There are no upcoming events.


Our 100 days of Prep was celebrated by all on Monday with our 101 preps. As always it was a wonderful celebration of all the work that has ensured such a settled and successful start to our current Prep’s school career. Congratulations to all of our students, their families, and our staff. It has been a wonderful ride thus far.

Book Week 2023

RGLPS is hosting a ‘Book Character Dress Up Assembly’ on Monday at 9:10am for Book Week. Students (and staff) are invited to come dressed up as a favourite book character, inspired by the theme ‘Read, Grow, Inspire.’ Prizes will be handed out for creative costumes in every year level. Parents, families, and friends are invited to attend our special assembly – we would love to see a big community turnout for this fun event! The week itself is one of my personal favourites and we build a love of literature within our kids. I have already be talking to many about the inspired costume themes and can’t wait to see what wonderful creations come in to school on Monday.

Get to Know Our New Staff

With some staff returning from leave and new staff joining our learning community at RGLPS we have been very privileged to see some fresh faces around the traps. I thought it might be a great opportunity to support you to get to know everyone.

Amber Vincent, our new P.E. teacher has come to us from Aitken Hill PS. She has been teaching P.E. for a few years now and is very much enjoying the space that having ‘only’ 562 students allows for her program. She has already volunteered to run lunchtime clubs and has joined our staff book club. Fitting in seamlessly from a student and community perspective.

Maddi Huglin has also returned from her family leave and is teaching Auslan to our Year 1, Year 2, and Year 4 students. With 2 little ones at home Maddi’s growing family has been very generous and given us a little of her time and we are most definitely the beneficiary of this arrangement. So far, by all reports both Maddi and our students are having a ball in Auslan.

To round out the movement, Lauren Zahra has moved into the Art classroom to teach visual arts to our students. Lauren has a real passion for the art room and has been able to embed other core curriculum areas into the program while still focusing explicitly on the visual arts content.

It has been great to reconnect with some familiar faces and also to welcome some new blood.


The Beyblades craze is well and truly alive at RGLPS. We have witnessed many battles between Bit-Beasts verses Gatinko Layer Systems with special moves launching all over the various spin tracks. We have noted that there have been a few hurt feelings over some of these battles and continue to support our kids to understand that even in the heat of battle, and when exciting new vernacular is in place, that we must continue to display our value of Kindness. It has been very pleasing to see that these conversations largely solve the conflicts as our student population are as well versed in our School Wide Positive Behaviour Supports as they are in the language of Beyblades.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers



Preps doing a special Acknowledgement of Country at Monday assembly.



2023 ICAS

ICAS assessments continue next week with the ICAS Science and ICAS Spelling Bee. Please take note of all the scheduled test dates if you have registered your child for any of the ICAS assessments. To ensure we have adequate supervision for these tests, the ICAS Spelling bee has been moved from Wednesday 23rd August to Thursday 24th August. Students will require headphones for the ICAS Spelling Bee so if your child has a set of headphones at home, it would be appreciated if you can send these to school next on Thursday.


Remaining 2023 ICAS Test dates:

Wednesday 23rd August –  ICAS Science

Thursday 24th August  – ICAS Spelling Bee

Wednesday 30th August –  ICAS Mathematics


Please note that RGLPS will endeavour to hold make up tests in the event of absence however due to ongoing staffing constraints, a make-up ICAS test may not always be possible if your child is absent on a test day.

Curriculum Day

RGLPS teachers had a very productive Curriculum Day last Friday 11th August, which focused on a whole school approach to problem solving in mathematics. This was a really practical and enjoyable day of professional learning which will help teachers provide differentiated maths challenges that both engage children and develop their mathematical understanding, regardless of their entry level skills.

Big thanks to Sarah McLellan (Mathematics Learning Specialist) for organising this valuable day of learning with Dr Ange Rogers and Dr Bern Long.

Tournament of the Mind

Our 2023 RGLPS Tournament of Mind team are competing at the Northern Metro Final this Saturday 19th August at La Trobe University. This year’s team is made up of the following students: Tom B, Abigail S, Madeline S, Ella M, Blythe VDH, William P and Ellie V.


We wish the team the best of luck in their presentations for their both Long-Term and Spontaneous Challenge and can’t wait to learn how they go! 

See You Soon!

As some people are aware, I am off on long service leave for the final four weeks of term on a much awaited (and COVID delayed) trip to Iceland, Scotland and the Netherlands. I will look forward to communicating with the RGLPS community about teaching and learning again in Term 4. See you soon!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist & Literacy Leader



Science Talent Search

The STEM Festival is quickly approaching! Take a look at the below timetable to find out what exciting things will be happening throughout the week.


Professor Bunsen Incursion
A compass event has been released with further information on the Professor Bunsen Science Incursion. Please have a read of this and provide payment and consent if you would like your child to participate.


Mixed Level Maths & STEM Activities
On Friday 8th September between 9:30am and 11:30am, students will participate in Maths and STEM activities in mixed year level groups. This is a great opportunity for students to buddy up across the school and work collaboratively to solve problems.

Opening Ceremony & Amazing Race

On Monday 4th of September at 6:00pm, families are invited to join us in the school hall. Our specialist captains will run a short opening ceremony. Afterwards, families can participate in the RGLPS STEM Amazing Race. A variety of STEM challenges will be set up around the school for you to enjoy. Students will be able to collect stickers for each activity completed.


Parent Information Session on Mathematics
On Wednesday 6th September from 6:30pm-8:00pm, parents and carers are invited to attend an information session on Mathematics. This event will be held in the school music building. Michael Ymer, specialist mathematics consultant, will address some of the following points:

  • What is my child learning in mathematics?
  • How can I help my child become an efficient problem solver?
  • How do children best learn mathematics?
  • How can parents promote quality thinking and learning?
  • How can I help my child in mathematics?



If you would like to volunteer to help out at the Father’s Day Stall please go to the following link to sign up:




Winter Specials

Beefie Burger – See Flexischools Menu for details



Wednesday 23rd August                11am – 12.30pm

Wednesday 30th August                 11am – 12.30pm

Please contact Peta on:  0400 577 002

Thank you to the parents who are doing extra to help Peta out while I am away.


Margaret Groves

Canteen Manager


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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