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There are no upcoming events.
There are no upcoming events.



Scott Hills will be taking a leave of absence from the beginning of week 8 (2nd of September, 2019) until the end of the year due to personal/family reasons. We wish Scott well as he takes some time away.


I am proud to announce that Katrina Smith will be stepping into 1/2H. She is a great teacher who has a wealth of experience and has been undertaking casual relief teaching at Rosanna Golf Links throughout this year. Katrina will be a great asset to our 1/2 team.

National eSmart Week 1-7 September

The web is a great place to learn, be creative and stay connected. However, with one in five young Australians found to have been cyber bullied – and the many other challenges young people face online – it is important we invest in giving our community the skills they need to be responsible digital citizens. That is why we’re participating in the Alannah & Madeline Foundation’s National eSmart Week along with hundreds of other communities, to show our commitment to building an eSmart Australia.  At RGLPS we have on ongoing commitment to teach our students to navigate the internet in a safe and responsible manner, embedding cyber safety in all our ICT activities throughout the school.


Thank You

Our Fundraising team worked their magic in organising a wonderful opportunity for our children. Thank you so much to our very dedicated and wonderful parents who assisted in purchasing, wrapping, coordinating, helping teachers, helping children and just being a smiling helpful face for our kids. Special thank you must go to Carly who is always such an amazing driving force in this team. A note to our children who bought gifts: please hide your dad’s gift in your cupboard until Sunday.

Tournament of the Minds

Huge congratulations to our team of students who took part in Tournament of the Minds at La Trobe University on Saturday. THANKYOU to Kerron Worsdell who supported our children on the weekend. We are very proud of the students’ hard work. You can see this performance on our official Facebook group


At this stage, we have not assigned teachers to grade levels for next year, and in fact still need to select a few teachers to fill those roles next year. There are no guarantees that teachers currently teaching at certain grade levels will be teaching there next year, as leadership needs to take into consideration a range of factors including the different experience of our teaching staff and teacher preferences before this allocation is completed.


The school always sets out to create classes that have:


  • A balance of academic levels

(children at, above and below the level)

  • A balanced social and behavioural mix

(children who will get on well together with as little interruption as possible)

  • As you can imagine the process of grade placement is extremely tricky and time consuming. What is in the best interests of the school and all our children and families is paramount.



  • Children will be asked by their teachers to nominate children they would like to be with in 2020. During the process the teachers will ensure that every child is with at least one of these.
  • Classroom teachers will rank children according to ability and highlight behavioural / social concerns along with any relevant information they have gathered throughout the year. All of this information will then be used to develop the 2020 classes.
  • Specialists will check the lists for any anomalies and then the leadership team will then confirm grade placements.
  • In the second last week of term, children and their new teacher will visit their 2020 classroom. The children and new teacher will complete an activity in this session notifying parents of their new grade.


Parent Considerations:

  • Obviously the classroom teacher has the most information regarding individual children. As a first port of call, please speak to your child’s classroom teacher if you wish to discuss anything about your child’s placement.
  • Occasionally we may not be aware of special circumstances that need to be considered during the class selection process. Such special circumstances might include but are not limited to health, emotional or learning matters, peer or sibling relationships or changes in the home situation. Selecting a particular teacher does not fit within the realm of special circumstances. If parents want to provide extra personal information to be considered in the process you will need to email the school office. Letters should be addressed to “The Principal” and reach the office no later than September 20. Please note this is not about requesting or selecting your child’s teacher for next year. Please note that letters received after this date will NOT be accepted.
  • This will exclude the friends the children will want to be with which has already been gathered by the teacher.


Finally, if you consider you have special circumstances, please make the request in writing EVEN if it has been made before – as much as we would like to think so, we can’t remember everything from years gone by! We do appreciate your trust in our professionalism in these regards.

Cyber Safety at Home

Our children today have access to and are accessible by many millions of people worldwide via a vast array of websites, applications and online games. This puts our children at risk every single minute that they are online. As much as we have a strong education program at school on cyber safety and ensuring our children are communicating appropriately online, it is imperative that these values are upheld at home.


