There are no upcoming events.
There are no upcoming events.


The school term is up and running now. Our Prep students are attending full time and our older students have already been competing in sports sessions with the Athletics running next week. It almost feels like we are back to normal.  We are so pleased that we can run our extra programs with music, dance classes and athletics a big part of the school year. I can’t wait till we see the performance next term as it has been a very long time in the making.

Science/STEM Making an Impact

During our Monday assembly we had a visit from our science/stem teacher Katy Wheeler. Katy has been very busy with our lifecycle’s unit this term with baby chicks hatching, the metamorphosis of butterflies and tadpoles turning into frogs. As a special treat we were able to release all the butterflies during a magical assembly.

Witnessing the joy from our students was amazing. Just a really great reminder of how fun it is to learn at school. We are so lucky at RGLPS as we have incredible staff who always go that extra mile to ensure our students have the very best learning opportunities. A big thanks to Katy for providing this experience for all of our students.

COVID Safety Updates

A very big thankyou to our entire community. We are all tracking fairly well due in no small part to the cooperation and support of our student, staff and greater family communities. We have had staff absence that is greater than our typical numbers and we continue to manage that. This is an issue in all schools at the moment and we have been very fortunate as we have a small pool of replacement teachers in our community who typically cover at RGLPS. Students are generally familiar with our regular casual replacement teachers, but we do sometimes have to use an agency to cover the volume of absence. All teachers that we use are subject to the same child safe requirements as our regular staff with police checks, registration and 3 doses of a COVID – 19 vaccine mandated for all who work in our school.

I do hope that we are able to ease the restrictions further and really get back to normal soon as we continue to bring back that love of learning at school.

School Council

Our new School Council will meet together for the first time on April 7th, following the Annual General Meeting. We welcome new members Meghan Buchanan and Lucy Penninger.

Our 2022 parent members are Richard Thornton, Matt Oates, Luke Bell, Bronwyn Sealey, Shaun Keogh, Kristina Smith, Lucy Penninger and Angelina D’Aquino. With Sam Ricardo stepping into a community position for 2022.

Expressions of interest will be sought for our subcommittees in 2022 to reflect the work that is done within the school council. The 5 subcommittees are as follows. Finance, Facilities, School Council Operations Committee (SCOP), Instrumental Music and Policy and Wellbeing.

We look forward to a very productive year.   


Take care,

Kirrily Lamers




Junior School Council and Environment Leader Representatives

Our JSC and Environment Leader class representatives will be announced and badges will be distributed during Monday’s assembly. Unfortunately at this stage, we are still unable to allow parents and family members to attend whole school assemblies.

International Women's Day

The world comes together for International Women’s Day (IWD) on March 8 to celebrate women’s achievements and reinforce a commitment to women’s equality.

At RGLPS, we will be celebrating IWD with a staff breakfast and handing out sweet and crunchy apples to students as they enter the school gates.


The IWD website has loads of information you can look at with your family.


You may also wish to do this simple but effective activity with your child at home.


Understanding Gender – (6-11 year olds)


Create a Safe and Brave Space: It is important that you create a space for children to feel supported and comfortable to talk about gender equality, and their experiences and rights. It is important to have an agreed code of conduct that is supportive, sensitive and understanding of diversity and difference. We want children to feel safe but also encouraged to speak out and share their experiences, concerns and points of view. We want students to feel encouraged, that’s why you should set not only a safe space but a ‘brave space’.


In this activity: Students will identify common gender roles and expectations in society.


You will need: Drawing paper, pencils, coloured pencils


Duration: 30 mins

Activity Description:

  1. Draw people doing different jobs: a firefighter, a surgeon, a pilot, a nurse, and a teacher. What do they look like?
  2. Give each of your characters a name and a short background story. What are each of your characters called? What is their story?
  • Were your firefighters, surgeons, and pilots men or women? What about the nurses? And the teachers?
  • Are there jobs we think are more suited for men? And ones more suited for women? If so, why? Where does this belief come from?
  • How do these gender expectations/stereotypes affect girls’ ambitions to be who they want to be? [definitions of gender, stereotypes, and gender stereotypes in Glossary]
  • Can you think of women in your community/country who work in professions dominated by men? Has she ever talked publicly of the challenges she has encountered as a woman in her field of work?
  • How can we better understand and challenge gender expectations/ stereotypes in our daily life?


