MARCH 2020
There are no upcoming events.



APRIL 2020
There are no upcoming events.



Monday 9th of March is the Labour Day Public Holiday. The school will be closed for the day.

Curriculum Day - Tuesday 10th March

Teachers will participate in a day of professional development with a focus on Writing. The school will be closed however, our OSHC is available. Parents can book online.

Court orders and Custody Papers

From time to time issues with families require Custody and Intervention Orders. The school has to have current documentation to be able to support families in managing these issues. We are unable to prevent either party from collecting children if we don’t have current documentation. If circumstances within your family require orders to be put in place you will need to provide a copy to the school. Please let the school know if circumstances change resulting in the removal of these orders.

Term Newsletters

Each term our area teams provide a newsletter for their cohort. Our specialists have also provided newsletters on their programs for all families. Please take the time to read this information, as many of the questions being asked to our teachers is provided in detail in these documents. Term Newsletters can be accessed via Compass – School Documentation


Successful communication strategies are an integral part of building Rosanna Golf Links reputation and image, both within the school community and with the general public. We have a number of communication pathways for different stakeholders.

Good communication is very important in any organisation and RGLPS values highly the loop of communication between home, school and child.

Parent/carers are provided general school operational information via:

  • Newsletter – available weekly through Compass, email and hard copy if required, etc.
  • School website – for school policies, School Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plan, etc.
  • Assemblies – weekly 2.30 on Monday. Class assemblies at the discretion of each team.
  • Notice boards – current events, information and dates, etc.
  • Compass – Term Newsletters, Essential Learnings from each team, incursion/excursion/camp permissions, school documentation including curriculum, special events, information sessions, real time alerts as required, etc.
  • Emails – Important timely school information, two way communication to parent/teacher, etc.
  • Face to face – meet the teacher, three way conferences, open morning/evening, formal and informal meetings as required, feedback etc, as well as options within our Inclusion Policy e.g. Student Support Group meetings, Team Around the Learner meetings.
  • Reports – formal reports Semesters 2 and 4, See-Saw digital portfolios/communication, ongoing assessment via Essential Learnings Continuums, etc.
  • RGLPS Facebook Page – specific promotion to our wider community about programs and events, as well as highlighting achievements and successes.
  • RGLPS Facebook Group – day to day conversation, event promotion and reminders within our school community.


Please also remember that you are able to make an appointment with any staff member to get the most accurate information for any question that you might have.

Golf Links has very much an ‘Open Door’ policy, but it’s important that the communication procedures are followed. I urge you to please contact your child’s teacher via email or phone call to the office if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child that need addressing. Your child’s teacher should be your first port of call, as they will often have all the relevant information to resolve the situation or provide the correct information.

Each grade level has a team leader and you are welcome to also seek clarification with the below staff:

Foundation – Alice Page, Meg McLaren

Junior School – Jess Degenhardt, Susan Winter

Middle School – Sarah McLellan, Jay Lin

Senior School – Bay Fikri, Janine Versis

Specialists – Lauren Scott

Furthermore, our point of contact for specific curriculum questions can be directed to the below Strategic Leaders:

Literacy –Cathie Sutton / Annie Unger

Numeracy – Kate Haysom/ Ben Godfrey

Curiosity – Daniel Anderson/ Kendall Wilson

Welfare – Denisse Lobos/ Tracey Elso

Sustainability/Environment – Laura Gray/ Katy Wheeler

If you require further clarification around any issue, please make an appointment with any of our below leadership staff:

Deaf Facility Coordinator- Thom Jackson

Teaching & Learning Coaches – Cathie Sutton and Kerron Worsdell

If all these steps have been taken and you still require further information, or your matter is of a serious nature, please make an appointment to see Luke Franklin (Assistant Principal) or myself.

We Are Growing - Do you need help finding us?

As mentioned earlier, our school’s official Facebook group is growing. This is our community page, so please feel free to use it, post and interact. If you have had trouble joining our group, please see the attached cheat sheet. If you are still having trouble, anyone from leadership or admin are able to help you.

Student Voice and Agency

Our Junior School Council representatives have been collecting ideas from their peers about ways we can improve our school. There are an abundance of ideas coming from our most junior reps as well as our senior school students. We look forward to sharing their ideas in the coming weeks.


As per Compass Newsfeed 04/03/2020

School Review Parent Information Session

As you may be aware, as part of the improvement cycle, each Victorian government school undertakes a review every four years. The school review involves students, teachers and community members. An independent analysis is completed of a school’s performance against their goals and targets in their school strategic plan. The review evaluates the school’s strengths, areas for improvement and the impact of its improvement efforts. We would like to invite you to a parent information evening on Thursday 5th March at 6pm. The purpose of the session will be to provide you with understanding of the school review process.

New School Values & Family Fun Fiesta - Wednesday 11th March

We will be holding a special launch for our new school values at our Family Fun Fiesta on Wednesday 11th March. We are very excited about this and hope you are too! Our bands will perform, our student leaders will present, we will cook sausages and burgers on the BBQ with the support from TheirCare and our House Captains and Vice Captains will run some games. 

