Newsletter –  21 October 2022


There are no upcoming events.
There are no upcoming events.


Well it was great to be back on dry land this week after our wonderful adventure on the 3-4 camp last week. This week has been a little quieter but has given me the opportunity to do one of my favourite things. Many students have been able to share their wonderful work with me this week and it is fantastic to see how everyone is going. Keep reading today to find out all about upcoming events at school.

World Teachers' Day

This year, World Teachers’ Day is on Friday 28 October. It is an opportunity to say thank you for the incredible contributions teachers make to our community. The last few years have been very tough for everyone and I have personally been so grateful to our amazing teachers who have really gone the extra mile to make sure our kids are given the best opportunities.

We will recognise the passion our teachers have, and how teaching was extended beyond the classroom to maintain connections through flexible learning.

We will be celebrating World Teachers’ Day by having a special assembly on Friday 28th of October at 3:15pm on the basketball court. Our students will read some of their heart felt appreciation letters about their teachers. We would love you to join us and share in this celebration.

You can also get involved by sending a message of thanks to a teacher who is making, or has made, an impact on your life using #thanksvicteachers on social media.

Transitioning to 2023

Don’t forget, if you would like to share some information regarding classroom placement for your child in 2023, the following procedure will assist us to support this process.

  • Upon our return to school children will be asked by their teachers to nominate children they would like to be with in 2023. Conversations will be had regarding what makes a good learning friend and the students will be able to nominate those friends who support their learning and reduce distractions. During the process the teachers will ensure that every child is with at least one of these.
  • Parent considerations are also collected and considered during this process. Often parents have specific insights into student need and this additional knowledge plays a significant part in how we structure our classes. These insights often include but are not limited to health, emotional or learning matters, peer or sibling relationships or changes in the home situation. Selecting a particular teacher does not fit within the realm of special circumstances. If parents want to provide extra personal information to be considered in the process please email the school office. Letters should be addressed to “The Principal” and reach the office no later than November 1st.
  • Classroom teachers will predict where students would be best suited based on learning, behavioural and social needs and any relevant information they have gathered throughout the year. All of this information will then be used to develop the 2023 classes with the use of Class Creator, a program that assists with the formulations of balanced grades.
  • Specialists will check the lists for any anomalies and then the leadership team will confirm grade placements.
  • Towards the end of term, children and their new teacher will have an opportunity to spend the whole day in their 2023 classroom and step up into the next grade level. The children and new teacher will complete an activity during this day notifying parents of their new grade.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers






Cold Campers Carry On!

Despite flooding rains and ankle-deep mud, Year 3/4 students bravely persevered with all activities at Lake Dewar Lodge last week. The camp hosted around 150 students in what will be remembered as the wettest week in recent Victorian history.


Students engaged in a range of activities across the three-day camp including geocaching, camp cooking, stand up paddleboarding and canoeing. However, the overwhelming favourite rotation with the kids was the always popular flying fox. Smiles lit up faces as each person whizzed down the zipline, sharing the fun with a buddy. Night-time activities included a movie screening and the ‘Red Faces’ talent quest that many entrants spent weeks rehearsing for. Jasper (4SK) commented “The wet weather was hard, but we pushed through and still had fun at all the activities.” Julien (4SK) added “All the activities were tons of fun. We still enjoyed them despite the rainy weather. I’ll never forget this camp because of all the rain that fell and the thunderstorms.”


Overall, the camp is most memorable for the positive spirit and enthusiasm displayed by the camp crew, despite the wet, muddy conditions. All students were a credit to the school and teachers and parent supervisors were highly impressed with their resilience and ‘can do’ attitude.

ICAS Cerificates

2022 ICAS certificates for Spelling Bee were presented to students achieving higher place certificates at assembly this week. Students awarded an ICAS participation certificate were presented with these by their classroom teacher.

A reminder that parents can obtain more detailed results at the ICAS results portal :

See top left corner under ‘Portal’. Scroll down the page to ‘Student Results’ and use the TAP-ID and PIN on the bottom of the rear of your child’s certificate to login. Use the side bar menu to access the various ICAS results for your child and see how they answered each question.


Certificates for ICAS Writing and ICAS Mathematics are still yet to arrive at the school and will be presented at a future assembly when they arrive.

2023 Maths Olympiad

Parents, please take note that the 2023 Maths Olympiad Highest Score Trophy, Badges and certificates will be presented at assembly next Monday.


Have a great week everyone!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


Some of the fun activities at Lake Dewar Lodge!


Please click on images to expand.


Maths Riddle

Well done to those who attempted the ‘Four Colour Cube’ challenge from last week’s newsletter. The answer to the challenge is:

Thanks to Owen and Sam from 6SS for solving the problem and creating this model for the newsletter.

Here is this week’s Maths Riddle. I’ll share the answer in the newsletter next week.


Falling Origami Papers Challenge
Eight origami papers fell on the floor (as pictured below). Work out the order in which they landed.

Hint: Start by visualising which paper must be on the bottom or top, then work systematically.

If you’d like to share your response or have your working out featured in our newsletter, please send your solutions to


Sensory Garden & Fundraising

Sensory Garden

As you may have read in previous newsletters, the school was successful in a $200,000 grant for a new sensory garden.  The new sensory garden and outdoor learning space will go outside of our Science room and hall, into our middle area between the hall and prep building.  Please see the attachment for a detailed plan of the area and equipment planned for the area.  Without sufficient fundraising, we will need to eliminate some of the equipment on the list.

Due to inflation and planting costs, there will be a shortfall of what we want and what we will get, hence why we are trying to fundraise additional funds to make the area the best we can for current and future children through Golf Links.  Ideally the school is looking at raising an additional $20,000 to ensure we get everything on our wish list for our children. 

Slime Fun Run

Our current Slime Run fundraising is sitting at nearly $7,500.  This is still under what we made at our previous fun run.  All children who fundraise also get a prize.  Check out the prize lists to see some of the amazing prizes you can get. 

Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

RGLPS will be hosting a Bunnings Sausage Sizzle on Saturday November 5th

Thanks to Kristina Smith who has offered to manage this event for us.

We will need LOTS of parents to assist on the day.  If you are able to offer and hour or two of your time please contact Deb at: 

Thank you to everyone who has already supported our fundraising.  We hope to install the best sensory garden possible to support our young people!


Butterfly Garden Planting

On Tuesday 18th October, our Butterfly Garden (adjacent to Spider play equipment on the Triangle) received 30 new native plants. One of the Grade 3 Environment Leaders, Sadie, had volunteered with her grandfather David in order to earn some plants for the garden and so, increase the biodiversity in an area. It is important for RGLPS to have a wide variety of plants here as it supports many different animal species and is a big part of our Sustainability rating.

Many thanks to David and the Flanagans for the donations and time and labour.  Thanks also to the Grade 3 and 4 Environment Leaders: Cormac N, Mila B, Charlotte P, Archie W, Leo M, Sadie F, Hazel R, Lola F, Jasper W, Asher K, Isla M as well as Ivy F and Lettie G.  These students worked enthusiastically in their recess break to dig out and plant out the area.  We hope the new plants all thrive in their new home.


Dance Club is in full swing at RGLPS!!



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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