There are no upcoming events.


What a busy few weeks we have had at RGLPS! Thanks to all of the families who have chatted to me at the gate about our school production. I am bitterly disappointed to have missed the evenings and cannot wait to access the USB to see how much fun was had. From all accounts it was a terrific opportunity for our students to be part of something exciting and I am so glad that we were able to finally run a whole school production for our students. As I write, we are also awaiting the return of our 5-6 campers. We really have tried to give our students every opportunity to access as many extracurricular events as possible thus far this year. We aim to continue to do so with more camps and excursions planned throughout the year and also Writing festivals. We are even looking to possibly host a ‘Bush Christmas’ towards the end of the year. I do want to take the opportunity here to thank all of our staff. Illness has taken a little toll, but our amazing crew continue to go the extra mile for our students. I am so grateful to our staff because we can give our students these amazing opportunities because of their willingness to support.

On a personal note, I would also like to thank our incredible community. I returned to school on Thursday and many families have already chatted to me at the gate and checked in to make sure I am ok. It absolutely makes things that much easier to know that I have such wonderful support from our community.

Education Week – Open Morning Sessions

While I missed our open morning last week, as I walked around this morning, I noticed that there were a few other staff who had, through illness, missed the opportunity to host an open morning. It was terrific to see that we were still able to run the session this morning and ensure that no one missed out.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers



Production DVD & USB Orders

If you would like to purchase a DVD or USB with this year’s production ‘The Amazing Race’, click on the following link.


The cost of a DVD is $25 each and a USB is $30 each.


Each child would have received an envelope to take home for cash orders. Envelopes need to be returned to school by Wednesday 30th June.

Online payments incur a 30 cent surcharge and a 50c try booking fee. You do not need to return the envelope if you make an online order.

Our Lunch Clubs are up and running!

There’s been a slight change to the schedule.

Dance with Natalie and Miss La Selva is now on Tuesday during the second break, not the first break.

Parents can remind and encourage children to attend. Places are limited so first in best dressed.

Coats for Kids

Luke Franklin & Denisse Lobos

Assistant Principals


Bugs Everywhere!

Like all Victorian schools, RGLPS is being hit hard with staff and student illness at present. We are experiencing a very high number of daily staff absences due to illness and having to get creative to ensure we can cover classes. A sincere thankyou to parents/carers who are keeping their sick children at home to stop the spread of COVID, flu and other nasty bugs so we can try and maintain regular learning programs and events.  

2022 ICAS

ICAS registrations are currently open and can be made through the Parent Payment Portal located at  Please use the RGLPS access code EMT934.

Registrations will close on Sunday 31st July 2022. Please note that participation in ICAS remains optional and at parent expense. 


RGLPS teachers are busy finalising Semester One reports at present. These will be released to parents on Wednesday 22nd June 2022.

Classroom teacher reports will include:

  •   – An Overview of Learning taught across Semester One
  •   – A General Comment about your child as a learner
  •   – A Behaviour and Effort rating using a five-point scale
  •   – Progression Points (dot grid) against the Victorian Curriculum Achievement Standards (for                     curriculum areas taught during Semester One)

Each Specialist teacher will write a report comprising of:

  •   – An Overview of Learning taught in their specialist subject
  •   – A Behaviour and Effort rating using the five-point scale
  •   – Progression Points (dot grid) for the relevant curriculum area against the Victorian Curriculum            – Achievement Standards
  •   – Short achievement comment for their specialist subject

2022 Book Week

RGLPS will be celebrating Book Week with a Book Character Parade in August. Students will be invited to dress up as their favourite character at our special ‘Book Week’ assembly on Monday 22nd August at 9am. This year’s theme is ‘Dreaming With Eyes Open.’

Have a great week everyone!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


Maths Riddle

Well done to those who attempted last week’s ‘Shape Fractions’ challenge. The answer to the challenge is: Shape 3 contains more white than black. All other shapes have an equal portion of white and black.

Here’s this week’s Maths Riddle. I’ll share the answer in next week’s newsletter.

Line Challenge

Which symbol (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6) is missing a line.

Hint: Look for a pattern to solve.


Extra Challenge: Draw some possible shapes that may be used to continue the pattern sequence. 

If you’d like to share your response or have your working out featured in our newsletter, please send your solutions to


Girls State Baseball Winter Championships

For the last two weeks, RGLPS has enjoyed the services of Australian Baseballer, Sinead Byrne-Connell teaching our students how to play teeball through the Sporting Schools Grant that we won for Term 2. After her Friday coaching, she stayed on her own time to watch our Grade 6 Teeball Teams play Inter School Sport and was so impressed that she invited six of our girls to try out for the Girls State Winter Baseball Championships. Last Friday night, five of our Grade 6 girls headed to Melbourne Ballpark in Altona, the biggest baseball stadium in Melbourne to ply their skills and try to earn a place in the team. I also headed down to watch the event and I was very impressed with what I saw – under lights, the girls learnt skills from Victoria’s best coaches, used batting machines, completed fielding drills and most exciting of all they were able to stand at home plate and hit out onto the field for the 90 minute session. No matter if our girls make the team or not, we can be so proud that an Australian player saw such talent in them that she invited them to come along and have, according to one of our girls ‘a once in a lifetime experience’. Congratulations to Chloe, Audrey, Indianna, Gracie and Madeleine – I hope you get a call from the selection panel this week!

Kind Regards,


Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator


Help still needed.......

Volunteers are now allowed back into the canteen and you would be most welcome.

Because of our new lunch time table you assistance would be required as below.

You need to have done the school volunteer on-line course and be fully vaccinated.

If you are interested in helping out please email me at  

Please include: name and contact information: email, mobile number, date and times available. 




FRIDAY Any hours from 9AM-1PM- Especially between 10:30AM-12:30PM  which is our peak. 

If you can’t do the entire time and still want to volunteer we are flexible. 


Margaret Groves

Canteen Manager


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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