There are no upcoming events.



Hello everyone and welcome to another week of term 3. I spoke to a friend on the phone earlier this week and she told me about the lovely day that she had experienced. The story was whilst out to do her weekly grocery shop, she first ran into the coffee shop to pick up a coffee. She was told by the barista that the coffee was free as the previous customer had paid it forward so to speak and purchased the coffee for the next person to enter the store. It was one of those moments where I reflect on the tremendous resilience and care we have as a society. That one little anonymous action just helped to pep up the step of someone else. I then reflected on the things that I am grateful for. I am grateful for the support of our community during this challenging period and I am hopeful that we can all be back together soon.


Last week I reported about the positive State-wide NAPLAN results for Victoria. Earlier this week we did receive the Individual Student Reports for our Year 3 and Year 5 students. We will be mailing these reports to households next week so do be on the lookout for the 2021 student reports in the coming weeks.

Extended Restrictions for Victoria - 02 September 2021

Due to the ongoing level of community transmission of COVID-19, the Victorian Government has announced the current restrictions in place across Victoria will be extended. This means remote and flexible learning will continue in all Victorian schools until the end of Term 3. Any update or change to this will be communicated through the return to onsite learning plan that will be released next week.

This means remote and flexible learning will continue in all Victorian schools until the end of Term 3. There are no changes to the current operational settings in schools or the categories of students who can attend on-site.

On site supervision current arrangements will continue. An authorised worker permit will be required for authorised workers to attend a workplace, and parents and carers can only request on-site supervision at school for their child/ren in the below categories.

Category A 

Children where both parents and or carers are considered authorised workers who cannot work from home, work for an authorised provider and where no other supervision arrangements can be made. Where there are two parents/carers, both must be authorised workers, working outside the home in order for their children to be eligible for on-site provision at school.

For single parents/carers, the authorised worker must be working outside the home in order for their children to be eligible for on-site provision at school. Parents and carers who are authorised workers will need an authorised worker permit from their employers to access on-site supervision for their child/ren in Category A.

For those requesting on-site learning under Category A, a copy of your authorised worker permit or permits must be submitted to our school as soon as practicable after it is issued.

Category B

Children experiencing vulnerability, including:

  •   –  in out-of-home care
  •   – deemed vulnerable by a government agency, funded family or family violence service, and assessed as requiring                      education and care outside the family home
  •   – identified by a school or early childhood service as vulnerable, (including via referral from a government agency, or funded      family or family violence service, homeless or youth justice service or mental health or other health service)
  •   – where a parent/carer indicates that a student with a disability is vulnerable because they cannot learn from home, and/or       informs the school the student is vulnerable due to family stress, the school must provide on-site supervision for that             student. This may apply to students enrolled in specialist schools and students with a disability enrolled in mainstream           schools.

An authorised worker permit is not required for accessing on-site supervision under Category B.

I trust our school community will ensure we do the right thing at this time, by complying with the restrictions in place and making careful and supportive decisions that limit movement through the community.

Thank you again, for supporting your child’s learning during this time.

Please contact me on 94574178 with any questions.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers



What is R U OK? Day?

R U OK? Day is a national day of action dedicated to reminding people to ask family, friends and colleagues, ‘Are you ok?’. This year R U OK? Day falls on Thursday 9 September. The purpose is to inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with people around them on a regular basis to make a difference to anyone who might be struggling. It’s a way for us to reach out and demonstrate that we genuinely care.

This year’s message is ‘Are they really OK? Ask them today’. With life’s ups and downs that challenge us all, the chances are you may know someone who is struggling. We don’t need to wait until someone is visibly distressed to meaningfully ask them how they are really going.

We can all make a difference by having regular, meaningful conversations about life’s ups and downs with our family, friends and colleagues. Remember, you don’t have to be an expert to have a caring, meaningful conversation.

* Check in with people around you and take the time to ask how they’re going.

* Follow the R U OK? four steps:

  1. Ask R U OK?
  2. Listen with an open mind
  3. Explore options and encourage action
  4. Check in

* Be respectful – some individuals may not want to have a conversation with you, and that’s ok. In this instance, your role might be about reminding them of available wellbeing supports and letting them know you’re here for them if they want to chat.

* Empathise – we all go through times when we might be struggling to cope with the multiple demands placed on us.

