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There are no upcoming events.


Welcome back to everyone! What a nourishing week it has been for us all. Plenty of sunshine and best of all, almost all of our children have returned happily to school. We look forward to Tuesday where we will welcome back our 3-4 students and then the 5th of November for our first day of all students on site. Our teachers have been busy assessing students in readiness for this full return and many have mentioned that students have been making pleasing progress. This is a wonderful reflection of our students and their work ethic, our staff for making the best of the situation and our families for supporting students during this challenging time. I’m certainly looking at things with a glass half full philosophy now as we race through the term.

Return to On-site Learning

With the frequent alterations to the roadmap the following is simply a reminder as to student attendance as of 22/10/21. Please note should the timeline be accelerated I will amend the roadmap as soon as possible.

The updated Roadmap, which is based on advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer, sets out the staged return to onsite learning in Term 4.

For our school, this means that the following arrangements will be in place:

Remote and flexible learning will continue to be delivered to students on the days students are not onsite.

Vulnerable children and children of parents or carers who are on the authorised provider and authorised worker list can continue attending onsite. Please ensure paperwork is provided to support staffing arrangements.

Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) programs (if applicable) will be open for students in line with their return to onsite attendance at school.

As previously communicated, students in Grade 3 and above are required to wear face masks; face masks are strongly recommended for students in Prep to Grade 2.

Curriculum Day

Just a reminder that, Monday 1st November will be a ratified curriculum day. We will be using this day to present professional learning to our staff about the inquiry process.  No classes or supervision will be available for students on this day.  Theircare will be offering a program for prep students and approved school attendees.

Tuesday 2nd November, is of course, the Melbourne Cup public holiday.

Celebrate Children's Week 2021

Thousands of Victorian children and families are expected to take part in this year’s Children’s Week, running from Saturday 23 October to Sunday 31 October.

Children’s Week is a national event that recognises children’s talents, skills, achievements and rights, and includes a range of virtual events.

The theme for Children’s Week 2021 is ‘children have the right to choose their friends and safely connect with others’, drawn from Article 15 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

During Children’s Week, primary schools, community organisations and local councils host a range of events including virtual and online activities, celebrating childhood and showcasing children’s achievements.

More than 100 events will be held across metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria, in accordance with relevant COVID-19 restrictions in place at the time.

Children’s Week events are free to Victorian families with children up to 12-years old. This gives families the opportunity to enjoy fun, engaging and educational experiences.

Families can search the list of free activities to find out what events are happening in their community.

Transitioning to 2022

Don’t forget, if you would like to share some information regarding classroom placement for your child in 2022, the following procedure will assist us to support this process.

The Process:

  •    – Upon our return to school children will be asked by their teachers to nominate children they would like to be with in 2022.       Conversations will be had regarding what makes a good learning friend and the students will be able to nominate those 
  •      friends who support their learning and reduce distractions. During the process the teachers will ensure that every child is       with at least one of these.
  •    – Parent considerations are also collected and considered during this process. Often parents have specific insights into             student need and this additional knowledge plays a significant part in how we structure our classes. These insights often       include but are not limited to health, emotional or learning matters, peer or sibling relationships or changes in the home         situation. Selecting a particular teacher does not fit within the realm of special circumstances. If parents want to provide       extra personal information to be considered in the process please email the school office. Letters should be addressed           to “The Principal” and reach the office no later than October 29.
  •    – Classroom teachers will predict where students would be best suited based on learning, behavioural and social needs             and any relevant information they have gathered throughout the year. All of this information will then be used to develop         the 2022 classes with the use of Class Creator, a program that assists with the formulations of balanced grades.
  •    – Specialists will check the lists for any anomalies and then the leadership team will confirm grade placements.
  •    – Towards the end of term, children and their new teacher will have an opportunity to spend the whole day in their                       2022 classroom and step up into the next grade level. The children and new teacher will complete an activity during this         day notifying parents of their new grade.

Changes to Semester 2 Reports

At RGLPS we know it is vital to involve students and their parents/carers in learning. This includes providing a written report to parents/carers on student progress and achievement at least twice a year.

