There are no upcoming events.


It has been another incredible week at Golf Links. Our T-ball teams have been up to their usual tricks with both teams winning through to region. Whilst we continue to have enormous pride for the achievement, my greatest source of happiness comes from the knowledge that success in primary school sport is measured by engagement and participation. Our T-ballers continue to enjoy the team element of the sport and the camaraderie that they feel for all team members. Whilst the winning is a great add on for them all, I continue to feel such pride and joy about the overall impact of commitment, membership, and participation. Next week our teams will be off to the regional competition and we wish them well.


This is a reminder that our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents / caregivers / guardians think of our school. The Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education that is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behavior, and student engagement. The survey is optional but we encourage all families to participate. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.

All families are invited to participate in the survey.

The Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey will be open from Monday 7 August to Friday 8 September 2023.

The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time within the survey period on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones. The online survey will be available in English and 10 other languages including Arabic, Greek, Hakha Chin, Hindi, Japanese, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Turkish, and Vietnamese.

The survey results will be communicated to parents / caregivers / guardians through annual reporting and through our newsletter and school council. You will receive an email on Monday with further instructions.

Curriculum Day Friday

Don’t forget we are running a curriculum day on Friday the 11th of August. Our staff will be undertaking some professional learning in Maths to ensure we continue to enrich our pedagogy and structures. There is no student attendance on this day. TheirCare are providing a holiday program, please book online if you would like to utilise this service.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers



Sensory Garden

The sensory garden is now complete. We are so excited to see our students using the spaces to play and connect with their friends. As with all new spaces the excitement was at a high level to begin with and I was left wondering if we need 5 more! Things have settled a little bit and the space is performing just as intended. We do plan to have hold an official opening early next term. Please keep an eye out for further announcements.

Parenting with Confidence

Health Ability is running a new parenting program called ‘Parenting with confidence’. They will teach you practical tips and strategies to promote positive relationships and behaviour in children. This course will start on Wednesday the 16th of Aug. Please refer to the flyer attached for further details.



The Cognitive Demands of Writing

Writing is a highly demanding task for young learners. Children are learning to write alphabetic letters, match these to sounds, write the sounds in order, organise their ideas into a sentence, remember and use English spelling patterns correctly, develop their ideas, select interesting words, apply correct boundary punctuation, and record all this neatly and with correct spacing and capitalisation. That is an awful lot to do at once and it is not a wonder that many children struggle to coordinate all these skills when they are just beginning.


Sweller’s ‘Cognitive Load Theory’ (2011) asserts that the human brain can only process a small amount of new information at once. With lots of time and practice, skills become more automatically recalled from long-term memory and require less conscious effort. By adulthood, most people can manage these various writing skills simultaneously. However as capable writers, we need to remember that it takes several years for most children to grasp and coordinate all these related writing skills.


To support young writers at RGLPS, we teach the writing process with an instructional focus on different skills at each phase of the process. This scaffolds the learning for students and helps children focus on what skills it is important to use at each step:

  • Pre-writing – Talking about your writing ideas; gathering and organising ideas.
  • Planning – Sequencing ideas, developing plot, characters, setting; sorting information for an information report; planning for a specific writing genre.
  • Drafting – Translating ideas into a written piece and genre. Rereading the writing as you go to build on ideas and ensure writing flows and makes sense.
  • Revising – Revising the writing by rereading it, adding, and removing ideas, modifying the text, substituting in different vocabulary and ensuring writing is coherent.
  • Editing – Checking the writing for correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation to prepare it for an audience.
  • Publishing – Creating a final audience ready piece; attending to presentation, layout, handwriting neatness and ensuring accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation.


As you can see, there are a huge range of skills that children need to learn to become competent writers.


