Newsletter –  02 September 2022


There are no upcoming events.


I felt a real sense of pride this week when I was a part of the combined music concert. As I sat, watched, and listened to the incredible performance I also reflected on the challenges of our year. That pride that I felt extended to the students who have shown enormous resilience to ride through the bumps that have occurred over the past few years, and the staff who have worked so hard this year to provide as many highlights as possible for our student cohort. My passion for education always feels so easy as I walk through our classrooms and see engaged and happy students. I just wanted to take this time to thank everyone in our community who makes that possible.


It is that time of year again. Yesterday we received Individual Student Reports for our Year 3 and Year 5 students. We will be mailing these reports to households next week so do be on the lookout for the 2022 student reports in the coming weeks.

NAPLAN test results provide information on how students are performing in literacy and numeracy and support improvements in teaching and learning. The data from NAPLAN test results gives schools and systems the ability to measure their students’ achievements against national minimum standards and student performance in other states and territories.

Individual student performance is shown on a national achievement scale for each test that shows how the performance of individual students can be compared to the average performance of all students in Australia.

If you have any questions relating to the NAPLAN assessment, please contact your child/ren’s classroom teacher.

State Representatives

A big congratulations to Alia and Audrey who will represent Victoria in the softball State finals. That take our tally of State representatives to 3 with Sam competing for Victoria last month in cross country. Just another example of the resilience and determination demonstrated by our students this year. You have all made us so proud.

Combined RGLPS and Montmorency SC Band Concert

Wow, that was worth the wait!

From our tiny students who could not touch the floor as they played instruments that were almost bigger than them, to our seasoned musicians at the other end of the scale. The combined concert provided a true highlight for our instrumental music students and families. For me it was a great moment, as in the 2 and a half years I have been at Golf Links, a series of events have impacted on our ability to host a concert. This meant that it was the first time that I have seen the bands perform live and in a venue. To see the growth and improvement from our students over the year was extremely rewarding. The final 130 piece band performing the Avengers was an incredible moment. When the brass began their crescendo through the tension and release, I actually thought that the roof might be lifted from its hinges.

After the 2 COVID interrupted years, our senior concert band is largely made up of students who have only had performance opportunities in a training band format. The inability for bands to practice and play together over a 2-year period, significantly hinders the development of skill as an ensemble and I was concerned that the rebuilding of the music program may be an extremely lengthy proposition. The energy and excitement of Wednesday, as well as the rapid ensemble improvement has given me renewed excitement in what we can do here at RGLPS.

I would like to thank Michael and his instrumental music teachers who have worked tirelessly to ensure that our students are engaged and learning through our performance program. To say that Wednesday night was a real triumph over adversity is perhaps even under selling the magnificent success of the evening. Looking forward to our next concert.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers




R U OK? DAY - 8th September

R U OK? Day is an annual national day of action dedicated to reminding people to ask family, friends and colleagues, ‘Are you ok?’. This year R U OK? Day falls on Thursday 8 September. The purpose is to inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with people around them on a regular basis to make a difference to anyone who might be struggling. It’s a way for us to reach out and demonstrate that we genuinely care.

This year’s message is Ask R U OK? No qualifications needed. Because a conversation could change a life. With life’s ups and downs that challenge us all, the chances are you may know someone who is struggling. We don’t need to wait until someone is visibly distressed to meaningfully ask them how they are really going.

Cyber Space

As our society continues to move more and more digital, it is important to ensure we stay up to date with current platforms and how to deal with issues should they arise.

Headspace Greensborough and Austin Health Youth Engagement and Treatment Team Initiative (YETTI) will be delivering an information webinar for parents/carers and members of the community.

Luke Franklin

Assistant Principals

Premier Reading Challenge

Well done to all the students who have completed the Premiers’ Reading Challenge this year. I hope that you and your families enjoyed the challenge and you read some amazing books. As always don’t stop now. Keep up the wonderful reading habits you have developed. We will be handing out certificates very soon.


Three More Sleeps!

There are only three more sleeps until our much anticipated ‘2022 RGLPS Arts and Writing Festival’!


Students and staff have been working incredibly hard over several months to organise this event and celebrate student writing and artwork. Festival displays were assembled in the Hall today and the exhibition looks fantastic! Guest author, Maria la Selva will cut the ribbon to officially launch the event at 6pm next Monday September 5th. The evening event runs from 6pm – 7pm. We think you will be very impressed with the artistic creativity and writing of our RGLPS students.


A large crowd is expected at the launch – we strongly recommend that all guests wear a mask to protect against COVID and the various bugs currently doing the rounds. We also ask that any small children who visit the exhibition are closely supervised by an adult to avoid damage to student work on display.


If you are unable to make it to the festival launch on Monday night, family and friends are welcome to stop by and view the displays From Tuesday 6th September until 12pm Friday 9th September. We hope to have lots of visitors stopping in for a look across the week to see the amazing art and writing our RGLPS students have created. 

'Author Talks' Incursions

Professional author presentations and workshops planned as part of the ‘2022 RGLPS Arts and Writing Festival’ start next week. 

Prep – Year 2
Prep – Year 2 students will enjoy two 50 min interactive presentations with authors Sue de Gennaro and Maria La Selva.

  • Maria La Selva presentations (Prep – Year 2)                                   Tuesday September 6th
  • Sue de Gennaro presentations (Prep – Year 2)                                Wednesday September 7th

Year 3/4
Each Year 3/4 class will enjoy a 60-minute Writing Workshop with author Andrew McDonald.

