There are no upcoming events.
There are no upcoming events.


We certainly appear to be flying through the term and it has been really wonderful to get some continuity in our learning programs. Fingers crossed that term 1 2022 brings about my first at Golf Links that is uninterrupted by lockdowns. While we are at it, let us all hope that it is the first of many full terms of learning.

Annual General Meeting

Don’t forget that on April the 7th at 6:30pm we will be holding our Annual General Meeting. This meeting is held every year and is an open meeting for our community. During this meeting we present our Annual Report to the School Community. The 2021 report is presented at that time and will then be uploaded to our Website so that our entire community can access it.

School Council Subcommittees

This year our 5 school council subcommittees will be;

  • Finance
  • School Council Operations and Fundraising Committee (SCOP)
  • Facilities
  • Instrumental Music
  • Policy and Wellbeing

Whilst the confidential elements of Finance prevent membership from general community members, our other 4 subcommittees are designed to engage our whole community. Essentially our school council works with the subcommittees to determine future directions of the school.

SCOP supports our school through fundraising endeavors and financial oversite of our canteen and uniform shop. Policy and Wellbeing will support our school to maintain and update various policies that support our school to develop and function but also have a very clear site of Child Safe policy and practices. Given the importance of Child Safe, our school wants to develop policy and protocols far beyond those outlined in the minimum standards. Instrumental Music is an integral mechanism for supporting our Instrumental music program and finally the facilities sub committee works to support the school to be safe and accountable for the buildings and grounds of our school. This year we intend to spend some time working with our community to develop a master plan around our grounds.

If you would like to join a subcommittee please contact me and we will accommodate that request.

Training Band Information Session and Try Outs

Training Band information session and try outs

On Monday the 21st of March at 6:30pm we will hold our 2022 training band information session. Due to COVID restrictions we will be presenting information about the program during this evening. Throughout the week we will be supporting students to safely explore instrument possibilities during regular school times. The Senior Band will perform during the information session showcasing the positive power of musical experience.
If you are interested in joining the training band, please drop in. Information about our amazing program can be found on Compass. It is a requirement of the DET and the Department of Health that any event on a school site can only be attended by students under 12 or those who have received at least 2 doses of a COVID – 19 vaccination. Please ensure to have your vaccination evidence ready to present on the night. As always we truly appreciate your patience and understanding.


Take care,

Kirrily Lamers



GRIP Student Leadership Conference

Next Thursday our School Captains, Vice Captains, Junior School Council Leaders, Environment Captains and Deaf Facility Captains will catch the train into the city for an excursion to the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre to participate in a student leadership conference.

The GRIP Student Leadership Conference is a forum that is held on an annual basis to promote leadership skills in young people. The program involves listening to speakers, question times, learning games and video presentations. It will be both entertaining and educational.

We look forward to an exciting day of learning.

Parent Volunteers Club

We Need You!

Join the Parent Volunteers Club and Get Involved.

Be a part of the RGLPS Community and join the Parent Volunteers Club. We are building a team of parents to be at the ready for school fundraisers, events and much more.

We can’t wait to hear your ideas! Email your interest in joining today to

Get in touch today to become a Easter Raffle Hamper Helper!

We Need You!

Join the Parent Volunteers Club and Get Involved.


Be a part of the RGLPS Community and join the Parent Volunteers Club. We are building a team of parents to be at the ready for school fundraisers, events and much more.

We can’t wait to hear your ideas! Email your interest in joining today to


Get in touch today to become a Easter Raffle Hamper Helper!

Grade 5/6 Inquiry Unit: KIVA Market Day - An Economic Investigation

The senior school has been planning an economic investigation as part of this term’s inquiry unit. The investigation introduces students to understandings about enterprise, innovation and marketing. The unit concludes with students using understandings and skills gained during the unit to market and sell goods or offer services to the RGLPS community, hopefully without any COVID restrictions in place.

This will occur at school on: Wednesday, March 30 and is called KIVA Market Day

We invite all students to bring along a few dollars on the day to support our senior school students to make a difference in the lives of impoverished people in other countries.

The funds raised will be used to invest in a microcredit project for a fledgling business overseas. The businesses will be selected by students from Kiva – Loans that change lives website ( Microcredit is a financial innovation by Muhammad Yunus who founded the Grameen Bank (Village Bank) in Bangladesh. Microcredit projects have successfully enabled extremely impoverished people in developing nations to engage in self-employment projects, generate an income and, in many cases, begin to build wealth and exit poverty. In 2006, Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Over time, the borrowers will repay their loan to RGLPS students so that they can reinvest in other fledgling businesses. The Senior School first raised money in 2012, loaned the money out through Kiva and that original money is still going around, being loaned out to other businesses. The current repayment rate on the Kiva platform is over 95%.

