Newsletter – 19 September 2019


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There are no upcoming events.
There are no upcoming events.
There are no upcoming events.


Congratulations - Luke Bell (Acting School Council President)

It is with delight that I can now announce that Denisse Lobos has been successful in her application for Acting Principal of Rosanna Golf Links in Term 4. Please join with me in congratulating Denisse and offering her our full support in this role.

Till We Meet Again

As I sit here and write my final newsletter as Principal of RGLPS, I wanted to thank everyone who has journeyed with me over this seven years. The difference families make when they positively and proactively work together with staff makes every bit of difference for our children. The staff you find at Golf Links are passionate professionals who know education and are committed to providing the best possible care and learning outcomes for every student.


I know that Golf Links is a very different place to when I started in 2013, we have been through dramatic change and exponential growth. We have worked through a major capital works project of 6.3 million and at all times ensured our focus on teaching and learning has never wavered. We have developed a strong distributed leadership structure and built a culture of professional learning communities throughout the school. We have reworked curriculum, assessment and reporting to better meet the needs of staff, students and families. We have introduced evidence based practices in literacy and our approach to RTI (Response to Intervention) is renowned and award winning. We’ve developed a rigorous approach to supporting parents through evidence based practice and we continue to have family upon family moving to our area in order to enrol their child because of our commitment to diversity and inclusion.


As I set myself to face another setting and a new set of challenges, I am inspired by those who have worked alongside me at Golf Links. Leadership is absolutely about relationships and we wouldn’t be where we are today without those who have walked the vision and consistently collaborated with me to ensure best practice was at the forefront of every decision. Specific thank yous are always tricky as I’m bound to always miss someone. However, the reason it is so hard to say goodbye, actually it’s more like, until we meet again, is because of the strong bonds we have at Golf Links.


To Denisse and Luke, thank you for always being by my side, lifting me up and measuring me when required. Suzie, you are my rock and go to gal, even when I forget my shoes. Kerilyn, Deb and Kaylene, thank you for the humour and always a positive can do approach to my most ridiculous requests. Thom, Kerron and Cathie, wow what a team you make. You all make coming to work feel like home and I count you as family.


To our PLC leaders and Strategic leaders, you truly are a well-oiled machine and your growth as leaders has been significant. You all drive our vision within your teams and the collective efficacy you show day in and day out is second to none. Thank you!


To Matt Oates (School Council President), Luke Bell (Vice), Kim Ellul (Treasurer), Rebecca Waingold (Secretary), Brad and Rohan, you are exceptional and your endeavour to ensure our staff are supported in the work they do in the classroom and beyond the classroom is truly beyond reproach.


As Golf Links approaches a new era with a new leader, I urge our community to stand steadfast beside and with those in charge of our children. Those charged with a huge responsibility to lead our young people into an unknown future desperately need strong supports around them to do great work. Teachers and school leaders face a huge complexity of challenges every single day and it is relentless. The staff within the buildings of Golf Links need you to stand beside them and lift them up. In an age of teacher shaming and leadership aspirations in schools at an all-time low, please know that your support makes every difference.


To our wider staff team, you are all awesome. Thank you for your positive intent and your drive to improve and help every child. Your love of what you do does not go unnoticed and you should be celebrated every single day.


To our community, thank you for entrusting us with those who are most precious. The conversations I have had this past week has truly highlighted the difference our team approach has made to in the lives of our families. Thank you for your encouragement and support over my seven years.


To our children, you are the reason for my being a leader in this amazing school. You are all different and your difference is valued. Your strengths and your uniqueness is what I love and I encourage you to always work to those strengths and be the best you in every situation.


I am so comfortable in handing what I have counted as ‘my baby’ over to a new leader. I say farewell to Golf Links knowing that the next Principal is being gifted something truly special and the processes, systems, culture, teams, teaching, learning and facilities have never been better.

Parent Opinion Survey

Thank you to those parents that were randomly selected and completed the survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and the information will be valuable in our planning. Please come and see myself or any of the leadership team at any stage if you have anything that you would like to share or discuss. Furthermore, teachers and support staff are also easily contacted by phone, email or appointment.

