There are no upcoming events.


As the cold weather sets in it has been wonderful to see all the rosy faces during the day. We have had a pretty big week with lots of activities on the go at the moment. Stay tuned for some further information about upcoming events.

Education Week - Open Morning Sessions

This is just a reminder that Education Week will run from 22-28 May. Now in its 78th year, Education Week celebrates the strengths and achievements of Victoria’s government education sector. This year’s theme is 150 Years of Public Education, to coincide with this milestone anniversary for Victoria.

Education Week 2022 is an opportunity for all primary and secondary schools, higher education providers, and early childhood education and care services to commemorate the past, celebrate the present and imagine the future of education in Victoria. We aim to run a few celebratory activities during the week to showcase our learning for the community.

On Wednesday the 25th of May, we will be running our annual opening morning for the community. Student led tours will occur with the culmination event a Q and A in our school hall. This is an opportunity for prospective parents and 2023 prep parents to get to know the school. On Friday the 27th of May we will hold an open morning in the classrooms. Families are invited to attend from 9:00 – 10:00 and celebrate learning in the classroom with your children. We look forward to seeing you at this time.


You may have noticed that our portfolio schedule has already commenced, with multiple classrooms already uploading tasks. It has been a fairly interrupted term already with long term absence impacting multiple staff. We are committed to continuing the learning in the absence of our teachers however, in the event that the classroom teacher is absent for a period of 1 week or more while the portfolio task is completed, we will send portfolios home without the annotations. We are hoping that the current staffing shortage will begin to diminish, and this will not impact too much but wanted to articulate our plan. In the event that a student is absent for the portfolio task, they will not complete the task.

Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI)

This week students working in the TLI will receive an ILP through Compass.  To view an ILP use the reporting tab and select semester 1 ILPs. Inside the ILP you will find some specific and targeted goals that have been designed based on student understanding and formed specifically to work on the next point of need for each individual.

After the goals, you will see a breakdown of each assessment that your child has completed and an example of the skills that your child displayed during the assessment. Early in term 3 we will again send an ILP. This time we will have further data sets to demonstrate the progress that has been made during the course of the program.

Should you wish to discuss the ILP please contact your child’s tutor. 

Professional Practice Day Term 2

A reminder that the Department of Education advised the recommendation that all Victorian Schools hold the first professional practice day of 2022 on the same day for all Teachers. This means that there will be 1 curriculum day that is pupil free and 1 additional day in term 2 that student attendance will not be required. The school council and consultative committee has deemed that we will hold the professional practice day on the 26th of May. Please make alternative arrangements for student supervision on this day as students will not be in attendance. TheirCare are running for the day, please book in if you would like to utilise this support.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers



Calling All Artists!

Program and Ticket Competition

'The Amazing Race'

 Remember to:

  1. Make your image stand out with bright colours so it will be clear  when copied
  2. Hand your entry to Miss Lobos by Friday 13th May
  3. Draw your picture by hand on an A4 piece of paper

      4.  Good luck!

Thank You From Banyule Council

We received this wonderful certificate from the Banyule Council this week in recognition of our efforts to collect and donate gifts for children in need. This is a great celebration of our wonderful community and efforts to support all children who may not be in a position to receive a gift for Christmas. We would like to again thank you for your support. For many of us this seemingly simple gesture is often very difficult for some families. We are truly grateful for you all.

Perky Panda Visits Golf Links

We were lucky enough to have a visit from Perky Panda this Monday. Maria La Selva one of our regular staff members has recently written a picture storybook focusing on mental health and wellbeing. She came along to school to launch her book and speak with our students about why it is important to be unique and different. She also worked with our students to help them understand empathy and the importance of asking “Are you OK? How can I help?”

If you would like to purchase a copy of the book head to: or

Luke Franklin & Denisse Lobos

Assistant Principals


Let Your Mind Wander

One form of attention that is little understood is the state of ‘mind wandering’. This refers to those times where your brain meanders from one idea to another without direction or conscious thought. It is often thought that this state is of little consequence, which is highly inaccurate! Numerous studies indicate that ‘mind wandering’ is actually a critically important form of attention.