You can access the full IWD activity pack here.


National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence (NDA)

On Friday 18th of March, our school will be getting involved and taking a stand against bullying. The NDA is Australia’s main bullying prevention initiative. This year’s theme is ‘Kindness Culture’ and promotes creating a school culture that prevents bullying through encouraging inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging. More information about how we will be getting involved and how families can get involved too will be available in the newsletter next week. Learn more here.

Smart Devices at School

It has come to my attention that there are many students wearing smartwatches to school. This type of device is not allowed to be worn or used during school hours as stated in the Department of Educations Personal Mobile Device Policy (

We understand that some of these devices have a school mode which deactivates some features. Whilst we understand that in school mode the device does comply with this policy, the time it would take our teachers to ensure this is set up correctly is unmanageable.

The school offers a secure place to store these devices in the office. All students should turn off and hand in their devices when arriving in the morning. They can collect these at the end of the day to head home.

As you know this is a Department of Education policy and we must enact this. Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this matter. Should you feel that your child’s device is exempt from this policy, please contact Luke Franklin.

Some examples of smartwatches our kids are wearing.

Luke Franklin & Denisse Lobos

Assistant Principals


2021 ICAS Digitech

The final batch of 2021 ICAS certificates have now arrived and been passed on to students. Here are the results of students achieving a higher place certificate in the 2021 ICAS Digitech:


Distinction: Charlotte L, Bianca K, – these students were in the 89 – 99% for their age group.

Credit: Alexandra C, Luke E, Alexander K, Sullivan C, Thomas B – these students placed in the next 25% of students participating

Merit: Sohum B – achieved results in the next 10% of students in Australia.


Congratulations to all students who participated in the 2021 ICAS Digitech. Students who receive a participation certificate will receive these via their classroom teacher. Former RGLPS students who have since departed the school will have these sent home with siblings or sent in the mail.


Accessing more information on your child’s 2021 ICAS results

For more detailed information on your child’s 2021 ICAS results, please see the bottom of the rear page of your child’s ICAS certificate. It will direct parents to access the ICAS results portal via Enter your child’s ID, PIN number and the school code (01308410). These individual PINS and IDs are all listed on the bottom of the certificate back page.

Getting Comfortable with being in 'The Learning Pit'

Persistent is one of our RGLPS school values. Many people find it difficult to persist with challenges when things become a real struggle. However, neuroscientific research shows that it is these moments of struggle when significant learning actually occurs in our brains. Magnetic Resource Imaging scans (MRIs), reveal heightened brain activity in multiple areas when people make a mistake. When learners make an error and are aware of this, multiple areas of the brain are activated to try and make sense of it. Mistakes are when our brain strengthens its connections and neural pathways for improved learning. It is therefore important, as teachers and parents, that we encourage and celebrate making mistakes and recognise them as opportunities for deeper learning.


James Nottingham is a globally recognised expert on learning and encourages us to embrace what he terms ‘The Learning Pit’. He describes the ‘Learning Pit’ are those moments of intense struggle, when we are grappling deeply with new learning and find it hard going. When we persevere and push through a challenge, deep learning occurs and we make significant breakthroughs. I’m sure we can all recall something we have persevered with and felt enormous pride about when we finally grasped the difficult concept or skill. Things become clearer as we emerge from the ‘learning pit’ and we experience that rush of accomplishment and success.


I encourage all parents to help your child reframe their own learning struggles and mistakes as times when their brains are working their hardest. Please encourage your child to display persistence and learn to become more comfortable with being in the ‘learning pit’. Their learning and overall wellbeing will benefit as they reframe struggle as a positive, rather than a personal failure.  

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


Maths Riddle


Well done to those who found many palindrome dates like 22.02.2022. Some other examples include:

10.02.2001, 20.02.2002, 01.02.2010, 11.02.2011, 21.02.2012, 02.02.2020, 12.02.2021, 03.02.2030, 13.02.2031, 23.02.2032, 04.02.2040…


Here’s this week’s challenge. I’ll share the answer in next week’s newsletter.