Here are some ways you can support your child at home with writing:

  • Help your child focus on the skills needed for the writing stage they are working through. Focus on recording their ideas and thinking first. Only spend time checking for spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors after the draft has been completed.
  • Provide specific feedback about what your child has done well using a Feedback Sandwich – positive feedback, improvement tip, positive feedback. This provides useful and specific feedback and maintains learner motivation and engagement in writing.
  • Work on small sections of writing at a time when editing – correctly a long piece can be quite daunting for young learners.
  • Ask your child to make their editing corrections themselves. There is little gained from an adult ‘correcting’ a child’s writing with a red pen and it also tends to discourage the writer.
  • If wanting to focus on punctuation or spelling, ask your child to read over a completed piece or section of their writing and try and find the errors. You can turn this into a game to make it fun. For example, tell them there are three pieces of punctuation errors that need to be added to a sentence. Can they find them?
  • Above all, be positive and excited about your child’s writing. Writing is an enormously complex lifelong skill and we want to keep them as motivated as we can!

2023 ICAS

ICAS registrations are now closed for 2023. ICAS assessments will commence next week on the scheduled dates below:


Wednesday 9th August                                   ICAS Digitech

Wednesday 9th August                                   ICAS Writing

Wednesday 16th August                                ICAS English

Wednesday 23rd August                               ICAS Science

Wednesday 23rd August                               ICAS Spelling Bee

Wednesday 30th August                               ICAS Mathematics


Parents/carers of students registered for ICAS are requested to take note of these allocated test dates and support their child to be punctual to school on these days. Please be aware that each ICAS has a strict testing window of one week. We will endeavour to hold make up tests in the event of absence, however due to ongoing staffing constraints, a make-up ICAS test may not be possible if your child is absent on a test day.

Book Week

Book Week is approaching fast, and our ‘Book Character Dress Up Assembly’ will be held on Monday 21st August at 9:10am. Students are invited to dress up as a favourite book character, inspired by the 2023 Book Week theme ‘Read, Grow, Inspire.’ Prizes will be handed out for creative costumes in every year level.


Throughout Book Week, classes will explore books nominated for the ‘2023 Children’s Book Council of Australia’ Awards’ and engage in fun literature-based activities.


Please take note of the date and time of this special assembly if you are keen to attend. We would love to have a big turn out as the dress up event is a highlight for many students (and staff) across the school.


Enjoy your weekend and the week ahead!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist & Literacy Leader


This term, in Week 9 (4th-8th September), we will be holding the first RGLPS STEM Festival. The festival provides an opportunity for the whole school community to come together to celebrate all things STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

Some of the exciting things we have planned for the week include:

  • The Opening Ceremony & Amazing Race (Mon 4th September at 6:00pm)
    Families are welcomed into the school to complete STEM challenges
  • Professor Bunsen Incursions (Mon 4th to Wed 6th September)
    Students will participate in a science-based incursion, with a focus on chemistry
  • Parent Information Session on Mathematics (Wed 6th September 6:30-8:00pm)
    Michael Ymer, specialist mathematics consultant, will hold an information session for parents
  • Mixed Level STEM Tasks (Fri 8th September)
    Students across the school will come together in mixed class groups to engage in a STEM task


Thank you to everyone who entered our STEM Festival Poster Competition. We received close to 50 entries and they were all amazing. Our STEM Captain and Art Captain judged the entries and selected the following winners. Congratulations to them all!

Remember to keep an eye out for more information regarding our STEM Festival closer to the date.



Our victorious girls and boys 2023 Banyule Division Teeball Champions!!





Winter Specials

Wagu Beef Meatball Sub Roll – Meatballs served in an Italian tomato sauce       $5.90

Add extras: Lettuce, carrot, tomato, baby spinach                                                     $0.40 each

                     Grated cheese                                                                                              $0.70


Routley’s Meat & Veggie Pastie                                                                                     $6.00


Monday 7th August                       Khatia

Wednesday 9th August                 Help Needed (10.30 – 12.30pm)

Friday 11th August                         No Canteen

Monday 14th August                      Help Needed

Wednesday 16th August                Melissa

Friday 18th August                          Britt/ Help Needed

If you can help out in any of the time slots please ring or text me on  0438 585 323.

Margaret Graves

Canteen Manager


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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