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As the weather gets colder, we remind everyone to keep practicing prevention measures to keep well. This includes regular hand washing, covering your nose and mouth when you cough and sneeze and staying up to date with vaccinations. These simple measures have assisted our community to keep safe now that Winter is upon us. Thanks to our whole community for your efforts to stay healthy.

Staff Changes at RGLPS

It is with mixed emotions that we bid farewell to two remarkable individuals who have made an indelible impact on our school and community. Today, we celebrate the commencement of two new journeys as we bid farewell to Kate Haysom and Meg Buchanan.

Firstly, we extend our warmest wishes to Kate Haysom, as she embarks on an exciting and special chapter of her life. Today marks the beginning of Kate’s family leave, and we are thrilled for her as she starts this new journey. Kate has been an exceptional teacher and Learning Specialist at RGLPS, consistently demonstrating her unwavering dedication and passion for education. Her ability to inspire and connect with students has left a lasting impression on all those she has worked with.

Kate’s contributions to our school have been invaluable, and her commitment to providing a nurturing and inclusive learning environment has touched the lives of countless students. Her expertise and guidance in supporting learners with diverse needs have been remarkable, and we will certainly miss her expertise during her absence. We extend our heartfelt wishes to Kate as she takes this time to focus on her family, and we eagerly await her return to Rosanna Golf Links.

Secondly, we bid farewell to Meg Buchanan, who concludes her time at Rosanna Golf Links today. Meg has been an exceptional member of our team, tirelessly dedicating herself to the betterment of our students and community. As a classroom teacher, teacher of the deaf, and tutor, Meg’s versatile skill set and unwavering commitment have made a profound impact on the lives of those around her.

Meg’s dedication to the education and well-being of our students has been truly inspiring. Her infectious enthusiasm, patience, and ability to foster a love for learning have made her an invaluable asset to our school. Meg’s upcoming trip to Europe is a well-deserved opportunity for her to explore new horizons and gain fresh perspectives. Although we will miss her dearly during her travels, we eagerly anticipate her return to Rosanna Golf Links, where her vibrant energy and unwavering dedication will once again grace our halls.

As we bid farewell to both Kate and Meg, let us take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for their exceptional contributions to Rosanna Golf Links Primary School. Their unwavering commitment, expertise, and genuine care have left an indelible mark on our community. We wish them both the very best in their new endeavors and look forward to welcoming them back with open arms.

Please join us in extending our warmest farewells and heartfelt wishes to Kate and Meg as they embark on these new chapters in their lives

Mid -Year Music Concert

The annual mid-year concert will be held at Montmorency Secondary School on June 19th. I am personally looking forward to the super band. It is a great opportunity to see our students showcase their talents. Keep the calendar clear for this fabulous annual event.

Take care.

Kirrily Lamers



The Department of Education has released a new statewide timeline for enrolling in Foundation (Prep) for the 2024 school year.


If you have a child starting primary school in 2024, it’s time to enrol. Make sure to submit your enrolment application by Friday 28 July 2023.


If you are enrolling the sibling of a student at our school for Foundation in 2024, and both children will be attending our school at the same time, your child is prioritised for a place at our school as per the department’s Placement Policy.


It is important to follow the statewide timeline to enrol your child in Foundation. Enrolling your child in line with the timelines allows us to plan our classrooms, staffing and transition activities and ensures your child has the best start to school.


For more information, please read about when and how to enrol your child in Foundation at


Prep enrolment packs are available in the foyer at the school office.



**BREAKING NEWS** RGLPS Students Post 271 Book Reviews for the 2023 Premier's Reading Challenge!

There are now only ninety days remaining in the 2023 Premier’s Reading Challenge!


RGLPS has fifteen amazing readers who have already completed this year’s challenge! Many more RGLPS students are getting very close to completing their 2023 Challenge goal. Those that know my passion for reading will understand that this fills my heart with joy, so keep up the sensational reading RGLPS students!


Participants have until Friday 8th September to register books read so it is not too late to start logging these on the PRC site. Please see your classroom teacher if you need login and password details for the 2023 Premier’s Reading Challenge.


Happy Reading!


Semester One 2023 reports are currently being finalised and will be released to parents on Wednesday 21st June, 2023.

Three Way Conferences

Our annual Three-Way Conferences will be held on Wednesday 19th July. These conferences will give parents/carers a chance to discuss student achievement and progress with your child’s teacher/s. Meetings can be in person or online via Webex. Information about how to book a 15 min conference appointment on this date will be made available at the start of Term 3. Please keep an eye out for a Compass announcement about this at the start of next term.

2023 ICAS

ICAS assessments are offered on the dates listed below. RGLPS currently has 82 ICAS student registrations, with the most popular assessments being the ICAS Maths and ICAS English. All ICAS registrations will close on Monday 31st July 2023 – a reminder that participation is optional and at parent expense.


ICAS registrations can be made through the Parent Payment Portal located at  Please use the RGLPS access code OTR015.

Please carefully check 2023 dates against external and family events as ICAS do not issue refunds under any circumstances.

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


This is not the uniform shop........this is lost property!

This is the amount of uniform that was in the lost property tub at the start of this week. It has taken staff over 4 hours to sort and distribute. Almost all of the uniform items were named so should have been easy to find. Please keep track of your property, some students had 4-5 lost items!

