Newsletter –  05 August 2022


There are no upcoming events.


A great big thanks to all of the staff and students at RGLPS who made all of our principals feel so appreciated on Principal Day today. I personally loved my cards and the kind words from our beautiful students

COVID 19 Information

Wearing a mask indoors and in crowded spaces is a small but effective step that we can all take to reduce the transmission of COVID-19. This will help to keep our school community safe and make sure that students are able to remain in the classroom with their teachers and friends.

Face masks stop droplets spreading when you talk, cough, sneeze and laugh, which lowers your chance of spreading or catching COVID-19, the flu, and other viruses circulating this winter.

We know masks provide good protection against the transmission of COVID, so – while they’re not mandated – we’re strongly recommending all staff and students aged 8 and over wear them indoors at school.

Face masks are one of several key COVIDSafe measures to keep our schools safe and open. These COVIDSafe measures focus on ventilation, vaccination and vital COVIDSafe steps. Over 99% of school staff are triple-vaccinated, air purifiers are now in every classroom, and free rapid antigen tests continue to be available for staff and students.

Wearing a mask is a small but effective step we can each take to manage our COVID-19 risk this winter, as well as staying home when we are unwell, getting tested if we have any symptoms, regular hand hygiene and physical distancing where possible.

'Book Week' Assembly - Monday 22nd August at 9am

RGLPS will be celebrating ‘2022 Book Week’ with a ‘Book Character Parade Assembly’. All students are invited to dress as their favourite literary character at a special assembly to take place on Monday 22nd August at 9am. This year’s theme is ‘Dreaming With Eyes Open’ and all students are encouraged to come dressed as a favourite character on this day. We would also love to see lots of parents/carers at the assembly, so please take note of the date if you would like to attend.

Community Feedback Forum

Rosanna Golf Links Primary School is holding a consultation meeting for our school community with a particular focus on our current Year Two students. We are wanting to discuss the possible introduction of a BYOD program for our Year Three students in 2023.


During this session we will discuss the reasoning and structure of the proposed model and seek feedback from our community members.

This session will be held on Monday the 8th of August at 6:30pm. All school members are welcome to attend and we would like to see as many current Year Two families in attendance as possible.

The session will be held via Webex: CLICK HERE TO JOIN

Should you need further information please don’t hesitate to contact.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers


Kirrily Lamers




Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Rosanna Golf Links Primary School is holding a consultation meeting for our school community with a particular focus on our current Year Two students. We are wanting to discuss the introduction of a BYOD program for our Year Three students in 2023.


During this session we will discuss the reasoning and structure of the proposed model and also seek feedback from our community members.

This session will be held on Monday the 8th of August at 6:30pm. All school members are welcome to attend and we would like to see as many current Year Two families in attendance as possible. The session will be held via Webex. The meeting link will be sent through Compass next week.

Luke Franklin

Assistant Principals


Every child deserves and healthy smile

Smile Squad hits the road in Banyule – Rosanna Golf Links Primary School

All children deserve a healthy smile and the Smile Squad are coming to Banyule – Rosanna Golf Links Primary School to help make sure this happens.

Smile Squad is the exciting new State Government program that will provide free, high quality dental care to all Victorian public primary and secondary school students.

Smile Squad is set to improve the oral health of more than 650,000 children, saving families both time and money, and all without having to leave the school grounds.

Smile Squad dental vans will provide free examinations and treatment including teeth cleaning, fluoride applications, fillings and any other non-cosmetic treatments to make sure our young people have healthy teeth.

Smile Squad is staffed by experienced oral health therapists, dental therapists, dental assistants and dentists. They all have extensive experience treating children and a passion for improving their oral health – for life.

Learn more about the Smile Squad by visiting or contact the team at


'2022 RGLPS Arts and Writing Festival Poster Design Competition"

We received twenty amazing entries for the 2022 Arts and Writing Festival Poster Design Competition, which it made it very, very difficult to choose a winner. In the end, Kirrily and I decided we had to award three fabulous posters joint first prize.


The winning entries came from May X (6SS), Madeleine T (5RC) and Ava M (5RC).


The three winners each received a literature and art pack as their prize and were presented with these at Monday’s assembly.


The winning posters are now on display throughout the school and are also featured on the school website, Facebook page and were shared with the community via Compass and Seesaw. Next time, you visit the school office, please take time to view the display of all competition entries, which is located outside Kirrily’s office.


A huge thank-you to all students who entered the competition and to Kirrily who assisted me to select the winning entries. It was an incredibly difficult decision as the entries far exceeded expectations and showed design flair, creativity and were very eye catching!

RGLPS Arts and Writing Festival - Monday 5th September 6pm

RGLPS students are currently in the final stages of completing their writing pieces for the ‘RGLPS Arts and Writing Festival’. The event will be launched with an opening ceremony on Monday 5th September at 6pm in the Hall. Every RGLPS student will have writing and artwork on display at the festival!


Parents, family and friends are invited to attend the opening ceremony or drop into the exhibition for a closer look during Festival week. We are really looking forward to being able to show the wider community the wonderful creativity of all our RGLPS students! Hope to see you there!

