TERM 2 2020
There are no upcoming events.
There are no upcoming events.



Welcome to week 3 of term 2. I do hope that our families and students are travelling well and keeping safe. This week has seen our amazing staff continue to grow their practice using what was a relatively unfamiliar platform just six weeks ago. I could not be more proud to be an educator as I see everyone pulling together in really challenging circumstances to ensure that our students have access to the continuity of learning that they deserve. I can assure you our entire staff would prefer to be working on-site and allowing our students to access a more traditional educational pathway but I remain proud that we are making the best of these challenging circumstances. We are adjusting our practice every week and after two and a half weeks of remote learning we do believe that it is now time to focus on retaining a connection to school during remote learning.

'Student Wellbeing Check-Ins' using WebEx Meetings

One action we are taking to maintain a connection to school will be the ‘Student Wellbeing Check Ins’. Next week, classroom teachers will begin holding face to face ‘Student Wellbeing Check Ins’ using WebEx Meetings. This is an opportunity for your child to interact via screen in real time with their classmates, teacher/s and ES support staff.

These meetings will run for up to one hour each week. Your child’s teacher will be in contact with a day, time and instructions on how to access the scheduled ‘Student Wellbeing Check Ins’ for your child/ren. The school has worked to avoid clashes of sibling meeting times so ‘Student Wellbeing Check-In’ meetings are spread out across the week. We encourage all children to participate in these weekly check-ins.

Please read the ‘Remote Learning Operating Parent Guidelines’ created by the school carefully for detailed instructions and troubleshooting tips on how to ensure the Webex Meeting technology is functioning in your home.  This guide was sent to all parents via Compass and is also saved on Compass under School Documentation – ICT folder.

Important safety requirements for ‘Student Wellbeing Check Ins’:

  1. Ensure that your child accesses their class session from an open communal area of the home.
  2. Ensure your child is fully dressed for their class meeting.
  3. Ensure that all people in the home are aware that sound and vision is being shared to other households and school staff during the scheduled meeting time.
  4. Ensure your child demonstrates our new RGLPS Values when speaking and interacting with others (I am Kind, Responsible and Persistent)

In the first week, teachers will hold their ‘Student Wellbeing Check Ins’ as small group meetings to enable them to manage and support with any technical issues that arise. This will also help teachers connect with all students individually to support their wellbeing.

Child Safety Standards

RGLPS prides itself on being a child safe environment. Our school actively promotes the safety and wellbeing of all students, and all school staff are committed to protecting students from abuse or harm within our school environment, in accordance with their legal obligations including child safe standards. RGLPS has Child Safe and Child Safe Code of Conduct policies in place to guide our practice in ensuring the safety of all students. Where required, current Department information is referenced in the application of the Child Safe Standards. 

There are seven standards that we have embedded across our school. This week I would like to focus on the first of the seven standards Strategies to embed an organisational culture of child safety. This is enacted through our vision statement and school values. We also have a child safety officer who works with all students, staff and families to ensure that child safety is always a priority at RGLPS. It is my intention to explain one of the 7 standards each week as the safety of our students is something that we are all responsible for and it is important to be transparent and clear about how we work together to maintain that safety.

Kirrily Lamers



Emails were sent out to all grade 6 families on Tuesday 14th April. These emails contained:


  •  – Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Information pack
  •  – Application for Year 7 Placement form

Please let the school office know if you did not receive this information.

Application forms are due back before Friday 15th May.  Thank you to the families who have already returned their form. 


If you have a student starting prep in 2021, we would love to see your application form. 

Forms can be downloaded from the school website: www. and emailed to the school email address:


School photos have arrived and will be given out to students when the school reopens for classroom learning.  We ask that parents not come in to the school to pick up their photos as only one member of the office team is present due to social distancing measures, and sifting through the photos for each family will take quite a long time to do and take them away from essential duties.


Orders for Miscellaneous Group Photos can be made via the SchoolPix website. To make it easier for you, SchoolPix have created a single code for our school. For a limited time, SchoolPix are also offering families FREE postage directly to your home until 31st May. 



Printable Remote Learning Tasks

In the last few days, the school has received requests from parents for printable worksheets to help them manage remote learning in the home. From next week, teachers will aim to upload PDFs to Seesaw Activities (where possible) in the template section. Unfortunately, there are some interactive tasks cannot be translated to a printable worksheet. Where possible, teachers will provide printable PDF versions of worksheets. All children will still have the option of completing tasks using the Seesaw interactive template but this will provide parents with the option of printing worksheets out for many tasks.


To access worksheets for a Seesaw Activity, parents need to click ‘view original’ underneath the item in order to view it as a PDF. The PDF can then be printed or saved on your home computer.

Assessment and Reporting

As mentioned last week, Essential Learning updates will not take place in this current remote learning environment. Some form of a mid-year report will be distributed to families at the end of Term 2. The school is awaiting further advice from the Department of Education around requirements for Semester One Reporting.


A reminder that teachers are looking to see evidence of children’s learning from submitted tasks on Seesaw. Although well intentioned, we ask parents not to complete tasks for their child or submit tasks back to the teacher with perfectly corrected spelling, grammar, maths work etc. Teachers are interested in what each child can do independently in order to plan learning for their needs and provide appropriate feedback. We thank-you for your support on this.

Seesaw Feedback

Classroom teachers will provide at least four items of specific feedback to each child per week and use their professional judgment about the area the child would benefit the most in feedback on. Teachers will use the ‘like’ feature to acknowledge other tasks completed and submitted. This helps our teachers manage their increased workload and ensure they have time to provide feedback that is ‘quality over quantity.’ Teachers will not be expected to provide feedback on their weekly team planning day.


Specialist teachers will rotate through the classes/year levels they provide Seesaw feedback on each week. This is necessary as some of our specialist teachers work with 550 students per week. Your child will receive at least two specific pieces of feedback a term from each specialist teacher. 


I hope everyone has a good week.


Dear Parents and Carers

Unfortunately we will not be able to run the canteen during this unusual period.  If your child is attending school please ensure you have sent them with food for recess and lunch.


Entertainment Books are available for sale, online only this year at .  Please nominate Rosanna Golf Links Primary School in the Fundraiser section; 20% of each sale goes towards providing improved facilities at RGLPS.



Due to the current circumstances, Lunch Time Clubs will be postponed until further notice. 


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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