Newsletter – 14 November 2019


There are no upcoming events.
There are no upcoming events.


Thank you to all of our wonderful families.

We had our first prep transition on Wednesday. The transitioning Preps were very settled and our teachers were amazed by their behaviour. Thank you to our wonderful teachers for such a successful first session. We are all looking forward to next week!

Another big thank you to those parents and students who helped out at Sunday’s working bee. Your time is truly appreciated and now the front of our school looks beautifully manicured. Thank you Mr Franklin and Mr Butler for your organisation and to Mr Jackson and Mr Peters for helping out.

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Rosanna Golf Links Primary school is proud to be partnering with the Salvation Army for its Christmas Appeal once again this year. 

Donations of new, unwrapped gifts can be left under the Christmas tree at the school office from Friday 15th November until Wednesday 11th December 2019.  The Salvation Army is collecting gifts for children up to age 18 however the age groups for which gifts are most urgently required are: babies aged 0-12 months, toddlers aged 1-3 years and boys and girls aged 12-18.

Thank you to all of our wonderful families for donating to this very worthwhile cause.

Resilience Project

We’re so often bombarded with tragic or depressing news that we don’t often seek out stories of kindness and hope. These 127 stories about random acts of kindness from countries all over the world is worth sharing with our children. It might just make your day.

PJ's Ready?

Our Grade 2 students will be having their sleep/wake over on Friday 22nd November. I want to thank all of our wonderful teachers in advance for giving up their precious time to allow the students to enjoy this activity. The sleep/wake over is part of our school camp program that allows the grade 2 students to participate in a sleepover at school as preparation for camp in Grade Three. It is an exciting opportunity for students to spend a night away from home with all their peers. I hope everyone gets some sleep!


Reminder, don’t forget to utilise your Mathletics login details and log in at home! If you have any questions about Mathletics, you can chat to your classroom teacher or alternatively Ms Haysom (Numeracy Strategic Leader) is happy to assist. This online program is engaging and a significant investment for our school. We are well on our way to improving our Numeracy results and improved outcomes are supported by each families commitment to these targets at home. Our children and staff thank you in advance for your support.


Just a reminder to parents that school policy prohibits chewing/bubble gum and lollipops in the school grounds. As you know, we take the safety of our children very seriously and there are safety concerns around the potential choking hazards for our children.

Gifts and Benefits

We have such wonderful families who often show their appreciation to their child’s classroom teacher with a gift. Teachers are very grateful, however the DET require staff to declare gifts over $100. Please be mindful of this if you are thinking about buying your child’s teacher a gift this year.


Gift of appreciation worth over $100 – an offer from or on behalf of a parent, carer or student(s) made to Teaching Service staff in thanks for a person’s contribution to the education of a student.

Gifts of appreciation with an estimated or actual value above $100 are non-token offers and must be declared by all staff.

Gifts of appreciation with an estimated or actual value of $100 or less are token offers and do not need to be declared.

Mobile Phones

Denisse Lobos
Acting Principal


Thank you to all the parents, students, teachers, and friends who attended and worked at the RGLPS working bee last Sunday.

It takes a big team to prepare and keep our school grounds in such wonderful condition. Kate works hard every week and does an amazing job, but the working bees make a huge difference in what we can achieve!



We are planning on putting together some hampers for our Christmas raffle, to be drawn at our school carol’s night.  If it brings you joy to donate towards this, we are accepting new toys, gourmet food or other relevant items.  Please send these items to the office if you would like to contribute. 

Mango Drive

Thank you to all the families that supported the Mango Drive. The expected delivery date for the mangoes is the week of the 25th November.  The Mango Fundraiser company reserves the right to adjust this date depending on supply.


Please click on the link below to access the chicken survey:



Please note: The work we put into the newsletter will sometimes be published in its raw form, meaning the work may not be corrected. This is because we choose to celebrate the child as a writer instead of picking apart the piece in the search for errors. Constructive feedback is always given to our students in a range of ways, correcting books with red pen is only one way to give feedback to a student.



Region Hoop Time Basketball

On Thursday 7th November, the grade 5/6 boys RGLPS Hoop Time basketball team competed at the Region tournament. The performance and behavior of the team was outstanding as the boys tried their best in each game.

The team came out firing in their first game and managed to level the score in the dying stages to secure a draw. A great effort after trailing for most of the game. In the second game it was a slow start but the boys showed determination and grit to get themselves back within 4 points. Unfortunately time ran out on the clock and they couldn’t get the win. 

It has been an amazing run for the team as they won the District tournament and played at a great level during the Region tournament. The school couldn’t be prouder of them and how they represented RGLPS.

Thank you to Ben Carmichael for coaching and the parents who came to support the RGLPS students, especially those who donated their time to score during games, we couldn’t have done it without you!


Michael Brunelli
PE Coordinator


Prep students recently finished a four week ‘5 cent challenge’ as part of their maths study.

Our preps are now fantastic at counting by 5’s, as they raised a total of $250.45 to help animals affected by the NSW bush fires.

Prep P were the winning class who got extra lunchtime as their prize.




