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International Day of People with a Disability

Rosanna Golf Links Primary School is very proud to celebrate and acknowledge International Day of People with a Disability on Tuesday 3 December.

International Day of People with a Disability is a United Nations sanctioned day that is celebrated internationally.

It aims to increase public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability and celebrate the achievements and contributions of people with disability.

The theme for International Day of People with Disability for 2019 ‘Promoting the participation of persons with disabilities and their leadership: taking action on the 2030 Development Agenda’. According to the United Nations, 2019’s theme focuses on the empowerment of persons with disabilities for inclusive, equitable and sustainable development as envisaged in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which pledges to ‘leave no one behind’ and recognizes disability as a cross-cutting issues, to be considered in the implementation of its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Please visit

Parent Payments for 2020

Our Parent Payments for 2020 have been ratified by School Council. Our Parent Payment Policy will be sent out via Compass newsfeed and will be uploaded to our website. Payment is available on Compass, with options to pay each term or for the full year. If you require a payment plan, please see Sue in the office or myself. If you hold a valid means-tested concession card please see the office for a reduced Essential Item cost.

School Traffic

Too often our office staff are vented at and told of incidents in the neighbouring streets. Our staff are not traffic police and they should not be put under pressure to fix traffic problems. I urge you to please phone the council or the police if you see unsafe driving behaviour.

Carols by Candlelight Picnic

Please check your Compass news feed for the Carols event flyer. I look forward to a wonderful evening.

Off Site Evacuation

In the last week of school, we will be doing an offsite evacuation drill. The staff and children will be having a lovely walk down to St Martin’s, complete our roll process and return to school. We are keeping things simple, but it is one of the drills that is often left off the calendar and not practised enough. Obviously, this is an important OHS procedure.


Grade Placement for 2020

As you can well imagine this has been a huge process and all teams have spent significant time getting to the point where they are happy with each child’s grade placement. Leadership have also looked over these and ensured that parent considerations received prior to the due date have been taken into account. This process has finished and teachers look forward to meeting in their 2020 students on Wednesday the 11th December, then again on Wednesday 18th December.

On Monday 16th of December, in the last week of school we will be having a whole school Tabloid Sports Day. This is an exciting event for all our children and is a great day to be involved at RGLPS. If you are free on this day and would like to be involved in an activity, we would love to have you. Please email Luke Franklin if you would like to be involved. Please ensure that you have paid and consented for this event.

The canteen will be organising a special sub-rolls lunch for that day.  Log into to Flexischools for more information.

Principal Certificate of Excellence

Children that have been awarded an ‘EXCELLENT’ for behaviour and effort by all of their teachers will have a certificate uploaded onto Compass in the last week of school. Please make sure you check your child’s Compass dashboard.

Parent Helper's Morning Tea

You should have received an invitation to our annual Parent Helpers’ Morning Tea for this coming Monday 2nd December at 11.00 am. If you haven’t, some teachers may still be distributing these. This morning tea is our small way of thanking all of those who help us during the year (parents, grandparents, volunteers and friends). Your contributions are what help to make Golf Links such a wonderful community school. The school is a richer place for our students thanks to all of the volunteers who help out during the year. Thank you to the parents and volunteers who have assisted:

  • in the classroom
  • at the sausage sizzles
  • at the mother’s & father’s day stalls
  • on camps & excursions
  • in the canteen
  • during the organising and running of the school fair
  • as members of school council, committees and fundraising group.

Financial Statements

Susan, our business manager has been busy preparing statements for payments that are still due. This payment is for materials that your children were provided with at the beginning of the year and have been used and consumed. The Parent Payment – Essential Education Items covers all the resources required for your child to participate in all our wonderful programs. The budget has been put together to ensure your children have the best possible learning opportunities across all areas of the curriculum, and that they are able to learn in an environment that is stimulating, attractive, safe and well cared for. Being able to make all of this happen relies on the payments for the Essential Education Items. Thank you to the many, many parents who are up-to-date with their accounts and in many instances have made additional donations to ICT, Working Bee and through the Library Fund. If you receive a statement in the coming days, PLEASE make every effort to pay it. Of course, if there is genuine hardship, do not hesitate to contact either Sue or myself.


Michelle Hildebrand has officially resigned from her position at RGLPS.  We wish to thank Michelle for her passion and commitment to RGLPS and hope that you enjoy your time at home with your family.  Michelle will continue to do casual relief work for us in 2020 and hopefully beyond.