Sun Smart Reminder

UV radiation varies in intensity across the year and normally is highest during schools hours. We encourage our children to use a combination of sun protection measures. Teachers encourage children to apply sunscreen during lunch eating time before heading outside for lunch play. It’s important that children apply sunscreen at home before leaving for school and children are taught to apply sunscreen themselves. Teachers will not apply lotion to children. The SunSmart UV Alert app is a useful tool that can be used to know when to protect against UV radiation and when sun protection is needed. The free app is available at:


Have you joined with us?

We are excited to be keeping families informed via our Facebook group, this is a closed group and we enjoy the positive community that we are establishing on this platform. The information shared is timely and ongoing through our many moderators. You can also like our page and enjoy the photo updates of our new sporting facility at the front of the school.

We currently have 495 followers on our official school Facebook page. Please head over and ‘LIKE’ us at

We currently have 337 members in our official school Facebook group. Please head over and join this group at

Please note that like a friend’s profile, Facebook PAGES are designed to create an authentic and public presence on Facebook. On the other hand, Facebook GROUPS are the place for small group communication and for people to share their common interests. Our official GROUP is for that purpose, as mentioned in previous newsletters. You are invited and welcomed to this space to share, communicate and ask questions of others in the community. This site is moderated by selected staff across the school.

Kelly Morrow


Last Wednesday, the RGLPS Girls Tee Ball team headed to Jells Park in Glen Waverley to play in the State Championships. Students, parents and teachers were all very excited, knowing that we were the first team from RGLPS to make the State Finals since the Boys Cricket Team won in 1989. Our first game was against Mount View Primary who played at a very high level and unfortunately we lost 10-20. Our second match was against Tylden Primary and we won 19-4, the match ending under the mercy rule so we played a fun scratch match for the rest of our time. Our final match was against St Christopher’s Airport West and in a very even match where the lead swapped every innings, we just lost 18-19 in a nail-biting finish.


To all of the girls, I am so proud of you. Not only did you win our first ever Heidelberg District tee ball grand final against our local schools, you then went on to win the Northern Metropolitan Region Championship and play in the Victorian Championship – and that is worth celebrating! I truly hope that you go on to play for a club outside of school because you have the skills to mix it with the best; I know that Research-Lower Plenty Baseball Club would be happy to have all of you continue to play together as a team, so it might be worth pestering your parents haha! At the end of the day, you were the fifth best team in all of Victoria and that is something we will never forget J

Looking forward to our pizza lunch to celebrate!

Mr Peters, Ms Elso and Mr Brunelli


Division Athletics 2019

The RGL Athletics team competed at the Banyule Division Carnival on Wednesday 18th September. The team of 21 students displayed determination, showed plenty of school spirit and competed to the best of their ability in every event.  The top two finishers in each event progressed through to the Region stage of competition with RGL having 10 students achieve this outstanding feat.

200m: Lutz S, Ismail O

100m: Zane H, Lutz S, Sathika E-G, Nida F, Bowen Y

Long Jump: Lutz S, Sathika E-G, Nida F, Ismail O, Sophie P

Shotput: Ruua R, Sathika E-G, Ismail O

Discus: Zane H, Freya W, Cooper T

RGL also had a few students finish an amazing third in their event but unfortunately didn’t progress, well done to Zoe L, Harry B and Lucas R.


Thank you to all the parents who came and supported the students. A big thank you to RGL teachers Evan and Tracey for taking on numerous roles throughout the day.

Michael Brunelli
PE Coordinator





The final ICAS for 2019 take place this week. This year, RGLPS students sat 218 ICAS tests, most of which were delivered online for the first time. The most heavily subscribed tests in 2019 were the ICAS Mathematics, English and Science.

2019 student results will be available from early next term. Students achieving highly will be presented with ICAS Achievement Certificates at a school assembly in Term 4. Well done to all RGLPS students who participated in all the ICAS tests this year!


Following our ICAS experience this year, the school will undertake a review the ICAS process in Term 4 and make plans around future test delivery for 2020.


Assessment and Reporting

Being the final week of Term 3, a reminder to all parents to check Progress Reports for recent updates. Classroom and specialist teachers have been working hard to ‘push out’ Progress Reports reflecting student learning growth and achievement for Term 3. Teachers will conduct assessments and begin writing Semester 2 Reports from early next term. As per the 2019 Semester 1 Reports, Semester 2 reports will consist of a general comment, a comment about Integrated Studies and ICT and the table of progression points (dots). Semester 2 Reports will be released on Compass in the final week of the school year.