Senior school students are required to budget and determine an optimal price for goods to be sold or services to be provided. They will be required to keep receipts and deduct their start-up costs from monies raised in order to determine their profit. Enterprises are expected to return a profit and pay back their start-up costs (usually funded by parents).

We are very proud of this unique inquiry unit that taps into numerous areas of the Victorian curriculum, including many challenges that students need to overcome.

How to protect against mosquito-borne diseases

While the overall risk is low, some mosquitoes carry diseases that make you sick.

Dusk and dawn are when most mosquitoes are more active, but some will also bite during the day.

You can protect yourself and your family against mosquitos and the diseases they can carry by avoiding mosquito bites by:

  •   – wearing long, loose-fitting clothing when outdoors and cover up as much as possible
  •   – using mosquito repellent that contains picaridin or DEET on all exposed skin
  •   – limiting outdoor activity if lots of mosquitos are about.

The risk of mosquito bites can also be reduced by:

  •   – removing any stagnant water so mosquitoes cannot breed
  •   – sealing any rainwater tanks or water storage devices
  •   – repairing holes in flyscreens
  •   – closing windows and doors without flyscreens
  •   – using knockdown sprays or electronic zappers
  •   – cleaning guttering and storm water pits
  •   – undertaking routine maintenance
  •   – if camping, ensure tents are properly fitted with mosquito netting.

Visit the Beat the Bite resource for more information.

Cultural Diversity Week: 19th March - 27th March

Next week is Cultural Diversity Week. Victoria’s annual Cultural Diversity Week is a time in which we celebrate cultural diversity and multicultural inclusion. It is a fantastic opportunity to highlight and celebrate the unique community within and around our school.

Victoria is known for its multiculturalism. Victorians come from more than 200 countries and collectively, we speak 260 languages.

At our school we have 33 students who were born in a different country.

At RGLPS, we always strive to provide a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment to everyone so that we can all feel a sense of belonging and connection – to our school and to our community.

Our student leaders will present some information about Cultural Diversity Week at our whole school assembly on Monday.

For more information, visit

Luke Franklin & Denisse Lobos

Assistant Principals


Book Selection: Is it 'Just Right' for You?

At RGLPS, we explicitly teach all students to select a ‘Good Fit’ or ‘Just Right’ book. To continue to develop their skills during home reading, children should read a text that they can independently decode and understand with a high degree of accuracy.


RGLPS teachers support students to use the 5-finger rule when selecting reading material. Here is how it works:


5-finger rule

  1. Choose a book that you think you will enjoy.
  2. Read a page (or a lengthy paragraph in a chapter book).
  3. Hold up a finger for each word you can’t decode or don’t understand the meaning of.
  4. If there five or more words you did not know, choose an easier book.

To help students become fluent and confident readers, they should spend most of their time reading books with high levels of accuracy and understanding. Meaning is significantly impaired when readers struggle to decode or understand more than 4-5 words in every one hundred. If a text is too difficult, parents are encouraged to support their child to search for a book they can read with higher levels of accuracy. We do understand however that this can be a challenge if your child has their heart set on a particular text. In this scenario, parents have two options:

  1. Make reading this text a future goal.
  2. Ask your child to read the book with support from a stronger reader, such as a parent, grandparent, or sibling. The more experienced reader can then support the child to decode any difficult words or concepts.

It is important to remember that aside from sourcing books they can independently decode and understand, your child needs to find books that appeal to them.  Help your child ask themselves if a text interests them when selecting a book at the library or shop. The ultimate end goal is for all children to become motivated, capable readers who can select suitable material for themselves to further their own learning.

Please speak to your child’s teacher if you need further advice around this.

Seesaw Portfolio Annotations

All parents/carers would have started receiving notifications about your child’s portfolio learning samples being uploaded to Seesaw. Learning samples annotated by classroom teachers will provide an overview of the assigned task and highlight the specific concepts and skills demonstrated by your child in their work. Please note that uploaded portfolio samples may not be end of unit or polished pieces. Annotated portfolio samples are intended to provide a ‘snapshot in time’ of how your child is progressing in a particular area. This term, classroom teachers will upload four annotated samples for each child in Reading, Writing, Number and Algebra and Data (Statistics). Teacher annotations reflect the Victorian Curriculum Achievement Standards.