  • Andrew McDonald Writing Workshops (Year 4):                                   Monday September 5th 
  • Andrew McDonald Writing Workshops (Year 3):                                   Tuesday September 6th

Year 5/6
Author Davina Bell will hold a 60-minute Writing Workshop for each Year 5/6 class.

  • Davina Bell Writing Workshops (Year 5):                                                 Monday September 5th
  • Davina Bell Writing Workshops (Year 6):                                                Thursday September 8th

Tournament of Mind 2022 (ToM)

The ‘2022 RGLPS ToM Team’ are intensively practising for the Victorian State Final after winning their Challenge at the Northern Metro Final a few weeks back.

RGLPS students progressing through to the Victorian State Final: Ainsley H, Eva L, Jade D, Ella M, Lawson P and Allie G. We wish the 2022 ToM students the best of luck in the lead up to the State Final on Sunday September 11th.

2022 ICAS

The 2022 ICAS testing period ended this week. ICAS results are anticipated to arrive in mid to late October. Students achieving a higher grade (High Distinction, Distinction, Credit or Merit) will be presented with their certificates at a future assembly. All students who participated in an ICAS in 2022 will receive a certificate.

2022 Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC)

The ‘2022 Premier’s Reading Challenge’ ends TONIGHT! If your child has been working towards this year’s PRC, please ensure that they register their books by midnight. An instructional guide for navigating the Challenge website is available on Compass under School Documentation.


Certificates will be presented to students who completed the PRC at an assembly later in the year.

2022 Children's Book Council of Australia Awards

RGLPS students were able to explore ‘2022 Children’s Book Council of Australia‘ nominated books during Book Week. The 2022 winners were announced last week:

  •       – Picture Book of the Year 2022: ‘Iceberg’ – Claire Saxby, Jess Racklyeft (Illustrator)
  •       – Older Readers Book of the Year 2022: ‘Tiger Daughter’ – Rebecca Lim
  •       – Younger Readers Book of the Year 2022: ‘A Glasshouse of Stars’ – Shirley Marr
  •       – Early Childhood Book of the Year 2022: ‘Jetty Jumping’ – Andrea Rowe, Hannah Sommerville (Illustrator)
  •       – CBCA Award for New Illustrator 2022: ‘The Boy Who Tried to Shrink His Name’ – Sandhya Parappukkaran and Michelle             Pereira (illustrator)
  •        – Eve Pownnall Award 2022 (Information Books): ‘Still Alive, Notes from Australia’s Immigration Detention System’
  •               – Safar Ahmed


High Ability Learner Program (HALP - Term 4)

Twelve RGLPS students in Year 5 and 6 have been offered a place in a High Ability Learner Program in Term 4. These students are selected by the department based on NAPLAN and data from semester reports. Eleven students were offered a place in the HALP English and one student in the HALP Mathematics.


I hope everyone has a great week ahead – I look forward to seeing lots of visitors at the 2022 RGLPS Arts and Writing Festival on Monday night and throughout next week!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


Maths Riddle


Well done to those who attempted last week’s ‘Bead Pattern’ challenge. The answer to the challenge is: The 26th bead is green.

Here’s this week’s Maths Riddle. I’ll share the answer in the newsletter next week.

Triangle Folds Challenge

A piece of paper is folded in half to make a triangle, then in half to make a smaller triangle, then in half again to make an even smaller triangle.

How many layers of paper are there in the final triangle?


Hint: See if you can visualise it and have a guess, then use a post-it or piece of paper to check your guess.


Extra Challenge: Write a rule to solve how many layers would be in a triangle if it is folded another 3 times.


If you’d like to share your response or have your working out featured in our newsletter, please send your solutions to


Deaf Children Around the World

On Friday the 12th of August Grade one and Two children from the Deaf Facility presented to ‘Deaf Children around the World’ in the hall.

This term Grade one and Two students have been learning about different countries and cultures. Our Deaf Facility students worked together in investigating where other deaf students exist in our school, families, Australia and the world.

We decided to present our knowledge about ‘Deaf children around d the World’, to our classmates in Grade One and Two.

Aaron welcomed all the students and teachers, Pippa named all the deaf students in R.G.P.L.S, Jose’ quizzed the students on our deaf people in the school, Pat introduced a video on ‘Inclusion’, Oli told us the countries of where some of our deaf students come from, Nellie discussed the families in our school and their connection to deafness, Steve introduced the videos and Mahad and Amelia gave each student from Grade One and Two a pass (Hearing aid or cochlear flyer) to enter the presentation.

We were very proud.


National Cross Country Championships

Congratulations to Sam Phillips on placing 12th out of 45 competitors in the Boys U9/10 Multiclass competition at the National Championships in Adelaide! As part of the Victorian Team, he helped our state to place 3rd overall and will take home a bronze medal to commemorate his big moment. The track at Oakbank Racecourse in the Adelaide Hills was very muddy, but also tremendous fun from the sounds of things!

We look forward to hearing more from Sam upon his return to Victoria.


Team Vic Softball

I wish to pass on a big congratulations to Audrey Trubiano and Alia Chapman who have been selected in the Victorian Girls Softball Team! Over the past two weekends, the girls were put through their paces by the School Sport Victoria coaches and now that they have been selected, the will represent the Big V in November against the other states. I understand that the tournament will be in Victoria which is great for the families involved. This is a proud moment for our school as there have been only six students over the last decade to make it into a Victorian Team of any sport; with Audrey and Alia for Softball, and Sam for Cross Country, we have had three in one year which is something to really celebrate! I wish them all the best for tournament and hope they can do Victoria proud!


Kind Regards,


Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator



Chicken Nuggets

Unfortunately there will be no gluten free nuggets available until the end of October.  Normal nuggets will be available next week.


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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