MARCH 2020
There are no upcoming events.



APRIL 2020
There are no upcoming events.


COVID - 19

Thank you!

I have been overwhelmed with the level of support I’m hearing from parents. It has been heartwarming to see such lovely messages on Facebook with many likes, as well as emails of support and compassion from parents. It makes this difficult time much more bearable when you have understanding and compassionate people surrounding you. To my team – leadership team, office staff, teaching staff and ES – Thank you for the outstanding work you continue to do in these very challenging times.

School Update from Tuesday 18.3.20

Continuity of Learning

As you would be aware, yesterday (Tuesday 17/3) your child took home a Seesaw QR code accompanied with a cover letter stating that in the event of a school closure we plan to continue teaching and learning via Seesaw. If you did not receive this from your child, the cover letter was posted on Compass earlier today and if your child was absent from school yesterday, you would have received their individual code via email.

If you are choosing to keep your child at home as a precautionary measure, teachers cannot provide students with individual work for home as the school is still open and they have teaching duties. However, here are some things you and your child can do at home:

Student Absences

If you choose to keep your child at home as a precautionary measure, please mark your child’s absence on Compass as ‘Parent Choice’ and add a comment such as, ‘Parent choice to self-isolate due to COVID-19’.
Please inform your child’s teacher and I ( if your child is absent due to self-isolation in accordance with advice or direction from health authorities.

Updated travel restrictions for international arrivals

Everyone arriving into Australia from overseas from midnight, Sunday 15 March, will be required to self-isolate for 14 days.

This includes students, children and staff who may be returning from overseas excursions or other travel.

Any person who is self-isolating must not visit a school, TAFE or training provider, or early childhood service to pick up children or for any other reason.

Unwell students and staff

Unwell students and staff should remain at home until symptoms resolve and seek medical assistance as required.
We will send unwell students or staff home in accordance with the Department’s regular Infectious Diseases Policy.


We are ensuring we provide students, staff and visitor with hand soap in all toilet areas, as well as allowing time for students to wash their hands on a regular basis. 

Year 5/6 Camp - cancelled (hopefully rescheduled)

At this stage the Year 5/6 camp has been cancelled however, we are hoping to reschedule for a later date in the year. Compass will no longer accept payment for the $100 deposit until further notice.

The National Day of Action Against Bullying 2020 is postponed until further notice

We regret to advise that in the interest of student and staff health, the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA) on Friday 20 March 2020 is postponed.
Friday will be a regular school uniform day (not wear blue) and we will sell NDA wristbands at a later stage.

Official Communication

Please see Compass Newsfeed for the latest information regarding the impacts of COVID-19. If you have any questions, please contact the school via email ( or call on 94574178. This includes if you have experiencing problems with accessing the information on Compass.

Further COVID-19 School Update Friday 20.03.20


Latest DET Advice – As per our latest advice, to best ensure the safest environment, cleaning has been increased with ongoing surface cleaning being carried out through the day. Efforts are being made for students to work with less physical contact, with a directive for group work to be suspended and where possible, students to be physically separated in the classrooms. We are reminded of the importance of hygiene and remind all families that any child who is at all unwell is to remain at home. Wish us luck as we attempt ‘social distancing’ with primary-aged children.

Term One Final Week's Assemlies

Our scheduled Harmony Week closing ceremony will need to be cancelled however, we will still present our week 7 and week 8 Student of the Week via our loud speak to students in classrooms at 2:30pm on Monday.

We will also present Student of the Term certificates and draw the Easter Raffle winner via the loud speak on Friday at 1:30pm.

Parents are welcome to listen to the announcements from our school grounds.

NAPLAN - cancelled

The Education Council met today and decided NAPLAN will not proceed in 2020.  Their official statement is available here:


Outstanding Payments

We are currently finalising our Term One accounts and would appreciate it if you could please check Compass and make payment for any outstanding expenses. Thank you to all who have paid their parent payment for 2020. This money is used to provide the best possible learning experiences and resources for your children. Please remember you can pay in instalments, just contact Sue in the office to make arrangements, or alternatively select payment plan on Compass.

Essential Education items are paid by the school for families and it is expected that they are paid promptly.  

Denisse Lobos

Acting Principal


Unfortunately  we have postponed our Prep Open Days which were scheduled for Monday evening and Wednesday morning next week.   These Open Days will be rescheduled and the new dates will be communicated next term.  

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


International Congress on the Education of the Deaf (ICED) 2020 will be held in Brisbane this year.  This conference is for professionals working in the field of Deaf Education.  Rosanna Golf Links Primary School Deaf Facility submitted two abstracts, with one been chosen to present at the conference.  Currently this conference is still going ahead but watch this space. 