Cross the River Challenge

A farmer is trying to cross a river. He is taking with him a rabbit, carrots and a fox, and he has a small raft. He can only bring 1 item a time across the river because his raft can only fit either the rabbit, the carrots or the fox at one time. If he leaves the rabbit alone with the carrots, the rabbit will eat the carrots. If he leaves the fox alone with the rabbit, the fox will eat the rabbit. How can the farmer complete his journey and get the fox, rabbit and carrots safely to the other side?

Hint: Try using toys/objects to act out the scenario using trial and error.


Extra challenge: Create your own Cross the River challenges using different animals/foods.


If you’d like to share your response or have your working out featured in our newsletter, please send your solutions to


This week in Science, we saw observed the chickens growing their adult feathers.  They quickly changed from yellow fluff balls into “teenagers”, with the increased height and wing and tail feathers showing their age.   Students had the opportunity to pat the chickens and notice the distinctions along with continuing on with their other learning foci.

Four of the butterflies emerged from their chrysalis last weekend.  They were ready to fly so were released at Assembly on Monday morning.  One student commented afterwards, “It was like an airshow” as the butterflies rose, dipped and fluttered back and forth over all the students.  The last butterfly was released on Tuesday morning at the Butterfly Garden (the circle garden on the top ‘triangle’ oval, near the spider play equipment).

The chickens and equipment have been collected and returned to their farm and the butterfly enclosure is now empty but we will continue our focus on living things until the end of term using other resources.  It has been lovely to see student’s enthusiasm, curiosity and respect as they’ve interacted with the animals in the Science room.


Katy Wheeler

Science Teacher



On Monday, 24 students from Grades 3,4,5 and 6 represented RGLPS at the District Swimming Carnival at Watermarc in Greensborough. Everyone was in excellent spirits and was prepared to give their very best effort in the pool. I am so proud to say that it was our most successful carnival for many years with almost all students picking up ribbons for their events! They held themselves in high regard all day and represented our school with pride.

I’m also pleased to mention that 11 of our students placed 1st or 2nd and will make their way through to the next level, the Division Swimming Carnival to compete against the best from the City of Banyule next Monday. They are: Asher K, Matilda K, Finn G, Mae G, Alia C, Will B, Amy P, Eva R, Mabel M, Allie G and Maxine S. A very special thank you also to the following parents for driving our students to the competition: Fiona O’Neill, Luke Kelly, Kim Mansfield, Penny Newland, Mathias Gross, Jacinta O’Rourke and Lisa Powell.


Next Tuesday is the House Athletics Day at Meadowglen International Athletics Stadium. Students are to wear a shirt of their House colour (It does not have to be a plain shirt, I am happy if the shirt is predominantly that colour – in other words, anyone should be able to tell what House they are in easily by looking at them). Please ensure your child wears sporting attire on their legs – we had a few students wearing denim jeans last year and this made it hard for them to compete in most events. Shorts, skirts, skorts, leggings, activewear etc are the best as it allows your child to run freely.


The canteen will be open at the event; please do not send more than $10 with your child and remind them to put the change in their school bag – coins tend to bounce out of pockets during long jump or the sprints! Please bring sunscreen, a snack, water bottle and lunch for the event and all students must wear their school sun smart hat.


If your child wants to wear hair spray or coloured zinc, please apply this at home before school.


Looking forward to a great day!


Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator



Special Religious Instruction – Christianity (known as SRI) will be offered again this year. The half hour sessions will be held in the library during the first part of the second lunch break, 2 – 2.30pm every Thursday, commencing 10th March. Permission forms have been put on Compass or are available at the Office. The sessions explore the beliefs and values of Christianity through stories from the Bible, with games and activities to help us think and make it fun. Our aim is to cater for all ages, Prep to Grade 6, with some time allocated for age appropriate discussion and activities. If anyone has any questions about the program, or is interested in helping, please give me a call.

Cathie Clarke

SRI – Christianity Team Leader

Ph: 9459 2278 or 0411 883 904


Dear Parents.


From today you will no longer be able to order snacks through Flexischools at recess and lunch. Students are able to buy over the counter now that some of the COVID rules have changed.

Please send money with your children if you would like them to buy snacks over the counter.


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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