The Department of Education and Training has recently adjusted the expectations around student reporting for Semester 2 in recognition of the disruption caused by COVID-19.

RGLPS will therefore provide a modified written report for the parent/carer of each student enrolled at the school for Semester 2, 2021 focusing on what progress has been made and what has been achieved by each child.

Reports will include:

  •    – a description of the areas of the Victorian Curriculum Foundation to Level 10, including Towards Foundation Levels A to         D, taught;
  •     – for English and Mathematics:
  •                         – student achievement information represented on a continuum of learning;
  •                         – progress made since the last time these curriculum areas were reported on;
  •                         – a five-point scale.
  •    – for all other curriculum areas taught we will provide a short comment on progress and achievement across the semester.

Parents/carers are welcome to contact your child’s classroom teacher to arrange a time to discuss your child’s report and this will again be communicated when reports are sent home.

Thank you for your continued support during remote and flexible learning and for the transition between remote and flexible learning and onsite learning.

Take care,

Kirrily Lamers



Student Return to Onsite Learning

It was with great excitement that we woke and came to work on Monday. Denisse and I were so excited to see our Foundation students returning to school. I am sure that you were relieved and maybe a bit nervous about your little ones heading out into the big world again too!

They settled in well and adapted to the new routines quickly. The smiles and excitement made the beginning of the week such a joy and reminded us why we love this job.

The week has ended very smoothly with the return of the one, two, five and six students. Our teachers have been amazing, preparing a transition back to school and ensuring that our students reconnect with their friends and school life.

We now wait with anticipation to see the years three and four students on Tuesday next week. Again we want to thank all of our parents for your amazing support over the past term. It is clear that you have all supported your children well and this has enabled them to move back into onsite learning quickly and smoothly.

World Teacher's Day Drawing Competition

World Teachers’ Day is a chance to recognise and celebrate the incredible contributions our teachers have made to our school community.

This year, teachers have continued to show their resilience, leadership and adaptability throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers have adapted their learning environments, supported their students and school communities, and continue to share their knowledge with students.

At RGLPS we will celebrate this day on Friday 5th November when all students and staff return to school. World Teachers’ Day 2021 is an opportunity to celebrate the teachers who are making, or have made, an impact on our lives.

As a way to get students involved in celebrating World Teachers’ Day, we invite students to activate their creativity to draw or paint a picture of themselves with their teacher/s, or how their teacher makes them feel, what their teacher does for them or what they enjoy doing at school, etc. Students could look online for inspiration and ideas.

Winners will be chosen from each year level and awarded a small prize along with having their drawing in the school newsletter.

What a great way for students to spend some time away from their screens and enjoy a mindfulness activity.

Entries due to classroom teachers by Friday 5th of November.

Please ensure your child writes their name on the back of their drawing.

As a bit of fun and to bring a little more excitement to the return to school period, we invite students to dress up in their best/favourite (non-scary/age appropriate) Halloween costume next Wednesday or Friday, depending on the day your child is onsite.

Preps and 3/4s can dress up on Wednesday 27th October.

1/2s and 5/6s can dress up on Friday 29th October.

Again, please ensure your child’s costume is age appropriate for all students across the school. We don’t want our littlest people getting frightened.

Childrens' Masks for Sale

Dear Parents,

As of tomorrow, Thursday 21st October, we will be selling these lovely, bright children’s masks that were made and donated by a school parent, Christine Young. Our Junior School Council representatives will be involved in promoting and selling these to students during lunch times.

All masks are:
• 3-layer polyester/cotton
• Toggles on elastic to adjust sizing
• Sized for primary aged children
     –  will depend on individual preference for mask sizing
• Non-medical

Thanks to this donation, we will be able to contribute the funds to the school’s fundraising efforts, which is a huge delight given the constraints that have been placed upon us in the last two years impacting our ability to organise school fundraiser events. 

Masks will cost $5.00 each and will be sold at lunch times.

So send along $5 with your child and HURRY as stock is VERY limited. First in BEST MASKED!

(An equal portion of the total masks will be set aside for each cohort.)