Banyule Festival - Reminder - Sunday 15th March

The theme for the Banyule Festival Grand Street Parade is, ‘Team Spirit’. This is a whole school community event and we encourage parents to bring their children to participate in the parade which commences at 10 am. We will be meeting in Mount Street Heidelberg at 9.30am. Parents bringing their children are reminded that they will be responsible for their children for the duration of the event.

Harmony Week

Everyone Belongs!

Harmony Week celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. These celebrations create opportunities for all of us to think, talk about and recognise how our differences make Australia a great place to live.


Harmony Week begins on Monday the 16th March. Students will participate in special activities that link to our Respectful Relationship program as well as many other areas of the Victorian Curriculum such as English, Personal and Social Capabilities, The Humanities, Intercultural Capabilities, Languages Other Than English (LOTE), The Arts and Ethical Capabilities.


You will receive more information from your child’s classroom teacher about a special day in that week where students and families will be invited to share something special about themselves or their family. This may include special food that the children and their families like to enjoy together, or a special game, book, skill, talent or playground activity.


On Monday 16th March we will hold a special opening ceremony at 9am to celebrate the start of Harmony Week. We invite children to dress in their traditional cultural dress. Children who do not have a cultural dress or who do not wish to wear their cultural dress, may wear orange.


On Monday 23rd March at 2:30pm we will hold a closing ceremony for Harmony Week and The National Day of Action against Bullying. Students will share their experiences and highlights of the week’s activities. Hope to see you there!


Stay tuned…more information to come!



National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence

The National Day of Action against Bullying is on Friday 20th March.

 Bullying is a word that is used with a lot of meanings. Making sure everyone in your school shares the same definition of bullying is essential. Sometimes things that are called bullying are not really bullying at all. The national definition of bullying for Australian schools is the first place to look.

 Preventing bullying involves everyone talking together openly and respectfully. Bullying can have a lasting impact on everyone involved, including those who witness it, so it is important to work together to create safe school communities for everyone.

Once again this year, our students will be selling wristbands and we invite all children to wear blue.


Denisse Lobos

Acting Principal



Hearing Australia Visits 2020 – MARCH DATE CHANGE

Hearing Australia date has changed for March.  The date has changed a week later, to Thursday March 12th.

Mini SPIN is back!

Mini SPIN is a Deaf-led dance rave for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Children Of Deaf Adults and hearing children aged 7+ and their families. 

Join Deaf Hosts Anna Seymour, Luke King and Robbie Burrows for a jam packed 45 minutes of dancing, theatre skits and stories to funky DJ beats.

When? Saturday 14th March 2pm and 4pm, Sunday 15th March 10am and 2pm

Where? Northcote Town Hall, 189 High Street, Northcote

Cost? $22 per ticket or $60 for a family (2 adults, 2 children)

For more info and to book tickets:

See the Trailer here:          

Auslan video here:


Date: Sunday 15th March

Meeting Point: 9:45am Mount Street, Heidelberg (between Burgundy Street and Yarra Street)

Parade Start Time: 10:00am

Parade End Time: 11:00am

Route: Burgundy Street and Beverley Road, Heidelberg (Mount Street to Warringal Parklands)

All artwork will be sent home towards the end of next week and students who are attending the parade will bring/wear their art on the day.


WHAT TO WEAR: Students are able to wear any casual clothes to the parade. It is suggested to wear bright, colourful block colours to resemble the style of art we have been looking at/creating.

Prep Students are asked to wear a black top with Haring Heart artwork pinned to it.


We would love to see as many Golf Links families participating in the parade as possible. It is a great way to celebrate the incredible work the students have produced throughout the last few weeks in the Art Room. Families and friends can get in the team spirit and wear their bright, block coloured clothes too and join us on our walk down to Warringal Parklands. We will also need some helpers to carry some of the larger collaborative banners that the 5/6 cohort have created for the parade.


Please pop in and see me if you have any questions about the day. Can’t wait to see you all there!


Lauren Scott

Visual Arts Teacher


Essential Learning updates on Continuum

A reminder that all teachers are starting to make ongoing Essential Learnings updates around student progress in the new Compass tool ‘Continuum.’ Teams provided  an overview of how to access your child’s updates at the recent Parent Information Nights in February. An instructional guide for parents is also located on Compass to help you navigate and locate this information on your child. See School Documentation -> Essential Learnings -> 2020 Essential Learnings -> Parent Guide to Progress Reports in Continuum.


Evidence around the Essential Learnings is also regularly added to Seesaw so parents can see learning samples from their child, illustrating their progress and achievement. I encourage you to regularly check Seesaw to see all the wonderful learning they are engaged in.


If you have any questions about accessing Essential Learnings updates on Continuum, please contact your child’s teacher or myself.