Home Reading

A host of educational research indicates that some students ‘dip’ in their learning over breaks. To counter this, we encourage all students to maintain their daily home reading during the upcoming school holidays. Discussing reading with a parent, another adult or peer also helps build comprehension and understanding. We recommend that all students read for 20-30 minutes per day over the break.


Hot Tip! – Your local library is a great place to stock up on reading material for school holidays but beware, you may also run into teachers also stocking up on holiday reading materials!


Kerron Worsdell

Teaching and Learning Coach


Australian Hearing Dates

Australian Hearing Dates

October – Wednesday 9th

November – Wednesday 6th

December – Date to be confirmed

Inclusion Online Training Videos

Last year, the Department of Education invited Rosanna Golf Links Primary School Deaf Facility to participate in training videos to talk about best practice in deaf education.  These videos have recently been released, with the links below.  Thank you to all the staff and students who worked on this project, and the families for supporting it.  These are amazing resources our school and Deaf Facility can be proud of.


Student Voice:

Whole school approach:

Classroom collaboration:

Classroom assessment and planning:

Using assistive technology in the classroom:

Primary Deaf Sports Day

Primary Deaf Sports Day will be held on Tuesday October 29th.  If you’d like to come and support on the day, please mark it in your calendar.  More information and permission to be released on Compass in Term Four.

Parent Information Session

In Term Four, the Deaf Facility are planning on holding a parent information session with a panel of deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) adults.  We have four DHH parents from our school community, two previous RGLPS Deaf Facility students (now in their 20s), and one staff member with a hearing loss.  This information session will be based around social and emotional supports for our students.  This is a great opportunity to listen to adults about their education and life experiences, as well as ask questions from people who have lived experiences that our students are going through.  Date and time to be confirmed in Term Four. 

Thank You - Kelly Morrow

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our Principal, Kelly Morrow, on behalf of our Deaf Facility students, staff and families.  Many of you may not know the supports Kelly has put in place for the Deaf Facility, which I’d like to highlight here. 

  • Deaf Facilities are not entitled to a physical Deaf Facility space within the mainstream setting.  During building works, Kelly is the person who advocated for the Deaf Facility to maintain its physical space despite the Department saying they were not entitled to it.  We have Kelly to thank for our new space, where other Deaf Facility schools have lost their physical rooms. 
  • Throughout Kelly’s seven years as principal, she has developed her own collegiate network of principals who have Deaf Facility spaces.  She has worked hard to increase her knowledge base from the expertise here at RGLPS, as well as other schools that have Deaf Facilities, maintaining and growing the support for our staff and students.
  • Most other Deaf Facilities ask parents to contribute technology, such as Roger Touchscreens, to support their children’s education at school.  Kelly has allocated funds to buy each Teacher of the Deaf their own Roger Touchscreen to use in their facility sessions, as well as budgeting for new furniture in the Deaf Facility and tv screens in each space.
  • Kelly has always had a positive, open mindset and listened to expertise from the Deaf Facility, and helped maintain and grow a culture of support for all of our Deaf Facility students, which also supports all students in the school.

I’d like to acknowledge the supports that Kelly has done for the Deaf Facility staff, students and families over her time here as principal.  It makes our roles so much easier when you have the understanding, compassion and openness of the school principal.  Thank you, Kelly Morrow for all you have done for us, you will be missed by all of our Deaf Facility.


Fundraising - Thank You

I’d like to thank our RGLPS community for another successful fundraising term.  Next term’s big fundraising event is our School Run4Fun Colour Explosion.  Log onto to set up your profile and start fundraising.  You can also see the leader boards for individuals and classes.  This will  be a fun event, not to be missed!

Run4Fun Colour Explosion!

We’re turning our event from bland to GRAND this year by adding an explosion of colour. The more money we raise the more we can provide for the students through vital school projects, in particular the resurfacing of our new triangle.

The School Run4Fun Colour Explosion will be held on Friday, October 25th. We do ask that you bring a spare change of clothes to school, most importantly a plain white shirt as the students will be covered in powder from head to toe. The day’s focus is on fun and fitness with the added benefit of raising funds for our school.

