. Please click on this link and complete your responses by Friday the 12th of June. We thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you about how we can continue to improve our practices.

Curriculum Day Postponement

A reminder that our curriculum day on the 10th of June has been postponed due to COVID – 19.

Return of Loaned Equipment

A reminder to our Prep – 2 students who borrowed an electronic device during remote learning. Please return your device as soon as possible so that we can clean them and redistribute them back into the classrooms.

Kirrily Lamers




We can’t wait to have our full Deaf Facility next week!  Reminder that we have Hearing Australia visiting on Thursday, June 11th.  Please let your child’s teacher of the deaf know if there are any repairs or concerns to pass on to Cathy from Hearing Australia.





Thom Jackson

Deaf Facility Coordinator



Three Way Conferences 2020

The school has now set the date for our 2020 Three Way Conferences. Conferences will be held between teacher, parent and student on Wednesday 22nd July 2020. 


Students are required to attend on this day to participate in the their Three-Way Conference. Participation in the 15 minute Three-Way Conference provides opportunities for reflection, feedback and individual instruction on how the learning journey for each student can be enhanced and extended moving forward. Teachers will schedule 15 min conferences with families and students between 9am and 6:45pm. Students will be marked present on the attendance roll upon their participation in their scheduled 3WC.


TheirCare will be available if parents/carers need additional supervision for their children across the day. Please DO NOT send your child to school on this date for any reason other than for their Three Way Conference.


The Three Way Conference is a valuable opportunity to celebrate student learning achievement and discuss future learning goals. For this reason, it is important that students are able to participate in the discussion. However, we understand that sometimes parents and teachers need to discuss private issues. In this case, parents and teachers may request that the child step out during the second half of the conference so the adults can discuss matters privately.


AT RGLPS, we value the home/school partnership that is part of our school culture and hope all parents/carers are able to attend their child’s Three Way Conference. Given our current circumstances, it is looking likely that Three Way Conferences will be conducted online using WebEx Meetings. Further information will be forthcoming as social distancing requirements evolve.


Parents/carers will be able to book in a time for their child’s Three Way Conference via Compass from 9am on June 26th. Bookings will close on Friday the 17th of July at 3.30pm.

ICAS 2020

UNSW International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) are designed to provide an objective ranking of student achievement in a range of subjects. Participation in tests is entirely voluntary and at parent expense, costing $15.95 per assessment. All ICAS tests will be conducted online in 2020.


ICAS participants will receive a printed certificate of achievement and students with the top score in each subject in each year level globally are awarded a medal and a medal winner’s certificate.


In 2020, ICAS tests will be offered for the following subjects and year levels on the following dates:



Eligible Year Levels

Tuesday 18th August 2020

ICAS Science

Year 2-6

Friday 28th August 2020

ICAS Digital Technologies

Year 3-6

Monday 24th August 2020

ICAS English

Year 2-6

Tuesday 1st September 2020

ICAS Mathematics

Year 2-6

Wednesday 3rd September 2020

ICAS Spelling Bee

Year 2-6

* UNSW has informed the school that the ICAS Writing will be unavailable in 2020.


The online parent portal is now available for parents to register their child for ICAS and make an encrypted payment by credit card. Please create an account and login at with the school access code ASU788.


2020 ICAS enrolments will close on Monday 10th August 2020.


Semester One 2020 Reports

Victorian Government Schools will provide a modified Semester One 2020 report to parents/carers for their child, comprising of three sections:

  1. Overview of Learning  – An outline of concepts taught onsite during Term One and during Term Two Remote Learning.
  2. General Comment  – A comment focused on your child ‘as a learner.’ This comment will also include information about your child’s engagement and adjustment during remote learning.
  3. Semester One Achievement Highlights – Classroom teachers will outline specific learning highlights for your child. Prep – Year 2 teachers will outline an achievement highlight for English and Mathematics and Year 3-6 teachers will outline a highlight for English, Mathematics and Integrated Studies.


Please note that A-E grades or progression points will not be provided this Semester. This is consistent with DET advice to schools.


Semester One reports will be released to parents via Compass on Wednesday 24th June 2020.

Tournament of Minds

The school will not be involved in the Tournament of Mind in 2020 due to significant changes related to the COVID-19 pandemic.  We apologise for any disappointment caused by this decision.

Maths Olympiad 2020

The next Maths Olympiad will be held on Wednesday 17th June 2020. Please note that there will be no Maths Olympiad practise session on Tuesday 10th June, due to the Year 3-6 students return to onsite schooling on this date. As a staff, we feel it is a priority to support Year 3-6 students to settle back into classrooms with their regular teacher after the extended absence.

Kerron Worsdell

Teaching and Learning Coach


Dear Parents,

I have the great pleasure of announcing that RGLPS has WON the RH Sports Fitness Challenge! We came first in both points scored and number of participants which is a phenomenal effort – and earnt our school $300 of free sporting equipment in the process to boot as well. I have created a poster for the students to take home as a momento of their achievement which I’m sure they will enjoy. In total, our students ran 1396.8km, bounced the basketball 249,261 times, caught a tennis ball 127,865 times and jumped a skipping rope 147,102 times. Thanks for your support at home, as the 1/2 students were so excited to tell me their top scores when they returned this week and no doubt the 3,4,5,6 students will next week as well. I’m so proud of all of our students!

I have had word that School Sport Victoria are looking to still hold the State Athletics Competition this year and are in the process of working out the details. I’m really pleased about this as it will mean our students should hopefully get the opportunity to test their skills if restrictions continue to ease. I’ll keep you updated in the following weeks.


Darren Peters

PE and Sport Coordinator


Recess Ordering

No over the counter orders are available at this time.

Recess food is available by ordering on line through Flexischools. Please order as a separate order from lunch and we will have it ready for the children at recess time.

Hot food , chips, popcorn, icy poles & drinks are all available.


Wishing every- one a safe , happy long week- end.

Thank you .

Margaret Groves.


Entertainment Books are available for sale, online only this year at .  Please nominate Rosanna Golf Links Primary School in the Fundraiser section; 20% of each sale goes towards providing improved facilities at RGLPS.


Dear Parents


Please note, for OSHC you are still required to escort your child to and from the OSHC entrance, where you will be able to sign them in and out.

Thank you


Unfortunately, we are unable to run lunch time clubs at this time.


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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