Student Leaders 2020

Today was the final stage of our student leadership process in preparation for 2020. Over the last few weeks, a number of our Year 5 students have been campaigning in support of their applications for leadership in 2020. All 3-6 students and teachers voted for all leadership positions and all 1-6 students and teachers voted for House Captains.  We are excited to announce our new team of student leaders for 2020 at our assembly on Monday the 9th December. We will have a badge ceremony at the beginning of the New Year.

2020 Prep Information Night

The Prep Information Night is scheduled for this coming Monday 2nd December in our hall commencing at 6pm. This meeting is reasonably procedural, with various staff members discussing the first day of schooling, how parents can become involved in the school and so much more.

Planning Week

The week beginning Monday 9th December is planning week where each team will have a day to plan for Term One, 2020.

Monday: Preps and Year 1/2

Tuesday: 3/4s

Wednesday: Specialist

Thursday: 5/6s

Friday: Pupil Free Day – Focus: School Wide Positive Behaviour Support

Whole School Numeracy Day

Next Friday 6th December is our whole school Maths Day titled, ‘Charlie and the Number Factory.’ During the day student will participate in a variety of maths activities within their cohort. During the last session of the day, some 5/6 students will lead a maths activity with a group of students from different year levels. I hear Smarties are a part of each activity! We look forward to this day and getting kids excited about maths.

RGLPS School Values Homework Task

As part of our implementation of the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support framework, teachers, students and parents on our Education Sub-committee have been involved in reviewing our current school values. We would like to hear from all parents about the values that are important to you. Over the next few days you will receive a homework task that will require you to have a conversation with your family about the listed values and which you as a family believe are the most important to you. These values will directly link to the way in which we wish for all members of our community to behave, how we work together, how we interact with one another and how we treat each other. We ask that you please return the homework task to your child’s teacher as soon as you complete it as our teachers will collate this information in preparation for our curriculum day. Thanking you in advance.

Farewell to our 3/4 campers!

Our 3/4 students and teachers are off to Lady Northcote Camp this coming Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Camps are an excellent way to build confidence, ignite creativity and problem-solving, stimulate a sense of adventure, encourage social interaction and team-building, and promote independence. We hope you have a wonderful time!

Thank you!

A big ‘Thank you’ to our 1/2 teachers for organising such a fun and exciting sleepover for our year two students. They had such an amazing time! I especially enjoyed Dan the Magician. To our wonderful parents who helped out – your time is and commitment is truly appreciated.



Earlier this year, Year Five student Freya Wilson received a C-Pen for her birthday. A C-Pen is a small device that can scan and read out words, as well as giving dictionary definitions and recording audio. As a student with dyslexia, Freya saw how amazing this device was. She came up with a plan to make dyslexia awareness ribbons, and sell them to raise money for more pens for the school. With help from the Rosanna Golf Links Dragon Club, which includes students with dyslexia and literacy troubles, enough money was raised to buy three new pens.

The company that distributes scanning pens in Victoria was so impressed by this, they offered to double this number to 6 pens! On Tuesday, the CEO of Scanning Pens, David Campbell visited the school to present the six pens and give a special tutorial. We could not be more proud of how impressed he was with the school!

Congratulations Freya and the Dragon Club!


The final music concert for 2019 was held last week with all our musicians (including a very special Parent Band!) showing what amazing progress they have made over the past twelve months.  A highlight was the Aladdin piece that the students have been working very hard on this term and the audience called for an encore.

The piece was played at school for all students to enjoy (please see photo above).

Thank you to all the music teachers, students and their parents for supporting the music program and working hard to make it so successful this year.

A huge thank you to the Music Support Group for the many ways the assist the success of the music program at RGLPS.

A reminder that there is a DVD of the performance is available for purchase.  The DVD can be ordered on Compass for $20.00



We are planning on putting together some hampers for our Christmas raffle, to be drawn at our school carol’s night.  If it brings you joy to donate towards this, we are accepting new toys, gourmet food or other relevant items.  Please send these items to the office if you would like to contribute. 


Thank you to the school community for supporting the mango drive!!  One of wonderful parents has sent in the following recipe – if you have a few mangoes left to deal with – thank you Sam>



Please click on the link below to access the chicken survey:



We have spent the morning sorting through lost property.  Items that have names are returned to classes.  All the items on the floor are unnamed and if not claimed by Friday 6th December will  be donated to a charity.

If you or your child could check the box in reception for lost property, within the next week.



