There are no upcoming events.


I write today in anticipation of a return to onsite learning for our students on Friday the 11th of June. Whilst I can’t predict the future, I feel positive about the precautions that have been taken and the low numbers of daily transmissions and I am hopeful that this brief lockdown will allow schools to open their doors again from next Friday.

Lockdown Updates

Current restrictions will be in place until Friday the 11th of June unless we are otherwise advised.

Given the extension of this lockdown we have opted to return to our blended approach to remote learning. We have prepared extensive operational guidelines outlining our remote program and these can be found on Compass. Students will have received invitations into their classrooms through Seesaw and our teachers are very keen to virtually welcome them back to school today.

We anticipate a return to onsite learning next Friday, but we do anticipate that there will be some restrictions in place. At this stage it looks like we will again have to limit school access to outside visitors, and we may have to stagger lunchtime and school start and finish. These alterations to our program will be communicated once we are given direction going forward.

Mid Year Music Concert

We can report that our mid-year music concert has been postponed. Schools are not permitted to host events, unless remotely, during the lockdown period. We are exploring every possible option to be able to host this concert once we return to school. We know how hard our students have worked and are very keen to give them an opportunity to perform in front of an audience. 

Interschool Sports

Due to COVID-19 restrictions the remainder of the home and away season for interschool sports has been cancelled. Finals will still go ahead in term 3. For the first time in our memory all RGLPS teams have qualified for finals. We are so very proud of our teams who have given it their best shot, collaborated as a team and most importantly, they have had a great time. Well done everyone! We all look forward to the finals next term.

Wellbeing Updates

We all understand the strain that restrictions places on individuals and families is significant and we want to support everyone with all the tools that we have access to. Please access advice, tips and resources available for parents and carers to support their child’s mental and physical health and wellbeing using the following link


Take care and we will see you all soon,

Kirrily Lamers



Premiers' Reading Challenge

What a fantastic opportunity to get involved with the Premiers’ Reading Challenge over next week. All students should now have their log in details and access to the portal.

Click on the ‘School coordinator or student’ sign-in button.

Next, click on the ‘VPRC login’ button and enter the username and password provided by your classroom teacher.

You can then search for the book you are reading or want to read and add this book. When you finish the book you can enter a review and your thoughts.

Remember: You don’t have to be the one reading the story. Get Mum or Dad (or your clever puppy!) to read to you and enjoy some of the amazing and interesting stories you have around your home.

Should you be having any issues, please don’t hesitate to contact your classroom teacher for support.

Facilities Update

Whilst it has been a difficult week for most of us, at school we have had the unique opportunity to complete some works that have been booked for quite a while and long overdue. We have now almost completed a ramp to access the Triangle.

We have also started work on the remaining two shade sails between the Prep rooms and BER. These shade sails will be installed next week and provide a large shaded area for our students to access during the sunnier months. The student leaders have designed line-markings and games to be painted under this space and it will be amazing to see this finished later in the year.

Other trades have been onsite to fix several other  urgent issues such as water leaks, drink taps that run uncontrollably, pumps not behaving and doors that required replacement. Here at school, we managed to find a positive to this lockdown. We are looking forward to seeing everyone back soon to share our excitement.

Elysium Psychology

As you may know, during the first lockdown last year we lost the ability to host a psychologist onsite and as a result have not been able to replace them. Many families are seeking support and this is proving difficult to arrange.

Elysium Psychology has recently opened a practice in Greensborough and are proud to report that they have 9 psychologists and counsellors available 6 days per week. Currently, they have capacity to see new clients within 1-2 weeks of contact with the service. They are a trauma-informed all inclusive practice. They value diversity and support clients who may present with sexual, cultural and gender diversity. All staff are capable and competent to support students who may be presenting with anxiety, depression, self harm, suicidality, trauma and abuse or interpersonal issues. They are also happy to see parents for relationship counselling or parenting support.

Should this be a service you are seeking, families can book online via or by calling 0491709555.

Luke Franklin

Assistant Principal


ICAS 2021

ICAS assessments will continue to be offered to students in 2021 and will be held in August on the dates below. Please be aware that participation in ICAS is optional and at parent expense. Each ICAS costs $17.05. 

Parents can register their child for one or more of the ICAS through the Parent Payment Portal located at using the school code MHT858.