As part of the conference, they have an Art competition for children who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing.  See the flyer or website for more information.  If your child is interested in creating something for this art competition, please see Ms Scott.  She is happy to talk about ideas and use Art resources to support this. 


Notice from CommBank School Banking

The health, safety and wellbeing of our communities and our people is our first priority. Due to the rapidly developing situation with coronavirus, School Banking has been temporarily paused from 20 March 2020 until the start of Term 2. Please don’t bring your deposit book with your weekly banking into school and we will notify you when banking will recommence.



Maths Olympiad #1

The first Maths Olympiad for the year will be held on Wednesday 25th March at 10am. Maths Olympiad team-members will have a maximum of 30 minutes to complete the five problems on the Olympiad test. Students will then return to class.

In the event of a forced school closure that impacts a scheduled Olympiad, APSMO have advised that schools able to adjust the date of the Maths Olympiads as needed. I will communicate with students, teachers and parents about this via Compass if this scenario eventuates.  


G.A.T.E.WAYS Programs postponed

Please note that the school has been advised that G.A.T.E.WAYS programs for the remainder of Term 1 programs have been postponed due to the COVID-19 virus. The commencement dates for any additional programs due to start from Term 2 have also been postponed at this time. I will be in touch with eligible students with any additional correspondence and advice from G.A.T.E.WAYS.


Essential Learning updates on Continuum

A reminder to all parents to check for Essential Learning updates around student progress on ‘Continuum’ in Compass.

An instructional guide for parents on ‘Continuum’ is located on Compass to help you navigate and locate this information on your child.

See School Documentation -> Essential Learnings -> 2020 Essential Learnings -> Parent Guide to Progress Reports in Continuum.


Kerron Worsdell

Teaching and Learning Coach



Additional tickets are available for sale in the school office.



House Athletics

On the 6th of March we held our House Athletics Day at Willinda Park. Though the clouds were gloomy, everyone was excited for the day ahead! We saw some amazing sprinting, jumping and throwing and lots of students coming home with ribbons which was wonderful to see. A special thanks to all of the 3/4 and the 5/6 teachers for their hard work and especially to Tania Seman, Dee Wilson, Libby Mein, Aleks Badowski, Barney Henry, Joyce Thuku, Lisa Powell, Nikki Reynolds and Tara Daw Quadros for volunteering their time to make our day a success! I would also like to thank the parents who came to watch on the day, but also took the initiative to help out at different events – it’s a great example for our children to see and will hopefully see them do the same in their own lives too.


On the same day, Ruby Falconer represented us at the Division Tennis tournament where she placed 7th. Congratulations on your great success!


We have received funding through the government’s Sporting Schools (thanks Mr Brunelli!) which must be spent this term, so I have changed the program to bring forward gymnastics to this term for the 3,4,5 and 6 students. We will have a gymnastics coach for these sessions providing fun activities and the essential skills required for balance, landing, jumping and strength.


As you will have read through my communications, all sporting events have now been postponed. Obviously this has brought great disappointment, especially to our Year 6 students who have been looking forward to inter school sport for all of their time at school, but we must try to carry on as best we can. I’ve got some ideas in my head of what we can do in the interim, but I would encourage you to head out into the backyard with your child and have some fun kicking the football, shooting the netball or throwing the teeball to help to keep things as normal as possible during this time; and perhaps most importantly, to have some fun as well. Let’s hope things will be back on track soon and we can celebrate some more sporting achievements!


Kind Regards,


Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator


Over the Canteen Counter

We have over the counter sales for students at recess and lunch, with prices ranging from $0.80 – $2.80.  Please send your child with enough money to avoid disappointment.

Summer Specials

Tropical Chicken Burger   $6.00

 – a crumbed chicken burger served with cheese, pineapple & coleslaw

– add mayo  $0.30



Their Care (after and before care)


Just a quick note to ensure that you have checked your booking and details are all up to date,  if you haven’t already completed a their Care enrolment for this year, please visit

Please note we also have a new email address and mobile.

Service Mobile: 0408 136 169


Their Care support: 1300 072 410.


A friendly reminder for families with outstanding 2019 OSHC accounts.  Your account is now overdue and needs to be paid in full ASAP please.

Payment can be made at the school office or OSHC or via direct deposit into the school account.

The Direct Deposit details are:

BSB: 063 233

Account number: 1005 3825

Please note that you must include that this is an OSHC payment and your family name when processing a payment this way. This is to ensure the payment is forwarded to the program from the office.

2020  Their Care invoices will be processed through the Their Care head office, please ensure you have added the necessary banking details to your family profile.

If you have any concerns are questions please let me know or call the Their Care support during office hours

Many thanks =)





Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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