Supporting your child with writing

Like all skills, children learn to become better writers through regular practice. Many children develop a dislike of writing as they are slow to record their ideas in written form and worry they are making mistakes. Regular writing increases both speed and the ability to develop more sustained texts.  It is also important to let children focus on the ‘authorial’ aspects of writing first and the ‘secretarial’ aspects later. In other words, allow children to record and develop their ideas and ensure their writing makes sense before focusing on correcting the spelling and punctuation. This not only builds confidence but allows children to fully focus on organising their ideas and accessing their creativity before switching focus to the mechanics of writing.


Some ways you can support your child’s writing are:

  • Encourage your child to keep a Writer’s Notebook, scrap book or journal and make entries after significant experiences eg., a family day out, holiday, trip to the cinema, sleepover etc. Children could also copy their favourite lines or words from books or songs into their journal.
  • Buy your child attractive stationery to record their ideas and thoughts as a gift. Fun and appealing stationery act as an writing incentive as many children love to experiment with different pens, pencils, paper and personalise their belongings.
  • Encourage your child to write lists eg., My Favourite Foods, My Best Movies, Favourite Holiday Places, Things to do on the Holidays.
  • Encourage your child to write and decorate birthday or thankyou cards or invitations. Most people are truly touched to receive a handmade card or invitation which also celebrates and acknowledges your child’s writing.
  • Write in front of your child and tell them the purpose for your writing. Eg., I am writing a message to Grandma and Grandpa who are on holiday in New Zealand about our weekend at the beach.
  • Encourage your child to send postcards or write captions for a photo album or on social media.
  • Support your child to reread their writing aloud to check it makes sense and improve it. Adults can also model this for children to show that even adult writers reread their writing continually to adjust and improve it.
  • Help your child note interesting words encountered in reading or overheard in conversation. Encourage your child to use new words in a sentence or write a paragraph using the new word.
  • Read widely. Immersion in quality literature and reading material exposes children to interesting words and varied writing styles. Research indicates that avid readers tend develop more extensive vocabularies which they can draw on in their writing.
  • Play games such as Scrabble or Boggle as a family to encourage word play.
  • Engage your child in regular conversation and discussion to expand their ideas and thinking. Research shows there is a strong correlation between oral and written language skills. By talking through ideas at length, children can draw on prior knowledge, make connections and expand their ideas and understanding.


Finally, remember success and encouragement breeds persistence and effort. Celebrate your child’s writing and focus on what they do well. The worst thing you could do is to be highly critical of their writing by focusing on spelling mistakes or missing punctuation so the child learns to dislike and avoid writing. Ensure that writing is an enjoyable experience and your child should be well on the way to being a successful, motivated writer.


  • Kerron Worsdell
  • Teaching and Learning Coach

RGLPS Play Group


Save the Date - End of Year OSHC Family Pizza Picnic

Wednesday 5th December.

From 5.30pm – 7pm

Come along and catch up with other OSHC families and educators.  Please bring along a picnic rug, drinks and snacks


Please RSVP by Friday 29th November.

Dear OSHC parents


Please remember to cancel your bookings next week if your child is attending the 3/4 camp.



Please note that there will be compass notifications  asking for your consent for Theircare to transfer your families details over to their system.  In December you will well receive a notification from Theircare asking for you to check and update your families profile and add your 2020 OSHC bookings.



Please note that there will be a Pupil Free day on Friday the 13th December. You can book online,  message or email me if you are wanting to book. Please remember there are 3 sessions to book in:

Before care

Day session

Aftercare – depending on your needs. Please book by Monday 2nd December.


Account can be paid by cash, cheque, EFT facility and direct deposit is available.

Payments can be made in OSHC during OSHC hours or at the School Office, during school hours (if you make a payment at the office please have your invoice with you).


The Direct Deposit details are:

BSB: 063 233

Account number: 1005 3825

Please note that you must include that this is an OSHC payment and your family name when processing a payment this way. This is to ensure the payment is forwarded to the program from the office.

If you have any question please feel free to contact OSHC via email, mobile or in person


From the OSHC team




Grade 3-6 Smoothie Days – ALL orders close on Flexischools at 9.30am Friday.  NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN.


 We are still looking for volunteers for Monday from 12.45pm – 1.45pm. If you have a blender you can bring along that would be great.

If you can help out please give me a call on 0438585323.


We currently have 25 out standing money owed notices.  Please check your child’s bag as I have sent home many reminders.  If you have had a notice and cannot remember the amount please contact me in the canteen on Friday.  You can also pay via EFTPOS at the office.

Thank you in advance.



Margaret Groves

Canteen Manager


Thank you to all our canteen volunteers.

If you require a change to the roster please contact Margaret in the canteen. 

Thank you.

  Margaret Groves



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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