Newsletter –  17 December 2021



Like 2020, 2021 brought many challenges but also plenty of joy. Our students have managed to work through numerous obstacles and continue to rise to the challenge and maintain a positive outlook. Our staff have given their all to provide the best possible learning environment for the students and our incredible community have supported us to be able to do so. I personally have enormous gratitude to our entire community of learners, families and staff, who have given so much during these difficult times. We have leaned on each other and I look forward to a 2022 where we all hope for as much time at school as possible.

I would like to take the opportunity to wish our whole community a safe and happy festive season and I look forward to seeing you all in 2022.

Parent Payments 2022

Don’t forget our new look parent payments policy is up on Compass with information regarding the 2022 products.

Opportunities for payment will be available on the 27th of January but you can also make payments through Compass at any time.

If you are in a position to support the school with a voluntary contribution, these have been itemised within the parent payment form for your convenience. As a government funded school there are limits to the extracurricular programs that we can provide for our students and these additional supports really strengthen those extracurricular opportunities.  Every donation is welcomed. 

Please note the following timeline for collection.

We are very flexible about these times and will have sibling items available at all times.

Vaccinations for 5 - 11 Year Olds

Children aged 5 to 11 will be eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations from 10 January 2022.

These vaccinations will be available at participating general practices (GPs), pharmacies, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations, and state vaccination centres.

The vaccine is one third of the adult dose and will be delivered at 2 separate appointments, expected to be 8 weeks apart. The time between the two doses can be shortened in special circumstances, such as in an outbreak response or for international travel.

The commencement of the program from 10 January 2022 provides an opportunity for all children aged 5 to 11 to receive at least one vaccine dose before they return to school, and their second dose before the end of Term 1 2022.

You are strongly encouraged to book your child or children in to receive their first vaccination before Term 1 begins.

COVID-19 vaccines have been tested, and shown to be safe and effective in protecting against serious illness and reducing the likelihood of COVID-19 spreading. They are important to protect you and your loved ones from COVID-19 and to reduce disruption to your child’s education and out-of-school activities.

Vaccination is not mandatory to attend school, but it is highly encouraged to keep all children and their families safe.

How to book an appointment

Bookings will be available later in December 2021.

You will be able to book a vaccine appointment at a participating general practice (GPs), pharmacy or community health service, or at state vaccination centres through the Vaccine Clinic Finder.

Victorian Coronavirus Hotline
The Department of Health’s Coronavirus Hotline 1800 675 398 can assist you with bookings at general practice (GPs), pharmacy and state vaccination centres, and help with any questions you have about vaccination.

2022 Start Date for Students

This is just a quick reminder that we will have 2 curriculum days at the beginning of term 1 to support our staff to implement some changes to our content. Students will commence school on the 1st of February. We can’t wait to see their smiling faces.


On behalf of all the staff at RGLPS have a wonderful festive season, stay safe and take care,

Kirrily Lamers




Thank You and Merry Christmas

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our students, parents and the wider school community for another fantastic year.

Once again, we have had large disruptions to our regular school year, but all of you have done a wonderful job supporting our students. Your hard work during remote learning and the sometimes tricky return back to school has modelled resilience and persistence for your children. On the most part, the kids have been so happy and positive this year. Most adjusted quickly and carried on with the learning no matter the delivery or where they were learning from.

We would like to wish you all a relaxing break and hope that you get to spend some quality time together. For those of you heading away, please drive safely and remember to swim between the flags.

We look forward to seeing you all in the new year for another wonderful year of learning.

What a Day!

Our students (and teachers) had a blast on Wednesday during our whole school Wellbeing Day. We’re so happy that we were able to organise a fun-filled day for our students and we wanted to thank you for your support.

2022 Production Theme

Our 2022 student leaders have already been busy putting their leadership skills to the test by conducting a school wide survey, asking their peers to vote on the title for our 2022 Production.