Firstly, ‘mind wandering’ allows us to make sense of the world by giving us space to draw together ideas from a range of experiences and learning. This leads to personal goals, creativity and good long-term decisions. Secondly, it allows us to make connections between information and ideas and problem solve; essentially creativity is a new association between things that we already know and our brain needs time to put this together! Finally, ‘mind wandering’ allows us to ponder the past and mentally try to predict or prepare for the future. If we don’t allow our brains this time to switch off and meander, we are denying ourselves the opportunity to engage in this important mode of thinking – thinking that can lead to unique and valuable insights.


I’m sure you will not be surprised to hear that our continual use of technology is stealing this ‘mind wandering’ time away from many of us. In the modern age, we are constantly bombarding our brains with new information and not allowing our brains the space to engage in mind wandering. The easiest way to achieve this state is to leave devices alone. Go for a walk, talk a bath or just sit without a device – don’t listen to a podcast, music or a book. Enjoy a coffee and just sit without reading the newspaper or aimlessly scrolling on your phone. Meditation is another popular way to achieve this state. I know we all feel like we are missing out if we are not connected to social media and the news 24/7 but we need to reframe this thinking. What we are really missing out on is ‘mind wandering’ – important problem solving and reflection time which we (and society) all need.


Source: ‘Stolen Focus – Why You Can’t pay Attention’ – Johann Hari (2022)

2022 Term Two Team Newsletters

A reminder that Term Two Team Newsletters are now available via Compass. These newsletters provide an overview of useful information for parents and carers, including important dates, events and the curriculum foci for the upcoming term.  These can be accessed at Compass -> Community Icon -> School Documentation -> Year Level Newsletters -> 2022 -> Term Two 2022

NAPLAN 2022 - Supporting Your Child

NAPLAN tests will place next week for all Australian students in Year 3 and Year 5. These students will sit four tests across the week, with the majority of these assessments being completed online for the first time.


Many children become understandably but unnecessarily stressed during the NAPLAN period. Parents can support their child by ensuring that they get a good night’s sleep, eat well, arrive at school on time and generally keep NAPLAN in perspective. NAPLAN assessments are simply a measure indicating how each child is going at a ‘snapshot in time’. Results can be affected by a range of factors including illness, anxiety, friendship or family issues and fatigue. Reassure your child that RGLPS teachers explore a range of evidence to make judgments for our semester reports, rather that only rely on one form of data. Please help your child understand that NAPLAN results are just one such measure and keep these assessments in perspective.


Hope everyone has a great week!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


Maths Riddle


Well done to those who attempted last week’s ‘Add & Multiply Balance’ challenge. The answer to the challenge is:

Here’s this week’s Maths Riddle. I’ll share the answer in next week’s newsletter.

Tricky Triangles Challenge

How many triangles can you see?

Hint: Start by counting each single triangle, then join different triangles together to form new triangles. You might like to draw/print some copies of the above image and colour each triangle in.


Extra Challenge: How many different types of triangles can you see in the above image? (use the below tables to remind you of types of triangles to look for)

If you’d like to share your response or have your working out featured in our newsletter, please send your solutions to


Thank you to everyone who has already enrolled for prep 2023. We look forward to meeting all of our new siblings!


If you haven’t already enrolled, spare forms can be found in the office foyer or on the school website.


Happy Mother's Day

Thank you to all the parent’s who helped out on the Mother’s Day Stall.  Big thank you to Carly for organising this event.

We hope you all have a wonderful day on Sunday!


Just a reminder to those families who have given permission for their children to attend Special Religious Instruction (Christianity), that we have commenced again and will be meeting every Thursday in the library, from 2 – 2.30pm (the first part of the second break). It would be helpful if you could remind your child/children on Thursday mornings that it is SRI day!

Thanks very much,

Cathie Clarke

Ph: 0411 883 904


Canteen Volunteers

Volunteers are now allowed back into the canteen and you would be most welcome.

Because of our new lunch time table you assistance would be required as below.

You need to have done the school volunteer on-line course and be fully vaccinated.

If you are interested in helping out please email me at  

Please include: name and contact information: email, mobile number, date and times available. 




FRIDAY Any hours from 9AM-1PM- Especially between 10:30AM-12:30PM  which is our peak. 

If you can’t do the entire time and still want to volunteer we are flexible. 


Margaret Groves

Canteen Manager


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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