In early Term 2, I will be presenting two Information sessions for parents on ‘Continuum and Essential Learnings’. I will demonstrate the process to locate and understand this data in more detail.  I will provide two sessions – one during the day and one evening session. Both these information sessions are tentatively scheduled for Monday April 27th at 3pm (following assembly) and at 6pm. When confirmed, these sessions will be advertised via Compass and the newsletter.


“Writing’ Curriculum Day – Tuesday 10th March

As parents/carers are aware, next Tuesday 10th March is a Curriculum Day and there is no school. Teachers will be working with Cathie Sutton and myself as teaching and Learning Coaches to learn more about Writer’s Notebook; how to use rich texts to teach quality writing; and how to analyse writing and target teach to better support student development as writers. This professional learning day is a key action of our 2020 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) which has a significant focus on improving writing instruction and student outcomes. Cathie and I are very excited to present this day to staff in support of our school writing goal in 2020. We hope you will see the impact of this professional learning on your child’s writing skills in the coming months and years.


Kerron Worsdell

Teaching and Learning Coach


Additional tickets are available for sale in the school office.



Dear Parents,


This week the RGLPS Swimming Team travelled back to Northcote Pool for the Division Swimming Competition. We had a great day with Sathika finishing 1st in the freestyle and backstroke multi class event and Emily Brunton finishing 2nd in the U10 breaststroke. Emma Brabander finished 4th in the U11 Backstroke, our Girls Open Medley Relay Team finished 4th and our U11 4×50 Relay Squad finished 7th. I was very proud of all of our students who gave their very best during their event and enjoyed their day. Good Luck to Sathika who now moves on to the Region Swimming Competition in a few weeks.


Our House Captains and Vice Captains have met twice this week to work out their events for the Family Fun Fiesta. After initial discussions, they went away and planned an activity to bring to the meeting today and we think everyone can look forward to a great night next Wednesday. Well done to those students who have put their time and effort into what should be a successful event that will run by the students themselves!


Kind Regards,


Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator


Whooping Cough

We would like to advise you of a confirmed case of whooping cough within the 3/4 grades.
Whooping cough (Pertussis) is a highly contagious disease with the following symptoms:

  •        – initially cold like symptoms, including a runny nose, tiredness and a mild fever
  •        – coughing, usually in bouts, followed by a deep gasp (or “whoop”).

For more information regarding symptoms, treatment and immunisation please go to the following link:  

Head Lice

Head lice do not transmit infectious diseases – they are transmitted by having head to head contact with someone who has head lice.  You may be reassured to know that head lice are commonly found in places other than at school.  Head lice are common in school aged children and are the most adaptable of creatures.  They have survived living solely on humans for 10,000 years!!

What can you do?

Check your child’s hair and if you find head lice or eggs, treat your child’s hair.

If head lice or eggs are found on your child’s hair you need to inform:

  – the school and advise when the treatment has started.

  •    – parents or carers of your child’s friends so they too have the opportunity to detect and treat their children if necessary.

When can my child return to school?

Health regulations requires that where a child has head lice, that child should not return to school until the day after appropriate treatment has started. Please note, this refers only to those children who have live head lice and does not refer to head lice eggs.

Rosanna Golf Links Primary School is aware that head lice can be a sensitive issue and is committed to maintaining your confidentiality.

Finding head lice

Step 1
Comb any type of hair conditioner on to dry, brushed (detangled) hair. This stuns the lice and makes it difficult for them to grip the hair or crawl around.
Step 2
Now comb sections of the hair with a fine tooth, head lice comb.

Step 3
Wipe the conditioner from the comb onto a paper towel or tissue.

Step 4
Look on the tissue and on the comb for lice and eggs.

Step 5
Repeat the combing for every part of the head at least 4 or 5 times

If lice or eggs are found, the child’s hair should be treated.

Head lice eggs are small (the size of a pinhead) and oval. A live egg will ‘pop’ when squashed between fingernails.


Over the Canteen Counter

We have over the counter sales for students at recess and lunch, with prices ranging from $0.80 – $2.80.  Please send your child with enough money to avoid disappointment.

Summer Specials

Tropical Chicken Burger   $6.00

 – a crumbed chicken burger served with cheese, pineapple & coleslaw

– add mayo  $0.30



Their Care (after and before care)


Just a quick note to ensure that you have checked your booking and details are all up to date,  if you haven’t already completed a their Care enrolment for this year, please visit

Please note we also have a new email address and mobile.

Service Mobile: 0408 136 169


Their Care support: 1300 072 410.


A friendly reminder for families with outstanding 2019 OSHC accounts.  Your account is now overdue and needs to be paid in full ASAP please.

Payment can be made at the school office or OSHC or via direct deposit into the school account.

The Direct Deposit details are:

BSB: 063 233

Account number: 1005 3825

Please note that you must include that this is an OSHC payment and your family name when processing a payment this way. This is to ensure the payment is forwarded to the program from the office.

2020  Their Care invoices will be processed through the Their Care head office, please ensure you have added the necessary banking details to your family profile.

If you have any concerns are questions please let me know or call the Their Care support during office hours

Many thanks =)




Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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