P.S. When we run out of these we may look into purchasing RGLPS masks for students

Luke Franklin & Denisse Lobos

Assistant Principals


We are nearly there! All RGLPS students should transition back to onsite learning by the middle of next week.

ICAS 2021

The remaining ICAS tests have been scheduled for the following dates:

If the Year 3/4 camp is able to proceed as planned, registered Year 3/4 students will sit any missed ICAS tests on Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th November, 2021.


Have a great week everyone!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


With the current restrictions and both adults and students wearing masks, it can be challenging to hear for both deaf or hard of hearing people, as well as people with typical hearing.  We are fortunate that throughout all our classrooms and specialist rooms, we have teacher and student microphones, and classroom speakers.  This means, we can support listening for all students and adults during this challenging time.  I would encourage all families to use the graphic to facilitate conversations at home to support listening needs during this time.


State Schools Relief
We have received information from State Schools Relief offering assistance to any family who is
doing it a bit tough this year.
Listed below are some items which are available.
• General uniform items including hats;
• Underwear, socks and singlets;
• Sunscreen;
• Plain black face masks;
• Plain maroon school bags.
These items are free of charge for families who are needing some financial assistance.
Due to the prolonged lockdown in Term 3, 2021 State Schools Relief have extended the 2021
Prep CSEF uniform package until the end of Term 4, 2021. This is for families where a parent
holds a health care card. The package includes uniform items and shoes.
Please contact Kaylene in the office – phone 9457 4178 or email – if you would like an order placed on your behalf


Maths Riddle: 

Well done to everyone who solved the problem from last week. The answer to the Pyramid Perception Challenge is C:

See if you can solve this week’s riddle below.  I’ll share the answer in the newsletter next week.

HINT: Try using a collection of coins to arrange into groups. Highlighting the important information in the problem and using trial-and-error will help you.


Extra challenge: Now that you’ve found the fewest amount of coins Captain Anne could have, are there any other numbers of coins that would produce the same results when grouping in these way?

If you’d like to share, please send your solutions to


Sarah McLellan

Learning Specialist



We came so very close to winning the RH Sports Challenge again this year, finishing 3rd in Australia! We ran a distance of 8275km which is the same as running in a straight line from Rosanna to Tokyo in Japan – what an incredible effort!


On Compass this week, I sent a message to parents explaining that if they would like the distance that their child/children ran to count toward our Running Club Badges then I was happy to do this and hand out badges as earned.


We have had many great runners request a badge for the distances they travelled. Here are the distances that those students ran during the RH Sports Competition:


Aaron C – 15km

Miriam C – 15km

Amy P – 75km

Jacob W – 20km

Sebastian A – 20km

Leo M – 80km

Elsa LF – 120km

Natalie S – 60km

Baxter F – 50km

Eden C – 56km

Archie W – 50km

Emily S – 45km

Jessica S – 45km

Toby C – 44km

Charlie M – 20km

Emily M – 30km

Charlotte M – 25km

Amelia T – 100km


If you would like your child to receive a badge, please let me know the following information: How many kilometres they ran for the RH Sports Challenge (if you are unsure, give your best estimate) AND what is the highest level badge they have previously earned (as I may need to give them a 200km badge, rather than a 15km badge).

Inter School Sport

We are crossing our fingers and hoping that we can play the Term 2 ISS Semi and Grand Finals on the 19th of 26th of November if restrictions have eased sufficiently for sport to occur. I’ll keep you posted.


Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator


Note for families using the Finlayson Street school crossing


Liz, the crossing supervisor at the Finlayson Street crossing, has advised us that the builders working at the construction site opposite the school are not wearing masks, so in order to put  distance between herself and them she will always stand on the school side of the crossing. In addition to this there are often vehicles parked in the No Standing zone near the crossing so parents please be mindful of the potential hazard this may cause.




Welcome Back to Canteen,

Please use the menu on Flexischools, as we will be including some winter and some summer items this term.

If you are using a paper bag order, please put a second choice on, in case we have run out of an item.

Canteen Helpers; sorry you can’t come in at the moment.  Looking forward to seeing you all again one day.









Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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