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There are no upcoming events.


Welcome back to term 4! We are certainly optimistic about the wonderful opportunities we will have in term 4. Today there is quite a bit of information with some altered traffic conditions around the school, COVID updates, reporting reminders and 2023 transitioning information. However, I know we also have multiple fun activities and learning opportunities for our students in term 4 so I am sure this will be the only somewhat arduous newsletter for the term.

Transitioning to 2023

I cannot believe that it is already that time of year again. We are currently preparing for the organisation of grade placements for 2023. This is always a tricky process as multiple considerations must be made to ensure that all of our students are placed in an environment that will best support their learning needs. As such this does need to be a collaborative process where students, parents and staff combine their collective knowledge to ensure success.

The Process:

  •    –  Upon our return to school children will be asked by their teachers to nominate children they would like to be with in 2023. Conversations will be had regarding what makes a good learning friend and the students will be able to nominate those friends who support their learning and reduce distractions. During the process the teachers will ensure that every child is with at least one of these.  

  •    –  Parent considerations are also collected and considered during this process. Often parents have specific insights into student need and this additional knowledge plays a significant part in how we structure our classes. These insights often include but are not limited to health, emotional or learning matters, peer or sibling relationships or changes in the home situation. Selecting a particular teacher does not fit within the realm of special circumstances. If parents want to provide extra personal information to be considered in the process please email the school office. Letters should be addressed to “The Principal” and reach the office no later than November 1st.

  •    – Classroom teachers will predict where students would be best suited based on learning, behavioural and social needs and any relevant information they have gathered throughout the year. All of this information will then be used to develop the 2023 classes with the use of Class Creator, a program that assists with the formulations of balanced grades.

  •    – Specialists will check the lists for any anomalies and then the leadership team will confirm grade placements.

  •    – Towards the end of term, children and their new teacher will have an opportunity to spend the whole day in their 2023 classroom and step up into the next grade level. The children and new teacher will complete an activity during this day notifying parents of their new grade.

Portfolios and Reporting in Term 4

Term 4 will mark the first time that we have been able to run through an entire year with the new and developing RGLPS reporting system. This year we have been able to send termly annotated portfolio tasks in every content area and semesterly tasks in our specialised areas. Our reasoning is to ensure that all families are receiving multiple examples of student work throughout each term. This way, students and parents have multiple opportunities to see the progress that our students are making. Last term we adapted to include the older students in the reporting process. It meant that students were able to work 1:1 with their teacher and view developmental continuums in the relevant content area. Thus, allowing students to see what they might need next within a sequence of learning. Our plan is to extend this work and give all students an opportunity to set their own goals that relate to relevant content areas adding meaning and context to their learning. Do remember to engage through Seesaw as our students love to be able to showcase what they have learned.

We will also continue to report in a more traditional manner, with the semesterly reports due towards the end of the year. Our teachers are also available for a chat if needed. Please make an appointment if you do have anything that you would like to discuss.

Term 4 Curriculum and PPD Days

There will a Curriculum Day on Monday 31st October.  No classes or supervision are available during Curriculum Days. Teaching staff will be attending seminars focusing on Enquiry and Welfare.   We will engage with Theircare and attempt to arrange care for the 31st.


The Department of Education has advised the recommendation that all Victorian Schools hold 2 professional practice days in 2022 on the same day for all Teachers. Our first day was held on the 26th of May and we have worked with the school council to ensure that our second day causes the least disruption possible. The school council have approved the final day of the year as our combined professional practice day. On the 20th of December student attendance will not be required. Please make alternative arrangements for student supervision on this day. We will engage with TheirCare and attempt to arrange care for the 20th.

COVID Updates

With everything almost back to normal, we are still providing the RATS throughout the term. The first lot has already been delivered to classrooms. Do ask at the office if you would like another box. We are currently waiting for further instructions around isolation requirements and the need to report positive cases. I will send you further updates as soon as I have them.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers




Parking Changes

As you would all know the parking and drop off areas around the school can become very congested and busy throughout the day. The Banyule Council have made significant changes to the rules around our school to better manage this and help with safety concerns.

They have:

  • Converted the existing ‘No Stopping’ restrictions on the north side of Interlaken Parade to ‘No Parking’ during school peak periods.
  • Converted the existing ‘P 2 minute’ parking zone to a ‘No Parking’ Kiss and Go zone during school peak periods.
  • Converted the existing unrestricted parking spaces on the south side of Interlaken Parade to ‘No Stopping’ during peak school periods.
  • Converted the existing unrestricted parking spaces on the south west side of Brassey Avenue between St Andrews Ave and Lower Plenty Road to ‘No Stopping’ during peak periods.
  • Install double barrier line marking on Interlaken Pde bend to prevent vehicles undertaking U-turns.