Luke Franklin & Denisse Lobos

Assistant Principals


In recent weeks police have seen an increase in youths on bicycles congregating in large numbers at Rosanna Parklands, Ivanhoe East Primary School grounds, St George’s Anglican Church (Ivanhoe East), Mother of God Catholic Church (Ivanhoe East), Chatsworth Park and Eaglemont Tennis Club dirt bike jumps.  Often the youths are not wearing helmets, and in some instances they are travelling on motorised (illegal) bicycles, which are of particular concern as they are a danger to the rider and to others nearby.  Some of these youths have been involved in multiple acts of deliberate vandalism.  The youths have been putting themselves and others at serious risk of injury by their riding actions.  Members of the public have contacted police and made complaints about the anti-social behaviour because the youths have been intimidating members of the public, including young children.  The anti-social behaviour has included the disruption of a funeral.  The youths are in breach of the COVID-19 directions.  Police ask that parents and carers remind the children of the current COVID-19 restrictions, and ensure they are not engaging in these types of behaviour, which is having a significant negative impact on the community.  Police request that parents and carers have knowledge about their children’s whereabouts, and actively dissuade their children from associating in large groups.  Police will conduct increased patrols of these areas to ensure members of the public feel safe and to identify the youths involved in this behaviour.  Police will be issuing infringement notices and putting children before the courts for offending.  Police encourage any parents or carers to contact First Constable WEST 43225 via email of if parents or carers have information or would like advice about this matter. Likewise if you witness this behaviour we encourage you to call 000 if urgent or phone the Heidelberg Police Station to advise what you witnessed.



I hope everyone has enjoyed the warmer weather this week and the start of Spring! Please try to get outside and get some fresh air and exercise to boost your mood.

Maths Olympiad Update

APSMO, (Organisers of the Maths Olympiad), advise that due to the lockdown in NSW, Victoria and the ACT, Maths Olympiad #5 WILL NOT count towards final results for these states. Maths Olympiad #5 will not take place on Wednesday 8th September, as originally scheduled. 

APSMO will also delay the release of the Olympiad question set for Victoria until Friday 10th September. I will post the questions on Seesaw for members of the RGLPS team who wish to attempt them in the last week of term. This will be an ‘opt in’ task – there is no expectation for any student to attempt and solve the questions.

This is a disappointing end to the Maths Olympiad for a second year in a row but well done to all students who have participated in 2021.

ICAS 2021

All 2021 ICAS dates have been moved to the new dates listed below. Fingers crossed that we are back onsite and these can proceed as scheduled.

'Book Week Character Dress Up Assembly'

The ‘Book Week Dress Up Assembly’ will take place on Thursday October 7th at 9am. RGLPS students are encouraged to plan a costume to celebrate literature in keeping with the 2021 Book Week theme ‘Old Words, New Worlds, Other Worlds.’ COVID restrictions in place will indicate whether we are able to host a parent audience onsite.

Tournament of Minds

Last weekend, I volunteered to be a judge for the Tournament of Mind Northern Metro Regional Final. With the lockdown, the judging panel had to meet online to view and evaluate team submissions. From the judging experience, I gained valuable insight into how each entry is scored and where emphasis is placed. This will be highly useful information for Tournament of Mind Teams in the future. It will also help ensure that this year’s school TOM team receive authentic scoring and feedback when they eventually present to a panel of school judges onsite. 


Have a great week everyone!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


Maths Riddle: 

Well done to those who solved last week’s book shelf riddle. The answer is… There are 13 books on the shelf.

See if you can solve this week’s riddle below.  I’ll share the answer in the newsletter next week.

HINT: Use a hundred chart or create a list of all the whole numbers containing the 8 digit.


Extra challenge: What if you were to write down all the numbers to 1000 containing the 8 digit? 

If you’d like to share, please send your solutions to

Sarah McLellan

Learning Specialist


September is Biodiversity month. Biodiversity, short for biological diversity, is the term we use for the variety of animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, and other intertwined life forms within any ecosystem. At Rosanna Golf Links, we have approximately 72 species of plants alone.

Biodiversity is important because the stronger an ecosystem is, the less effect small changes will have on its stability.

For more information and activities for biodiversity, check out these links:


Aust Govt explanation and activities:

Upcoming: Sept 7 Threatened Species Bakeoff (see attached pdf)

Upcoming: Birds in Backyards Spring Survey


Message from Margaret and Peta

RGLPS Cooking Club

If you have cooked something amazing in lockdown we would love it if you would share it with our Golf Links families!!

Send your recipe and a phot if you have one to and we will feature your culinary prowess in the Newsletter.

Fun Food Ideas

Remember Jelly!!  We almost forgot about it, but my daughter recently had her wisdom teeth removed and it was definitely all about the JELLY!!  We used the old Aeroplane standard, and although they begged, I resisted the frog in a pond temptation.  But there are a lot of options these days; low sugar, natural flavouring.  Or, feeling brave – you can make your own.  It’s a bit fiddly but the result is a revelation!!

Home made fruit Jelly


4 cups apple juice

1 cup frozen raspberries

1 tablespoon gelatine powder


In a medium saucepan place 2 cups of apple juice and raspberries. Bring to the boil. Remove from heat and whisk in gelatine until dissolved. Add remaining apple juice.

Pour through a strainer to remove raspberry seeds, then pour into moulds or bowls.  Set in fridge for 4 hours or overnight.

Please feel free to use any juice that suits you.



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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