Congratulations to the following students who participated in the 2019 Maths Olympiad team who were awarded place certificates at assembly last Monday. As the top performing student at RGLPS this year, Harrison B was awarded the 2019 Maths Olympiad Top Achievement Trophy and Harrison, Finn E and Kate Mc C all received an APSMO cloth badge for achieving a score that placed them in the top 20% of students Australia-wide. (insert attached photo)

Harrison B (Year 6) – First place student at RGLPS (Top 20% overall)

Finn E (Year 5) and Kate Mc C (Year 5)  – equal second place at RGLPS (Top 20% overall)

Brianna S – 2019 Encouragement Award (Top 40% overall)


Congratulations to all the Year 5/6 students who participated in the 2019 Maths Olympiad from RGLPS :

Harrison B, Finn E, Kate Mc C, Patrick M, Jeonga C, Olivia O, Brianna S, Sophie B, Jack G, Emiliya L, Mitchell H, Kai H, Emma S, Ben W, Max O, Cecilia S, Lachlan D, Isabelle L-Y, Zoe M, Ben S, Nelson T, Max W, Samuel B, Hannah B, ZOE L, Christina H and Audrey S.


All students who completed the 2019 Maths Olympiad received official APSMO Certificates of Achievement this week.


Most parents read with their child regularly, if not daily. Strategies to support your child in numeracy are not always as obvious. Below are some suggestions on how you can support your child with developing their numeracy understanding and skills outside of school.


Play with shapes – Exploring shapes helps develop your child develop their awareness of different shapes and also improves hand-eye coordination. Here are some tips and activities to try:

  • Name and notice the similarities and differences between shapes. For example, shapes with curves, corners or edges.
  • Help your child draw shapes, cut them out and sort them into groups. Ask your child to explain why they have sorted the shapes this way.
  • Use cookie cutters to explore different shapes using playdough.
  • Encourage your child to identify shapes in their everyday life, such as a round ball, square window or hexagonal ‘STOP’ sign.
  • Construct paper planes together which combines many mathematical concepts, including angles, shapes, halving and symmetry.

Making patterns – Recognising and making patterns are important maths skills for exploring numbers, shapes and symmetry. Possible activities include:

  • Identify and explore visual patterns on clothing, wrapping paper, buildings, crockery, cards and furniture.
  • Use coloured pegs, blocks, beads or cutlery to start a pattern for your child to continue or ask them to create a pattern of their own.
  • Create clapping patterns and ask your child to copy and then create their own pattern.
  • Encourage your child to draw, create and describe their own patterns.

Counting – These suggestions will help your child practice and experience counting:

  • Count each toss of the ball as you play a game.
  • Estimate and count how many jumps or steps it will take to get to a certain location or travel up a flight of stairs.
  • Count forwards and backwards while skipping.
  • Count bicycles or items in the street while walking or travelling by car or public transport. Consider keeping a tally of the data.
  • Play board games that involving using a dice to navigate around the game.


Travel timetables – These activities help your child develop their knowledge of time and their problem solving skills:

  • Identify your starting point on the train or bus timetable? What is the earliest and latest time to travel on this route? How long does it take to travel the entire route? How many stops are there on this route?
  • Use a map to determine which is the best route to travel to a destination? Why do you think this?
  • To get to swimming or footy training on time, when will you need to leave?
  • Estimate time – for example calculate what time an item needs to come out of the oven when cooking.

Handling money – These suggested activities to encourage your child to think about using money:

  • Encourage your child to work out how much change you will get after buying something.
  • Investigate costs for family trips together. For example, a visit to a theme park may include the cost of transport, entry tickets, food and transport.
  • Discuss saving money for presents or something your child may want to buy. Work out how long it will take to save this much if they get a small amount of money each week.
  • Negotiate increases in pocket money as percentages. For example, a 5% increase would be how much money per week? Is this better than a monthly increase?
  • Encourage your child to save a percentage of their pocket money or birthday money and work out how much this would be. For example, how much money would you have if you saved 40% each week?

Thinking Mathematically and Problem Solving

  • Play board or card games as a family.
  • Teach your child how to complete a Sudoku grid.
  • Complete jigsaw puzzles


Kerron Worsdell

Teaching and Learning Coach

RGLPS Play Group


Dear OSHC parents



Please note that there will be compass notifications  asking for your consent for Theircare to transfer your families details over to their system.  In December you will well receive a notification from Theircare asking for you to check and update your families profile and add your 2020 OSHC bookings.



Please note that there will be a Pupil Free day on Friday the 13th December. You can book online,  message or email me if you are wanting to book. Please remember there are 3 sessions to book in:

Before care

Day session

Aftercare – depending on your needs. Please book by Monday 2nd December.


Account can be paid by cash, cheque, EFT facility and direct deposit is available.

Payments can be made in OSHC during OSHC hours or at the School Office, during school hours (if you make a payment at the office please have your invoice with you).


The Direct Deposit details are:

BSB: 063 233

Account number: 1005 3825

Please note that you must include that this is an OSHC payment and your family name when processing a payment this way. This is to ensure the payment is forwarded to the program from the office.

If you have any question please feel free to contact OSHC via email, mobile or in person


From the OSHC team



PIZZA    $5.00






We need some help for SMOOTHIE DAY on Monday 25th November and Monday 2nd December from 12pm – 2pm.  If you have a blender and can bring it along that would be greatly appreciated.

If you can help out please give me a call on 0438585323.

Thank you in advance.



Thank you to all our canteen volunteers.

If you require a change to the roster please contact Margaret in the canteen. 

Thank you.

  Margaret Groves



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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