Communication Chain

Procedures for parents to follow if they have concerns, queries, issues in relation to their child or any other community member.

1) Request an appointment time with the classroom teacher to discuss your concerns.

2) Request an appointment time to speak with the Team Leader for that area of the school or one of our Leading Teachers.

3) Request an appointment time to speak with the Principal or Assistant Principals.

Procedures for students to follow if they have concerns in relation to how they are being treated in the playground or classroom.

1) Speak to your classroom teacher or teacher on yard duty.

2) Speak to a teacher with whom you feel comfortable.

3) Speak to the Principal, Assistant Principals or a Leading Teacher.


In developing resilience in our children, it is important that you encourage your child to speak with their teacher if they have a problem, any problem in fact. By doing this for them, it robs our children of a wonderful real life learning and problem solving situation. Our children need to learn to take risks and be encouraged to resolve small problems now, so that as they mature and develop they are able to tackle greater risks and problems with the skills they have learnt.

Leadership Structure AND Communication 2019

Leadership structure AND Communication 2019

Good communication is very important in any organisation and RGLPS values highly the loop of communication between home, school and child. Golf Links has very much an ‘Open Door’ policy, but it’s important that the Communication procedures are followed. I urge you to please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns that need addressing. Your child’s teacher should be your first port of call, as they will often have all the relevant information to resolve the situation or provide the correct information.

Each grade level has a team leader and you are welcome to also seek clarification with the below staff:

Foundation – Alice Page

Junior School – Jess Degenhardt

Middle School – Sarah Mclellan

Senior School – Bay Fikri

Specialists – Lauren Scott

Furthermore, our point of contact for specific curriculum questions can be directed to the below Strategic Leaders:

Literacy – Cathie Sutton

Numeracy – Kate Haysom

Curiosity – Kendall Wilson

Welfare – Tracey Elso

Sustainability/Environment – Laura Gray

If you require further clarification around any issue, please make an appointment with any of our below leadership staff:

Deaf Facility Coordinator- Thom Jackson

Teaching & Learning Coaches – Kerron Worsdell and Cathie Sutton

If all these steps have been taken and you still require further information, or your matter is of a serious nature, please make an appointment to see Assistant Principals – Luke Franklin and Denisse Lobos or myself.

Remember Rubbish Free

Our Sustainability Strategic Team have taken on measures for Golf Links to become a RUBBISH FREE SCHOOL. This is a practical, real and positive way to encourage healthy eating and teach waste minimisation. Students are encouraged to bring food without packaging. There are many types of lunchboxes that support this program. Thank you for your continued help in supporting this important initiative.

No Lollipops at School

A reminder to parents that lollipops are not allowed in the school grounds.  Please don’t supply lollipops in your children’s lunch boxes or in birthday party bags.  This rule is designed to keep your children safe.  If children fall with a lollipop in their mouth, injuries to teeth, throat and face can be significant.

Can You Help?

We are in need of a videographer or someone with media experience for our amazing music department. I know there must be some talent out there that could possibly help us.  If you are able to assist please contact the office.



HATS ON From 1st September until 30th April School hats must be worn outside during all outside activities.


Have you joined with us? You will find ongoing updates from classroom visits to articles of interest. DON'T MISS OUT!

Please head over and ‘LIKE’ us at


Please head over and join this group at

Kelly Morrow



Our School Dance is fast approaching.  We are looking forward to seeing the results of the children’s hard work during Term Three. We can’t wait to see everyone dressed up in their red carpet frock or tux, or perhaps come dressed as your favourite movie star or movie character.