Writing Festival - Author Presentations and Workshops

We are excited to announce we are hosting a selection of professional author presentations and workshops later this term. These sessions are designed to celebrate literacy and writing as part of the ‘2022 RGLPS Arts and Writing Festival’. Please note that these sessions are an addition to the curriculum and are completely optional events. The charge for each student is $10 per child.

Prep – Year 2
Prep – Year 2 students will enjoy two 50 min interactive presentations with authors Sue de Gennaro and RGLPS’s own Maria La Selva.

  • Maria La Selva presentations for Prep – Year 2:                                   Monday September 6th
  • Sue de Gennaro presentations for Prep – Year 2:                                Wednesday September 7th

Year 3/4
Each Year 3/4 class will enjoy a 60-minute Writing Workshop with author Andrew McDonald.

  • Andrew McDonald writing workshops (Year 3):                                   Tuesday September 6th
  • Andrew McDonald writing workshops (Year 4):                                   Monday September 5th

Year 5/6
Author Davina Bell will hold a 60-minute Writing Workshop for each Year 5/6 class.

  • Davina Bell Writing Workshops (Year 5):                                                 Monday September 5th
  • Davina Bell Writing Workshops (Year 6):                                                Thursday September 8th

More information on each visiting author is available on the Compass event. Consent and payment for these events is needed by August 31st.


2022 ICAS

ICAS registrations have now closed, and the assessments commence next week. I now have just over 160 registrations across the six assessments, with the most popular being the ICAS Mathematics (48 registrations).


Parents, please note that there is a one week sitting window for each ICAS so if your child is absent from school on the test day, a makeup session may not always be possible. We will try and hold makeup tests where we can.


ICAS will take place on the following dates:

  • ICAS Digitech – Tuesday 9th August @9:50am
  • ICAS Writing – Friday 12th August @9am
  • ICAS English – Tuesday 16th August @9:50am
  • ICAS Science – Tuesday 23rd August @9:50am
  • ICAS Spelling Bee – Friday 26th August @9am
  • ICAS Mathematics – Tuesday 30th August @9:50am


Good luck to all participating students!

'Book Week' Assembly - Monday 22nd August at 9am

RGLPS will be celebrating ‘2022 Book Week’ with a ‘Book Character Parade Assembly’. All students are invited to dress as their favourite literary character at a special assembly to take place on Monday 22nd August at 9am. This year’s theme is ‘Dreaming With Eyes Open’ and all students are encouraged to come dressed as a favourite character on this day. We would also love to see lots of parents/carers at the assembly, so please take note of the date if you would like to attend.

2022 Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC)

The ‘2022 Premier’s Reading Challenge’ runs until early September. If your child has been working towards this year’s Challenge, please ensure that they register their books before the end date (Friday 2nd September 2022). An instructional guide for navigating the Challenge website is available on Compass under School Documentation.


Certificates will be presented to students who completed the Challenge at an assembly later in the year.

Happy Principal's Day !

On a final note, we would like to wish Kirrily, Luke (and Denisse) a Happy Principal’s Day for today (Friday August 5th)! You can be assured they have all been thoroughly spoilt as a collective show of appreciation for the tireless work they do for our school. We are very lucky to have such an amazing Principal team at RGLPS!

Have a great week everyone!


Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


Maths Riddle


Well done to those who attempted last week’s ‘Missing Number’ challenge. The answer to the challenge is: 6 because the numbers opposite each other all add up to 21.

Here’s this week’s Maths Riddle. I’ll share the answer in the newsletter next week.

Colour Maze Challenge

Find a way to colour the maze below so that no touching shapes are the same colour. Use red, yellow, green and blue.

Hint: Try starting in an area where there are most of the colours already placed.


Extra Challenge: For more colour puzzles like this, try searching for Erich Friedman Colour Puzzles online.


If you’d like to share your response or have your working out featured in our newsletter, please send your solutions to




I am very pleased to announce that Sam Phillips  (4SJ) has been selected for the Victorian Team to compete at the National Championships for Cross Country in Adelaide from the 26-29 of August. As this is an expensive undertaking for Sam’s family to travel interstate, we would like to hold a ‘Green and Gold’ out of uniform day to assist Sam with the cost involved. As Sam is going to Nationals, we thought it would be fun for students to wear Australia’s national colours!

Date: 16/8/22.

Dress: Green and/or Gold clothing.

Cost: Gold Coin Donation.

Thank you in advance for your support so that Sam can represent our school at the highest level.

Yours Sincerely,

Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator


National Science Week is coming up soon.  In addition to their weekly Science lesson, RGLPS students are invited to come to the Science Room on Tuesday 16th and/or Thursday 18th  at 2pm for additional opportunities to participate in Science with this year’s theme of ‘glass’. 

At home, you might like to follow this link, pop in your postcode and find lots of free and amazing opportunities around Banyule   They do book out so be sure to grab a spot.

You might also like to check out the fantastic opportunities offered by Melbourne Museum:


Just a reminder to those families who have given permission for their children to attend Special Religious Instruction (Christianity), that we have commenced again and will be meeting every Thursday in the library, from 2 – 2.30pm (the first part of the second break). It would be helpful if you could remind your child/children on Thursday mornings that it is SRI day!

Thanks very much,

Cathie Clarke

Ph: 0411 883 904



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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