Students voted from the following:

  • Outer Space
  • Amazing race
  • Under the Big Top
  • Stomp FM
  • School of Rock

Without further ado, we are pleased to announce that our next year’s Production title will be, ‘The Amazing Race’.

Goodbye Grade Sixes!

Wishing you all the best in your very bright futures!

Luke Franklin & Denisse Lobos

Assistant Principals


Back for the Final Hurrah!

Hello again!  I have been given clearance by my doctor to return to work onsite this week after making a swifter than expected recovery from my procedure. I would like to publicly extend my thanks to the leadership team (and other staff) who covered my areas of responsibility during the busiest time of the year. We are extremely fortunate to have such a supportive and dedicated staff at Golf Links.


As Sarah outlined last week, we have been informed that 2021 ICAS results and certificates will not be distributed to schools until Term One 2022. Please be assured that these will be sent home with students as soon as they are received by the school. Certificates will be mailed out to graduating students from Year 6 or any student who permanently leaves the school in 2021. If this will apply to your family, please ensure the school office has your most up-to-date address details.

Relaxation reading highly recommended!

First and foremost, I hope all families and children enjoy a restful and enjoyable school holidays. However, if any parents are seeking activities to keep children engaged in learning across the holiday break, I heartily recommend a trip to your local library for a top up of reading materials!


Aside from being a relaxing pastime, regular sustained reading has been shown to have a significant positive flow on effect in many areas. Aside from the obvious improvement in reading skills, numerous studies show regular reading leads to :

  •    – an improved vocabulary for both oral and written language
  •    – increased general knowledge
  •    – greater empathy
  •    – increased tolerance for difference
  •    – improved critical thinking skills  
  •    – greater imagination
  •    – improved writing skills
  •    – better focus and concentration
  •    – decrease in stress levels
  •    – improvements in memory

As an avid reader and the literacy leader for the school, I cannot promote the benefits of reading enough! Further, if parents are able to read with their child, this has been found to strengthen the parent – child relationship, provide an effective model of fluency and expression and offer parents opportunities to explore and discuss life lessons and issues with their child.


I will finish with the quote below. Please be safe and take time for rest and relaxation with family and friends. I look forward to communicating with the RGLPS community again in 2022 for what we hope will be a more ‘normal’ school year! Best wishes and Merry Christmas!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


Maths Riddle:


Well done to all of the students who solved last week’s problem, or any of the other problems throughout second semester this year. It has been wonderful to hear of so many students and families getting involved in mathematics at home, sharing their findings and answers with me via email or in person at school.

The answer to last week’s Holiday Math Riddle is…

9 ornaments in total. 3 are blue, 3 are green and 3 are red. You can see this solution below.


Well done to Ethan from 1RC who managed to think outside the box and come up with an alternate solution by using other coloured baubles also.

Ethan’s solution was: Nick has one blue, one green, one red ornament, and four in other colours – 7 in total.


I hope you all enjoy a relaxing break with family and friends. Remember to rest up and enjoy quality time together. Playing games, cooking and planning outings are great opportunities for incidental maths practise over the holidays, but remember you can find maths in all that you do and simply identifying and discussing this throughout the break is a great way to keep links to real-world mathematics at the forefront of your child’s mind.


Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Sarah McLellan

Learning Specialist


Bronwyn and Liz would like to wish the Rosanna Golf Links Primary School Community a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a safe and happy holiday. They would also like to thank all the students and their parents for crossing the road safely this year, for following the rules of safe road crossing and for setting an excellent example for younger children.
See you all next year!!!


Congratulations to all the families who won raffle prizes this year, we hope you enjoy them!!

A huge thank you to all the families who purchased raffle tickets, it was a huge success again this year.


Thank you to all the generous families who donated  to the Banyule Children’s Gift Appeal this year.


Dear Parents,


We have icy-poles for sale at recess and lunch over the counter next week.


Margaret Groves

Canteen Manager



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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