Some important things to remember:

  • The event will be held over two nights, students with surnames A-L, Monday 16th September and surnames M-Z, Tuesday 17th September.
  • Doors open at 6pm. Please ensure that your children are assembled with their class teacher by 6:15pm.
  • Tickets can be purchased from TryBooking at
  • The cost is $22 per seat. Young siblings (2 or under) who remain seated on an adult’s lap throughout are free.
  • Bookings will open on Monday 26th August at 8am and will close on Friday 13th September at 3pm.
  • Bring along your own plate of nibbles and drinks and drinking glasses.
    • Due to venue restrictions only pre-packaged food is allowed. Examples of acceptable food are chips, dips, cheeses, lollies, fruit, water, soft drinks, etc. No takeaway or home meals allowed.
    • Alcoholic drinks are strictly not allowed due to the venue’s liquor licence.
  • Please ensure your children have eaten before the event as they will be staying with their class for the duration of the evening.

If any parents are keen to help with table decorations and other small tasks in preparation for the dance nights, please get in touch with Deb Howard.



Father’s Day Stall

Thank you to everyone who sent their children with money to support our Father’s Day stall this week.  It was a success and raised over $1,000 which will go towards our new Triangle.  A special thanks to our parent volunteers on the day!  We couldn’t have done it without you.

Socks & Chocolates

The due dates for Socks and Chocolate drive boxes have now passed.  If you have not returned your money, please return to the office as soon as possible.  Those families yet to pay will be contacted within the next week for a reminder to make payment. 




You may have seen our new pavers that have gone in near the new hall after our most recent working bee.  If you missed your opportunity to order a personalised paver, don’t worry!  We are doing one more order.  If you want to leave your mark at RGLPS forever, collect a form from the office.  All forms and payment need to be made by the end of the term. 



Fun Run

Our school colour fun run will occur next term, on October 25th.  We will have a special announcement for this at assembly on Monday, September 9th.  You may want to attend this assembly, we have something special planned for the announcement, not to be missed!  Then after assembly, students will receive their information pack for the Fun Run and what prizes they can win.  This is our big fund raiser for the year, with all proceeds going towards the Triangle.

Mango Drive

In Term 4 we will be having a Mango Drive.  Order forms will go home before the end of Term 3, orders and payment will need to be made by the 24th October and delivery will be late November /early December



Green Facts are back for Semester Two, and we want your input! 

If you have a fact about the environment, or tips for how we can help preserve our planet (either at home or at school), please share it with us. You can write it on a scrap piece of paper and place it in the labelled box in the 1/2 building outside 1/2G, or enter it online at the following link  

Keep your eyes peeled on each newsletter to see if your Green Fact appears! 



ICAS Tests

ICAS tests will commence at RGLPS from next week and be held on the following dates:



ICAS Tests

Tues Sept 3rd, 2019

ICAS Digital Technologies (online)

Thurs Sept 5th, 2019

ICAS Science (online)

Tues Sept 10th, 2019

ICAS Writing (online) *Paper based test for year 3/4

Thurs Sept 12th, 2019

ICAS Spelling (online)

Tues Sept 17th, 2019

ICAS English (online)

Thurs Sept 19th, 2019

ICAS Mathematics (online)


RGLPS has 79 children sitting one or more of the ICAS tests across these scheduled dates, with the most heavily subscribed tests being the English and the Mathematics tests. The school is busy finalising the login process, checking devices meet with technical requirements and making supervision arrangements. All participating students will receive a Certificate of Achievement and students with the top score in each ICAS in each year level will be awarded a medal and a certificate at a school assembly during Term 4.


Maths Olympiad Update

Maths Olympiad #4 has been our best Olympiad performance for 2019 with six students achieving a score of 4/5. This is a significant achievement as Olympiad questions are pitched at a Year 7-10 ability level.

The fifth and final Olympiad for 2019 will be held on Wednesday 11th September. All participating students will be presented with certificates at a School Assembly early in Term 4.


Tournament of Minds  PHOTOS

Congratulations to our 2019 Tournament of the Minds (TOM) team who participated in the Northern Metro Final at La Trobe University last Saturday August 24th.


TOM provides students with the opportunity to solve open-ended challenges by using their problem solving skills, creative thinking and teamwork. A key feature of TOM is that students have no assistance from teachers or parents. They must create, design and solve all problems as a team.