Specialist portfolio samples are unable to be annotated due to the high number of students that specialist teachers work with each semester. Specialist teachers will provide an overview of the task set for students in the comment section and upload one sample per child each semester.

Maths Olympiad 2022

The first Olympiad for 2022 will be held next week on Wednesday 23rd March. Best of luck to all our RGLPS students participating in this year’s challenge!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


Maths Riddle


Well done to those who solved last week’s ‘Ladder’ challenges. Thanks to Vansh from 2MS for sharing his response to some of the ladders with me! You can see how he solved the first two ladders below:

The answers to all the ladder challenges are:


Here’s this week’s challenge. I’ll share the answer in next week’s newsletter.

Sudoku Challenge

Have you ever tried a Sudoku challenge? The aim is to solve the puzzle so that each row, column and section contain every shape or number only one time.

Have a go at some of the Sudoku problems below.

Hint: Use trial and error or note in the bottom corner of each space what shapes/numbers could work in that position until you can spot which shape/number must be in the space.


Extra challenge: Create your own Sudoku challenges. Create the final grid first, then make a copy of your challenge, only filling in some of the shapes/numbers so the puzzle solver has to work out the rest.


If you’d like to share your response or have your working out featured in our newsletter, please send your solutions to



Team Vic Trials


Dear Parents,

Is your child exceptionally talented at Diving, Rugby League, Softball, Swimming, Touch Football or Track and Field? Nominations for these sports for the Victorian Teams that will compete at the National Championships will open this week.

As an indication of ability, your child would play at a very high level of competition and has most likely won best and fairest at a club or league level (or equivalent for non-team sports). If your child is successful in being selected for Victoria, costs may range between $1000 and $2000 in order to send them to the capital city hosting the National Championships.

RGLPS is allowed to nominate 3 males and 3 females for each sport. If there are more than three nominations, the TeamVic rules state that students will sit an interview with myself and the principal in order to determine selection on merit.

If you would like to nominate your child for the above mentioned sports, please notify me by March 25th, 2022 at


Darren Peters
PE and Sports Coordinator

Athletics Carnival

On Tuesday last week, we held the annual RGLPS House Athletics Carnival at Meadowglen International Athletics Stadium. The track was full of colour as Red, Blue Green and Gold House sprinted, jumped and threw their very best. A big congratulations to BLUE HOUSE who ended the run of 3 consecutive Gold House victories! From the results, I have selected 82 students who will represent RGLPS at the District Athletics Carnival against our local school – I wish every student the very best as they strive to do THEIR very best at the next level. Thank you so much to the parents who assisted on the day, without your help our carnival could not have proceeded!!

Just In!!! GOLF!!

On Thursday, Emily M competed at the Division Golf Tournament at Mandalay Golf Club in Wallan. I am proud to announce that she came 3rd overall and has qualified for the next level of competition! So wonderful to have someone who plays Golf so well at GOLF LINKS!!


Our FAMOUS Easter Raffle!!!

Every year at RGLPS we have a FABULOUS Easter Raffle!! This raffle is drawn at the last assembly of Term 1 and the kids look forward to it every year.

This raffle has always been strongly supported by the RGLPS Community and we can only make this happen with your generosity.  If you would like to make a small donation of an Easter egg, basket or Easter gift towards the hampers please do so at the office before  Monday 4th April.

Each student has been given 10 raffle tickets to be sold at $1 each.  Tickets are due back at the office no later that Wednesday 6th April.


Vision Portraits

Please book at the following link: 


We held our first Special Religious Instruction – Christianity (known as SRI) session for the year last Thursday, in the Library, during the second lunch break (2 – 2.30pm). It was lovely to see some familiar faces and meet some new children as well. The sessions will be on every Thursday from now on. It would be great if families who have given their permission for their children to come, could remind their children on the Thursday morning, so they don’t forget. I’m looking forward to getting to know the children more, having some fun and doing some good thinking and learning together. Permission forms are still available on Compass or at the Office, if there are others interested in attending. If anyone has any questions about the program, please give me a call.

Thank you!

Cathie Clarke

Ph: 0411 883 904 or 9459 2278



Please follow the link for further information and how to register.

  •     – Elections casuals can work before, on and after election day.
  •     – Work in election offices, early voting centres and mobile voting centres.
  •     – Paid an hourly rate.


Dear Parents.

We are having a few issues at the moment with getting the stock we want due to driver/truck shortages and the floods in NSW. Just letting you know in case your child tells you they didn’t get what they ordered.  

We usually contact the children and ask them what they want.



Margaret Groves

Canteen Manager


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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