If you have lost something, please check the lost property cupboards and tub. Let’s all work together to try and avoid the tub overflowing again by next week.


On Wednesday May 24th, students from the Deaf Facility in grade 4-6 went on a magnificent excursion into the city to see the musical Mary Poppins. The day started with a walk to Rosanna Station where we caught the train into Melbourne Central. When we arrived at Rosanna we tried using new technology on our hearing devices called a hearing loop. This technology allowed us to connect to the train station announcement box to be able to hear when the trains were arriving. We all tried this with different successes but it was a great experience seeing what technology was available to us out in the community.

We hopped on the train and rode it into Melbourne Central Station where we got off and made our way to the food court. As part of our day we got to order lunch! We could eat anything of our choice. We had to order lunch ourselves where we politely told the staff about our hearing loss. The food was delicious and full of more than a “spoonful of sugar!”

After lunch we walked through the city to Her Majesty’s Theatre where we watched an Auslan interpreted performance of the musical Mary Poppins. When we arrived, we used the theatre’s hearing app called Listen Everywhere to link and connect to the sound of the performance. We did this by downloading the app on an iPad, using an audio hub and connecting to this via our microlinks. It worked incredibly well and gave access to sound at the theatre. We were all mesmerised by the magic that happened in the show.

When the performance concluded we made our way back to the train station where we caught the train back to Rosanna Station. Our parents were waiting for us there to take us home. What a brilliant day everyone had. Thank you to all the staff who came along and helped us and thank you to the school for covering the cost of the trip through our new Wellbeing scholarship!


Team Vic Trials

Over the last few weeks, several of our students have attended trials for the Victorian U/12 Team in various sports. All students did exceptionally well and did our school proud! The following students progressed to the following levels:


Amy P: Netball – Region

Angus G: AFL – Region and Basketball – Division

Flynn H-W: AFL – Division

Esme N: Basketball – Region

Zoe G: Basketball – State (trial next week)


A big thank you to their parents for taking their children to the trials and supporting them.

Cross Country

Around three weeks ago, we held the RGLPS Cross Country around our school in wet and muddy conditions (not that the students seemed to mind!). It was fantastic to hear the thunder of feet as everyone took off in their race, hoping to score points for their house to win the shield. In the end, the 2023 winners of the House Cross Country Shield were BLUE HOUSE! Congratulations to all the students across Grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 who took part, and especially to the parents that directed them around the course and the teachers who assisted with the very smooth running of the event. The first 8 competitors in each race went on to compete at the District Cross Country.


Last week, the Heidelberg District Cross Country was held at Banyule Flats. In an absolutely amazing result, RGLPS was the most successful school on the day winning 14 of the 60 entries through to the Division Final, including 1st places by Lauren C and Archie W and a 3rd Place by Willa R. For RGLPS to be the most successful school at the District Cross Country is an exceptional result considering we are the 5th largest school by population of the 8 schools competing and as far as I am aware, this is the first time it has happened (or at least for a VERY long time!). Congratulations to our team on an exceptional result, you should all be very proud! Thanks to Jane, Jay, Jordan and Lisa for assisting on the day whilst I was running the event with my fellow PE teachers.


This week, the Banyule Division Cross Country took place at Banyule Flats. We had a large team of 20 participating as six students were unable to attend the previous week due to the Deaf Facility excursion and several students trying out for Victorian Teams. Again, every student gave their very best for our school and performed exceptionally well! I estimate that we have 9 students through to the Northern Region Cross Country on the 14th of June, which will be held at Kilmore Race Course (how exciting!). Thanks again to Jane and Jordan for assisting on the day whilst I was running the event as Heidelberg District’s representative.



Kind Regards,


Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator





Enrolments for Prep 2024 will work differently to previous years. The State Government has introduced a new state-wide enrolment timeline for all government primary schools. Their aim is to make the enrolment process clearer and more equitable for all families.


Here’s how the prep 2024 enrolments will work:




  • Schools cannot accept any prep enrolments in term 1, 2023.


  • School tours can commence and will continue during term 2.


  • In late term 1, a ‘Prep Enrolment Information Pack for Schools for Parents/Carers for the 2024 school year’ will be distributed to all families by early childhood service providers (kindergartens and childcare centres). The pack will also be available from the school if required.




  • Monday 24th April 2023: from this date enrolments can be submitted using the ‘Application to Enrol in a Victorian Government School Form’ from the information pack.


  • Open days, information sessions and Education Week celebrations will be held.




  • Friday 28th July 2023: enrolment applications are due.


  • Friday 11th August: families will receive written notification of their enrolment outcome. 


  • Friday 25th August:  due date for families to return their completed ‘School Enrolment Form’ to accept their prep offer. This form will be included with your letter of offer.




  • Prep 2024 transition sessions will take place





Due to stock supplies, we will not be able to offer Hash Browns or Corn on the Cob in the Winter menu.

Specials:  See Flexischools

Souvlaki:  Lamb or Chicken                                                                   $5.90

                  (Served in a warm wrap)

   Add: lettuce, tomato, red onion, tzatziki garlic sauce                     $0.40 each

Veggie Pastie: Vegetable Pastie wrapped in wholemeal pastry.     $5.90

Muffin:  Mixed Berry                                                                                 $1.50

Have a nice weekend.




Margaret Groves


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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