Our RGLPS team competed against more than thirty teams in the the ‘Arts’ Long Term Challenge (Primary Division). They had six weeks to develop their response to the Challenge, which involved creating a new ‘Wizard of Oz’ inspired Australian story complete with at least two original music compositions, two backdrop changes, three detailed costumes, original script and a concept around undertaking a journey of discovery. Our TOM team named ‘This Way to Equality,’ came up with a story involving characters travelling back in time through a portal at Uluru seeking equality for women, indigenous Australians and the disabled. Our team presented their information in a creative and unique way. The Challenge allowed the team to capitalise on the musical talent of team members and further develop or build new skills such as costume design, sewing, set design and construction, script writing, time management and collaboration. The team gave a confident, engaging performance on the day and were able to manage the heavy workload and pressure involved in meeting the timeline and criteria.


In a debrief session this week, the team indicated their key learnings from TOM were as follows:

  • Time Management skills – all students cited this
  • Creative and Group Thinking – Ben
  • Teamwork skills – Lachlan, Audrey and Lucas
  • Acting skills, including learning to channel emotion and memorise lines – Audrey and Lachlan
  • Learning to conquer stage fright and build confidence – Zoe
  • Developing Engineering skills to create free standing backdrops – Ben
  • Sewing skills and costume design – Zoe and Sophie
  • Safety skills (eg managing a hot glue gun and scissors) – Lachlan


The team also participated in a Spontaneous Challenge on the day which tested their team work, brainstorming and group creative thinking skills under strict time constraints.


As the 2019 Team Facilitator, I was very impressed with the commitment and energy the students brought to the Tournament of Minds. They worked exceptionally well as a team, negotiating and sharing responsibilities and undertaking additional work in their own time. Google docs were used to develop and refine the script and communicate with each other. All members were willing to learn, seek and accept feedback from each other for the good of the team. I was very proud of what they were able to achieve and in particular how they adjusted to significant challenges, such as two team members falling ill in the final days which necessitated significant changes to the script and performance. Well done Ben W, Lachlan D, Lucas S, Zoe L, Audrey J, Kate M and Sophie B – I am very proud of you all!


The TOM team are eager to present their play to the school community and will give a lunchtime performance on Wednesday 4th September at 1:45pm in the Hall. All interested students, teachers and parents are invited to attend. We hope many members of the school community are able to view the performance and gain a sense of the efforts made by the team and the pride students have in their creation.


Kerron Worsdell

Teaching and Learning Coach and Tournament of Minds Facilitator 2019



Jump Rope for Heart

This year our school is participating in Jump Rope for Heart, a fantastic physical activity and fundraising program by the Heart Foundation. The program helps keep the RGLPS students active and healthy while learning new skills, and raising funds for vital heart research and education programs.

This year students can fundraise by making a gold coin donation at the ‘Jump-Off’ day on Wednesday 4th September. The day will involve students wearing house colours and engaging in a variety of skipping activities for an hour throughout the day.



Just a friendly reminder that we do not have direct debit available in our program. I apologise for the confusion as the invoices state we do.

Account can be payable by cash, cheque or EFT facility is available.

Payments can be made in OSHC during OSHC hours or at the School Office, during school hours (if you make a payment at the office (please have your invoice with you).

If you have any question please feel free to contact OSHC via email, mobile or in person


Thank you to all the Dad’s, students and families who attended the Father’s Day Breakfast this morning. 

Thank you to all the staff who helped out,  it was a great morning




  • Hash Browns                           $1.00
  • Steamed Dim Sims                 $1.00 
  • Warm Banana Bread               $2.20
  • Blueberry or Apple Muffins    $1.20
  • Hot Chocolate or Milk            $1.60  


  • Meatballs in a tomato & basil sauce, with parmesan and baby spinach served in a pita pocket         $5.70

Nice for winter!


If your child has a plastic Keep Cup they can bring it to get their Hot Chocolate. 


Thank you to all our canteen volunteers.

If you require a change to the roster please contact Margaret in the canteen. 

Thank you.

  Margaret Groves



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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