ICAS Registrations via the Parent Payment Portal will close on Sunday 25th July 2021

RGLPS School Policies

A reminder that all RGLPS school policies are available to parents via two pathways. Policies are uploaded to both Compass and the school website. On Compass, look under the Community Icon -> School Documentation -> School Policies. To locate policies on the school website, click the Community tab in the top menu and scroll down.

Semester 1 Reports

Reports will be released to parents on Wednesday 23rd June 2021 at 4pm. RGLPS teachers are currently finalising reports but in light of our current lockdown, may have been unable to administer some intended assessments. Teachers are hoping to return to onsite learning next Friday and catch up on assessments planned for this period. We thank the parent community in advance for understanding that teachers may have less data to use when making judgments than usual.


Have a great week everyone!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


Grade 3 & 4 - Steam Punk


District Cross Country

Last Wednesday the students who finished in the top 10 for their age group at our RGLPS Cross Country competed in the District Cross Country at Banyule Flats with our local schools. I was so proud of the efforts of all of our girls and boys who gave their very best effort in their races, helping each other along with encouragement and a positive attitude. This year we have an amazing 16 students finish in the top 10 of their District Cross Country event; they will now compete for RGLPS at the Division Cross Country at Banyule Flats on Tuesday the 15th of June.

Congratulations to these students who will move forward to the next level:

Boys U9/10: Marshall H, Hayden P

Boys U9/10 Multi Class: Joshua B, James V

Girls U9/10: Zoe G, Lauren C, Natalie D, Molly M, Audrey J

Boys U11: Levi S, Mitchell T, Jensen W

Boys U12/13: Joel T

Boys U12/13 Multi Class: Lutz S

Girls U12/13: Emily S, Lola W

A big thank you to Ms Waring, Ms Stavridis, their student teachers, Ms Powell and Ms Goodman for assisting on the course and watching over our students.


This term we were successful in receiving a Sporting Schools Grant for specialist coaches to come and teach our students how to play ‘Fully Loaded Softball’. School Sport Victoria has made the decision to change from traditional softball to fully loaded softball for its inter school sport competitions across the state from 2021 onward, so we were very fortunate to be able to learn the new rules from Sinead and Brian from Preston Baseball Club. Sinead has played baseball for Victoria and Australia and Brian, who is the Vice President of Preston, has been associated with the game for 40 years; their wealth of experience certainly taught the students (and myself!) a lot about the game and had the students hanging off their every word. If your child enjoyed the last few weeks, Sinead and Brian invite them to come along and play with Preston Baseball Club where they are involved with the junior program. Their field is at La Trobe University on Kingsbury Drive. If you would like Brian’s number, please email me at

Inter School Sport

Our Grade 6s can be very proud of themselves and feel super excited – for the first time (or at least for a VERY long time!) all of our teams have qualified for the Term 2 finals! That means AFL, Boys and Girls Teeball, Netball A and Netball B will all have a chance to win a flag for our school! The semi-final and grand final will both be played on the 16th of July. The venues will be decided after the final round has been completed. I would like to thank Mr Butler and Ms Taylor for volunteering their time to coach our students at lunch times during the term! If possible, take some time outside with your child to help them improve their skills and have some fun and to pass on any advice you may have to help them feel confident and positive for the finals ahead J

Kind Regards,

Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator



Booking link: 






Dear Parents,

I hope you are managing this difficult time again.

With regards to the canteen , if the restrictions are lifted next Thursday night we will only open the canteen to over the counter sales for recess & lunch on Friday 11th June.

NO LUNCH ORDERS for Friday June 11.  

Canteen helpers:  I will contact you with regards to the roster once I know what’s happening.

Thanking you all for your continued support. Peta & I really appreciate it.





Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

National Boys Choir of Australia Auditions for July 2021 and January 2022 intake

Notice for your School’s newsletter


The National Boys Choir of Australia is about to hold preliminary auditions for boys in Grades 1 and 2 to commence in July 2021 or January 2022 intake. Auditions will take place from June. Auditions are free, informal, and take only a few minutes. The most promising candidates will be invited to a second audition at the Choir studios in Ringwood.

For over 50 years, the National Boys Choir of Australia has performed extensively both nationally and internationally, and regularly with the Melbourne Symphony and Opera Australia. The choir is also recognised from the Qantas ‘I Still Call Australia Home’ advertisements and performances at Carols by Candlelight each year. 

If you would like to arrange an appointment for your son, or know someone else who might be interested, please visit the Choir website at

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