Colour Powder

The colour powder used in our event has been sourced direct from India, the home of Holi Powder. It is made of high quality corn starch and permitted food colours. It’s non-toxic, biodegradable, skin safe and environmentally friendly. Toxicological Risk Assessment and ingredient listings can be obtained from the School Office upon request. Students with asthma are advised to be careful in their decision to participate.

How Does My Child Fundraise?

Students have now received a Sponsorship Form with instructions on how to raise money and order prizes. Students obtain donations in cash using the Sponsorship Form together with online fundraising.

Students who raise as little as $10 or more will receive an incentive prize for their efforts. But why not aim higher? You have the option to choose up to five (5) prizes and this will set your fundraising goal. Family and friends are your greatest supporters, so ask them first for your support. You will reach your fundraising goal in no time.

Student Profile Page

Create a Student Profile Page at which is unique to you. There are also some great features like recording your sponsorships and selecting your prize goal.

You can also register for online fundraising. It’s the easiest way to help your child raise money and to reach your fundraising goal sooner.

WIN A SHARE OF $200,000 WORTH OF FREE SPONSORSHIP DONATIONS. Create a Student Profile Page at and enter your unique code found on page five (5) of your Sponsorship Form to see if you’re an instant winner. Give your fundraising goal a kick start!

How to Order Prizes?

To reward your child for their efforts, they will receive incentive prizes based on the total amount of sponsorship dollars raised in cash, online, and if applicable, any FREE SPONSORSHIP DONATIONS won using the unique code on page five (5) of the Sponsorship Form. You have two options to place your prize order:

  1. Login or create a Student Profile Page at Once the fundraiser has finished, click the ‘ORDER MY PRIZE’ button and then confirm your total amount raised and order your prize/s, OR
  2. Complete the back page of the Sponsorship Form and return to the school.  

Please note, all donations need to be finalised on or before Friday, October 25th. Student prizes will be delivered shortly after.

Thank you in advance for your participation, and get ready for a BLAST OF COLOUR! Happy fundraising!   


Being Sustainable these Holidays

Dear parents of Rosanna Golf Links PS,

We, the Environment Captains, are asking you to keep being sustainable these holidays.  We would like you to remember;

  • Don’t turn on the air conditioner or heater unless you are already dressed for the weather. (Wearing shorts and a t-shirt or a jumper and pants.)
  • Recycle wherever possible, you can take soft plastic to Woolworths or Coles and put it in the Recycle bin.
  • Remember to bring your own reusable shopping bag when you go shopping so as to reduce the number of plastic bags.
  • Keep the lights off until you really need them.
  • Walk, run, ride, skate or scoot or use public transport when ever possible instead of driving.
  • Don’t waste water, turn taps off after use.
  • Do some gardening, as well as being healthy for your body, it can increase diversity and attract wildlife.  (If you plant anything please try and make sure it is native.)

Remember to have fun, be safe and be SUSTAINABLE these holidays.


Ben and Iris, Environment Captains.


Happy almost holidays everyone.  Thanks for other great term. Wishing you all a safe and relaxing break. 


Dear OSHC parents please note that account need to be finalised by this Friday the end of term 3.

Pleases note the invoice you received is to the end of week 9.

Account can be payable by cash, cheque, EFT facility and direct deposit is available.

Payments can be made in OSHC during OSHC hours or at the School Office, during school hours (if you make a payment at the office (please have your invoice with you).


The Direct Deposit details are:

BSB: 063 233

Account number: 1005 3825

Please note that you must include that this is an OSHC payment and your family name when processing a payment this way. This is to ensure the payment is forwarded to the program from the office.


If you have any question please feel free to contact OSHC via email, mobile or in person



From the OSHC team



We have a few money owed notices out standing..if your child has been given lunch and a bill sent home or you get a reminder notice please pay by next Friday Sept 20.Thanks


RGLPS would like to wish Aldo and Angela, from the Basille Fruit Shop in Macleod, luck and happiness for the next exciting stage of their lives. Aldo and Angela will be closing their shop this month and we would like to thank Aldo who has been delivering to our canteen for well over 20 years.


Thank you to all our canteen volunteers.

If you require a change to the roster please contact Margaret in the canteen. 

Thank you.

  Margaret Groves



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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