Please be aware of these changes. Parking officers have been around and have been issuing fines.

Luke Franklin

Assistant Principals


Welcome back to RGLPS for a big final term for the 2022 school year. From my interactions with students and staff, it seems that many people took the opportunity to go away and spend time with family and friends – this includes myself, who spent a relaxing ten days visiting friends in New Zealand.

ICAS Cerificates

2022 ICAS certificates have started to arrive at the school over the holiday break.


Students achieving a higher place award (High Distinction, Distinction, Credit or Merit) in Digitech, Science and Mathematics will be presented with their certificate at school assembly next Monday 10th October. All parents and carers are welcome to attend our school assembly, which commences at 9am each Monday during term four on the basketball court. Students who were awarded an ICAS participation certificate will be presented with these from their classroom teacher.


ICAS awards are allocated as follows for each year level:

High Distinction – awarded to the top 1% of students

Distinction – awarded to the next 10% of students

Credit – awarded to the next 25% of students

Merit – awarded to the next 10% of students

Participation – awarded to all remaining students


Once your child’s ICAS certificate is received, more detailed results can be obtained by logging in to the ICAS results portal at To access the results portal (see top left corner under ‘Portal’) Scroll down the page to ‘Student Results’ and use the TAP-ID and PIN on the bottom of the rear of your child’s certificate to login. Then, use the side bar menu to access the various ICAS results for your child and see how they answered each question.


Certificates for ICAS Writing, Mathematics and Spelling Bee will be presented at a future assembly once these arrive at the school.

High Ability Learner Program (HALP)

The following Year 5/6 students commenced their HALP (English) program this week: Abigail B, Sullivan C, Marshall H, Madeleine O, Avishi R, Quentin R, Kyle S, Lincoln T and Ellie V. HALP sessions are conducted online each week with a teacher from Virtual Schools Victoria and run for ten weeks. Good luck to all those students participating in a HALP enrichment program this term – I hope they enjoy their experience!

Term Newsletters - Term 4

2022 Term 4 Team Newsletters will become available over the next few days for all year levels and RGLPS specialist programs. Please keep an eye on Compass for an announcement when these are finalised and available for access.


Newsletters can be accessed via Compass under the Community Icon -> School Documentation -> Year Level Newsletters -> 2022 –> Term 4 2022


I hope everyone has a great week – best of luck to the Year 3/4 students, staff and parent volunteers heading off on Camp at Lake Dewar next Wednesday 12th October!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


Maths Riddle


Well done to those who attempted last term’s ‘Block Stack’ challenge. The answer to the challenge is:

Here’s this week’s Maths Riddle. I’ll share the answer in the newsletter next term.

Pairing Numbers Challenge
There are exactly three different pairs of positive numbers that add to make six:

How many different pairs of positive numbers add to make one-thousand?

Hint: List numbers systematically until you notice a pattern to help you solve the problem.


Extra Challenge: How many pairs of positive numbers add to ten-thousand? Use your knowledge of pairs to six and one-thousand to help you solve.


If you’d like to share your response or have your working out featured in our newsletter, please send your solutions to


Heidelberg and District Senior Basketball

Dear Parents,


On Friday 7th of October, our All Star Boys, All Star Girls and Rookies teams competed at the Heidelberg District Basketball Round Robin at La Trobe University Stadium.


The All Star Boys and Girls played superbly all day, with both teams finishing 3rd overall. They played with great skill and determination which was great to see! A big thank you to Jackson Dunstan and Noelle Darcy who coached and trained with the teams over several lunch times.


The Rookies played extremely well and finished the day in 1st place on goal difference from Viewbank Primary School. After losing to Viewbank in the first game, they came back and won their remaining 4 games strongly to take out the day; a superb effort from these students in their very first competitive games of basketball!


Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator.


Birdlife Australia - Aussie Backyard Bird Count

The annual Aussie Bird Count is coming up soon, from 17th – 23rd October.  If you would like to do some citizen science activities at home, please look up the details here:  or watch here:

“Taking part in the Aussie Backyard Bird Count is easy! Just spend 20 minutes in your favourite outdoor space and tell us about the birds you see during that period. You can submit your results using the app or the web form. Every count helps. There is a Field Guide/Bird Finder built into the app and on the website to help you identify birds or check the poster below for common species”.  

This is also a wonderful resource for identifying Melbourne birds:


Thank you to our community who have already started to fundraise.

Students have received their sponsorship booklet and can now create their online profile at  Big prizes are up for grabs! Raise at least $10 and your child can choose from a selection of awesome prizes.



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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