There are no upcoming events.


Though the weather has not been perfect we have managed to get a full week of learning and it is great to see some excited students engaging in school activities. This week has brought many students to my door with lots of ideas for things we could do at RGLPS to make it an even better school. Some students have been keen to keep our school clean and free from rubbish, others have suggested fund raising activities with big projects in mind and others are just keen to increase the number of free dress days we have. It has been wonderful to hear from students again and see just how invested they are in our little Golf Links community.

Child Safety and Wellbeing at Rosanna Golf Links PS: Information for Families and the School Community

A reminder that we are committed to continuous improvement in our approach to child safety and wellbeing and welcome all feedback from families and members of our school community on ways we can further strengthen our child safety policies, procedures and practices. We have worked through a number of new policies and procedures with the policy subcommittee and we will be taking those policies to school council in a few weeks. We will add policies and procedures to our website as we complete them. There will be a period of time where the policies are uploaded in draft form as we seek your feedback. 

COVID 19 Information

A reminder that The Victorian Department of Health strongly recommends that face masks are worn in indoor settings.

As a result, we are asking all students aged 8 and over and all staff in all schools across Victoria to wear masks when in class (except where removing a mask is necessary for clear communication) from now to the end of winter.

If you would like your child to wear a mask but you are not sure that it is happening, please contact the classroom teacher to let them know.

Save the Date 'Book Week' Assembly - Monday 22nd August at 9am

RGLPS will be celebrating ‘2022 Book Week’ in week 7 with a ‘Book Character Parade Assembly’. All students will be invited to dress as their favourite character at a special assembly on Monday 22nd August at 9am.

This year’s theme is ‘Dreaming With Eyes Open’ and I am really looking forward to seeing the creative costumes that children (and RGLPS staff) create to celebrate this special event. 

During ‘Book Week’, RGLPS classes will also participate in the ‘RGLPS Book Week Quiz’ in their library session and explore a number of the texts nominated for the Children’s Book Council of Australia Awards.

We would love to see lots of parents/carers at this assembly, so we encourage you to please take note of the date!

Respect Stories

Students aged 10-14 years old are encouraged to enter the 2022 Respect Stories competition.

To enter, students are invited to produce a short story, poem or essay of up to 1,000 words, or an illustration, exploring what respect means to them.

This is a great opportunity for students to reflect on and share their understanding of respect – while also encouraging parents and teachers to have open, ongoing and proactive conversations on this important issue.

Eight written and two illustrative winning entries will be published in a national Respect Stories book. The winners will also take home a $500 VISA gift card for themselves and one for their school.

Entries are now open and close on Sunday 14 August 2022. Winners will be announced in August 2022.

How to enterFind out more about the competition rules, prizes and a list of frequently asked questions.

Competition Resources: Find helpful resources and advice for teachers and schools on how to encourage students to take part, including downloadable promotional material to share the Respect Stories competition with your community.


Take care,

Kirrily Lamers




Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Rosanna Golf Links Primary School is holding a consultation meeting for our school community with a particular focus on our current Year Two students. We are wanting to discuss the introduction of a BYOD program for our Year Three students in 2023.


During this session we will discuss the reasoning and structure of the proposed model and also seek feedback from our community members.

This session will be held on Monday the 8th of August at 6:30pm. All school members are welcome to attend and we would like to see as many current Year Two families in attendance as possible. The session will be held via Webex. The meeting link will be sent through Compass next week.

Parking Changes: Interlaken Parade & Brassey Avenue

Luke Franklin

Assistant Principals


Every child deserves and healthy smile

Smile Squad hits the road in Banyule – Rosanna Golf Links Primary School

All children deserve a healthy smile and the Smile Squad are coming to Banyule – Rosanna Golf Links Primary School to help make sure this happens.

Smile Squad is the exciting new State Government program that will provide free, high quality dental care to all Victorian public primary and secondary school students.

Smile Squad is set to improve the oral health of more than 650,000 children, saving families both time and money, and all without having to leave the school grounds.

Smile Squad dental vans will provide free examinations and treatment including teeth cleaning, fluoride applications, fillings and any other non-cosmetic treatments to make sure our young people have healthy teeth.

Smile Squad is staffed by experienced oral health therapists, dental therapists, dental assistants and dentists. They all have extensive experience treating children and a passion for improving their oral health – for life.

Learn more about the Smile Squad by visiting or contact the team at


2022 ICAS

Only two more days for students to be registered for ICAS assessments. Registrations can be made through the Parent Payment Portal located at  Please use the RGLPS access code EMT934. Registrations will close this Sunday 31st July 2022. 

2022 Premier's Reading Challenge

The ‘2022 Premier’s Reading Challenge’ is underway and runs for one more month until 2nd September 2022. It is important for participating students to register their reading on the site before the end of the Challenge. An instructional guide for navigating the Challenge website is available on Compass under School Documentation.


2022 Premier’s Reading Challenge Certificates will be presented to students who completed the challenge at an assembly later in the year.

** Save the Date** RGLPS Arts and Writing Festival - Monday 5th September 6pm

All RGLPS classes are currently in the midst of creating their original writing pieces for the ‘RGLPS Arts and Writing Festival’, to be held later in Term 3. The event will be launched with an opening ceremony on Monday 5th September at 6pm in the Hall. Every RGLPS student will have writing and artwork on display at the festival! Parents, family and friends are all invited to attend the opening ceremony or drop into the exhibition for a closer look during Festival week.


We are really looking forward to being able to show the wider community the wonderful creativity of all our RGLPS students! Hope to see you there!



A reminder that RGLPS publishes all school policies to the community via two platforms. Policies can be accessed via the school website – click the Community menu and scroll down to the School Policy section and use the ‘Additional School Policies’ button to search an alphabetised list.


Policies are also stored on Compass under the Community Icon -> School Documentation -> School Policies


Have a great week everyone!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


Maths Riddle


Well done to those who attempted last week’s ‘Two Truths & One Lie’ challenge. The answer to the challenge is: Statement 2 is a lie.

Here’s this week’s Maths Riddle. I’ll share the answer in the newsletter next week.

Missing Number Challenge

Find the value of the missing number below.

Hint: Look carefully at the numbers that are opposite one another.


Extra Challenge: Create your own missing number circles where opposite or adjacent numbers apply a set rule.


If you’d like to share your response or have your working out featured in our newsletter, please send your solutions to


State Basketball Team Trials

Audrey J has had a very successful time trying out for the Victorian Basketball Team, making it all the way to the State Selection non-residential camp.


She was able to work with excellent coaches and players and was lucky enough to have some photos with Marena Whittle who not only plays in the WNBL, but also has the identical shoes as Audrey! Hopefully Audrey might someday play with her “shoe-twin” in the WNBL as well.


Congratulations Audrey, we are very proud of you!


Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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